
Thursday, January 07, 2021

When Words Fail.

In the aftermath of yesterday - the sun rises on a new day.

I've been lost in thoughts and tears, worry, fear, anger, betrayal, horror, unbelievable emotional pain and disbelief at the unfolding of yesterday's events in Washington DC.

I will say right now that there are folks who will storm off in protest saying "I'm not reading you anymore. This is supposed to be a quilting blog!"

Well, it's that and more. Because this is my life.

Quilting is the thread that can tie us together.

Quilting is the medium in which I throw myself when my world is in turmoil.

I quilt. In the best of times, and the worst of times.

"It's not wise to post political things!" some will say.

Maybe so.

But it's not political.  It's moral.  It's about decency, and respect.

I have not felt this way since the planes took down the twin towers on 9/11.

I feel like nothing is sacred any more.

And these are my legitimate feelings this morning.

"Then I will never support your business again!" they say. 

That's all right. Because the threat of withdrawing support isn't worth the cost of keeping silent.

I finished this quilt recently.

In between everything else.

I didn't have a name for it - but it evokes all of the feelings I have been working through since yesterday afternoon.

Nothing resolves in this pattern.

Nothing connects.

Each piece is individual - like a person with their own thoughts and feelings, just wanting to be heard.

Like quilts, we long to provide comfort in times of stress.

Or at least have others understand where we are coming from.

If I were a quilt - today I would describe myself as jagged and mismatched with raw edges showing.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

There are things I have to remind myself of all the time.

I'm feeling rather tongue tied this morning. Words aren't coming easily. ⁣

I hope that when I look back at yesterday one year from now that some healing has happened. If not with my country and the world, within my own heart. 


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Robin B said...

Well said Bonnie! As many we were glued to the tv and it was so hard to watch what was happening. I enjoy your blog so much and thank you for all that you share! ❤

Janet R said...

Those of us who support you far outweigh those who don't. One of the reasons I read your blog (besides that I love you) is because you do share, your life, your talents, your ups and downs. It's real. And sometimes it's raw, like this.

I really like the quilt. Perfect for these feelings, too.

Unknown said...

The quilt reminds me of how life is sometimes.. a little disjointed, a little confusing, a little... of everything. My thoughts immediately went to a quote: “I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass

Karen M said...

Thank you Bonnie. We need to pray for our country. We also need to be able to say what we think and feel, being honest, without fear of threats. Yesterday was a terrible day for the USA. Bless you!

Estrella said...

Thank you Bonnie. I am right there with you. Your comments mirror those in my own heart. Let’s hope for greater peace and collaboration- our great country needs us to come together as our best selves.

ceblakeney said...

The horror is probably not over but there is promise of a new beginning in the weeks ahead. You think your heart can't get broken ever again because it has been broken so many times these past few years. But maybe that proves just how strong hearts are and how they can become whole again. Please continue to speak against horror, Bonnie. If those who embrace it object to those who abhor it, well, so be it. Let them go.

Unknown said...

I'm a Canadian who has followed you for many years. I'm glad you feel you can express your true feelings. The behaviour of the rabble yesterday has also unsettled us here and it is a real blow against Democracy which we've always felt that the U.S. stood for and is the basis of our country too. When a leader isn't a responsible, honest person but who emulates other dictators it is a very hard thing for citizens to come to grip with. We hope for a better tomorrow.

Nell k said...

We live with who we are...each of us. It is important to look in that mirror of life and see what is being reflected back. I am glad to know you have done that. I love you for your honesty.

Jenny said...

I am from New Zealand and a,though living half a world away we watched in horror and disbelief as the events of the day unfolded. My sympathies to the good citizens of USA, the president elect will usher in a return to normality

Jody said...

You well know that you cannot please everyone. Be at peace Bonnie.

UptownConnie said...

Well said, Linda!

Margaret said...

Someone called this quilt "Shattered" but as this quilt is stitched together, so will this county be "stitched" together. It may be a long haul, but, I know that it WILL happen! We have weathered worse, we have lost more, we always come back stronger. Just keep stitching!

Kb48 said...

Bonnie, I so wish I could express my thoughts as well as you! All I know is that I watched events unfold yesterday and felt so discouraged and depressed and yes, disgusted, that this could be happening in our country. It really does help when you post your feelings too. At least I know I'm not alone.

Karen said...

I love the quilt and I agree with your thoughts and reactions to the complete chaos of yesterday’s insurrection. Thank you for your totally sane reactions and comments. Reactions like yours and others who had similar reactions give me a glimmer of hope. I’m sorry there are trolls out there.

