
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Porchin' It!

Hurricane Debby left our area in search of places more coastal and more northern -

If you've been in the path and have found yourselves a bit soggy - I hope things dry out for you soon.

As for the TaDa quilters - as drizzle and rain  stopped being blown in sideways and it was safe and dry back on the back porch again - all meals and other activities moved to outside.

I know just how they feel - this porch is my happy place and I'm sad that we are creeping ever closer to mid August already.  

Let's enjoy it while we can! (And that includes Tula!)

Taco? Burrito? Salad? 
Fix your own!
(Don't mind if I do!)

Lunch came after I grabbed the Fantastic Four and headed down to Bear Branch for a road hike.

Things were a bit wet from rain the day before, but we still got out there.

We can't sit and sew all the time and not take time to get up and move.

Great job, ladies!

And I"m going to see if I can grab any willing ones to go walk along the river this morning while it is still cool enough out.

And this happened!  I have a Diamond Tile top finish!

Click to Play:

I"m loving it!

Sometimes a simple round of a couple of borders does do the trick.

And I'm happy that there is breathing space around those nine-patches at the edge of the quilt so they don't connect to the inner pink border.

This has been in the stash since 2002?  That's even before I started the blog which will be 20 in une of 2025.  (Crazy!)

For those who wanted pattern names from Yesterday's Post:

Jill's house quilt in progress is called Color My World.

The purple woven quilt is called Cascade.

And also from Yesterday's Post:

Guess what just released this week?

You all know my friend Bruce Leonard as the author of the Quilt City Hadley Carroll mysteries.  The ones with the cozy (if murders can be considered cozy!) mysteries happening around Paducah, Kentucky and all involve quilting as a theme.

You might not know that he also writes other genres - and since we all have a wide variety of things we like to read, I'm helping Bruce promote his newest release Hard Exit - which became available on Amazon a couple of days ago!

I'll be drawing for 3 winners who will each receive a signed paperback copy of Hard Exit directly from Bruce!

Head over to Yesterday's Post and get your entry in. We'll draw for our winners on Wednesday, August 14th.  Good luck, everyone!

4th side border update!

I'll be finishing the Baptist Fans  on the 4th border - quilting from right to left - until they join the fans where I started in the first corner. (Far left)

You know what that means for tomorrow?  I'll be trimming this up, getting the binding, label and hanging sleeve on!  YAY!

Hubster Dave thought it was a good idea for us to watch a Godfather trilogy.  We started with the first one the other night.  They are about 3 hours each, so that binding will be well on the way to done by the time you hear from me on Monday morning.

Diamond Tile is ready to be loaded into the machine - the machine quilting may start on that one over the weekend too.

And a haircut!  12:30 today - I nearly forgot! (And I need it badly!)

And Tula Tallulah Lou says - don't forget to slow down and enjoy some Caturday porch time!

What do you have in store for the weekend ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Do you still remember phone numbers pre cell phone? 

Or are they also gone who knows where?

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Debra said...

Happy Caturday!
Your quilt top looks fabulous with the borders. You seem to always have the perfect fabric for the finishes!
Well, yes we got wind and rain last night all through the night. We're in western Ma.
This weekend I'll be working on the binding for Bristol.
Have a great weekend and Blessings 💞

Miss Papa said...

Not only can I remember pre-cell phone numbers, I can remember using my Grandma's 4-partyline phone! What would kids think of that nowadays?
I'll be finishing up my basement sewing area reorganization this weekend with cleaning, petting fabric, kitting up some quilts on my list. Fun times.
Happy weekend everyone, Jenny

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Heck, I can hardly remember my own phone number and boy was I glad when I dropped my landline several years ago, which left only my cell phone number to try to keep stored in my old noggin. Never mind any attempt to remember even one other phone number like my sister's or my best friend's. I always love your quotes, especially the funny ones you've been posting lately. Keep 'em coming! Thanks!

Mary said...

Yea for Cooler August! Meeting our Great-Granddaughter this weekend. Excited. And we have Walchi watermelon from Hermiston, Yummy stuff! Binding the Star Quilt sounds good. Love the Fans!

Marti said...

They are in the same place all my passwords are! LOL!

Donna T said...

Thank you for sharing how you made your Diamond Tile Quilt decisions. From adding sashing which gave the blocks some space to shine, to adding the dotted print to allow the top to "float", and creating the perfect frame. Perfecto! Boy, I need some of your "sew jo"! Maybe if I get some other things checked off my list It would happen! Keep On Keeping' on!

Aby Dolinger said...

The Diamond Tile quilt looks fantastic. I love the completed Nine patches all around…and the blocks look like they are on point. (An on point setting without fiddling with setting triangles.) Tula looks so healthy and happy!

Anonymous said...

Tula is such a beauty! Does she allow you to pet her?

Kim said...

Turtle hatching time at Coastal Carolina, we are down at the beach every evening waiting for our babies to make their run for the sea! During the day I am happily making quilts for our guilds Nov. Veterans quilt presentation ceremony :0) and staying our of the heat and humidity.........lawn mowing today though. Happy Sewing!

missy said...

The only phone number I remember is my home number from my youth, only had to dial the last 5 numbers!!! X34468!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Cats in Carlsbad lately?? Anne

Bonnie Hunters patterns said...

Have you ever read Beach Music? your comment reminded me of this book . It is one of my very favs of all time.

Carol M said...

Love the Diamond Tile finish. Tula is such a pretty cat. I would take her in if she moseyed up to my door. The quote of the day made me giggle.....You gotta wonder. I love all of the low volume fabrics you use. I love your brain....you inspire me so much. Hugs

Unknown said...

I remember my Grandmother's phone number from 1960. Nothing else!! Anne

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing. I always look for her here.
Bonnie, Tula looks great, happy and healthy. Fran in Pa.

BlessOSU said...

I've been wondering the same.

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about her too. Hope all is good with her and her family. Every one on the east coast, try to stay high and dry stay safe everyone

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing, too. Sara (ohsirius7)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. Pam

Anonymous said...

I’ve been wondering about Cats from Carlsbad as well. Love her messages and sounds like lots of us are missing her. I’ve tried to locate her via all other media but no luck so far. I will continue trying.
Bonnie, I remember our unique phone number from 3rd grade, 1956, Yorkshire 7-7749! Back in the olden days…these days lucky to remember my own cell number, I usually have to look on my phone…
Dawn Lunn, Central Valley, Ca

gardenwitch said...

I remember my Mom's house phone number. I won a blue ribbon for my Hearts of Hope quilt at our county fair and have enough left over blocks for a table runner.

Helenchaffin said...

Pretty quilts,the color my world is amazing! Is there a pattern available?

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