
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another week, Another exam!

Okay...for the second time I'm writing this! Take this lesson from me and do NOT back page while you are composing on blogger's composer page..you will lose EVERYTHING! :c/

I had an exam today in anatomy. Weeha, I only missed 3 and the ones I missed were what I consider trick questions. Don't you love it when your choices are:

a) this
b) that
c) this and that
d) none of the above

:c/ I think I chose this, when the answer was this AND that...see what I mean? Oh well, when it comes to real life, will that matter anyway that I got the answer half right? Who knows. Right now it is just getting down to crunch time. Midterms in a couple weeks..study study study..where is the time for quilting supposed to fit in?

I did finish a top I posted here earlier. My friend is undergoing chemo, and I thought she might like something to drag with her to her treatments and to snuggle up with when she feels blah. This is the one I called brick bowties because that's what they kind of looked like to me:

The quilt is so busy with all the scraps that it worked really well with the over all tossed feathers quilting:

I put a lable on it and will drop it off tonight.

I added another customer's quilt that I just finished to my customer quilts page...it's a stack n whack star done in oriental fabrics, very pretty. It's fun sometimes quilting on fabrics that I'm not usually drawn to. It exposes me to alot of different styles and tastes, colors and textures, and keeps me from feeling like I am quilting the same thing over and over and over. If you want to check it out, go here:
Customer Quilts

Lets see, what else? I got Jeff registered for 9th grade today...and the fees were $56.00! I suppose I got off cheap because I didn't have to buy alot of school supplies and he can use his last year's back pack, but sheesh....I can't believe how fast the summer went, he'll be back to school on the 11th.

Trim is STILL not done in the family room, but we've been gone and I guess I'm in no hurry. Hopefully this weekend we can get all the 1/4 round put down and move the furniture back from the living room to the family room.

NEED to find some time to sew! I get really cranky when I don't get it....more school tomorrow, maybe over the weekend I can squeeze some in.



Tonya Ricucci said...

the quilt is beautiful. I'm sure it will bring your friend great comfort.

Finn said...

Love the quilt Bonnie. It's a great example of what can be done with love and scraps. Good to see you back in Maverick land. Sounds like you did great on that test..high five for that! Hang in there, the end is in sight.

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