Suzanne Shearon said...

Your comment resonates with me; you said it well, horsegal88! :) When these things happen and stir up unwanted negative feelings about my compatriots, I turn to my faith in God and hand it all over to Him...and then I go to my machine (today it was the Christmas fabric sale at my local quilt shop for new tree skirt fabric!) and quilt! Manners, respect, and common sense aren't all that common sometimes, but if most of us try to do what is respectful and makes sense, perhaps we can hold this country together and be known as a wholesome, compassionate, kind country! Please, let's all do our very best!! :)

Anita said...

Yesterday was horrible. I certainly felt threatened, not by foreign terrorists, but my fellow Americans. Bonnie you have a large audience here. Speak your mind because some of us cannot speak so publicly.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

God bless you, Bonnie! I support you, and I just want to say how much I like that quilt. I hope you make a pattern or tutorial available. It really expresses how I've been feeling this past year.

George said...

As Australian looking on my heart goes out to all the good and decent americans who must be fearing for the future of their country What happenened yeasterday was the result of an egostical maniac and mob rule Bleesings to all you good people

LJ said...

Blessings, Bonnie. As I remember and as Mary Ellen remarked above, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing. (JFK quoting Edmund Burke)." You're in great company with these two truly great men!!!

Margaret said...

Your quilt expresses how I've been feeling too -- and I live in Canada. We have watched from our homes, businesses and media outlets, horrified, baffled, fearful, disappointed -- and more. Canada has been praying for all of you and hope that "peace, order and good government" will be restored soon. Meanwhile, yes...I'm working simultaneously on finishing "Frolic!" and in the midst of "Grassy Creek", and the touch of fabric & yarn is comforting. I hope you'll put a sleeve set on that new quilt; it makes a powerful statement and should hang on a wall in an important venue to share that with others. Sending you hugs across the continent.

Cherib104 said...

Bonny, Bless You for putting out these thoughts. I, like many am heartsick over what took place yesterday. We all need to learn to listen and live by the Thumper rule. We need to remember no one ever promised that life was fair for just one person. I pray we can heal after this and get back to civilized norms of America.

Kim said...

I love that I cannot tell on what side of the aisle you speak. You are speaking as an American and that’s enough for me. God be with you.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for being the person, artist, and American that you are. You bring so much calmness and desires to people who love your talent and generosity. Love your quilt as "A Struggle to Understand. "

Donna Fry said...

Yes!!! Speak it, Sister Quilter!!! I fully support you.

Carla said...

I appreciate your thoughts. As I read your thoughts and then saw your beautiful quilt....the only name i could that of was Scattered.
People scattered, going in different directions, not coming together.....

Annie said...

The quilt fits my feelings also. It looks like a Thunder Storm wrecking havoc in the world around us and the destruction left behind. But it is also beautiful in the way disorder is shown.

Unknown said...

Thank you for giving voice to your feelings. I am with you in feeling shattered.

Farm Quilter said...

The horrors of yesterday became very personal when I found out that the young lady who was killed, Ashli, was an airman under my daughter 13 years ago. She was a favorite person of my granddaughter when she was just small. Your quilt today is very representative of the way so many of us are feeling since yesterday, jagged and torn. We love our country yet what is happening leaves us feeling as though we no longer know our country. I had hoped that we had left that behind in 2020. We need to keep true to our beliefs and morals, knowing that may snip some of the threads that bind us. As pruning helps the vines and bushes become stronger, pruning also helps us become stronger.

Meg said...

“It’s not political. It’s moral.” Exactly my thoughts after I meditated this morning. I’ll take it a step further, the two are not mutually exclusive. It took a lot of courage to write this post, Bonnie, and I admire you for it. Thank you.

Sue said...

For four years I have watched from the outside as AMERICA was undermined and tensions were created and deepened by those who should have know better, your politicians. Democracy is not a game to be toyed with. It must have been difficult to speak out but you did. I pray there are many more like you who put themselves under fire to support what you believe your country should be. My heart goes out to your dreadful virus death numbers.

Bonnie said...

I'm with you Bonnie! The feelings are overwhelming. Not just little feelings but big ones all at once! Praying for our Country.
Bonnie in California

Traditions said...

Thank you. From the bottom of my very heavy heart.

Densie said...

Thank you Bonnie. For your words. And also for the great joy you bring with your blog and projects.

Pam said...

