
Sunday, November 01, 2020

Hello, November!

Who would have thought this is where we'd be in November of 2020?

And to be honest - this girl who usually focuses in positivity is having a bit of a hard time today.

I was even thinking of letting this post go unwritten - and just give it 24 hours to settle, but you know what?  Sometimes pounding the keyboard is the best therapy there is.

So let's start with the good stuff!  Remember these Sugar Loaf blocks?

I pulled out the strip sets that had been languishing in a basket - I just needed to sew something fun after finally releasing our Grassy Creek introductory post yesterday!  Did you see it? Are you pulling fabrics?

I even got some Easy Breezy Leader & Ender blocks made!

(Don't you love the grumpy cat fabric?)

It was a great way to spend Halloween!

Then this happened.

I had a bit of trauma with my van last evening, I was hit broadside by a deer. It was dark, and cold, and I have no idea how the deer fared - I never saw it coming until its face was in my side window! ⁣
I drove slowly all the way home until I could have the hubster check out the van damage. It isn't pretty!
I am grateful I am OK, the van is drivable, and we will be able to get it fixed. My heart keeps worrying about that deer. I hope I don't find it on the side of the road today.⁣

My evening consisted of this -

As I am dealing with another situation.  Facebook.  Because of my large audience, Facebook is asking me to fill out a page authorization thing, and it is not accepting my answers.

This is real, this is not a scam. I have over 134,000 followers and they consider that "far reaching".

I try to fill out forms, get verification, but it does not accept my answers.

I am feeling like my Facebook days are numbered.  If they close me down and make me unable to post to my pages, I will be deleting Facebook and sticking with the blog, and Instagram only. 

They have tied my hands and I have had 10 years on my Facebook page. There is  no email address to mail in a problem. There is no phone number to call.  They are big Facebook and I am on the verge of deciding not to play anymore.

Therefore, if you wish to continue to see my daily updates on social media, please add an Instagram App to your phone/tablet. You can find me at @quiltville_bonnie 

As our Quiltville's Open Studio group is also tied to my business page, I do not know yet what will happen if they close me down.

Yes, I'm upset.  But life goes on.  And the blog is still here. And I am grateful for those who follow, read, comment, and encourage.

Two Days Left!

If you missed the beginning of this FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING sale, please click back to FRIDAY'S POST for the nitty gritty.

I love my SewPad and can't sew without it!

Gary and Laura, the owners of SewPad have graciously offered up FREE SHIPPING on your SewPad order using coupon code TREAT at checkout.

Code MUST be used to take advantage of FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING.

Sale ends midnight on Monday, November 2, 2020 so hurry!

Orders must be shipped to a USA address.  International shipping not available, as these weigh in at at 4 1/2 lbs of ultimate seating comfort!

This is the time to be thinking of your holiday gift-giving to quilting family members and friends.

But remember - it's not just for sewing!  Try it in the car for long trips.  When we get back to life and can attend sporting events - think of bringing it for bleacher seating.

Your body will thank you!

Today - more sewing on the Sugar Loaf blocks I think. And some relaxing. And not worrying about vans or Facebook or whatever for just today -

I am also seriously thinking of taking Sundays as a SOCIAL MEDIA FREE day, which means the blog will only be published 6 days a week. I'm thinking I need a break.  I'll let you know.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Do whatever it takes to find your own inner peace! ⁣

I'll do the same.

Have a great Sunday, everyone!



Elle said...

HI Bonnie, my cybersecurity expert asks that you try a different browser. Forms are sometimes finicky to browser stuff we don't see as users. He finds Chrome to be the most accepting but every once in a while a product only works with Firefox.

I'm glad you are safe from the deer hit. I was involved in 2 as a non-driver and 1 totaled the car.

Hugs to you this beautiful Sunday morning :-) Love the Halloween hat!

brandln said...

Maybe all this Facebook drama is related to the election. Just more added stress for everyone. Also, Sundays "off" sounds like a very good plan.

psgrannie said...

Sending hugs to you, sweet Bonnie! I know how to find you...with or without Facebook. And yes, you need a break each week! Therapeutic as it may be to write ever day, it is still an obligation for you. It is really lovely to have a totally “me” day sometimes! You go girl!

