
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Quilter's Prayer

A Quilter's Prayer
by Patricia Hauze
©2003, Patricia Hauze (used with permission)

  • Guide my hands to work as Your hands work, to know the power of Your love in every stitch I make, in every thread I knot. May my hands be guided by the same love and care with every quilt I make, knowing that this love and care was and is and will continue to be a gift of blessing to the one it is intended for.
  • May the works of my hands be pleasing in Your sight, O God.
  • Lord, bless my work today.
  • As I choose materials and patterns, may I be reminded of the uniqueness You blessed us all with.
  • As I cut each length of thread, may I be reminded of the doors that must be closed in our lives so that a new and stronger door may be opened.
  • As I twist each knot, may I be reminded of a bond of love so strong, nothing will break it.
  • As I run the thread between my fingers, may I be reminded of the times You have touched my life, my heart, my soul.
  • As I sew each stitch, may I be reminded of the healing power of Your grace in each of us.
  • As I concentrate on my craft, may I be reminded of the love and care You put into each of our lives.
  • As I add my last stitch, tie my last knot, cut the final cord, may I be reminded of the completeness with which You commanded in each of us before we were ever given to this life.
  • "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

1 comment:

MerryMeg said...

I am almost done putting together the Carolina Chain quilt top. I have already planned how I will quilt it. Thank you for this lovely pattern. How can I send you a picture of my quilt? By e-mail?

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