
Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Wednesday Update

Good morning, Wednesday.⁣
Son Jeff was up yesterday to help clear debris in our driveway and in the backyard. So many sticks, downed limbs, leaves and yard mess.⁣

He brought us milk, eggs, and a couple of full gas cans to run the generator. He has been our trooper!
I headed over to the local school where I spent a couple of hours helping to prepare meals that were handed out to lineman and other workers who are doing all they can to restore power in our area.⁣

Meals were also prepared for those in need.  

You know my favorite saying of "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from?"

It turns out that due to a fall festival That was supposed to happen over the weekend and didn't due to the hurricane, there was a lot of food that was not used for the festival that in turn could be used to feed our community and those who need it.

The volunteers have gathered canned goods and ready to heat meals and bagged them up to be taken to those who may still be stranded and need help.
We have all been given so many second chances to be better, kinder neighbors.⁣

Funny news of the day- UPS is able to get through now and delivered a case of 96 rolls of toilet paper to the Inn.
It's day 6 without power but we've heard good news from friends about 8 miles from us whose power was restored last night. It's getting there!⁣

We received notification this morning that power to us may be restored as early as midnight tomorrow night.

I keep saying that we are all good, and we truly are. The weather is absolutely Fall beautiful. Leaves are turning and temperatures are moderate. I'm so glad that this didn't happen during icy winter months, but it also gives us a head up to be really prepared for anything that might befall us this winter.

Have I been stitching? Not really. I managed to work on some hexagons when the daylight gives me enough light to see by.

When the generator is running I can do some hand stitching and have enough light to see what I'm doing. I worked on a binding for a while.

Mostly I'm looking at this as a way to slow down a bit and just be here to be Dave's other arm and make meals for him and Jeff while they are working so hard to clear yard debris.

I have to be in the right headspace for quilting, and it's just really not there yet.

For those wanting to donate, I would consider the Red Cross first. Also Samaritan's Purse, or World Kitchen.

I don't think it matters where you donate, it will all help someone somewhere. Thank you for anything you can do to help.

We are so grateful for the many second chances we've been given.

Time to start breakfast on the blackstone.



Renee said...

Thank You Bonnie, My husband is a Lineman here in Wisconsin. He was gone for a month to help with Katrina power restoration. He returned with a new appreciation of the kindness of others and Louisiana biscuits and gravy. He is scheduled for a knee replacement next week so he had to decline the offer to help with Helene, but 2 of the eight linemen he works with are in North Carolina. My heart goes out to all of the people working 16+ hours a day to assist in this catastrophe.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know that you are doing all right. It is really bad for a lot of folks not too far away. Neighbours helping neighbours, strangers helping others, whatever it takes, because recovery can only happen when everyone pitches in, however they can. A collective effort for a a sustained period will be the way through. I wish you and yours all the best, and hope you are up and running soon.

Debra said...

You have a good son. Glad you are ok ....well, sort of. I to think of you guys often.

Anonymous said...

aw, yes life gives us chances to be better people. We weren't expecting the devastation of this hurricane

dgs said...

Thank you for info on places to donate and bless you for helping with food for workers and those in need in your area. If I lived closer I would definitely come help, but in the meantime I will happily donate money. I'm really happy you found a chuckle with the USPS delivery of toilet paper. I wonder if the USPS person had any idea what was in the package? Very funny and I'm sure it will be useful too!

Elizabeth said...

With the canned goods, are there can openers, or are you making sure they are pull top cans? It’s a concern at our local food bank. Can we send Amazon orders of can openers etc to the Inn? I applaud your work, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are ok and for the help your son provides. The pictures on tv about the distructions in the various states are just devestating. Stay safe. Your quilting mojo will come back.

Anonymous said...

The owner of our local quilt shop has a connection to a group providing aid in Asheville. We are currently collecting items to fill a 28-foot semi-trailer that will be leaving Saturday morning to provide needed supplies. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Mary from Florida

cityquilter grace said...

with dockworkers strike and now big agri losses down south that toilet paper may become very very valuable..LOL...a bargaining chip for other necessities maybe?