Bonnie, We love you. We love that you share your life. Your feelings matter as do mine or anyone else's. I understand your fears as yesterday was a shock to the system and I hope all of those that can be identified will be prosecuted. Quilting is what gets me through all times. 2020 caused a quilting block for me. I just froze. Too much loss and the inability to see friends and family and get hugs and comfort to get through it all. Quilting is what is getting me back to life. Please keep going. We understand and the ones that don't can go stick their heads in the sand.

Gloria B said...

You "hit the Nail right on the Head"! I agree with everything you said and you can say whatever you want on your blog. Your actions and your openness and love of animals speak volumes of who you are.

Pamela said...

Well said

maggie said...

I cannot express how much I admire what you have said. You are right, it isn't about politics, its about decency and morality.
Bless you.

Gail, Enumclaw, WA said...

You are not alone. I sense that there are many that hold the same shared feelings about yesterday. When I saw your quilt the word that came to mind was fractured. We are not broken, but fractured and with faith, compassion and hard work we will heal and get America back on track. Hugs. Thank you for your grace.

jean said...

Kennedy's assassination, the Murray Building in OKC, the Twin Towers in NYC, and numerous other events to numerous to mention here, and now...THIS!!! The 25th A. or IMPEACHMENT immediately. Even more appropriately, take him involuntarily in restraints for a mental health evaluation and kept in isolation for his and others' safety. OKC here. I still see the dead and bloody bodies of those babies from the daycare in the Murray Bldg.

Ladybug's Cabin said...

I too have been searching for words to express my intense emotions from what happened yesterday. And I appreciate you so much for being willing to be real and vulnerable while holding space so that we may each do the same. People are drawn to your and your work because it comes from you. If they don't feel a connection then they can keep searching for it elsewhere. If you start changing who you are to try and please everyone, then we all miss out. Keep shining your light...it's dark right now and we need it. (and you). <3

Sandy said...

As others have said we are all raw from yesterday's actions. Someday the truth will come out as to who did what. However I'd rather move forward and take a step in the right direction to do something constructive. I quilt thru my emotions. Please share your thoughts and quilts. It's your blog!

Fur baby mom said...

There are bullies everywhere and I have always felt like he (the President) has always shown that tendency.

Pattie P. said...

I so agree Bonnie. These past 4 years have been terrifying. I am very concerned. Quilting has kept me sane during this crazy and terrifying time. I do love your scrappy "unresolving" pattern. Thank you Bonnie for your truth and your passion.

NancyFS said...

Hugs to you from Canada Bonnie my husband is from Oregon and we watched the news in horror. We spoke to family in the US and sent our love. I don't when I will see my family in the US with the borders closed but all I can do is send my big virtual hug down to everyone. When I'm stressed I relax among my fabric to dream of the quilts I can create. Your blog has been a peaceful place for me this past year. After covid started it became even more important. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Cherryl B said...

Love your honest and thoughtful feelings expressed in your blog - please keep going and doing the things that inspire others. Stand up for your beliefs and know that others think as you do. God bless you and your business too!

Linda said...

Thank you for sharing the turmoil of thoughts you have as you try to process the utter shock of the events that unfolded in Washington. I am British and was totally shocked at the total disregard of your laws so I cannot begin to imagine how Americans must feel. I admire your bravery in writing your post and hope that America can begin to heal its divisions under your new President Elect, Jo Biden.

Rhonda said...

Its good to have a voice. thank you.

Louise Kaye said...

Your post wasn't political. Most of us felt numbed by the events. We've had riots for most of last year, all over the country. This needs to stop. Martin Luther King said, "A riot is the language of the unheard". Maybe everyone just needs to listen better.

Louise Kaye said...

Well said.

Sue Smith said...

Well said. Sad, was like watching a 3rd country coup in America. Still hard to believe Americans would destroy and ransack the capitol building, the foundation of our country. Listening to our President, the lies, the hatred and discontent was heart breaking to watch. Praying for our country.

Alice said...

I watched in horror once again. I am in disbelief. Our country is so very fractured. I pray for peace

Alice said...

I have no words. I pray for peace. Thanks for being there for us, our quilting world gives me solace in this fractured world . Thanks again for your time, God bless Bonnie

kathyinozarks said...

This is the best post I have read on the subject and I love your quilt-perfect for our emotions right now

Janet S. said...

