It is so exciting to have Gen Z quilters with us on retreat at Quiltville Inn.
It is encouraging to know that some of our younger generations are eager to grasp the baton we pass on to them and carry on our love of fabric, thread and quilting in to the future.
It was a wonderful weekend with the TaDa quilters in residence - and first timer Alia fell right into step with all of us who could just as easily be the same age as her mom - or we could all be aunties!
He is her Indigo Way in progress on the front foyer floor. It got to big for the design wall!
And you know I am over the moon about her fabric choices - that one with the spoons forks and spatulas - so fun!e
Keep up the good work, Alia - you are in awesome company with this wonderful group of ladies!
Halloween happenings!
A couple of simple lap quilts - so much fun!
A whole bunch of Kaffe and some strippy diamonds.
Dawn's Early Light from String Frenzy.
Curved Log Cabin - I'm sensing some fall right around the corner!
Something star-spangled here!
And a whole flock of fun here!
Patty whipped out this bargello in no time!
Shadow box stars! Great!
Beth even took her Grassy Creek for a little drive and found a place in front of Grassy Creek community church to take an evening photo op - with the setting sun in just the right place!
And it wasn't ALL sewing - a handful of us got out on Saturday morning for a hike along the river and up to McMillan's family cemetery.
Click to Play:
That uphill climb is the worst - but together we can do it!
Across the VA/NC state line!
Headstones visible as we reach our turn around point -
The view from up here is astounding!
I need frequiet nature breaks - they fill my soul.
My feet need to touch dirt on a regular basis.
I need to hear the sound of water as it moves on by.
For those looking for the die for what I know as Around The Twist (A Judy Martin Pattern) Accuquilt has called it Plaited Block.
You can also find the non-die-cut directions HERE.
It was a wonderful weekend and we certainly filled it full!
And to top it all off - this is happening!
And this is still going on:
Guess what just released last week?
You all know my friend Bruce Leonard as the author of the Quilt City Hadley Carroll mysteries. The ones with the cozy (if murders can be considered cozy!) mysteries happening around Paducah, Kentucky and all involve quilting as a theme.
You might not know that he also writes other genres - and since we all have a wide variety of things we like to read, I'm helping Bruce promote his newest release Hard Exit - which became available on Amazon a couple of days ago!
I'll be drawing for 3 winners who will each receive a signed paperback copy of Hard Exit directly from Bruce!
Head over to 8/9/24 Post and get your entry in. We'll draw for our winners on Wednesday, August 14th. Good luck, everyone!
Also going on this week - Colonoscopy. Ugh.
I'm a year behind schedule and am playing catch up with all medical things - it's a necessary procedure and the only good thing about Wednesday morning's appointment is that hopefully I won't have to go back for another 10 years.
If I'm angry over the next couple of days because I'm HANGRY - please give grace. No cream in my coffee makes me a mad Bonnie in the morning. I'll be switching to tea which is not near as good, but I can stand it cream-less.
I need a shirt that says something like "Approach with caution - woman rage-sewing."
Appointment is 11am on Wednesday, and the August 2.0 Quiltvillians are arriving that afternoon. But we'll have everything well in hand.
It's just - UGH.
I'll be drawing for the winners of Hard Exit on Wednesday morning - the release of Eclipsed and that Gift-Away starts Thursday morning. It's going to be a full week ahead.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
After 60 it's all Snap, Crackle, Pop- and I'm not talking the cereal kind.
It's another Monday - what will you do with it?

Digging that Halloween quilt top. And the Grassy Creek. All beautiful.
I certainly sympathize with you on your Wednesday appt. No fun there.
It'll be over before you know it....yes, nature is good. Leaves you with a contented feeling.
I managed to get Bristol completed and posted on your Studio. Also some quilting happened on my Indigo Way.. good weekend.
One more quilt left in the queue. Not bad.
