Saturday, Sunday, Monday - It's what it took to get me to here!
After Friday's rain disaster leaking through the roof at the Quiltville Post Office Studio (QPO) and more rain in the future - I decided that working there was not the best place to be - and opted for more comfort (And better light since my big light fixture is still down) in my basement sewing space at home.
Have you ever been so entranced with making blocks that you just keep going, and just keep going to find you've overshot your mark by about 20 blocks?
Well yeah. More on that later. LOL!
I know this is only a broad sneak peek -
But hopefully you get the idea where all this took me!
The crazy thing? I really don't feel like I made a dent in those blues at all!
I had to dig into the FQ's and cut more neutrals to add to that scrap stash - I really saw those neutrals go down. But the BLUE? What is up with that??
There will be more blue "use it up please!" quilts in my future, as I have never met anyone who didn't like a blue quilt.
It all goes in!
If you look closely, you'll see so many different shades of blue - and fabrics dating all the way back to the 1970s in places. There are a lot of "current" pieces too, especially in the neutrals as I keep picking those up where I can and mixing them right in with my scrap stash.
Some of those neutrals are quite "bold" and have larger splashy prints and motifs on them - I wasn't sure how they would really work - if the print part would overpower the patchwork design, but I think it adds something unpredictable and joyous.
That paisley in the middle! it's 1970s!
There are college theme fabrics, novelties, civil war repros, 1930s repros, florals, geomoterics, and even recycled plaids and stripes from shirt deconstruction.
I made it this far by dinner time last night - choosing a binding fabric that I felt complimented everything.
No borders - just a nice binding finish!
First binding stitches going in!
And the backing - all from stash.
I had 2 pieces of yardage, both at 4 yards each. Neither was enough to do the job by itself, so I alternated them in wide stripes for the backing. Forgot to get a photo, but I will when the binding is finished.
One tub is breathing a bit easier! And I do love this very directional floral with a stripe - it is perfect for a backing.
One corner down, 3 to go!
I've been pondering over quilt names for this one - I've already used Blue Ridge Beauty. I've already used Grassy Creek!
I'm calling this one Rivanna.
The Rivanna, which is an abbreviation for “River Anna”, was named after the Queen of England. It’s an appropriate moniker for one of Virginia’s prettiest small rivers that has a regal history, including the honor of being the State’s first governmentally-designated Scenic River.
The headwaters of the Rivanna lie in the foothills and mountains west of Charlottesville, actually reaching the Eastern border of Shenandoah National Park. Its importance as a transportation artery in the 1700s and 1800s is well known, and remnants of the aqueducts, canal, locks, and tow paths that facilitated this use can still be seen today.
And those extra parts and blocks I still have left? TABLE RUNNER TIME! I may get to that this coming weekend.
Other extra half-square triangle parts? There is no problem having those around either, they always find a place to go!
Thank you so much for the wonderful response!
I am thrilled with the amazingly positive bustle over my new Rough & Tumble pattern release!
I did have a couple of questions from folks come up yesterday, so I thought I could explain a few things here.
I used a size 14 needle when sewing the denim quilt together. I used my Singer 301 for the quilt top construction. I didn't have any problem going over seams - and the way the colored strips are inset, there is no bulk on the back side of those block units either.
I did use a batting when I quilted the quilt by long arm machine. If I didn't use batting (Hobbs 80/20) the quilting wouldn't have been visible at all as there would be nothing for the stitching to sink into. The thread would just lay flat on the top.
However, if you plan on tying this because your home machine doesn't like to sew over heavy things, you can back it with flannel or fleece and tie it without batting needed.
And you don't have to use denim! What if you were to use a lighter weight fabric like chambray? Or Essex linen? It would have a great texture, and be easier to handle on your home machine. There is nothing that says you HAVE to u se denim. Use your imagination.
Rough & Tumble measures a generous 50'' x 59'' perfect for Saturday morning cartoons, summer star gazing on the lawn, car trips & camping. Easily enlarged by adding more columns/rows. Blanket forts and baseball/football games await!
Many of you have already begun to debone your old jeans.
You could be printing your pattern and digging in to a rainy day MARCH project within the hour!
And the price is already marked 25% off through March 14th. No coupon code needed for this one!
The price will revert back to the full price of $12.00 on March 15th, 2021.
Today - I will carry on with what I also started to do yesterday - rearrange the sewing stations at the QPO. I need to make better use of my space.
I need to do something with the area I am using to construct my Snail's Trail blocks. It's a DISASTER - seriously.