I am just now getting to reading your column and all the comments commending you on your post. Your words expressed my feelings and I would have been disappointed if you hadn't used your blog to share your feelings regarding the terrible events that took place. After 2020, I think we were all putting hope on 2021, but the events of yesterday didn't get us off to a good start. I just pray that we can come together as a nation as well as beating Covid so we can get back to some sense of normal. As to your quilt--I made enough blocks a year or so ago and was waiting to see how you were going to set yours. I have tried several ways but nothing seemed to speak to me. I think yours just did! It looks just right! The many names suggested would all be fitting. Now you have given me a plan. Bless you for all you do for us quilters.

Unknown said...

You brought me to tears with your heartfelt words Bonnie! I appreciate you and all you do for our quilting community. I respect you even more for sharing your thoughts And I applaud you for not letting the fear of lost business quiet you! Thank you!

TrulyBlessed said...

Chaos is the word that came to my mind for your quilt. We are not shattered, we are shaken but not shattered.

TrulyBlessed said...

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Tina K said...

Never ever apologize for your honest thoughts and feelings. They are valid and valuable, and we are grateful that you are willing and able to share. Hugs and encouragement to you and yours.

janequiltsslowly said...

Thank You for being honest and clear. I have lived for the past 4 years and more dreading what 45 would do and say and foment. Now it has happened and now it is time for consequences. When I learned how to type the phrase we practiced for speed was: Now is the time for all good men (& women) to come to the aide of our country.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie I live in New Zealand & cannot believe nor understand what is going on over there (I was in a state of disbelief when Trump was elected President). You have every right to say what is on your mind especially on your personal page (it's rather sad that some people felt the need to broadcast it further but that's their problem).

I'm having similar issues here regarding workplace bullying - apparently you aren't supposed to like or share posts about causes you believe in. I tell those people who try to control my beliefs to knaff off.

I love your daily emails, you are the reason I strive to be a better quilter. I'm overcoming breast cancer, I've lost my job because of a bully & now dealing with cancer after effects. What keeps me going - the hope of making one of your masterpieces.

Always be true to yourself & never apologise for what you believe in

LeenKM said...

Bonnie, I wish I could hug you! You're saying what many of us are feeling. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us.

Diane said...

Bonnie, we love your blog. This is the United States of America. WE have a Constitution that says e have freedom of speech. WE all have that right equally. I love what you posted. This year has been more than most people can handle. WE have seen so many depressed, and having to stay "locked up" has made worst. You have given us hope, gave us something to think about with new patterns and quilts, led us through your opening and closing of Quiltville Inn, and held us like glue waiting for your nest blog. I don't get it until 12:30 am CST, and most nights stay up just to read it. Please continue to "save us" with your "family and pets". WE NEED YOU AND LOVE YOU! Diane Howell

JeannieK said...

Such a beautiful post, Bonnie. And such heart-warming replies from so many. Many truths spoken. Gives me faith this republic will survive.

JeannieK said...

Beautiful post, Bonnie. And such heart-felt replies from so many people. Gives me belief that we, and our republic, will survive.

Kerry said...

Much hugs from a much shocked person over the pond. xx

conny's quilts en creaties said...

From the Netherlands you got my support. With great disgust we saw how democracy lost bij the riots wednesday in Washington and won too, by the presidential speech of Biden. Wish you in US the best to get really united again.

Bonnie said...

I have never felt the terror that I felt yesterday. I totally agree with you

Dorothy said...

Love you, love your thoughts, love your bravery to speak out

Unknown said...

My wife told me about this post Bonnie - it is truly wonderful. We are in Canada and were truly saddened by what we witnessed earlier in the week. Your blog post shone a light on hope and harmony. You put positivism out there for folks to embrace. I've not had a chance to look at every reply but it appeared to me that the overall consensus was support and encouraging of the thoughts that you were potraying, in words and through your quilt. Inspiring, in my opinion. Thanks for that. Also great to see the wonderful craft that you all produce. I've benefited from a few favourites. Wishing you a wonderful start to the weekend. Take Care.

Blogless me said...

Love and hugs from afar during these very trying days. At least now it should be clear to everybody why you should speak truth to power, and not enable thugs no matter which office they hold.

goldengirl46 said...

Can always count on your blog. In no way are yesterday's events an expression of anyone's rights. That is the plain truth of the matter. Did manage to find some respite in working on my Unity quilt. Thank you for providing it for us. You have shared your struggles through the difficulties of the past year with us and managed to bring light into a dark time.

vicki said...

thank you! you said it best...
hugs and God bless

Gail Holt said...