Have a Sparkling day
Blessings 🙏💞
Snap crackle pop is right, Bonnie! 74 heading to 75 ... still pumping along with indoor/outdoor work and quilting for friends, family, charity and even myself sometimes. Keep on truckin' is what I say to myself. Just a little more today
Use a straw to down all the liquid beforehand. Helps you not think about the volume thing.....I have to do both upper and lower in about three weeks. Think good thoughts!!! Marilyn Marks
Wilma here. Your blog is a good read and keeps me glued with your videos from your hike. Nature at its best. Love your quilting style waste not want not. Every penny accounting with every scrap has kept me so grounded in life in general over all. Thank you. Yes I would love to win this Hard Exit. .
As a survivor of colon cancer, stage 4 when found, very first colonoscopy, no symptoms, I would suggest using Miralax for the cleansing. No cramping, no taste, easy peasy. And I have had a LOT of colonoscopies since.
If you want a good non fiction read that helps explain why being with nature makes us feel so good and replenished read The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger. I always get a good laugh or snort from your over the quilt witticisms, a great way to start the day!
I know colonoscopy is not fun at all! Which is a huge understatement. But SO IMPORTANT!!!!! Last year, a routine test showed a positive result that sent me for a follow-up colonoscopy after years of thinking the at home test was fine. A small polyp was found to be cancer. After surgery, I'm now cancer free, but looking at 5 years of follow-up testing to be sure followed by colonoscopy every 5 years instead of 10. Without that colonoscopy, I would still be blissfully ignorant as the cancer progressed from the stage 1 it turned out to be to... Bravo, Bonnie and everyone else who gets their colonoscopy done!!
Bonnie, your quote of the day is so on target! Sometimes ya just gotta laugh as it feels way better than griping or crying. Love everyone's projects! Colors and fun fabrics sure make for wonderful quilts. I covet the chickens, tho, and wanna add it to my to-do list big time. Is there a pattern I can acquire to give proper credit to the designer??
Yea for the next generation Quilters. No fear! Love her Indigo Way. Busy design walls is a sign of pure fun on a Retreat. Congrats on the bindings going as planned. Love the Feathery quilting on Diamond Tile. Best of luck on the Colonoscopy.
Thank you for including the name of the Accuquilt die set for Round the Twist. Was trying to remember if there was one. Sewed a baby quilt the original way for a now 30-something grand daughter LOL. Die cutting feels so much better now, 50 years of fabric cutting later! Good luck with your procedure, vikki in NE WY
What a great post today!! I'm loving the log cabin, & the patriotic stars ones are going great as well. If I had any type of nature like you do close by, I would be out in it as well! You have to take care of yourself, as unpleasant as anything might be! I couldn't stand doing my clean out... I didn't do a very good one apparently so the results were inconclusive. Double UGH!! We had meet the teacher night... it's crazy being on the teacher side of it instead of the parents side! Happy quilting, everyone!
I too am so happy to see the younger generation interested in Quilting. I recently taught two young gals, and three more want to learn!! Yay!!
Actually Miralax missed into the blue Powerade isn't bad.
I sympathize with the colonoscopy...I was on the yearly plan after a bout of diverticulitis ended up with the last foot of my colon being removed. Now on the 5-year plan!! YAY!!! If you would like to enjoy your guests Wednesday night, try not having any anesthetic for the colonoscopy. You may need a "firm hug from behind" to get around that 90 degree turn, but there is nothing that hurts beyond that. I did that the first time I went with no anesthetic and the second time I found that just tensing my stomach/abs when it hurt was enough to take the pain away. Susan the Farm Quilter
As a quilting generation is VERY into quilting. You need to know where to find us, but there are a lot of us out here. We just don't have the time to do quilt guilds, retreats, etc. due to having full time jobs, young children, etc. (Also, Aila does not look old enough to be a millennial - us millennials are in our 30s and early 40s! It's the Gen Z who are the young 20-somethings nowadays.)
As a millennial quilter...I promise there are lots of us around! But with small children and/or jobs it's hard to make a lot of quilt guilds, let alone take a week off to go on retreat even if we want to! The monthly Saturday sit and stitch get togethers at my local quilt shop are at least half millennials. Also, Aila looks like she's too young to be a millennial - us millennials are in our 30s and early 40s, with maybe a few Z-ennial fence sitters in their late 20s.
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