
Monday, February 06, 2006

Back from retreat!

I'm back from retreat in Hilton Head. Weather was CRAPPY!!! Cold and rainy and too blowy to even want to be on the beach, even though the beach was across the street, just behind the row of houses. Beautiful from inside, but you just didn't want to be out there. Bummer. I love going to Hilton Head!

I drove home this morning, raining all the way...just spitty light stuff, it wasn't coming down very hard. Its about 2 1/2 hours drive, so I am listening to a book on CD, Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. So far I like it as much as DaVinci Code......I'm about 3 CD's into it.

The Jinny Beyer convention was pretty tame this year. I didn't find much to buy, except one piece of a striped backing that I really liked (and needed). I took what was left on the bolt..6 yards. We also went to the quilt shop in town and all I found that I needed was 2 brown FQ's, a shirting FQ, and a couple stencils that I liked. Pretty tame spending huh? The theme was log cabin quilts, and there were a few antique ones that I really liked at the show, so these are pics of those.

The house we stayed at was lovely. There were 15 of us in this one HUGE beach house. I was lucky....I brought an airmattress and electric blanket and my own bedding, and I made my room in the master bedroom closet (which was huge, and directly connected to the even huge-er (is that a word?) master bath! It was too funny, there were jokes about me "coming out of the closet" all weekend :c)

Click Here to view house!

Unfortuneately, there is NOT a view of my wonderful master bedroom closet..*hehe* But there IS a pic of theMaster Bath Massge Room!

I set up our "Hilton Head Retreat Massage" room in the master bath. It was great...sky lights, away from the noise....the table was set up in the middle of the bathroom and I could walk around it and have room to spare. It was perfect. I did 4 massages for pay during the weekend so I feel pretty official. :c)

This is a pic of MYRTLE. Myrtle is our mascot, and come sometime after 5pm....I lost my bra, and myrtle was discovered wearing it..*hehe* Myrtle was also our menu hostess..the menu for each meal was taped to myrtle so guests would know what was on the menu for the evening....

I did work on the brown and pink Dear Jane.....I finished row "K" and now have row "L" and "M" to finish. I got a couple blocks done in row "L"...but petered out on it. I spent some evening time hand quilting on my shooflies....one more evening and I should be ready for the binding. there is just a bit over one fan left to quilt! It is getting close!

I stopped on the way home from Hilton Head in Columbia to check out the massage clinic where I hope to be sharing room rent with my friend Lori. The place looks awesome! She has the room set up really nice, and we get along so well I know it will be great to work with her, or is it work "around" her, since we will be sharing room rent and when one of us is there, the other one won't be! I tracked the mileage on the way home from the clinic to my house and it's about 22 miles. I guess that is about average for most people who commute, and I really don't mind the drive. (especially with good books on CD in the car!) I'll go in later this week and meet with the other therapists there.

My state license came in the mail while I was gone. I am officialy SC # 4623! Easy to remember since 23 is half of 46 ;) I need to get my diploma and my licence, etc framed to hang on the wall of my massage room :c)

Would you believe I have a guild meeting tonight and I have to be there? I've got to leave in less than an hour and I am SO pooped!


Laurie said...

Sounds like a great weekend...cept for the weather! LOVE the massage room! And that house is AMAZING! What fun to spend a quilty weekend there!

tami said...

The weekend sounds like heaven to me. If the weather is bad you just have more time to sew. :c) Glad to hear you are "officially" a professional now.

Kairle Oaks said...

It sounds like you had a good time in spite of the weather. Love Myrtle. What great log cabin quilts. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Cher said...

welcome home! sounds like you had a fun time...despite the weather-you just will have to go back when it gets warmer and get your beach time then

Anonymous said...

The log cabin quilts are wonderful and I love your T-shirt! Congrats on being official and all good things sent your way for your business venture with your friend :-) Welcome back - again LOL.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh Bonnie, it sounds wonderful! The house is amazing - I want to be there! I"m glad you got a bit more done on your blue/pink quilt but it is even more exciting that you are almost finished with your shoo fly quilt! Very cool! Man I love the look of Hilton Head - my dream place to go sometime, too bad weather was bad.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Sorry the convention was so tame, but nice to see antique log cabin quilts. Looks like an interesting border technique on the top one - like arrowheads. Here's wishing you better weather!

Alena said...

Really lovely house... Nice to have you back, actually... Your new massage practice seems starting greatly - sharing the room with your friend and being a bit more out of the house, starting something totally new... I hope you do enjoy it...

Patty said...

You look great Bonnie ! Impressive that you are now officially a massage therapist. Rest up this week and I am still praying for you

Finn said...

The antique quilts are awesome, thank you for snapping them. Sounds like you relaxed and had fun..hurray for bra-less freedon!
love Myrtle..*VBG*

And congrats on knowing where you will be working as an offically licenced massage therapist!! I'm so proud of you!!*S*

Laura said...

I love the borders on both the quilts. And the house is awesome! Sounds like you had a great time.

YankeeQuilter said...

ilove those log cabins...glad to hear you had fun! I need to get that log cabin up to you soon!


Darcie said...

The pics of you and those Log Cabins are great Bonnie!

And the Retreat House and good times? You deserved all of that fun!

Congrats again!

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