
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

When Power Poles Go Pop!

It's the kind of Sunday morning phone call no one wants to receive.

"It looks like the top of your power pole has blown off and is just hanging there on the wires smoldering."


We hightailed it right on over to see what was what and to call the power company.

Out here as rural as we are, getting a responding vehicle can take an hour or more - they are coming from Hillsville, VA which by the odometer is only 41 miles away, but by winding mountain roads, It's an hour plus.

None of us had ever seen anything like this before.  More than that, no one had seen it happen at all, so it must have come in the wee small hours before dawn.

It was discovered by Muddy Creek Misfits who were coming out to the porch to enjoy their Sunday morning coffee and breakfast. They smelled the smoke.

First video. Click to Play:

Early morning fog from the creek made it even that much eerier!

Luckily ONE of the Appalachian Power guys (Remember yesterday's lesson on pronouncing Appalachian? Good job!) lives out our way, and he stopped to assess the situation and call in the truck to come see what was going on.

Before they arrived I took this second video:

The fog was burning off by this time and that chunk of post was just smoking even more.

Luckily the power was on in the house.  We didn't have to use the Generac, but it would have been there and ready if we needed to.

This power pole only serves our garage which unfortunately meant I was minus one washer/dryer until they could get everything fixed.

Hooray for hard working guys on a Sunday morning.

I wasn't sure how they were going to do it - but they did what they did.

They removed the smoldering section - they say this happens with poles and storms.  They added an extension to the existing pole so they wouldn't have to replace the whole thing.  

There was much checking of other poles in the area before they were sure they could turn the power back on to it - and tada! Back in business with 2 washers running!

Sunday's show of Rhododendron blooms.

Tuesday's show! (Yesterday)

We've put on the pink for today's arrival of the May Quiltvillias!

Let's hope for no more power pole explosions.

The weekend storms also left my lilacs a bit ragged, and they are definitely on their way out.

They have put on quite the show this month, and just walking outside their fragrance hits you like a delicious hug.

Lilac petals on the gravel.

Until next year, my sweet smelling friends!

Maymont blocks on the design wall!

How many of you are already digging in to your strip stash?

Remember to use #maymontquilt with your social media progress posts so I can find you (and so can everyone else!)  I am loving what fabric pulls and sample blocks I am seeing so far!

If you missed it, head back to the Gift-Away post and check it out!  And don't forget to enter to win.

Photographed in front of one of my favorite abandoned places - I hope you have a wonderful time making Maymont your own using up scrap stash and sewing in the memories of where each of those fabrics came from.

Introductory pricing: I have placed the PDF pattern for Maymont in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store at 25% off through 5/31/22. No coupon needed!

Price reverts back to $12.00 on 6/1/22. 

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

And to kick things off with a bang, I'll be choosing TWO winners who will each receive a Maymont PDF pattern AND a Skittles color roll from  Cotton to Quilts!

Enhance your scrap stash with a pop of color with the Skittles color roll! Hand picked by Irene,  each color roll contains 20 different fabrics each measuring approximately 8 1/2 x 21" Fabrics may vary.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

There are people all around us who do little things as well as big things everyday that go unnoticed.
Today is a good day to start taking notice of those who make our daily lives a better place to thrive.
Let them know they are appreciated!

I'm headed off to get the Inn read for today's arrivals -

Have a wonderful Wednesday, folks!



Marcia said...

So glad they were able to fix the pole without any further problems. Also thankful you live in wet Virginia rather than here in the west where something like that is sure to ignite a wildfire. New Mexico is currently burning badly and we would appreciate any and all prayers for gentle soaking rain to help our hardworking fire fighters!

Quilter Kathy said...

YOU are greatly appreciated Bonnie... more than you will ever know!

Joan E said...

Yes, she is! My son is always telling me what a good job I'm doing, whether it is quilting or yard work, must share this quote today, especially to him.

Cheryl said...

I so enjoy your daily blogs. Love hearing about the Inn, the retreaters, your QPO, the cabin, your fur babies, walks on the trails, fabric, scraps, sewing, quilting! It's a must read! Thank you, Bonnie!!!!

JMOT said...


Cindy said...

Love the Maymont block!!!!

Ginny A said...

What a scary happening for everyone! So glad to hear it was easily rectified as soon as the power guys arrived.
Bonnie, you are sooo appreciated. Don't ever forget that!

D Burnell said...

I could not resist this pattern nor wait for the contest for the fabric. I pressed the magic buttons and the pattern is in my inbox and the skittle fabric is being shipped. So of course, I'll win the draw now :). Bonnie you had me at the tease for this one.

southcedar said...

I appreciate you, Bonnie! Every day starts early with coffee and your blog, which always puts me in a great mood. You are so positive, productive, and generous.

Cats said...

I get really nervous when electricity goes hmmmmm and smokes... LOL, so glad things turned out ok... still having trouble w/Appalachian, ap-a-lay-chin... is my way but the guy on the you tube sounded like op-a-la-chin to me... must practice... for those who are from the PNW -- have a minit! Those of us from so. Cal and with the Mexican influence have been trained that the double ll is a Ya sound, man-tee-ya for mantilla... (lace scarf worn as a sort of veil on top and back f head... it was a real hoot to hear me try to pronounce some of the PNW towns... LOL

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

Yes Bonnie you are appreciated everyday. Everyone loves Bonnie, thank you for you do for us.

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