It was the first thing I opened in my email this morning and it just knocked my socks off!
How perfect for valentine's day and beyond! She writes:
"I wanted to show you my latest finish - Winter Blues (in red). I LOVE it! Thank you for the wonderful pattern.
I added 4 additional columns to make it more of a king size.
I love so many things about this quilt. I really like the small pieces, I love a quilt with “lines” that go through it, two color and the fact that the only fabric I had to buy was the white inner border.
The red interior fabric was all done with strips that I had leftover from some quilts I made a few years ago. The outer red border was cut from strips from my scrap user system and the white was either from strips already cut or ones that I cut from fat quarters that I had.
I hope you stay safe with the storms that are in your area and I hope that you don’t lose power! Enjoy having the time to create.
Thanks again,
Karen, this is just phenomenal! And I know how much time went into making these precious little blocks with all of the little pieces!
I simply love a two-color quilt - and it is easy to switch out the light/dark colors for wherever your fancy leads you.
You are not limited to the colors in the pattern. Just remember to keep the enough contrast between what you choose as your light and your dark.
I would also add to watch the scale of the print on the fabrics - remember - the smaller the piecing, the greater the contrast needs to be, not only in the value between the colors, but also the size of the prints. A big green leaf on your red fabric may show up just as GREEN instead of red when you cut it up.
I know you know what I am talking about!
Have you thought of making Winter Blues in a different color way? or perhaps scrappy everything with a neutral background?
Becky's in Blue!
"Wonderful the sashing..I'm doing winter blues..Halfway done..need to add the finished rows and then do the other side..then Scrap Crystals is on my list..if I have any blues"
This is just wonderful, Becky! And I love that aqua machine - whoowhoooo!
Before I go on to my day yesterday, I want to remind everyone of the Zoom Meet with the Iowa Quilt Museum TODAY at NOON Central time.
To Join the Zoom meeting, click on the following link, or type the Meeting ID into Zoom:
Meeting ID: 943 9573 5155
We will use the SAME meeting link for ALL of our Virtual Iowa Quiltscape sessions – each Tuesday at Twelve. If you have questions about how to join the Zoom meeting, email or call us— or 515-462-5988.
I haven't done any LIVE video streaming for a while - my internet just hasn't been strong enough. But we are going to give it a try today - so join me!
I'll be talking about string quilts, of course!
Emerald City Under Glass!
Serpentine Web
Straits of MackinacAll found in String Frenzy!
My thanks to Paula Thomas who visited the Iowa Quilt Museum in person last week and sent me the photos!
This is what weather is doing around here!
While we have snow guards on the cabin roof, this is the hubster's man shed. That snow curtain just grew and grew and grew until it finally came crashing down!
This has been an incredible winter for snow - and it isn't over yet. Temps are severely cold, but it sure is beautiful!
And yes, we will have a celebration when I finally get to park at the top of my drive again. For now, I'm being shuttled back and forth to where I've parked just a bit down the road from where our 1/4 mile drive heads up the mountain.
Second coat went on last night!
Watching snow curtains grow is about as exciting as watching us add a second coat of cream paint to the storage closet walls! LOL!
But, after this, the tape comes down, the ceiling gets a coat, the trim is to be touched up just a bit, and hopefully by weekend I'll be moving my shelving units back in here and get all of the linens and supplies organized.
And I'm excited about it! Even if it is about as mundane as watching snow curtains grow or paint dry.
Evening snuggles while mom quilts!
It was after 7pm before we finally rolled back home - neither of us had thought of dinner so we simply doctored up a frozen pizza, cooked it on our Pizzazz (What/ You don't have one? YOU NEED ONE! It makes the best pizza!) and settled in for a round of Everwoord and CSI Miami,
Of course, Ivy has to be right in the middle of everything, usually right ON my legs. Which makes quilting difficult.
Isn't that hand quilting texture just great?I know it is taking forever. But hand stitching in the evenings is the most relaxing thing for me - I'd be sitting here anyway, so I may as well stitch, no matter how long it takes!
Along with my busy time getting ready for the Iowa Quilt Museum zoom meet, I've got a drive to town for a Chiropractor appointment this afternoon.
In between times I'm still plugging away at those Snail Trail blocks at the Quiltville Post Office Studio. I counted blocks done last night. I'm about 2/3 done. There is still a long way to go. I can't tell if the pile of small hunks, chunks and cut off triangles is going down that much - but let's just say it's a good thing I love making these blocks!
