
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Look What I Can See!

I took this photo last evening as we returned from a trip to town.

The objective was to get Hubster Dave out of the house and relieve his boredom.

I get it.  I remember well the time I broke my foot and was laid up for a while non-weight-bearing.

And then there was the time I twisted my knee in Vietnam and managed to fly home in a full leg brace...fun times!

Now it's his turn.

But I digress.  We have now lost enough leaves that I can see those ridges past the edge of our yard - and more mountain views are appearing to the east as things thin out more.
Quite a bit of leaves were lost during Helene - and my hopes for a pretty and colorful autumn show just may not happen.

It seems that the leaves that managed to stay attached during the storm are now just letting go without turning much color at all.

Who's that we see on the tractor?  You really can't keep a good man down.

Son Jeff, in all of his helpfulness had left the tractor in a spot that was making parking a bit difficult for my arriving quilters.

I went home, grabbed Dave, brought him back to move the tractor (I have never driven it and now is not the time!) and he was able to maneuver it out of the way.  It was good for him to do SOMETHING.  Anything - rather than the sitting around he's been doing.

We even got him to spray down the rollup blinds at the back of the porch with some stuff to keep the stink bugs and mud daubers from nesting in the rolled up blinds.

I had unrolled them yesterday afternoon to shade the porch only to find them full of bugs. Yuck. 

Dave to the rescue - just give him things that he CAN do.  He needs something to do.

This next photo comes with a warning.  I didn't post any photos of his head injury when it happened.  But now that it is mostly healed and the staples are out - I think you can get a good idea of what kind of bad place we were in when he got hit by the tree.  Scroll fast if you don't want to see it.

The tree scalped him.  I told him the tear looks like the top part of a heart.

He said - it looks like a butt.  Humor as always.  All of that skin was flayed back exposing his skull.  It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced.

But again - such a miracle that he wasn't hurt worse, and that he had no intracranial bleeding or vertebrae fractures.

The tree simply grazed off his head tearing his scalp with it and hit him on the shoulder knocking him to the ground.

So what else was on my plate yesterday?

I spent most of my time in between getting the inn decorated for Halloween at my desk - getting ready for the release of Ladder Star!  That is happening on October 18th.

It's a perfect quilt for fall!

And yes, there will be a gift-away.  I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a Ladder Star PDF pattern from me, and a neutrals fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts.  

Be looking for that to happen NEXT Friday.

And a reminder - tomorrow morning I'm taking Dave to an early morning doc appt in Boone, so there will not be a Friday blog happening tomorrow. We'll catch up on Saturday.

Until he can drive himself this is kind of where life is.  I'm going back and forth and taking him to where he needs to go. 

This morning from the porch.

My thoughts are with friends and family in Florida as Milton barrels through.

I just can't imagine.  I have no words.

I plan on spending the day working on the binding for Waterford, just enjoying the company of the Muddy Creek Misfits.

I am forcing a slow-down weekend on myself.

What's going on in your world?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If you know how ridiculous and damaging it is to expect perfection from yourself -

Don't do that to anyone else either!

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone.



Anonymous said...

Well written. So glad Dave is improving. Like you, prayers are with those in FL..it looks terrible. No quilting today…working on hats for those in NC mountains…getting chilly there.

Anonymous said...

So happy he was not hurt more. I know how you feel being the driver. My husband fell and broke his femur. he has a long recovery and praying for no more surgery.

Anonymous said...

Wishing Dave a speedy recovery and some calmness for you. What do you suggest washing quilts with? I have some of my sister in laws quilts that got wet in the flooding in NC. Thankfully no mud, just wet. So blessed that the quilts were saved.

Miss Papa said...

Wishing your hubby a successful recovery and no more surgery. *hugs*

Sam S said...

I'm in Florida and feeling blessed. I'm on the East Coast but was supposed to get 85mph winds. If we did it was not for very long. No damage and I could even make my coffee this morning.

Miss Papa said...

Dave, that tree gave you a big whallop! Glad you're doing better. Hang in there--both of you. **hugs**

Anonymous said...

I’m so glad Dave is getting better. My imagination did not equal just how bad that head injury was. Blessings that he is recovering well.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Wow, his head really looks scary. He is really, really lucky that he survived that tree. I guess the good Lord was not ready for him. I wish him continued best wishes for a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourself as well.

Judith lineberry said...

Here in Central Florida, Milton entered as Cat2. I’ve already filed an ins claim for damage to our house which is not too bad. My friends and I will look forward to meeting you at our very first retreat in April.
All the best to the Hubster.

Debra said...

So glad Dave is healing well.
Ladder Star is gorgeous 😍
Happy to see things are pretty much back to normal there for you.
Have a Sparkling day

Mary said...

Thursday blessings for you! It's hard to watch the news. We pray for those in the storms path. It isn't over yet. Good that Dave could help a bit. It's so hard to be down with an injury when there is so much to do. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Dave’s scar is quite scarey and it could have been so much worse. I’m sure you are aware of this, but so grateful it wasn’t. Nebraska Nel

Kathleen said...

