
Sunday, July 23, 2006

What a Full Week!

I've found ways to use my time at work! YEEHHAWW. I am feeling less overwhelmed, more organized, and more importantly, I have the itch to stitch :c)

I posted earlier that I finished the binding on the charity strippy. I also sewed a label on that quilt at work..and then the leader/ender strippy quilt FINALLY got completely finished as I finally stitched down the hanging sleeve on the black. I think it sat there folded in my family room completely pinned on, just needing one edge stitched for what...4 months or more? Egad.

Since I finished those two quilts...I am back to HAND QUILTING on the crazy amish strippy wall quilt that I posted way back when. Do you know, in just a couple days, finding 1/2 hour here and there, and stitching on my lunch break..that I am down to quilting the outer border with the cable design?! I'm exited to get it done so I can take a pic and show you. Remember earlier in the year I machine basted 4 or 5 little wall quilts so they'd be ready to grab? I'm grabbing them :c) They might not be BIG finishes, but I have something at work to work on. It feels good to have my quilting "underneath" fingers feeling a bit pokey and building up the callouses again.

This week I had my friend Lori from Texas staying with me. She and I went to school together, and she was my roomate at the clinic until she got transferred out. She came back to Columbia to take a CEU class, and stayed with me. So that is what kept me busy this week. We did girl things in the evening! One evening we took the dog to the state forest and hiked about 5 miles, chattering the whole way. Another night we met another classmate for dinner, another night we grabbed a bite ourselves..she came to my work after her class was out, and we went to eat and went to see a chick flick together..Devil Wears Prada..funny funny! And so fun to do it with a girlfriend.

We enjoyed the hottub in the evenings, and last night (after a full day of class for her, and a full massage clinic schedule for me) we watched a DVD "Fun with Dick and Jane" Completely silly, but had some good laughs in it. It was just very enjoyable to spend the time with a friend, but now that she has left, I'm EXHAUSTED! And not a lot of "quilting at home" happened this week because of it.

I leave wednesday the 26th for the family reunion in MN, and I'm getting very excited about it. I'm not thinking about projects to take, not sure if I'll even have time to work on them while I'm there, but we'll see. I'll be back on the 31st, so if you don't hear from me next week, this is why!



Darcie said...

I knew that you'd find a way to manage your precious time, Bonnie! If anybody can...it's you!

Glad you had a fun time with your girlfriend. Friendships like that are priceless!

Safe traveling to you!!! I'll be thinking of you!!!

Susan said...

Enjoy your MN family retreat.

What's happening with Nearly Insane?

quiltpixie said...

sounds like you're really rejoicing in the completions and getting a handle on some quilting timje/opportunites. Way to go :-)

ForestJane said...

Have fun at your reunion! The hot days of August sounds like a good time to travel north for a week. :)

Tonya Ricucci said...

Sorry it's been hot and humid there - yick. Here it's just hot. The strippy looks great - someone is going to be thrilled to receive it. Hurrah for just being whelmed instead of overwhelmed and getting some stitching done! Enjoy the family reunion.

Quilts And Pieces said...

OH Bonnie have fun on your trip! And how wonderful to have a fun girls week!

And you know what? I've been thinking of basting a few smaller quilts to hand quilt at work during lunch also! Maybe I need to get doing that!

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