Pam said...

Don't worry - everyone will find you if you leave Facebook - -you are so awesome with your patterns and time!! Make it a great day!!

psgrannie said...

Sending hugs to you, sweet Bonnie! I know how to find you...with or without Facebook. And yes, you need a break each week! Therapeutic as it may be to write ever day, it is still an obligation for you. It is really lovely to have a totally “me” day sometimes! You go girl!

Cathy Guth said...

I am about done with Facebook also. I follow you mainly thru your blog. I use FB to keep in touch with family n friends. Used to check daily but now maybe 2x a week. To much BS now! I will continue to follow your blog on your website! Hang in there! I understand your frustration!

Amber said...

So glad you are ok. Cars can be fixed, bodies not so easily. Take care.

Unknown said...

You might consider tweeting FB that may get you to the right person they see those more

Mary said...

Have a peaceful Sunday. We are lucky to have you wherever you are able to post. A Social Media day off is a good thing. My Daughter-by- love takes a week at a time off. So sorry about the Deer. I see them on the side of the road as I drive to the Mormon Trail Center. They are so confused, and probably looking for food or a drink. Thanks for posting so faithfully. Love and Hugs!

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh Bonnie I'm so glad you are okay after your accident. I hope you have a lovely relaxing restorative day in the sewing room.

Cats said...

oh dear, deer! glad you are ok... no wonder you were so "late" posting this morning... sometimes it seems the universe conspires to challenge your positive outlook... hugs, prayers and blessings that you work all of this FB stuff out and maybe it IS time to take a day of rest (I'll miss you) but it might be better than imploding and quitting altogether; snuggle in the quilts with your critters, do what makes your heart sing!!! Much love from Cats in Carlsbad, CA

Anne Hayward said...

So sorry your having these issues, it’s not fair that you cannot phone anyone to try to rectify this issue, I had a similar problem when they suspended me twice last year because my account got hacked. You could only appeal through messenger but with out Facebook I couldn’t use messenger.
Love your gorgeous Halloween hat, and your cute fur babies. Am enjoying hunting through my stash for colours fir this years mystery, such pretty colours.
Very pleased your ok, I’m sure the deer will be fine. It must have been very scary for you .
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx
Anne xx

cityquilter grace said...

we are all feeling the boredom....i'm just plodding along every day and doing whatever will alleviate it....keep on keeping on...it could be a lot worse...

Linda Mischloney said...

Hi Bonnie, I am glad you weren't injured, the van can be fixed. Living in the mountains has beauty but it also has it's dangers. We lived in the Rocky Mountains for 35 years,deer, antelope, moose, elk they just don't look both ways before crossing the road! I would miss your Sunday post but everyone deserves a day off. My vote is do it and don't look back. Happy stitching.

DianaO64 said...

Ok this is really creepy. I was going thru my stash and things yesterday and I found a kit that I got from a now closed quilt shop a couple years ago. On the back of the ticket attached to the fabric bundle it says. EZ Breezy quilt kit. So I googled it and the first one that came up is Easy Breezy Quilt kit that you have listed on your blog today. WEIRD!!!! But I don't think it's the right one given what I have in the bundle for fabrics. So I will look in all my piles of patterns and see if I can find the one that goes with it.

Lisa said...

I will miss you Sunday mornings if you decide not to post a blog. However, months ago I thought it was something that you would lean towards doing sooner. Enjoy your Sunday.

DianaO64 said...

Ok this is really creepy. I was going thru my stash and things yesterday and I found a kit that I got from a now closed quilt shop a couple years ago. On the back of the ticket attached to the fabric bundle it says. EZ Breezy quilt kit. So I googled it and the first one that came up is Easy Breezy Quilt kit that you have listed on your blog today. WEIRD!!!! But I don't think it's the right one given what I have in the bundle for fabrics. So I will look in all my piles of patterns and see if I can find the one that goes with it.

Tina T said...

Love the honesty in your blogs. Taking Sundays off is a great idea. We all could re-evaluate how much time we spend on social media. More family and sewing time and isn't that what makes our heart sing in the first place. You can only pour out so much of yourself.

Julia said...

