
Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Last Caturday of 2022!

Lola on Friday's first real quilting job with the new IntelliQuilter.

I have made every mistake that a newbie could.
I picked a pattern that fit my design space, but I didn't advance the quilt back far enough at one point and I bottomed out when the machine got too close to the front roller.
I have had to unpick stitches, I have had a couple of out-of-bobbin restarts.
I have chosen the wrong row to align to in the wrong place, and have worked my way out of every pitfall knowing this is the way the learning curve works. ⁣
This is the wonky Log Cabin quilt that I had to unstitch after the machine blew a circuit board back in the fall.⁣

It's not perfect. At one point I didn't discover a wrinkle in the batting until it was mightily stitched into place and it is going to stay.

I am not picking that stitching out. ⁣
Perhaps I'll call it accidental trapunto! LOL!⁣

All in all I am a very happy camper quilting the very first quilt by myself on the new IntelliQuilter!

Motors from underneath.

SO NICE not to be dealing with cables front and back as the old CompuQuilter system.

Looks like Lola has already claimed the practice piece with the farmer pigs.  LOL!

I am so happy I could just bust.

And when you finally get close to that bottom row...yippy!

And then the "unfurling" happens as it comes off the rollers.

The accidental trapunto is somewhere between the brown the blue columns, but it's not that noticeable.

This quilt is for me at home anyway.

It's all about the texture!

Ready to be bound!

I'm holding off on putting the binding on just yet.  I'm not sure on my choice - and I really want no distractions as I continue the knife-edge binding on the hexagon quilt which has now reached half way.  Two more sides to go - I'm projecting it will be done by next weekend.

Yesterday was also hair cut day!  Martha and I headed out earlier than required, having made plans to stop by and visit her mom for a bit which evolved into kidnapping her mom for lunch out at the Derby in Mt. Airy, NC.

It was a lovely visit and after dropping her safely back home we headed over to get hair cuts.

Nothing like the feel of a fresh do!

As I pulled this up to edit this morning - no make up, no fancy anything, I thought to myself - "Yep.  This is me.  This is soon to be 61."

What a strange journey this life is, isn't it? 

It's the last day of 2022.
I am celebrating the wins, both big and small that happened through the past year.
The lessons Learned - some of them hard, and some still ongoing.
The biggest one of all being to cut myself some slack when physical issues beyond my control cause me to slow down.
The worry over challenges can take a break today. Today I choose joy!
Happy New Year, everyone!



Mary said...

Happiest of New Years to you! Yep, I choose Joy too. Taking my time so I can enjoy the Journey. I'm 5 years ahead of you, but I learn so much from you every year. Feeling really old this year.. 2 Great Grands can do that to a Grandma. Wish they were closer. Back to stitching.

Neil and Lorelei said...

Happy New Year! The picture of the quilt unfurled is just lovely! You can really see the quilting and I love the circles vs. the angles of the strips! Great choice in quilting motif! And I agree, Choose Joy! Thanks for all you do and have a happy, healthy 2023!

C said...

The quilting on your wonky log cabin is beautiful! Thank you so much for your daily inspiration and all that you share! Happy New Year!

pareapantry@gmail.com said...

You're beautiful! We celebrate you - our favorite quilt guru! Namaste!

carderb said...

Oh, Bonnie, thank you. It's comforting to know that seasoned longarm quilters like you can face challenges when learning new things. It makes us semi-newbies feel so much better about ourselves.

Elizabeth said...

I love a Wonky Log Cabin. I think that’s my next start. And the spiral quilting looks great.
Have a wonderful 2023!

ramonasct said...

Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous! My favorite IQ panto is Overlapping Crop Circles and if your pattern is not that, it's very very close to being the same. Congratulations on your new IQ!

Lori Wasserman said...

We went through Mt. Airy Thursday afternoon on our way home to MD! Now that H has discovered Miss Angel's Heavenly Pies, we cut short our time on 82-77 and drop down the back roads from Fancy Gap.

Colleen said...

I love your quilt and something new is always a learning curve. I bought a new sewing machine in August and I'm still learning things about it. Hair cut day for me was Thursday. Hadn't been to my gal in 6 months. :) Happy New Year and I'm 76 and have had to slow down, too, which has been a challenge but that's life, isn't it?

Gena in Dallas said...

I've always loved log cabin blocks/quilts the best. Endless possibilities. Your quilt is beautiful. Wishing you a Happy, healthy New Year.

Debcal1946 said...

A very happy, healthy and accident free me year!

QuilterSD said...

Happy new year!

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, it is going to be a year filled with joy, you first quilt looks great, you did a good job. I am way ahead of you in age I will be 89 in Jan. The birthdays just keep rolling along, I work on Ruby awhile and then on Chilhowie, I love the mystery quilts. Many thanks for all the things you do for us, I am so thankful, I look forward to your blog everyday and have for years. Thanks for your visit everyday. Take care. Be well blessed this coming year 2023.

Ginny A said...

Happy New Year to you and your family, Bonnie! I hope your New Year is bright with hope and happy with health!

Ginny A said...

I love the hominess of your string log cabin quilt. One like it is on my 2023 "to do" list.

Ann J said...

I love this quilt! What is the name of the edge to edge design used? Don't you love picking a quilting design that is opposite to the lines of the quilt - circles on squares!

Karen M said...

Happy new year Bonnie. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us! I hope your new year is everything you want it to be. God bless you and your family!

Debra said...

Happy New Years Eve 💖
Our morning walk was damp and chilly. It had rained during the night.
I'm almost done with part 5b..seeing all of the fini part 6 on the Open Studio is inspiring.
We're staying in tonight...

Carol M said...

I love, love, love the Wonky log cabin quilt and I really love the quilting pattern on it. It really stands out. Great job for a new system. I too am learning that I have to slow down at my age. That's ok as long as I can keep going forward and enjoy the now. Happy New Year to everyone! Stay safe, stay warm and Love yourself. Happy Mystery quilting...Hugs!

Tracey Honig said...

Lola knows a good thing when she sees one! I love unrolling a quilt that is done after a troubled time quilting it. You're not learning if you're not making mistakes and then learning how to get out of them. I too choose joy; if you walk around mad at the world it only makes you a grumpy old fool. Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and life lessons that happens every day. You're looking great and here's hoping for a happy, healthy, and quilty new year!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and thank you for everything that you give all of us. Your posts and projects have kept me going during low times. I hope that you flourish and have joy this nest year! Looking forward to continuing to follow your blog, your mystery and making your patterns!

cityquilter grace said...

happy new year...don't let the turkeys of health glitches get you down...they would take over your life otherwise...you'll find that aging brings them along whether you like it or not so just take them in stride...

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