Happy Monday, everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend - I know we did!
This was last night's fantastic dinner on the porch with Nola's Bonniacs.
Amazing food, and fantastic friendship - all the way around.
And yesterday when asking if anyone wanted to go on a walk - I got the response of "No, it's too hot." LOL!!
It had reached the height of perfection - a lovely 75 degrees. Which isn't too hot for me, but would require sunscreen and shorts. At least.
We did, however get some steps in on Saturday!
Nothing like a long dirt road down a holler!
And in the span of about a week - more things are blooming! I was enchanted by the small periwinkle blue flowers by this old tree stump.
And the abundant yellow on the roadsides.
This landmark is our one mile turn around spot!
It always gets a lot of attention.
Meanwhile back at the inn - fun things are happening!
This triangle quilt is a community project and everyone put in two blocks easily made from Fat Quarters.
This 1/4 layout of a quilt top became this:
4 more sections like this will become one full quilt top.
The blue/yellow one has grown! Looking good!
Pile of brights and blacks in the dining room.
Every bit of design space is being utilized! Laura's is laid out on the turret store floor!
More blocks coming together -
Two quilts by two different people in progress sharing this space.
Rows are joining rows!
An owly finish!
This happened at the coffee station -
Need more chicken things to carry on the theme!
Porch time stitching!
I love to see these little nooks and corners being used and enjoyed when the weather is like this.
The nice weather also brought Flash around.
I think the abundance of different people make him a bit skittish - we hadn't seen him in a few days.
These photos were taken through the back door window.
And for me - this is what was going on yesterday.
Click to Play:
I'm this far.
Pattern to come in the fall. I have a lot more to make.
And I'll be gone for a week - I leave tomorrow for Idaho tp spend a week with my mom and family, pre-mother's-day.
I don't know if I'll have time for blogging, or even have interest in giving that time away when I could be interacting with family - so keep up with me on Instagram/Facebook.
We'll catch back up again when I get home.
There will be a post tomorrow morning, but after that - it will be Wednesday, May 8 before I can sit at my desk and write like this again.
Simple recipe for a good life -
Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!

So happy for you to get away for a family visit! I bet they have lots of plans for your visit! I don’t know a lot about cats, but I can’t help but wonder if Flash is related to Ivy?? They have that same “off the nose” white markings. I always thought that was so cute on Ivy. One more question: if a group has an empty bed for an upcoming retreat, is there some way that we could know so if any of us are available we could fill it?? I am still working but occasionally I will have the opportunity to have a week off and would jump at the chance to participate in a retreat! I am sure there are many others that feel the same way. Thank you for all you do for our quilting world. You have made such a difference!!
So sorry that last comment regarding Ivy/retreat vacancies went through as anonymous.
Thank you for your cheerful and inspiring posts! I have learned so much here, and wanted to wish you safe travels and a wonderful visit with your family. Lynne in Ohio
HAPPY Mother's Day to you and your mom!!! The best gift for her!!! For an amazing instance, i haveno "advice" since I have not been 1)quilting, macular deg or 2)using camera to film/report... You are doing such an amazing job and I'm sure with a little bit of research and info from our family of quilters, you'l find a solution. Safe travels...xoxo Cats in Carlsbad CA.
I sewed a bit of 6.5" Blocks. Tiny pieces don't scare me since Quiltvile Mysteries have been made. I love the making, selecting the colors and even put a few Fussy-cut centers in them. Happy and Safe Travels. We'll go visit my mom pre-Mothers day, at the Cemetery, while the Snowball is blooming. Enjoy your time together ❤️
The newest FPP is just beautiful! I was just reading about the Ojo or God's Eye yarn craft and these blocks sort of feel like them to me.
Looks like everyone is loving the Pineapple Blossom workshop, so fun to see how different they all look! Safe travels Bonnie!
I love seeing the triangle community quilt project by your retreaters! I’ve made something similar using 10” squares. They were so fun to make! Your new string quilt is going to be so pretty! Sue
So much inspiration, as always!! I'm loving the blue pineapple! Safe travels on your adventure home & to all the retreaters going home! :)
I'm loving your Solstice Eclipse (purple/orange/yellow) quilt. Already looking forward to that pattern and have begun collecting some fabrics. I have lots of purple but no some much in the yellows. Enjoy your time away. Will look for your posts on Instagram. Best to you all.
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