
Friday, August 25, 2023

Stitch Upon Stitch.

I walked into this yesterday - 

The sound of machines whirring and the lovely timbre of several folks laughing.

SO much balm for my soul!  

When so much is out of our control in this world and the news is full of things like plane crashes in Russia and conspiracies of Putin knocking out someone who betrayed him, fires and the loss of so many people in Maui (unfathomable grief) and other things that bombard us daily - it's wonderful to know that there is quilting to turn to, and friendships that cross so many of the other dividing lines drawn in the sand.

For one week - these folks can put all differences aside and just quilt, and I am happy to be included in their midst!

Especially when I walk in and read this sign! LOL!

There is a whole lot of concentration happening here!

Karen has turned her bright and scrappy Triple Treat blocks into two tops to be donated to benefit kids.

Such a feel good!

More kid-sized quilts from a brand new quilter happening here -

And a long time Tumblers Leader & Ender being worked on by her table mate.

Oh scrappy string block love!

Across the room, there are more being made for Shattered! 

Bitcoin in purples, reds and rusty oranges! Gorgons!

Close up of the beautiful batiks.

So much fun!

Do you know what a Kantha quilt is?

Kantha is a centuries-old tradition of stitching patchwork cloth from rags, which evolved from the thrift of rural women in the Bengali region of the sub-continent - today the eastern Indian states of West Bengal and Orissa, and Bangladesh. One of the oldest forms of embroidery originating from India, its origins can be traced back to the pre-Vedic age (prior to 1500 BCE). 

Kantha refers to the type of stitch used in the craft of embroidery. This kantha stitch gives the coverlets their general wavy, textured quality. In rural India kantha coverlets are offered to guests in homes as a seat, a place to rest their tea, or simply as an expression of welcome into the home.

While this newly made "Kantha" was made with new batik fabrics and has meaningful embroidered messages, Kanthas are generally made from recycled saris or older fabrics and stitched by hand.

The fabric is then stitched together with colorful thread (no batting inside) to create these beautiful, softly layered cotton throws. The “kantha” stitch is applied row after row and gives the fabric its unique wrinkled effect. 

This kind of embroidery is most popular with rural women of India who spend hour upon hour creating these wonderful, one-of-a-kind pieces.

Inspired by traditional Kanthas - this beauty is hand stitched with pearl cotton threads in freehand parallel lines.

I love the texture!

We also talked about the centering that comes from repetitive hand stitching.  It's a meditation of sorts.

This is truly lovely!

I wanted to know more - so I quickly fell down the rabbit hole by searching for videos on YouTube.  What a fantastic history -

And I love how fabric lovers from all walks of life and all communities find a way to stitch together the saved bits of worn out clothing to make something useful and beautiful.

Next door at the QPO - this was accomplished.

My Silk Path top is together!

I have trimmed the edges leaving 1/4'' seam allowance all around the outside edge.

Yes, that means it's bias. But no worries.

I took a victory lap around the outside edge with stay-stitching.

I do this with the back side if the quilt top facing up so I can manage which way the seams go as I am stitching over them.

This adds some stability to the bias, and will prevent any seams from popping open during the quilting process.

I've heard from some that they get ruffled edges when they machine stitch this way.  Loosen your tension a bit.  It was meant to be adjusted.  That's why it has an adjusting thing!

If I find that my stay stitching is too tight, I can simply clip the threads as I quilt the quilt allowing it to relax a bit.

Backing came easy!

I had yards of this gorgeous brown/rust just waiting for the right project.  I've even got some left over.

It must have been on one heck of a sale because I rarely buy 9 yards of one thing.  LOL!

So you know what today's job is? Let's get it loaded, choose a quilting design, and get this thing going.

And in between I'll be hanging around these peeps!

Hey! Who ate the cake from the middle out?

There has been such an incredible response to my new PDF pattern for Morning Glories and the Gift-Away entries are going wild!

Did you get your entry in? Visit the Gift-Away post.

The PDF pattern for Morning Glories is currently 25% off through 8/31/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The finished quilt measures 84'' X 84''.

