
Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Prom...

The prom went off without a hitch as far as I know...Jeff is still sleeping, and I haven't gotten the run-down from him yet, as if he's likely to tell me!

I arrived here after running to the clinic to squeeze in an afternoon massage client, to find his date already here. They were watching something on TV....This is the first time Jeff has ever had to wear a tuxedo, and man...he looked so handsome! So grown up!

The table was already set with the good china. The potatoes were already baking. I left instructions to turn them on at 4:30. DH started the steaks, I began to make salads, heat rolls, cook veggies, and saute the shrimp.

They ate by candlelight and I served them their dinner on my great grandmother's engish china. I think they had a good time, even if it wasn't a restaurant. We took pics before all the light was gone outside. Lily's mom picked them up after dinner to chauffer them to the Prom. From the prom they were being transported back to the school for the "after prom" all nighter that the school puts on. They actually keep all the kids participating INSIDE so there is no hanky panky and no drunk driving going on on prom night.

The school is only two blocks away, and the one thing I can complain about is that every hour they were making announcements over the loud speaker that I could hear from my HOUSE through the open windows! ARGHG! It was nice knowing that the kids were there having a good time, but what a pain for all the houses in the neighborhoods that surround the school to have to listen to that all night?

The plan was that when the school opened the doors to let everyone home about 5am, that they would go out to breakfast at waffle house and then come home. I don't think they ever made it to waffle house because Jeff came in about 5am and straight to bed he went and he is still there now. I guess that means that he really had a good time, plenty of food at the afterprom at the school, and he is TIRED! I'll get the full story after he wakes up and is coherent again.

The Tux jacket we rented has to go back between 1pm and 6pm today....which reminds me that I've got some DVD's to take back...and since the time changed last night, I'm already late on returning them. DANG! OH well. Such is life!



Judy said...

Such a great picture, they both look really nice and grown up. I bet they had a great time. My husband grew up on block away from the city football stadium! Every Friday or Saturday night you could hear every play on the football field announced!

Pam said...

I was just wondering how the Prom night went. Sounds like it went very well. Nice picture. It is so nice to see when the kids dress up and look so handsome and mature. And the girls so pretty and ladylike in their long dresses.

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Aw how grown up and cute at the same time! I bet he will always remember all that you did for him to make it special. What great parents you are! Which is harder? Parenting or growing up? I guess it depends on which side of the divide you are on.

Lily Mulholland said...

Well done Bonnie, Jeff and DH!!! Sounds like the night went off without a hitch. Yay! What a good idea on the school keeping them in. Not so great that you could hear all the announcements, but at least you knew they were safe. Fabulous!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Bonnie, what a beautiful picture. I think their dinner sounds wonderful, but I know teens don't! Oh to be young again - well maybe not!

Patty said...

Be proud momma, he looks handsom. sounds like a much better meal was had then what any restaurant could serve. I think its fun being on this side of the young people life. Watching and remembering but not having to live it.

Finn said...

Ah yes, marvelous invention, this daylight time...LOL. Picture of the kids looks wonderful, very cute couple. Glad it worked out that he went to Prom. You sure did your part!
Give yourself a nice treat!!

Darcie said...

What a handsome son, Bonnie! Doesn't it just make your heart melt? Just like when you first laid eyes on his precious little face? (Oh geez...better stop that...I'm getting teary-eyed...my baby boy is going to prom too, at the end of the month.)

I think it was a great idea for you and your dh to serve them such a perfect meal! (I may just have to suggest that to my prom go-ers.)

Quiltgranny said...

I like the idea of them being served at home, too. What is more special than having a wonderful meal in a loving "restaurant"? They look great!

The Calico Cat said...

Glad to hear it went so well... Now to get the details out of Jeff...

Anonymous said...

Wow - he looks so handsome! Isn't it nice to see them all scrubbed up in their finery? Hope the evening was enjoyed by both of them. Don't work too hard, and if you do, make sure you get some "you" time in! How many more "sleeps" till Holland? Can't be that many - woo hoo!!!

Tracey said...

Awww!! What a wonderful pic!! He will hold those memories for so many years. Thanks, Mom (incase he forgot!!)!! :o)

Holly said...

Best part about prom dinner at home is the seconds! Can't get that at a restaurant. They look so sweet in the picture!

Samantha said...

so glad it went well!!!!

Inga said...

What a cute couple! I'm glad it all went well.


karen said...

My son has prom coming up next month....they sure do look grown up and handsome in a tux...don't they?

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