Bonnie, been following your blog for sometime, I don't comment often. I'm just happy to read and learn. As far as Facebook is concerned, won't bother me if you drop it, I'm not a big fan of FB. Yes, you should take Sunday's off, we all need at least one day away from our "job"/volunteer work. Enjoy the dream you worked so hard to achieve.

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

I remember those Sugar Loaf blocks, looks like fun relaxing sew day, much needed after your recent events. I don't have Instagram but I'm willing to learn something new. I admit I am a little challenged when it come to social media, I still don't know how to maneuver well in Facebook but it sounds like they are too finicky anyway.

Dianne said...

I love reading your blogs and would miss reading a Sunday post, but you need to do what's best for you. We too had a run in with a deer. They do so much damage to a vehicle. Glad you're ok. A day of sewing sounds fun. My grandchildren are supposed to come over today, so no sewing for me. Not that I mind, grandchildren are so fun and they time we spend with them is priceless. Have a great Sunday. Dianne

Deb said...

I agree with using a different browser and make sure your pop-ups are allowed. Sometimes they ask for verification via a pop-up.

scullys2 said...

So sorry FB is not playing nice (or at all), and glad to hear to are you okay after the deer accident. You need to do what brings you the lease amount of greif and you definitely deserve a social media free day. Everybody needs a day to unwind. We'll all continue to read what ever you decide to share, at the times you decide to share it.

Enjoy your Sunday :-)

mazie jane said...

Everyone deserves a day of rest. Take Sunday, we'll be even more happy to see you on Monday.

Deanna W said...

Ah those poor deer who think they can beat a car/van. I also had one slide across my hood a few years ago. I never found the deer but I was ok and the car got to have a spa day!! Sorry to hear about the facebook problems...hopefully it will get worked out as I love watching and reading what is going on!

Paula said...

Hi Bonnie, If your hosting provider has email included, that's one way to meet the email requirement matching your hosting. Also, most people I've talked to who've had problems interact with fb through chat. That person can often give a phone number too. I will follow you anywhere so do what you need to do for sanity. Hugs, Paula

Beth said...

Good Morning Bonnie - I was not planning on doing the mystery - but after seeing the gorgeous fabric pulls - yep!! It happened :) I am going to start digging. These are "my"colors so I think I will have more than enough options!! Holidays will be different this year so that will make the mystery even more special and appreciated. Thank you for all that you do and for battling these hurtles. If you resort to smoke signals - I'll be watching for them :) Take Care!!

Gwendolyn said...

Hi, Bonnie! We’ll follow you no matter where you post. Hopefully, you don’t have any residual problems from your deer encounter. Today I’m drowning out the noise. You be well!

Gwendolyn said...

Hi, Bonnie! We’ll follow you no matter where you post. Hopefully, you don’t have any residual problems from your deer encounter. Today I’m drowning out the noise. You be well!

Eileen said...

Sorry about the deer, but glad you are okay and the van isn't totaled. I am sure facebook isn't really ready for the traffic that the mystery quilt brings. I hope you can get if figured out. Taking Sundays off is a great idea. Do whatever you need to make life better.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear that FB is giving you grief, Bonnie. Glad the van is still drivable and that there wasn't more damage to vehicle or driver!

Mary Ellen said...

Buck up, Buttercup! Maybe the Facebook cloud has a silver lining - one less thing for you to have to deal with in future if you can't get it to work. I already follow you on Instagram so that won't be a problem for me. If you want to go to six days a week for the blog we will understand. I don't know how you keep up with all this social media stuff anyway seven days a week.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs a day off, although I will miss having Sundays for a while. Enjoy your day!

Frog Quilter said...

I have been In Two deer Accidents. One I hit the deer broadside and she ate real well. The other ran into my month old new car. Did about $3500.00 damage. Thank God for insurance. Have a happy day this first of November. Hugs.

Phyllis said...

Sorry about the van and deer but so glad you're okay. Sunday as a free media social day would be a great restful time for you. I'm sure your followers would agree.

JMOT said...