No coupon code is needed, but if you are purchasing paper or notions and wish to save the 15% you do need to use the code NOTIONS at checkout in the Quiltville Store.  The Etsy shop ONLY carries the PDF patterns, not merchandise.

I'll be drawing for TWO winners on Thursday, 8/31/23 and each will receive a Morning Glories PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Green color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Actions will always speak louder and be more memorable than words.
Put those actions into action today!
Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt shared by Dot. Pattern found tinder the Free Patterns tab.
Have you made one?

Happy Friday, Folks!



T Holzer said...

It is mind boggling to me that you were able to take the intricate tile pattern and put it onto paper and then fabric! Just amazing, Bonnie!! Now go make it in all coloured scraps lol! Have a great day and weekend.

Debra said...

Rainy morning here.
Good day for sewing. Or reading. I get up every morning at 5:30 to feed Kitty.
He wakes me up 😴.
The quilts in progress are beautiful ❤️. As is your brown and white one. Does it have a name yet? Love seeing your progress on it.
Have a Sparkling day 🌻

Mary Hewitt said...

Oh Bonnie....I have several of your patterns in queue as I currently am working Tulip Time and Winter Blues alternately. I tell myself "no more patterns" and now I can hardly wait for this new one !!! I love brown but have so much green so I think greens and creams it will be. Thank you, as always, for the inspiration !!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your Silk Path quilt! I love the warmth and richness of the brown. It’s just beautiful.

Penny Mattson said...

I know it has been some time since group 2's trip to Ireland, but I was wondering if you could share some of your pictures. I was the one having an emotional breakdown at Ross castle and only got one picture as I walked up to it.
I love the brown/cream quilt you just finished. Can't wait for the pattern!
A perfect color for fall.

Sharon in Seattle said...

So fascinating to learn about Kantha - I love it! Thank you! And I love your bathroom tile quilt, but I'm not suggesting you name it that! Maybe interlocking tiles or tile beauty. 😁 I'm sure you'll name it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I Love brown. My pumpkin Quilt, if ever, has all kinds of brown background. I wish people would just live and let live. I’m proud of you, Bonnie. Patty Swan

Sarah Buller Fenton said...

I need that octopus sign. Love it.

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Your new creation is just breathtakingly spectacular!!! I'm so in love with how the design makes those interlocking diamond shapes. It is mind blowing how you kept all those squares in the right order to make the design come to fruition so beautifully! I am in awe! Right now I'm printing out the foundation pieces for Morning Glories. I will take your advice and print in batches. All the pieces for the quilt are cut and counted, and neatly waiting in 2 box toppers (Chewy sends cases of canned dog food with cardboard box toppers to keep the cans from denting and they are perfect for holding works in progress).

Ginny A said...

Wonderous top! I am so in awe of this new pattern in what I am assuming is 1 1/2" squares.

Anonymous said...

I believe she called it Silk Path, just under the first picture of it. It sure is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Love your new quilt and the title, Silk Path. Well done!

Peg Sullivan said...

2 things. 1.) I like the inside pieces of cake. so I confess: I did it.
And 2.)Are some most, all or none of all these quilts your guests make finished? Hanging over the rail looks like they could be. Just wondering.

Oh and still hoping that dresden looking Christmas tree hanging had a name and pattern

Anonymous said...

Octopus sign is available on Amazon! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Paola from Milano, Italy. Two years ago I finished a Scrappy Mountain Majestic, with blue/greens vs neutrals. Thanks a lot for your patterns!

Vicki Adams said...

Love your newest work, Bonnie. My abundant stash of purple is calling, " Me! Me! Make that one from me."

Ellen said...

You gave me a couple of good laughs with the octopus sign and the quilt words. You are signing my song talking about being happy you can provide these ladies with a week of quilting. If I were 20 years younger. I never found a group of quilt ladies. These groups are so marvelous for the friendship they have with other like minded friends. Loved seeing the process you use in using the quilting machine. There are so many great devices today.

Leah said...

Silk Path is absolutely gorgeous!

Beth B said...

I am absolutely in love with Silk Path; it just fascinates me. Please, please publish a pattern.

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