
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Turning a New Page!

This morning's sunrise!

Right where I hoped it would be!

As much as I struggle with the time changes twice a year, I DO love daylight in the morning.  And I love being able to see the sun come over the ridges when the trees are leafless.

It is breathtaking.  It starts my day out on the best note. The beginnings of a sunny morning such as this hold such promise!

And nothing cheers as soul like beautiful flowers!

I really have to thank Carolyn for sending these beauties - they put the realization of the genuine kindness of people into my hands as evidence that the world is still mostly a good place full of good caring people.

Thank you Carolyn!  This gorgeous arrangement is being enjoyed to the fullest!

As to the "Turning a New Page" subject line above?  I came to a conclusion yesterday after exhausting every effort to even get to a support area on Facebook about my inability to get Page Publishing Authorization on my Quiltville Page.


And the problem is that my business page, and my personal page were made as two separate profiles. And I can't verify myself as a real person to claim my page and attach it to my profile. Nothing works.

And yet, there were so many "Please don't leave us!" from my readers, and even more "I refuse to add Instagram to my list of Apps." from others - that my hands were sorely tied.

"You have to be where your people are." came the advice.  And from a business standpoint I get it - but this is SO RIDICULOUS. If I could talk to a real person on Facebook - but no.  Even their CONTACT SUPPORT doesn't have a link to contact support, and you fall down the rabbit hole of going nowhewre.

I was literally SICK over the weekend with this.  And it is so stupid.

So yesterday afternoon I decided to CLEAN HOUSE.  Those who want to follow me on Facebook can follow me to a new page that IS attached to my personal profile.  You can find that page HERE.

I will no longer be posting at the old page.  I am sure I will be UNABLE to post at the old page after November 5th when they revoke my posting abilities.

The page will likely just stay there, dead in the water, with a header photo telling folks to find me at the new page.

That cleaning house thing?  It is likely that I won't even get half of the followers to migrate. But how many of that 135,000 are not actively following my page anyway? Or participating in our mysteries?

Cleaning house means that even through there will be a smaller number of followers, they are actively choosing to follow, so engagement with these followers will be that much more meaningful.

And on we go.

I was so ramped up I had to take some time to at least sew something!

A randomly pieced scrappy Christmas backing -

For something special!

I meant it when I said that this fabric was going to be used and used hard.  Some of these prints I have loved so much over the years, but I don't sew enough with holiday fabrics to make a dent in the amount I have.

Do you recognize any of these?

I am looking forward to perhaps loading this quilt and getting the quilting started today - but there is also the pull of making a "Frankenbatting" out of batting scraps for this quilt, rather than cutting a big piece off the roll to only make more scraps in the end.

We shall see.

Pardon the dry hands - 

That is a sanitizer side effect!

And my cuticles haven't been seen to since March.

But look what happened to my BUMP!  Not sure how, but it flattened.  Weird. It feels like a blister has popped, but there was no fluid.  At least I know it's not a wart, right?

There was some time for this last evening -

I was breathing much easier - I was feeling more positive about my decision to start a new page. Breathe, relax, focus on the good - one stitch at a time!

Sweet Ivy Lea checking everything out!

So here we are at the first Tuesday in November - what is on your plan for today?

Those of you voting in person - please be safe.

I'm trying not to stress about election stuff.  There is nothing more I can do at this point. I do not even plan to follow the news today. I'll find out tomorrow morning.

I am just praying for no violence, no matter who wins.

Let's just all quilt and share!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage embroidered puss-in-the-corner summer spread found in Virginia. 

Amidst all of the "have-to's" in your path today, try to find some time to squeeze in some creative "want-to" that's been calling out to you! 

Have a lovely Tuesday, everyone!



Carol Weber said...

My prayer is the same as yours, Bonnie: no violence, no matter the winner.

Judy said...

Thank you for all you share. Will follow on Quiltville website. FB is declining in value in my eyes. Better days ahead!! LOVE the bouquet Carolyn sent you.

Judy said...

Thank you for all you do. Love the bouquet Carolyn sent!! Have a great day. Will continue to follow on blog.

Susabella said...

Just dropped by your new page. Bonnie, I would follow you anywhere!
Actually, I’m not a big FB follower, I find all I need on your blog. Getting ready to pull some fabrics today. Are there numbers that correspond to color names? I’m heading to Lowe’s today.

Unknown said...