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog even under these extreme conditions. Thankful you and family are OK and Dave is slowly healing. Prayers for all those who have lost so much, don’t think anyone was prepared for how large this storm became.

Anonymous said...

You are so positive!💕 I cannot imagine what you are going through. Please know we are praying a speedy recovery for hubby, power soon and that those affected by this disaster know we are doing what we can to help.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I am so glad that you have escaped the horror of this storm with just lost power and Dave's injury. The pictures we are seeing here in NY are unspeakable as to the damage and loss of life. My stepson works for the Federal Government at the Fish and Wildlife Department here on Long Island. He is part of a six man FEMA team being sent tomorrow to somewhere in North Carolina with two trucks and a payloader to assist in the recovery. He was told to bring a tent as there may not be anywhere for the six man crew he is bringing to stay. They told him to be prepared to stay several weeks. So if you spot a redhead with Fish and Wildlife brown uniform give a wave to him! My prayers are with all of those affected by this terrible storm. I pray Dave heals well and quickly.

Miss Papa said...

Thank you for keeping us updated, Bonnie. Prayers and Hugs, Jenny

Penny Abbott said...

Guard that TP with your life...with the impending port strike lasting...the stores are already hoarding it. I am so very glad Jeff could be there for you both.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of my US quilting friends. So good to know your and your family are safe. From a Canadian "quilte". Love your blog and daily inspiration and quotes. Carol Anne

Kim said...

Be safe, don't let Dave to much his collar bone needs to mend. Such good news you are all safe and sound and have the helping hands from your son. Counting my blessing here on the coast of NC and grateful we can help by sending money to Samaritans Purse, they have people on the ground and are organized to feed those in need. Praying for all those who have lost family.

Suzanne Shearon said...

What the heck is Clavicle Man doing out there with a rake??!? To say nothing of the head wound... I know, I know. Father and son will take every chance to be out there together, righting what Mother Nature undid. It's quality time together, getting something done when there's so much to be getting done. I get it. I really do. I'd be out there with the rake, too. In the YMCA locker room this morning, everyone was talking about North Carolina and the pictures we see of the utter destruction. We're up here in sunny and warm Minnesota and all we can do is think of everyone "down south" impacted by this disaster. Keep being grateful, helpful, and positive! Look for the silver linings! We'll keep praying from here. {{{HUGS}}}

Anonymous said...

I was in Flat Rock, NC visiting my daughter when the storm hit so I know a fraction of what you are dealing with. Love and prayers to all.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are doing well enough to be able to help others. I, too, thank you for on the ground recommendations of who is getting aid out most efficiently.

Tracey Honig said...

Yay for the toilet paper delivery! :) ( it's the little things!)
I am so glad that things are coming together slowly... & hopefully y'all will have power soon. Thank you for continuing to keep us posted. I hope things continue to be on the positive... & I am glad that the food didn't go to waste. Continuing to pray for everyone involved. Much love from South Central Texas.

Vivian Oaks said...

I have a sister in Waynesville, and her daughter and family live in the area as well. I'm not even sure about all the kids yet (grown and on their own - one with a new baby!) but I know they are all alive. Seems so strange that saying something like that is so bizarre, but that's been the situation since Helene hit. I know a couple of the girls have moved back home temporarily, but I don't know how much they've lost. I read an article online today saying the amount of rain that fell from the storm in NC would fill the Dallas football stadium 51,000 times!! Unreal. We visit family each summer in NC and attend the Grandfather Mt. Highland Games. I can't imagine what it will look like next July... God Bless and thank you for helping others, even though you're hurting as well.

liferecipes said...

Bless your hearts! Our prayers go out to all of you!

Anonymous said...

No need to panic-buy toilet paper in the U.S. 99% is made in the U.S., in various locations. Hoarding only encourages more panic-buying.

And the longshoremen's strike was suspended Thursday, October 3.

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