We are all heart broken and sick due to the scenes at 5he capitol which 7nfolded before our eyes Wednesday. I love 5hat you share your feelings, your pets, and your quilts with us. God bless you.

gabyrdie13@gmail.com said...

Bonnie--be true to yourself. I appreciate your skills as a quilter as well as a storyteller. I've been following you for a couple of years and I just enjoy seeing the world through your eyes, your travels around the world, your opening of the Quiltville Inn and the beautiful scenery around you. I also appreciate your honesty. Continue to be who you are!

Karen said...

Thank you!! I needed to read this & I love the quilt.

Robyn MacKay said...

You are not alone with your tears. I feel every emotion you have mentioned. Hugs and prayers to all

sjaoce said...

Bonnie, never apologize for doing what is right. You have said what so many of us are feeling with such candor and elegance. The people you might lose will be replaced with people of integrity and morality. Thank you for being a voice.

mary Jean Rose said...

Thanks for expressing your feelings. You helped me understand my own.
suddenly I love you more.

Robyn MacKay said...

Thank you Bonnie. You are not alone with tears. I feel every emotion you have mentioned. Prayers

Marysmith said...

Thank you so much for your words Bonnie! Thank you for sharing! I think we are all hurting so badly right now, you said just the right amount of the right stuff. Hugs to you and all as we try to move forward.

Deb said...

I am a local. I met you earlier in the pandemic outside the Vet's office and we spoke for just a second. I started following you because I was interested in the progress with your beautiful Inn, but I took a few quilting lessons back in the late 80's and made a couple of quilts. My crafting interest then went in another direction, counted cross stitch, knitting, raising animals for fiber, then dyeing fiber and yarn, etc. Now I'm toying with reviving my quilting - all because of you. I appreciate your thoughts, and they mirror my own. So, thank you for sharing - your self, your art, and hopefully one day we can share a longer visit.

Dee007 said...

From South Africa - I feel for the Quilters in the States. What happened was shocking to me. Hugs to you all - the new day always brings new hope and healing.

Cheryl said...

THANK YOU!! You have proven, once again, that the quilting community I surround myself in, are some of the best souls in the world. I am so grateful and humbled.

linda said...

Bonnie I support you in everything you do! I had the pleasure of taking your class a few years ago in Ormond Beach FL!

pareapantry@gmail.com said...

We all need to stand in our own integrity. I admire that you are standing in yours. Circling you with love. Jeanne

JammaJo said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for expressing my own feelings so eloquently. Keep up the good work and know that you have legions of followers who support you and enjoy your blog, no matter what. I can barely get through the day having lost my husband last April and you keep me going. You inspire so many quilt ideas that brighten my outlook. I can’t thank you enough. You are my sister I haven’t met in person yet, but I’m right there with you in spirit. I hope to meet you some day. May it be soon. -Joanna in Maine

jam said...

So very well said.....thank you for sharing! Hugs to you.

Ruth said...

Long time from now, when one of your great, great, great grandchildren pulls out a tattered quilt to show his/her child this beautiful testament to family and those who came before them, they won't know the individual emotion and rawness of the days we have lived. But like so many other historical documents, yours will tell a story. And I know deep in my heart that your great, great, great grandchild will listen to the story in a United States of America that is still far from perfect but in a better place than the times we are experiencing today. We must tell our stories of our times like so many have before us. Forgetting is not educating. Forgetting is losing. Love to the way you document our times.

Unknown said...

Hi I am from Cape Town South Africa and I was ironically sitting and working on Grassy Creek watching CNN when I saw this news. Having been to visit Washington DC on a number of times, it saddened me to see what was happening there. We always look up to the USA as the bastion of democracy and to be able to have non violent change of government.
Bonnie, you have the right to express your feelings, regardless of the outcomes. You are exercising your First Amendment rights.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for expressing how most of us are feeling—both about quilting in general and Wednesday’s debacle in particular. You are one of the great good ones that help us all to keep mind body and spirit together. Be safe and well.

Patricia said...

Thank you for this post. I feel the same way. Amazing quilt that is showing our times and showing we can come together.

Paula DiMattei said...

It is comforting to hear your words today. So well said. Thank you for validating for me that what we saw unfold was just deplorable and I'm not the crazy one for feeling the way I feel. In the aftermath of 9/11, I felt our country truly became united and people set their differences aside to come to the aid of others. But with domestic terrorism, I fear a greater challenge. But I have to have hope that there will be better tomorrows. At the very least, I can follow the words to one of my favorite hymns. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Thank you Bonnie for all the joy you have brought into my life. I wish you peace and comfort.