Glad you are getting settled and at peace with your decision.......thank you for all you do for so so many!

Cathy said...

Could bump be a cyst? Had one same finger. Would come and go over couple years. Then just disappeared. Love your blog. Can relate to so many things you post.

Sharon K. Jack said...

I am following you on your new FB page love your posts pulling fabrics for the mystery. your flowers are beautiful and you deserve them have a great day

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

There is a printable PDF of the paint chips front and back that provide this information. It is linked in the Introductory post. Find the link, print it - and you have that information at your fingertips. Thank you.

Mary said...

I've been following your blog long before I was an instagram or twitter person. I found the new page on FB quickly. I moderate a couple of pages and terribly dislike the changes that happen to page format/structure. Same thing on my blog page at wordpress. They think they are "improving" but really frustrate this old girl. I'm watching the numbers go up on your new page as people are moving over to it. With the mystery coming there is a huge level of excitement. I went on a cleaning binge last week while waiting on word of my sister in the hospital on the other side of the country. Kitchen curtains washed & windows clean for the winter. ;) She is well and now I can go back to focus on my quilting. Mary/stitchinggrandma.wordpress.com

Lucy said...

Happy you are back on Facebook. Less stress over it now. Love your mystery quilt alongs.

Amy Laura said...

Thanks for finding a way to stay on FB, even if it is rather annoying! I feel the same as you about election stuff, although every time I even think about, my heart races and worry creeps in. So, trying to just put it out of my mind. Enjoy your day!

Sharon Riley said...

I am glad you decided to continue with facebook. I've only made one of my mysteries, Orca Bay. I know that was a long time ago. But, I enjoy your Facebook page. I have met you in Jackson and Memphis Tennessee. I'm planning on making this mystery! Love your style!
Sharon Riley
Dyersburg, Tennessee

Dalina said...

Thanks again Bonnie for all you do for your loyal followers. I have found your new Facebook Page. But never miss reading your blog each day. Such a very thoughtful gift Carolyn to send a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I had to make a run to buy a zipper yesterday at the box store and found a bundle of gray fat quarters for 10.00. I decided to get them and use my coupon for cheaper price and see what I can find in my stash to pull fabric for the mystery quilt. But I am not planning to start anything until I have all my Christmas gifts finished.

Amber said...

Sometimes cleaning house is just what you need. Love seeing all you do.

Lpamela said...

Love following you. Has gotten me thru some really tough life bumps! I’m sure most quilters will follow you! Don’t worry. Have a great day. Thank you

memckee2 said...

This Facebook thing is kind of like purging your stash! You'll keep the important ones.

MRose said...

Oh my - I used yards and yards of that lovely green/red paisley on the back of your quilt. Loved that print! Thanks for the trip down memory lane...

Lidwina said...

I am glad you created a new page so I can continue to see your posts on FB, however I do follow your blog on Bloglovin. I am Canadian and I too hope there is no violence anywhere in the states in the coming days. It breaks my heart to see business boarding up windows in anticipation of what is to come. Be safe my American friends.

Alice said...

So glad u set up new shop, we will follow you and all your knowledge, I have Instagram but do better on FB . Thank again

KayeT said...

Love the old quilts and quotes of the day. I also plan on ignoring the constant barrage of election today. Never ending! Sent my ballot in a month ago, and to me it’s done. Looking forward to some quilting today, wording on Afternoon Delight by Sue Garman. Looking forward to your next mystery. Always fun.

Mary Ellen said...

Some personal training today (part of recovery from sciatica early this year), then sewing with Gyleen today on her election day sew-along. Keeping my mind off the news. Cleaning house. Good move. I have already moved over to your new Facebook page.

Mary Rogers said...

I read your blog every day. Thanks so much for all you do and for sharing your thoughts. I have signed up to follow your new FB page. Looking forward to seeing all the Quiltville posts.
Take care and try not to stress-easier said the done. Everything will turn out fine. You have worked so hard over the years and it has paid off.

Gail Topper said...

Sorry you've had to deal with all the FB nonsense. I had a similar go-round with them a few years ago. At least you found a resolve and many of us will join you at the new page. We won't let the world's gremlins get us! Quilters RULE! (well of course we do!) ♥

Meg E. said...

It's so sad that everything seems more difficult in these times. I'm sorry that you had to struggle with FB but many of us will follow you elsewhere. I don't post often but love reading your posts. Today I am retreating to my sewing room, putting Pandora on and sewing to find peace in the day. Also praying for peace and healing in our beautiful country.

