
Monday, May 09, 2022

Mother's Day Weekend (And Quiltmaker Drawing Time!)

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope your weekend was a good one, whatever you got up to.

As for us, we took a little road trip down to Jonesville, NC for Mother's Day spent with my son Jeff.

It was a simply hanging out, steaks on the grill kind of perfect day.

Son Jason was there by video call later in the day - and I couldn't be happier.  Of course I wish he could have been here for hugs in person, but it is what it is.

I hustled up to the bedroom 2 tall bay windows on Saturday afternoon to get full photos from above so I could share what is going on with this beautiful dogwood.

You can see how green things are getting over at Farmer John's tree farm across the street.

And the white blossoms of the dogwood are so gorgeous against that green!

I wish I could gather all of these up in my arms and just keep them!

Over the past couple of months there has been much dirt pushing and digging and leveling going on across the street.

From this vantage point I can see just how much they have done.

What is happening with this big flat spot?  My guess is some sort of big metal machine shed which doesn't bode well of the growing plots of trees for the view from bedroom 2, but again - it is what it is.

The Quiltville Inn dining room is back together!

My biggest Mother's Day gift of course in the new sideboard/buffet we picked up on Friday.

Saturday gave my time to come over by myself and put all of the pretty things back in the relocated step-back cupboard and then set to working on the new sideboard with a good old round of elbow grease, Old English scratch cover for dark woods (Love this stuff) and some furniture wax.

It's amazing how thirsty this wood was - and as the grime came off, the scratches and blemishes were filled in with the Old English scratch cover, and a bit of shine was added - the beauty of this piece was revealed.

My grannie had many old Empire pieces and I loved them growing up. The miracle with this one is that the claw feet are not missing toes or completely broken off, and that the glass knobs are still beautiful, not cracked, broken or missing.

The only thing that has happened over time (This sideboard is circa 1850-1860) is that the sheer weight of the piece has settled over time, perhaps warped a bit in our more humid southern climate, and the huge bottom drawer doesn't close all of the way.  I'm okay with that.

We all have things that go a bit wonky as we age, am I right?

The crazy thing is - this is a MASSIVE sideboard.  It's 66'' long, 26'' wide and about 36'' tall.  It's BIG.  And yet it is dwarfed by the size of this dining room.

Of course all of this meant I had to move quilts around, rehang pictures, make small adjustments here and there.  

But now it feels RIGHT.  Like this was the way it was meant to be all along.

And I'll be ready for the Muddy Creek Misfits to arrive on Wednesday afternoon1

It's Quiltmaker Gift-Away Time!

And not only will I be giving 3 issues away to 3 lucky winners - 

But as this is Mother's Day Week - we'll sweeten the deal with some IronEZ sets!

The ironing board adjustable clip can fit a multitude of thicknesses – this will even clamp to a table top, tray or big board.

It fits and corrals a multitude of favorite bottle sizes – and the free bottle that comes with it has even a finer mist than the traditional trigger spray.

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade vodka version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

Our first winner will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, the second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

No more knocking that spray bottle off of their ironing board ever again.

I am just this sold on the product, and the kind folks at IronEZ are offering a 15% discount to my readers using code BH15OFF.

Quiltmaker Magazine AND an IronEZ product? Who's ready to win?

The random number generator is pulling 3 winners out of 4598 entries!

Winner #1 is Jane Levering!

Winner #2 is Sandy McCarty!

Winner #3 is Sandy Bradfield!

Ladies, please check your inbox from an email from me notifying you of your win.  Please reply to that email with your mailing addresses.

I'll be sending you the Quiltmaker issues, and the kind folks  at IronEZ will be getting your pressing prizes off to you from their end.

Of course, if you are outside of the USA - we can send the items to a friend within the USA who can then forward them on to you.

Hand quilting progress -

By the time we arrived home from Jeff's all I wanted to do was sit with my feet up and stitch.

I have turned another corner, finished the 4th round of fans, and am beginning the 5th.  That center is getting closer and closer!

How was your own Mother's Day weekend? I hope you were able to pet some fabric here and there, and maybe even get some cutting and stitching in.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Or in quilt speak - friends don't care how messy your studio is, they just want to see your progress on your project!
Vintage 1950s quilt from my collection.
Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!



otherussin said...

Glad you had a great mother's day.

Tammie said...

I’m wondering what kind of wax you use on the antique pieces. I have one that needs something, and liquid stuff doesn’t seem to last long.

Mary said...

Happy Day After Mother's Day. The Sideboard is gorgeous. Wish I had room for one. This Grandma house is full to overflowing. I heard from all my family, but we are scattered, so only hubby hugs! Have a Wonderful Monday. Loving all the Pink and white Dogwoods on my quiet street. Looks like the sun is going to grace our day after all the Rain.

Irene said...

I'm glad you had a nice Mothers Day. I had a great Mothers Day with my family. I love the way your quilt looks with the Bishops fan quilting. Am I right that you are doing it without marking it? I love your 1950's quilt and the quote.
Your new buffet looks so very nice. The size of the table and the new buffet really does show off the size of the dining room. For a beautiful piece of furniture like the new buffet I could over look the drawer that doesn't quite close all the way. We all get a few wrinkles as we age.
Congrats to the winners of the Iron Eze give away. I was hoping to see my name but I'm glad for the happy winners.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I have to think that the old house is so happy to have such beautiful residents (furniture) and the joy and laughter of the guests. It's been amazing to see your vision for this place come to life.

sylviaweir.wordpress.com said...

I live in a house that is over a hundred years old with large rooms and tall ceilings Our first Christmas here, I bought a 6 foot tree---and realized it looked entirely too small for the room---and furniture---I had to buy furniture for the hallways---and the question was always was the piece big enough to look proper. Those large spaces are a challenge to fill--but so roomy and spacious. Your rooms look wonderful.

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