WHAT ????? I live near Asheville, and have been off internet for , well, you know. Finally spending some time catching up............ I'll scroll back..........

Anonymous said...

SO happy to hear Dave is improving - sometimes forced relaxation is for the best! Am so glad I didn't view this before - my imagination gets carried away sometimes. Thankfully all is returning to normal in your area of life. Wishing both if you all the best - YOU are stronger than YOU know!!

Barbara P said...

So glad he’s ok. You must have been sooooo scared! I love the new quilt! It’s gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, driving a tractor is easy. I learned at 13 on my aunt's farm. My cousin said "Don't tell" LOL Miss the fun days.
Glad Dave is doing OK. Be grateful for these times. You still have each other.

Anonymous said...

Whoah! This picture of Dave's head was scarey enough, thank you. I can only imagine how bad it was. Bless both of you.

Anonymous said...

Your husband's injuries must have been so traumatic for both of you - glad to hear he has reached the boredom stage of recuperation. Perhaps you have a list somewhere of do-able projects to tempt him with?


Anonymous said...

So good to see he is healing well! Scary times indeed! Perhaps a hardhat would be a good gift for him for future times. We've been watching Milton as we have family in the Port Charlotte area. Relieved to hear from them this morning. Power out in one house and all well in the other. Relieved to hear family in North Carolina got power the day before so hopefully no more hurricanes this year! Cindy in Utah

Kathie said...

Glad things are getting back to some semblence of normal. Dave's head looks like it is healing well. Hope the rest of him does too. I have a question. The quilt under your quip has diamonds in between the hexie flowers. How is that done? I am working on flower garden and the diamond treament makes a pretty design.

Su said...

Wow - Dave obviously is not meant to go yet! I'm glad he's healing! Take care!

Barb said...

just arrived at my house after a lovely 4 day retreat in Wisconsin with Minnesota Quilters. Great laughter, lots of inspiration, and some creative problem solving for how to the next up projects! And pillowcase ideas to use up some stash that just won't go away! Glad you have a houseful for some distraction....

Charlotte Kieliszek said...

So grateful Dave is on the mend. I was thinking it looks like the McDonald's golden arches.

Anonymous said...

Take care of you nurse Bonnie, sew love those plaids, add spark to our lives.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your husband wasn't hurt any worse than he was. Head injuries can be so serious. We had awful winds here last week, though not hurricane force winds, they were strong enough to blow away any leaves that were turning colour. My little crabapple tree hasn't changed colour yet, and there is a lovely Ash tree that just turned colour overnight, it seems. I recently had cataract surgery and I am in awe of the amazing Autumn colours that are still around. In a while, I'm hoping to be able to get back to my sewing and Quilting with renewed vigor, keeping in mind to enjoy the process and not be too perfect!

Vivian said...

Wow, that had to be scary for both of you but glad it was not as bad as it could have been. Currently visiting my MIL in Rocky Mount, NC which also had a tornado go through. A small mall not that far from her took most of the damage in town. This has been a really bad season for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hubby's son is a logger so I know the dangers. So glad your husband wasn't hurt worse. A friend of mine lives in Abington and posted some park closing. Grayson Highlands is closed as is Hungry Mother. My great grandmother's family has a reunion at Hungry Mother every year. They just had it last month. No autumn color show here in Missouri either but for opposite reasons. It is so hot dry and windy all the leaves turned brown and we're blown off.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, well, when Dave does it he does it well doesn't he? It's no wonder you were so upset and concerned. And scalps bleed A LOT! He certainly had an angel on his shoulder -- that could have been so much worse and happy that ultimately he is ok.

marg said...

It is at times like this that make you realise just how much you mean to each other. So glad that Dave is recovering so well, now all you have to do is to make sure that he doesn't overdo things. Look after yourselves.

Mary said...

WOW, that is quite the "top of the heart" shall I say. It's obvious to me that the person fixing his head was dont a quilter, because there would have been 15 stitches to the inch! ;) Glad to know he is on the mend. I seem to remember him transporting you to various appointments in the past!

Tonni said...

Make it a heart, not a butt! A good tattoo artist could make something with the scar ... LOL!! A knitting/quilting friend and I are going Saturday to Gees Bend for the annual airing of the quilts. So excited! Then same friend and two of our other friends are coming to hang out on Sunday. Busy weekend!

Tracey Honig said...

So glad to see that Dave is mending well. The area is showing its beauty for sure. Absolutely loving Ladder Star... I will definetly be adding that to my ever-growing files! :) It is going to be a slow weekend for us as well. Next weekend we will have 2 birthdays to celebrate! Some times you have to make yourself slow down & rest. Looking forward to seeing what comes from the retreaters this weekend! Have a good evening. Love from South Central Texas... ( where we are still waiting for it to cool down some!! )

Anonymous said...

Very glad that Dave is recovering well. That is some scar! Take care of yourself and Dave, enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

wishing a fast and completely recovery to both of you. I know you also need some love. Take care.

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