Betty the quilter said...

As long as the sun comes up in the morning & goes down at night, that's all we can hope to be right with our world. Oh & the fabric stashes right where I left it yesterday LOL. Have a beautiful day

Robin said...

I have the ssme bump that has come, gone, now back again. It's ugly but no pain so I'm doing nothing about it. I'm following you on your new page. I'm sorry this has caused you so much stress, Facebook has us right where they want us, thinking we can't live without them. You stated in your blog Sunday that you might take Sunday's off from the blog. I think that's an excellent idea. Many people "go dark" on Sunday and take time to enjoy the day. Do what's best for you and your family!

Ruth's girl said...

I follow you only on your blog and I SO enjoy it. It is a daily stop for me. Just reading it makes me feel like we are friends. :) I hope you can let go of the stress the issue has caused you. I can't believe that your Facebook change will affect your business. You have such a loyal following and do so much good for the quilting world. I am praying that you can be at peace with all of this.

Lisa T said...

Never was a Facebook or Twitter person but with the way they are behaving lately, I never will be. I go to your blog first thing each morning. It's always a great way to start my day and I thank you and send up a little prayer for you every morning when I finish your post. Hang in there. I hate change but my favorite saying is 'There is good in EVERYTHING. We just have to look for it!' You'll find the blessing at some point. xoxox

cindythequilter said...

I too have moved with you to your new page. It is very worth following you for the uplifting and positive content you have. I also love, love, love your scrap system and your quilts. I am making the mystery quilt this year. Unfortunately we do not have a Lowe's anywhere close to where I live. I was wondering if you had the corresponding color numbers for the 3 in 1 color tool for the colors you are using. I could then use that for picking out my colors. Up in Canada but we are hoping and praying for you all on this election day.

Dawne and Dale said...

Once long ago I happened onto your blog. I immediately started to follow you. 2005 maybe. I will continue to follow you as you are after my own scrappy heart. Those who are active will follow you anywhere!! Have an awesome day and remember to breathe.

maryofkern said...

I don't do twitter or instagram, but YOU are 1 of 3 that I follow on FB, have already joined your followers at the new page. I read your blog daily...before the news to start the day off on a positive note.
The red print with the tiny holly leaves and berries is one I am currently using up in a scrappy holiday quilt/table topper. I originally used it in my first log cabin table quilt.
Have a good day, thanks for all you do. Looking forward to more scrappy quilting.
MaryAnn in Oregon

Lori said...

Happy to be following you on your new FB page. Sorry you had to go through all of that stress. Hope you have a wonderful day and I will take your advice to "try to find some time to squeeze in some creative "want-to" that's been calling out to [me]". Here's to doing what we love (and a peaceful election day).

Linda said...

I do not have Facebook and after all of the drama with not being able to connect with a person is very unsettling. I am with you as far as today goes no matter the outcome no violence. Planning on sewing.

katesquilt said...

Cleaning house is a good thing. I do a serious "rat kill" at least twice a year. Facebook, sewing room, clothes, stuff .... Extraneous things add up so quickly in our lives and many times you don't even realize it. Happy Tuesday.

Maria said...

I'm with ya Bonnie! Wherever you land. You (& your followers) have helped me through the years. The first mystery i joined was a personal challenge i made to myself. Thanks for making me a better quilter. Remember, you don't 'owe' us your life. Make a decision that pleases you! We love ya!

sue s said...

I read your blog every day, and feel so sorry when you have issues with things like FB or nasty writers. Glad you are feeling better and already signed up on your new page. Enjoy a day away from the news- that is my plan too.

Bonnie said...

Facebook, AT&T all big companies really don't want to be bothered. Let all hop the coming days are safe for all! Bonnie we will be there,have faith!
Bonnie in California. Hugs

Kay said...

Now that I've found you, I'm plan to follow you anywhere. Your posts are on my "must read" every day. Hang in there. And yes let's all pray that there is no violence, and our country can find a way to resolve these divisive issues. I'm not following it today either. I have plans to spend the better part of my day in my sewing room. take good Care

Mary said...

Found, followed and shared your new Facebook page thanks for permission to tyrn off the news and Stitch. I have a cute Cradle Quilt that needs some love and Stitches today. Then I can enjoy it in the Gallery here. Have a great day! Can hardly wait to see what is on the front of that Christmas backing -Quilt on!!