Bill's mom said...

I will continue to follow you. I admire your willingness to alienate some that may affect your business. For me, I will be MORE willing to shop and interact with you and your site.

k.vetter said...

Totally agree with everything you said Bonnie !

JulieC said...

How interesting that you completed that quilt before the assault on the Capitol. I name it Cassandra for the ancient Greek prophet. This is your space where you express what you want. I'm sorry people think they should attack or threaten you or anyone else who shares a different point of view. I'm glad you approve comments before posting. It keeps your readers from seeing how unkind people can be. Unfortunately you still see it and that must hurt.

Jetmaio from Florida said...

Something you should know and hold very dear to your heart is how many people wake up each day to read your blog! Not for your political views but for your positive views on life and the world. Your vision of beauty that you share with all of us through your talented writing and photography. If you do read your comments, please don't be only (human) and read the ugly comments, take the time to smell the roses you have shared with all the rest of us who appreciate you more than you can imagine. I have been one of the lucky (old) ones who lived when life was good and RESPECTFUL,I can only prayer our little ones may once again know what that's like.

Laura Neidich said...

Thank you for being you! You are always inspirational and wonderful!

Peggy said...

I feel so sad about what is happening in our beautiful country. Not only for what happened in our capital yesterday but for all the destroyed cities (Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, etc) that were also "attacked'. This is not our way!

Pam Daily said...

Love your patterns, love your blog and esp today’s. Thank you for creating a place for us all to come together with our disappointment and shame for the events of Wednesday. I pray that much was learned so as not to be repeated.♥️

Carolyn said...

Above all, we are Americans and will overcome any and all obstacles that deter the continuation of our democracy even though the threat has come from within.

Pam Daily said...

Love your patterns, love your blog and esp today’s. Thank you for creating a place for us all to come together with our disappointment and shame for the events of Wednesday. I pray that much was learned so as not to be repeated.♥️

Lisbeth said...

Thank you from Denmark. Thank you because you dare to be true. ues words matters. Bless you. I love your quilts. Looking forward every day to read your letters. Did in many years.

Peggy said...

Well said!! TY

Joanie M said...

Bonnie, well said. I find it hard to think any American is not hurting over the events .... I have great faith in God and our country and know that we will heal and grow back together eventually. I am glad you shared, expressed your pain ....and i love the quilt by the way!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for always keeping it real and honest. I agree completely with your sentiments. Words just cannot explain all of these current events appropriately or effectively, and your quilt does say it all. Disjointed, disconnected, not sure where to start or end with our thoughts or feelings. Again, quilting is the method we use for expression, healing, and comfort, and I wholeheartedly hope that everybody can find comfort and expression through their quilts.

Sarah said...

Very scary and sad time for our country. I agree with your feelings. Prayers for healing of our country, hearts, and minds.

Jody said...

Well said Bonnie! Thank you for sharing and being honest and open.

I am very glad my Dad didn't live to see what happened the other day, he was born in America, but his parents emigrated to Canada shortly after his birth (and I am more and more thankful that they did that!).

It is sad to see a former world power reduced to this level. Trump has eroded the USA about as far as he can. It is going to be a long road to recovery from Trump. Add in covid and it is a bit of a goats rodeo.

I send you love, hugs and strength. This too shall pass.

Cats said...

I so hope you are right Susan B. IMO it's time the saner of us invoked the 25th and took our country back!!! Hugs and quilt on... it's a good thing. Cats in Carlsbad CA

AnnieQuilts said...


ThomasAnn said...

I totally agree with you. This is the culmination of Republicans ( and I used to be a Republican) allowing Trump to do anything he wanted. As a former assistant principal, we sent kids to alternative school for some of the things he posted on Twitter. I just wish the Republicans in Congress had your courage.

bev constantine said...

I so agree with you. So many emotions. Who would think anything like this would ever happen. Hopefully this will help bring people together and not continue to divide us.

Peg Sullivan said...

Blessed are your thoughts. I sat with such sadness and anger at the chaos that was our country. Quilters will do with this as they feel they must.
Make peace with pieces. You can use that as the name of your sparkling lovely quilt.
It is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Amen to all the wise words written by Bonnie and the replies above.

Darci said...

I believe we are being driven to divisiveness, bad behavior and bad decision making. I'm not sure who is in the drivers seat. All that I know is that 50% of the voters in this country feel one way and 50% of the other half feels another. It'd be nice if we realized that one half has to start actually listening to the other and then the harder part even....hearing what they are saying. The media isn't helping anything either. Every article I read is inflammatory and nothing I read is without the idea that it's not even true or designed to get a reaction not tell the story impartially.