I hope to get more made today!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Don't throw in the towel!
If the project seems overwhelming, see if you can break it down into smaller units and parts!
What seems impossible can be made possible when we take it one step at a time!
That applies to the hand quilting of my hexie quilt, and of this Snail's Trial project that continues on, one block at a time!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!

Karen's Winter Blues in Red is absolutely stunning. Red is my all time favorite color in life. You all do such beautiful work and such an inspiration and provide a bright spot in my day. Love to all. From Iowa.
when I started to make the 2020 mystery I cut the 1st part tooooo big so I decided to wait to all the parts to start the quilt. I wanted to see the first block so I make one. Wait it gets better I was surprised of how big was the block. it was beautiful a to see how the puzzle comes together as we saw the little pieces of the quilt. Thanks Bonnie for this free pattern cordially Zenobia in Florida
Working again today on my scraps; found another use for scraps instead of just piano key border (small strip down the center of a scrap block with focal fabric on each side then remaining strips to fill the triangles). Bonnie, have you heard of Nomad Internet; it uses cell phone power instead of regular phone
internet service. Have seen a couple of homesteader video users who are in rural areas stating it has great upload and download speeds. Just a suggestion.
Thanks for all you do, your MQ and daily blogs are the best!
I'll be watching for the Zoom Thanks for the link. I added the Iowa Museum to my FB groups. Hope your internet works today. See you at Noon!
The Pizzazz is also good to warm up fried chicken. The skin still stays crispy. All the quilts are beautiful. Good job, ladies!! pam
Hi..I'm still working on winter blues should be done today..the aqua machine is esmeralda..she's a vintage domestic brand..and my favorite girl..just don't tell Cleo
I love Karen's Winter Blues done in reds. I am working on mine - in blue - which was my mom's favorite color - I have included some of hers and my dad's clothing in there to honor their memory. Thanks for your awesome easy-to-follow patterns, Bonnie!
Several years ago I jumped in and did the first (for me) of your mystery quilts. Had I known before hand how many pieces there were going to be in that quilt I never would have started. Going step by step made it so much easier! I actually came back for more the following year and the year after that.
SO loving the Winter Blues in reds and blues :) Looking forward to greens and purples maybe? Such a great pattern. Love Miss Ivy!
I’ve been working on bindings during our nor’easter. I tried bing watching Bridgerton on Netflix. My problem is that I end up watching and not sewing! Happens every time. I do have a hearing loss and that might be part of the problem, but please give advice as to how you do it!! Otherwise, I’m back to audiobooks! Thanks!
Just watched the Iowa Quilt Museum presentation. It was very good and it was so nice to see the quilters and the quilts up close.
Bonnie, I just watached the Iow Quilt museum meeting and it was great. Thanks for providing the link. I live close enough to visit and hope to go soon as things improve for travel. Thanks!!
really enjoyed hearing and seeing you on the Iowa Quilt Museum zoom! Great job!
I was able to watch the string quilt gallery talk today with the Iowa Quilt Museum. Thanks so much for reminding us in today's post. I would certainly not have remembered without your reminder. I signed up for their newsletter so I will get updates in future. Also (hint to everyone!)I made a donation to the museum. It was so good to see you. I miss QuiltCam. I understand why you can't do it any longer, but I still miss it.
I connected to the Ohio Quilt Museum segment today. It was great! Your video was wish you would consider bringing back Quiltcam....💝. We miss seeing you sew and getting to chat. I have watched the old ones at least 4 times over. Still enjoy them, but miss having you live. Hope you have a wonderful day! If y’all haven’t watched the interviews with the museum participants, go to YouTube and watch the replays. They are fabulous!
So sorry...put Ohio quilt museum..not Iowa..🤭
Thanks for the Zoom info. I really enjoyed the presentation!
Guess I'm gonna have to break down and order Winter Blues - these are outstanding.
I really enjoyed the Iowa Quilt Museum zoom meeting. It was lovely to see you and the other ladies in real time. I love the Iowa Quilt Museum! It is a regular stop on our way from Fort Worth to Green Bay (via Lincoln, of course!)
Are you using a hoop to hand quilt your hexi quilt?
GM. Looking forward to making Winter Blues after I finish Crabapple. I am also living hexie projects. How exactly are you quilting your hexie? Some look (on my phone) like criss cross bet points & others around the edge. Thanks for all you do.
Love this!
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