Sandra Henderson said...

Sim not looking at the news until next week! After all, it won’t be decided until then.....

JMOT said...


~M said...

With the FB hassles I’m not surprised. The constant change drives me nuts!! Plus the fact that FB wants your business page tied to your personal page just confirms big brother. Sigh!!

As for the election, I agree Bonnie, NO violence, vandalism or looting!! There’s just no justification regardless of which side you’re on. Crime is crime and there’s no excuse for it!

Today I go shopping for my mystery quilt fabric! Cheers!! ~M

Tammy Hutchinson said...

I had the same, on the same finger. Doctor said a cyst, can't remember the specific type. I forgot all about it eventually, and just checked- yep, it's gone!

Tilly Titewad said...

I added a few drops of glycerin to all my liquid hand soaps and to my hand sanitizer to counteract the drying. It works. Plz give it a try. Thx for all you do for all of us.

Brenda said...

Amen, Carol .

Diane in Oregon said...

It's totally time for a fresh start, in more ways than one! Congratulations on moving forward with the FB change.

(And I still have some of that Christmas paisley if you need more ;-))

Brenda said...

That's why our tools are called rulers : )

Tammie said...

I was hoping you would make a new Facebook page, but I didn’t want to suggest that if you were dead set on shutting it down. Even though I’m not fond of Instagram, I would have started using it just to see your posts. I think I don’t like it because I’ve never really figured out how it works. I do have a page and I follow you on there, but I never look at it. Glad you were able to get everything settled and your mind at ease. Can’t wait to see all the projects you are doing behind the scenes!

Marian said...

Just finished a 2 mile walk with my girls (10yr and 7yr rat terrier mixes)as we are having a beautiful sunny day here is St. Johns MI!!
Plan on doing a little sewing after lunch!! Have a great day Bonnie, try to lose some stress!

Linda said...

i wonder if the lump on your finger was a bursa? My sister had one years ago and it suddenly disappeared. They are caused by friction - in your case your thimble rubbing.

Jan said...

Read your blog daily, but I've never quite adjusted to FB anyway. So....thanks for all the enjoyable subjects you touch.

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Beautiful sunrise, proof of a new day, thank you for a picture is worth 1,000 words! Bonnie, take all these wonderful comments today and multiply them by 10,000 followers who you know are reading today and you will be well over 100,000 before you know it!! You lead and we follow...anxiously awaiting the mystery and viewing the “green thing”! Bless you.

pam said...

I have followed you on FB for a few years. I don't do the mysteries but I do enjoy seeing everyone's progress and their color choices. I enjoy your hard work to get this out to every one and am just fascinated with the precess of designing a quilt. I am glad you decided to continue with FB even tho it is a pain in the ... most days. I do venture to Instagram a few times a month but not as often as I am on FB. Love you all!!

Dk said...

I am with you I am enjoying this great weather today in Illinois bike ride this morning and a walk this afternoon. I did do some seeing this morning and may get more in later. No news please. I follow you on your blog, instagram and FB so just keep doing what you do. ❤️

Rhonda said...

It's so refreshing to make a decision. Takes the load off. Shoulders feel better too!. FB took me off their site a few months ago. Said I was not who I said I was??
I sent in ID's also they asked for a residence check, sent that in too. Tried many times to no avail. So I don't do fb and have no idea how all of it came together. I miss connections to family stuff and some longarm quilting stuff but have gotten over it and found life goes on and I'm no longer missing it.
Love your flowers and your backing in red. I love how you engage us in your life you are like a friend. Thanks for what you do and who you are.

otherussin said...

I voted and had to go twice as the first time there was no parking and the line was out the door and into the parking lot it self. My sister in California said when she voted the lines were long she had heard there has never been a turnout this big since early 1900's. Your backing is interesting. I have few 4inch squares of the two on the right side. Love the flowers and every sunrise. I'm praying for no violence and for everyone to cooperate in getting us back up to work.

Ms Amy said...

