Some things just are ewwww...and what works in your mind, just doesn't translate to fabric. These are the blocks laid block to block...what I was going to use for sashings is laid against the outside as a maybe inset border. But still. Here I was going on and on about the Ghee's Bend quilts....wanting to make a quilt that looked like I had used everything with little rhyme or reason, and I'm not crazy about it! Charity Quilt Anyone? :c|

The pics above are of a cobbled pavement in monnickendam. We had stopped there on the way home from Marken to look around, and it was this picture that really inspired me, but it looks better in bricks than in brick fabrics!
I really really love it Bonnie :c)
Hmm, to really get the feeling of the Gee's Bend quilts I think you'd have to toss aside the rotary cutter and rulers and go with scissors and approximate measurements. I've dared the latter, but can't stand working without my rotary cutter.
Personally, I like how they look all laid out. Do you not like it because it's not what you've imagined or cuz you just don't like it?
Hmmm maybe it's not higgledy piggledy enough (and yes that's a technical term!). The real life bricks are not placed precisely but your quilt blocks are.
Shame it didn't work out how you'd imagined it.
Maybe you need some plain sashings/borders? Or space the blocks on some plain backing fabric?
You know what you need. for an outside borders you need a solid fabric, then a row of the bricks and then that solid fabric again. I bet that helps the inside and will be a good border.
I think the disconnect might be the fact that the real bricks are all neutral & monochromatic....
Maybe try number two could be monochromatic & or neutral....
I think they look great block to block, but agree that they need a solid border(or even one that just reads solid), followed by a "brick" border, ending with another of the same fabric as in the first solid border. (like what Jane did on her twist quilt this past weekend--Wait, I think I suggested that one to her, too! lol)
I think monocromatic would do the trick.
Bonnie, remember at retreat when I took those big blocks I didn't like any more and just hacked away at them? I've sewn them together in a very mismatched way and now like them a lot! There are always options...including letting it ferment in ths closet for a few months!
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