Mary said...

Bonnie, I am so proud of you for speaking your opinion . It is an american right to do so. I have wonderful quilter friends in my group and we agree to disagree without negative feelings. Free to speak our minds without prejudice to one another. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I read you comments daily. First thing in a..m Keep on being Bonnie. You are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Bless you. I hear you. I support you.

charityquilter said...

Bonnie - if someone wants to "drop you" and run the other way, so be it. They are only hurting themselves.

As for naming your new quilt design, I think you may have already done that - "jagged and mismatched". LOL

Marty said...

No apologies Bonnie needed, many of us feel the same way.

I read your post last night, then read it again today, snd when I pulled it up I saw 12 blocks, Zig Zag is what I thought. Our nation has zigs one way, then another depending on who is in the WH. Without chaos, change doesn’t happen, whether we like change or not, just like in our families. We’re an imperfect nation, but the greatest Democracy in the world. Awareness of whatever needs to be changed even if we disagree with what that is. That’s what’s fabulous about democracy, we can discuss it! We weren’t alive during the birth of our nation but are a aware of our history and learn more every year. We will get thru this, as we have before.

But, quilting binds us all. The desire to create heirloom works of art, to comfort and envelope others with our love. Thank you Bonnie for helping us create those treasures. Blessings to you and your family, and “kids”.

Rosemary said...

Amen and thank you for your honesty. At 83, I never believed I would see this in our country ... but then I never believed there would be a 9-11 happening. Your quilt does express the turmoil of Wednesday. I applaud you for telling it like it is. This is your life and our lives that that will forever be affected by this unbelievable day.

Chrismamaanglo said...

As a Canadian I was horrified by what I saw yesterday, Thanks Bonnie for not keeping silent about how you feel. I think "Shattered and Scattered" would be an appropriate name for your disconnected quilt.

Liatris said...

I'm not sure if you are calling this quilt Fractured or Shattered, but the separate units do come together. That is the hope part, which is essential.

Carol Nye said...

Bonnie, I did not read each of the 200 comments on your blog today, but I agree with your feelings! When this started, I was listening to NPR, on the car radio. I had seen the crowds on CNN, that morning. I was aghast at what was happening!! This is America, not some "banana republic". This should not have happened. I hope all the instigators will be brought to justice. Like you say, I have not been so shocked since 9/11.
I am going to my happy place, a.k.a., my sewing room, to repair my mental health!

Jodi D said...

Well said! ❤

BigSister said...

I agree with you. Fractured!

Mary Ellen said...

Bonnie, I have to agree with you. It was very scary. I hope never to see anything like that again. We somehow need to teach people to respect each other. If things don't work out your way, don't resort to violence. Suck it up and act like a grownup. (although some of the grownup don't know how to behave) Learn you're not always going to get your way and accept that. Meanwhile, be respectful.

CarolK said...

Thank you Bonnie and all your followers for expressing your feelings and thoughts. It gives me hope that this country is truly resilient.

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

Thank you dear Bonnie for speaking from your heart. With my little You Tube group, I felt I had to say something and was afraid that it might offend someone - your line about whatever funds you might lose are less important than the cost of remaining silent. That is a quote for the ages and part of why you are so special! Thank you for your comments that us deal with the fear and the grief of what is happening to our country right now. You are a true leader! Hugs, Deb Johnson Our Time To Quilt

Pamela said...

Warm hugs from Down Under. Watched in utter amazement and horror. Continue to speak your mind, Bonnie. It is your right. The thing about Freedom is that it is not free - there is always a price. Same with Rights - they come with Responsibilities and Consequences. Hoping for better things for you all soon and that your nation's sadness is lifted so you can once again shine as a beacon of democracy.

Unknown said...

I'm so grateful to you and the ones who replied before me. You give me hope for a better day. I don't know if I will still be standing next year and thinking back on yesterday, but I know that my prayers will be heard and responded to in HIS time if not in mine. Peace to you and your families.

lgjarn said...

Your quilt reminds me of the emotion that has gone through our beloved nation....you should call it "Shock Waves".

RoxySherburne said...

Dear Bonnie: I love your posts and your pictures are always beautiful! I was also astounded by what happened. Thank you for being you. Roxy in Hudson, WI

Deb L (Australia) said...