Of course I'll follow you to the new page. I can't get by a single day w/o reading your blog. I have many of the same habits - have to sew every day, my hands must always be busy, love my pets. While you've been stressing over the Facebook debacle & cleaning in frustration, I spent a restless night & an errand-filled day prepping for Hurricane Eta. I've been stuck outside the US in Grand Cayman since Feb. 29th due to Covid. Watching Nicaragua get pounded by the category 4 storm since last night breaks by heart for those affected there & in Honduras. Knowing that it's predicted to turn & head directly over us this weekend is terrifying. Groceries, gas, $, propane, batteries, pet supplies, & prescriptions are ready. Washing & cooking have begun. Clean sheets are on the bed. Tomorrow all hurricane supplies will be pulled out & checked. Done this drill for years but the fear never lessens. I cannot leave; there's nowhere to go. Will use the daylight hours to finally learn how to teach myself to treadle! Must read a bit before they cut the power in preparation! All will be fine but I must stay busy... sound familiar?

Gretchen Weaver said...

The 'thing' on your finger is a cyst. I have one too. My doctor told me that unless it bothers me, to just leave it alone. Sometimes it's larger so I know it's full of fluid then all at once it goes flat. The fluid never comes out, it's just absorbed into the surrounding tissue. Happy stitching!

cityquilter grace said...

that thingie might have been a lipoma...aka fat bubble...me i'm NOT watching anything election related until the results are final...

irishyankee said...


Leah said...

Good solution!

Deb S. said...

Praying for peace, right along with most of us. Thanks for migrating to a new FB page. But truth be told, I follow you on both instagram and FB. You have really inspired me. And now, my daughter and her best friend, both very successful professionals have asked to learn to quilt. So they follow you too! You may never know the impact you make, but thank you.

Lois M. said...

I agree.

Lois M. said...

I seldom looked at your Facebook page but read your blog daily. Today I voted and since there was both mail in and early voting, it was a snap. I could have driven a total of 20 miles to vote early or basically cross the highway where my street is to a s school to vote today. I just thought as many as have voted , surely it won’t take that long and it didn’t. Glad I waited.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
Thank You for everything you do! I love the flowers, and the simplicity of the quilt w/ todays quote.

No sewing for me today. I have to wait till Thursday. I still have a few things to complete outside tomorrow. Today I had VA Appt., Voting, P/u Bread and Chili from friend and grocery shopping. Yes, I wore my mask and kept the social distancing, as always. It is important for us all to do our part to help stomp this virus out, and to Vote. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain.

Kasilof, AK
Where Winter cold has set in, but no snow, Thankfully.

Katherine said...

Bonnie, you were directed to the best possible remedy, a new page. I'm all on board.

Jeanne said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do. I have all your books and am waiting perhaps for a new one? Hint hint. I only started quilting 5 years ago when I retired and have made Frolic and Unity and will be making Grassy Creek love the colours. I’m on Facebook and Instagram mostly to keep tabs on what my kids are up too....haha. Loved watching the transformation of Quiltville inn and hope some day to be able to come- I don’t belong to any guilds however as the ones in my area all have waiting lists that are ridiculous. Maybe a guild will adopt me. Glad you have made a decision and can move on, as the saying goes “ if you build it they will come” Currently I am taking HollyAnne Knight free motion quilting academy which I learned about thru your blog- the best thing ever so thank you so much for talking about it. Have a great Wednesday and I hope it’s sunny where you are. From New Brunswick Canada

Lesley Gilbert said...

I've started following your new FB page. I think the new start will show who your true FB followers are. I don't see everything you post but I do read your blog daily. I've not had the news on for 2 days so I don't know your election results, but I do hope there will be peace and harmony to follow. Greetings from England.

Deanna T. said...

Bonnie, your followers are loyal and we are following you. Try to relax and sew.

Carol said...

What an encouragement you are to all of us Bonnie! Life will go on and we will all do what we enjoy doing - sewing and quilting. I need to keep cleaning but this morning a new door is being installed as I type this. I haven't followed you on Facebook and if it wasn't for so many friends and family, I would be off and on something else. I will still follow your blog and enjoy your progress.

Marilyn said...

Bonnie, I found you a few years ago so I'm not going to stop following I've moved over with you. So sorry you had such stress over it. Thanks for everything you do for us, can't wait for your first clue. Stay safe. Xx

June said...

Bonnie, Use hair conditioner on your cuticles, it works, the $1 store brand works well.

Citrus Heights CA quilter said...

I too appreciate your blog, see it a day later as it is attached to the newsletter. Thanks for all you share, and for your encouragement and modeling enjoying life from where we are.

Anne Hayward said...

I love your blog and have moved to your new Facebook page, this is so silly that you can’t actually talk to a real person to sort things out!
So pleased your lump has flattened just as mysteriously as it arrived.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

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