TODAY I will make a DENT!
What's ahead for your Tuesday?
Quiltville's Quote of the Day -
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.
Not only for ourselves, but for others as well.
Celebrate someone else's accomplishments today. It will mean the world to them!
And the joy is contagious! Allietare quilt was an earlier Quiltville Winter Mystery and is available as a printable PDF pattern in the Quiltville Store.
Sun is shining - time to get a move on -
Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!

that's a good quote to remember when you feel "vaccine envy"
I just took a huge leap (for me) and did a scrappy backing for the quilt I finished piecing over the weekend. The fabric in the quilt was made very specifically for this quilt and I didn't have very much of any one piece so I took the largest piece I had and kept adding until I got the sized needed. I had to add a few pieces from my stash but it also was left over from other projects. I figured no matter what I did I would have to piece the backing so I decided to just go for it. It took quite a bit of time but I am very happy with the outcome. Thank you for giving such great insight on what we can achieve. Happy Quilting.
I love making denim quilts! I've made lots of them, mainly for the older sib when I make baby quilts. I sometimes put a pocket or two in some of the blocks and add a little toy or wrapped candy. You may have to piece that block, but that adds interest too. I also backed a hole with a peice of the backing and stitched around it.
This new blue quilt reminds me of one called "Ocean Waves" - which of course uses up lots of blue scraps too. Such nice color coordinated fabric for the binding and backing!
It is getting warmer outside, at last.
I love Allietare, I made the scalloped border and will do another, maybe on grassy creek? it might just be the zinger with the strip piecing border, will ponder it. I LOVE the "envy" aphorism... jealousy is another such... I can wish for what you have, but not at the cost of you not having it and I don't know the word(s) for it... or how to express it properly without a negative connotation... anyone??? rough & tumble might just be the perfect pattern for the memory quilts I want to make out of a friend's (RIP) Hawaiian shirts! Use one constant color for the little strips??? and perhaps white/white for the solid blocks??? thoughts? Might as well get the pattern to 'have' in my library right? LOL busy day/week... thank you Bonnie. Cats in Carlsbad CA
Bonnie, exactly what do you consider a neutral. I’m struggling with what they are. Thanks, Sue
Look at all my photos. They tell you more than words ever can. And then hit up the Tips & Techniques tab at the top of the blog and scroll down to N for NEUTRALS.
I guess I better get going on all those HST's; I know I will be wanting that pattern! I am one of those that loves a blue quilt; matter of fact I just ordered a replenishment of blues for my closet. Have a good evening!
You go girl!! Another beautiful quilt and I cant believe you already have it pieced, quilted and 1/4 of the binding done! I have serious envy on the longarm. That is where my projects always languish. I have to quilt them myself on my regular machine and although I am not bad at it, it is still a process. I just finally quilted Frolic and I love it. Now I just have to get to quilting Grassy Creek, Unity and about 6 other tops (sigh). Thanks for the all the gorgeous patterns!!
Perfect binding for your sea of blue waves Bonnie 👍🏼.
I'll continue to work on the pillow shams to go with Box KIte. Finished piecing one yesterday. I need 10 more blocks today. Then decide whether to quilt the pieced side of the sham or not. Big day yesterday first time back at the gym since Covid and my broken shoulder. Felt great.
I had to laugh at all of your extra blocks. I decided to cut my fabric scraps into blocks and triangles but when I opened the tub it was full of extra blocks. All sizes, colors and patterns and lots of RRCB. I ended up by sorting them by size and some were squared up as they were a little smaller than needed. Rip? It will be a challenge and probably funny trying to make something out of them. Time to use my EQ7!
Pinned a queen/king top, quilt some more on one under my needle and go for mammogram.
Love the blues! And, always love your quotes with gorgeous quilts.
Bonnie, to get the blue scraps busted down, would you ever consider using them AS the background fabric in a quilt? My thinking is that if neutrals get used the most in a quilt, what would happen if you replaced the neutral with a different color?
I saw a comment you made about loving your Janome because it had an automatic thread cutter. Made me chuckle as I just discovered, maybe 4 years after buying my Janome 8200, the automatic thread cutter. Oh what a joy for the last quilt I made. Don't know why it took me 4 years, maybe more to find it. I love your kindness, your joy of nature and a simple walk. I like your politics as they may be similar to my own.
If you will watch the first save Quilt Cam "3/15/2013 1958 Necchi Super Nova green/white, Defining neutrals, Sisters Choice remake" there is a wonderful explanation. I re-watch it often. Allison Bayer, Plano, Texas
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