I sat and watched the TV for hours as the events unfolded. And yes I was horrified. Our prayers for peace and harmony. From Australia

Unknown said...

Thank you for putting on the forefront the profound sense of sadness and grief of yesterday. Here is hoping the next two weeks go quickly and we as a country can start to heal

Alice Cooksey said...

Amen and amen. We are filled with horror and dismay. Not since 9/11. Amen.

Lindafromnm said...

Bonnie Hunter, this is why I love you and your blog so much. I’ll never forget the words you wrote four years ago when this man was elected. You put into words the grief and extreme sadness I was feeling. I’ll never forget that and was so appreciative that you went out on a limb and spoke up. Thank you for doing the same thing now.

Debby Gorman said...

Amen, sister!

Dixie Morris said...

My heart is with you.

Megclix said...

I know this is a day late (what else is new?), but your expressed emotions about what went on in our nation's capital is so true for everyone. Thank you. And, the quilt says it even better.

Aune Mattila said...

We all in Finland are sorry for your president´s behaviour. We cannot accept that. Hope better times.

MaggieOz said...


Curious Daylily said...

It's funny that some believe it's such a terrible punishment ... to stop buying from a seller over the expression of personal opinions and emotions. That a few dollars lost in one place cannot be made up, or even increased, from another place.

Sew on, Bonnie! Create on! And stay true to yourself!

AnnieK said...

Your blog hits my inbox a day later than written, and if I haven't been diligent about checking my email, several days may have passed. Reading this blog on Saturday morning brought fresh tears, though they feel more like healing tears than the rage and grief I have been shedding. Thank you for being you.

Sam said...

I’m still very sad. Trying to snap out of it. Thank you Bonnie for all you do and all you say!

Hiker said...

Agree. The media didn’t report what was happening nationally and democrats in power of those cities did nothing to help. I hope and pray you are safe.

Margie said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts- I felt as if I were being invaded as I have always thought of the Capital as my House too. Quilting helps keep me from yelling at these people and I hope they will be prosecuted for the damages to OUR CAPITAL!!

Brenda said...

In the history of quilting each quilt is inspired by emotion, politics,good and the bad,etc.
Why would these times not also be documented.
Bless you and all that follow your blog! Happy Quilting!

Rochelle said...

Ms Bonnie, no threats from me. I do so appreciate your reality approach to your blog. We are humans,not automatons. Our quilting is affected by everything whether we want it to or not. I didn't watch all of it, I worked Wed AM, came home sick Wed PM and spent a couple of nights in hospital. My husband did watch and has apprised me of all. Life is not all pretty Fabric, gunny motifs, likes and lives and emojis, it's war and hate and crazy actions that put our republic in danger. By writing what you write, your work is richer and more vibrant because it is not rose colored, but colored by browns,grays, whites,creams and all the colors of the rainbow. Thank you for being you. Typed slowly left handed as I had a heart cath this morning. I am catching up on your page and blog. I had to say something on this page, Prayers for you and our country.

Tonil said...

I feel for all in the USA (I am in the UK) and understand your feeling and deep concerns.
From chaos will come 'stillness', undoubtedly to some degree. Take heart Bonnie. and keep quilting.
Your quilt is beautiful in it's own chaos, enjoy completing it. A history of a moment in time, born before the events...
Take care

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I agree with you and am glad I am not alone. I have never had so many tears in fear of this countries future when our voices are ignored. Thank you for sharing!

Rie said...

Amen to that. Hugs to you and to everyone that is brave enough to stand with you.

CC said...

Thank you for an eloquent summation ... your words did not fail! Virtual hugs headed your way!

Stacey Martin said...

Be true to you, always! People will find a reason to not like you, if they look for it. I respect you more from this post. I too STILL FEEL LIKE 911 happened and it jist seems to be getting worse! Thank you for being you and sharing that with us!

Nikki R said...

Thank you. I appreciate that you expressed your sadness at what happened on the Mall without expressing anything about your own political leanings. You don’t speak as a member of a political faction, but as an American in pain. I share your pain. I never realized how fragile our democracy really is, until this unthinkable act occurred. It appears we need not necessarily be worried about the enemy on the outside as much as the enemy within. I hope we find a way to bridge our differences so that his will remain an isolated act. Perhaps we need to teach more people to quilt, to create a patchwork of people and ideas that will hold together even while the pieces are individual and unique.

Anonymous said...

I grieve with you. I have loved 'that quilt' since you first started making it. Such interesting name suggestions. Will you be making a digital pattern for us? Thanks for all you do for us.

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