
Monday, March 06, 2006


This is what spring looks like in March in South Carolina! The lawns are still hibernating, but the trees are bursting out in popcorn all over! It is so pretty when you drive through town, even the busy business streets, the trees are all covered in white.

Next as the trees begin to get their leaves, the dogwoods will bloom, and the wysteria will cover everything and just drip with clusters of purple everywhere. I love seeing this through the pinetrees. By summer you can't see the forest for the trees around here...houses will be hidden as soon as the leafy trees get all their leaves back. I always wanted to live in a place that was deep in the woods hidden from view :c)

This tree is in my neighbors yard..I hope you can see in the center of the tree amidst the blossoms...there is a nest! I don't know if it is in use or not, but it is such an exciting prospect, don't you think?

I went to walk this morning with the dog, and got maybe 1/3 of a mile down the road and it decided to rain on us, so we ran home. Bummer. I really wanted to spend some time outdoors today. Maybe this afternoon before it gets dark, it will be done with all it's drippiness and we can pound the pavement for a few miles. I like to walk my neighborhood, if I go in and out all the culdesacs, down and around and back in a loop, it is about 3 1/2 miles. Lots of hills too! Right outside my front door!

I went saturday to the quilt show in Charleston. I had read on Siobhan's blog that even SHE was going, and I decided that phooey....Dave could keep jeff grounded, that I needed to go! I got there right about lunch time and met up with the group and went to lunch at this fun middle eastern cafe called Saffron. YUMMY! They also have a bakery with the most delicious desserts you have ever seen. I didn't indulge in dessert, but I did bring home a loaf of walnut, peach, ginger bread. OH MY! I have been having that for toast in the mornings....it is unbelieveably good!

The pic is of a Lori Smith patterened quilt....someone took all the mini quilt tops and stitched them together into one quilt, and quilted it as one quilt...it was so fun to look at!



Nancy said...

I LOVE that quilt! What a fun idea.

YankeeQuilter said...

It was great seeing you at the show! I played with my photos this morning and will start posting some today! I'm so tempted to make some of these minis for the dollbeds I've collected over the past few years.


Laura said...

Lunch sounds delicious! How creative that she took the nine patterns and made them into one. I have made 3 from this set. They are fun and easy to do, plus they give me the opportunity to do some handquilting and actually finish a project.

Lucy said...

This is absolutely a awesome quilt !!! everytime I need to look at it !
and... I am jealous that it is already spring at your site of the world :c)

Hanne said...

What a lovely small quilts into big quilt

Cher said...

what a wonderful sounding quilt show-love that quilt made up of minis-and love all the spring flowering trees-spring never comes soon enough does it?

Anonymous said...

Well done Lori! I had the idea of doing exactly the same thing - but the idea hasn't turned into a real quilt yet - yours looks awsome!!! Love those spring trees Bonnie - just the thing to gladden the heart and put a "spring" in your step :-)

Kairle Oaks said...

Oh, how I wish for more springtime weather. I told my DD today that the weather has been so depressing. Gray clouds all day.

Thanks for the quilt eye candy!

Patty said...

Spring has sprung for you too !

I love the idea of the little quilts all put together. Really cute.

Alena said...

What a beautiful blossom - I am jealous! What a beautiful quilt, I love those colors!

Quilts And Pieces said...

What a fun idea to take all those mini quilts and make one big quilt! Very cute idea! And what great spring pictures. It snowed and was cold here this weekend

Darcie said...

I'm always amazed at what some will do with quilts. What a fun idea. Very Maverick, don't you think?! Each of those little are just adorable, aren't they!

That loaf of bread sounds delightful!

Great pics of your oncoming SC spring! Thanks for sharing. They only thing growing around here is the wind!

Samantha said...

Happy Spring :-) Makes me want to go visit my folks, so close to you...

Quiltgranny said...

A promise of spring to come here soon! Our whole street was lined with Bradford pears when we moved in - probably over a hundred of them. But then we had that huge ice storm a few years back, and crack snap pop - only about half of them are left. I hope they will bloom prettily this year, too!

tami said...

i wish it looked so nice here. we have had a mild winter here in maine, but it will be at least a months before we even have buds. :c/

YankeeQuilter said...

I put the photo of you with the 50 b-day quilt on my blog. Thanks for posting the many-min...somehow I got distracted by the Amish mini quilted witht the machine embroidery program and stopped taking pictures!

Tracey said...

Bonnie......... PLEEEEEEEEEEEASEEEEEEE send spring up north a bit so I can enjoy it!! Oh wow....I am just dying to see something blooming!! :o/

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