Taking a day of rest and only publishing 6 days a week sounds like a good plan. You need a chance to rest. Prayers that trying a different browser lets you resolve your Facebook problems. So sad that the internet has gotten so impersonal that getting to a human being, even asynchronously, seems impossible. Hope you get a good day of rest the rest of today and do something that fills your cup back up.

Lilac Joan said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could go back in time. Have a problem with a purchase, call the company, speak to a real live person, tell them the problem. Even if it could not be fixed at least one had the satisfaction of telling the company about it in "real" time.

Doxiemon said...

Everyone deserves a break...you absolutely should take Sunday for your own! And do so with a clear, happy and stress free conscious!

Kay said...

Good Morning - So glad that you are ok after your deer encounter. They are always unexpected, startling, and give a shock to your system. Based on the picture of the van, and from my experience with friends & family that have had vehicle encounters with deer, your deer is probably ok. Side impacts are less harmful usually. I lived in the Hill Country of Texas for 25 years, and I didn't ever have a deer encounter with a vehicle, but almost everyone I know did. FB is really becoming a pain for lots of folks. It is my primary way to stay in touch with family & friends (sadly). I think you certainly deserve a day off. You do so much for all of us and have for so many years. Perhaps this is the year to give yourself a well-earned break (at least for a day). Take Good Care

AnnetteJ said...

When we lived in the "far North", we called it "being bushed". Too much isolation is very difficult to contend with. Only occasional visitors...it's hard! Then hitting a deer, traumatic under former circumstances, is emotionally devastating on top of the isolation. I think taking Sundays off social media is a terrific idea, Bonnie. You give so much every day, you need some downtime. Take heart. We will still be with you.
And I'm thrilled with Grassy Creek! 😁. Beautiful Autumn colours.

Vickie said...

Taking Sundays off sounds like a great idea! You deserve it. Sorry about the accident, but it can be repaired. Just glad you are alright and hopefully the deer is as well. Hugs

Finngirl said...

Your blog is the first thing I read each day but I agree that sometimes you need to step back and take a breath. We will be here to read your wonderful blogs whenever you write!! And be grateful for your generous spirit!! Thank you for all you do to brighten our days. God bless you and keep you safe!!

TheEclecticAbuela said...

I'm glad you are okay--scary!
Six days a week seems more than enough to me--regular breaks are important for busy minds.

Dorothy said...

Yes, please, do consider media-free Sundays! We want you to be happy and healthy!

Andrea said...

Years ago, when I was teaching in the mountains in Switzerland, I had a student who lost his father to an accident with a deer. The van can be fixed, I am just very glad that you are o.k.
I don't do Facebook, but with most people having so much more screen time, taking Sunday off sounds like a wise a healthy plan, even if I will miss reading it. Take care and have a great Sunday.

Judy said...

We will miss you if you don't post on Sundays but I think your mind and body are much more important. Take care and rest, I don't know how you do all you do but am glad you do it but now take time for you and your hubster.

Brenda said...

You will be so busy during the mystery---you could take a week or two off of social media before it starts. Take a little vacation. I'm grateful that you weren't hurt when you hit the deer (or it hurt you!) Those encounters don't always end well.

Connie said...

Hi Bonnie....so sorry about FB. But you know what? If you drop FB, I’ll follow you here and on IG. AND you deserve a day off👏🏼🤗 Connie in California

LoAnn said...

You deserve time off--make Sunday a media free Sunday and enjoy that day for just you! Include family as desired. LOL We (quilters) appreciate all that you do for us. We love to read your blog, love seeing pictures of all your adventures even if they are just local now. We love seeing pictures of family, including the fur babies. I was sorry to hear of your loss of a dear friend. Hang on to the wonderful memories. One of my best memories is meeting you at the quilt show in Bloomington, IN a few years ago. I couldn't get into your classes, but was able to meet you and go in and buy some items you had for sale at the show. My friend still teases me about how excited I was to meet you!

Betty the quilter said...

As someone who very rarely goes to facebook & doesn't even do twitter, fritter or any other social media, I get your frustration. I read quilty blogs. Love them, even tho I don't reply a lot. You need to do what is right for you. Never mind the rest of the world. So, sorry about the van. Had a similar incident several years ago. Deer hit my car on a highway & ran off. Scared the crap out of me. Didn't do damage to anything but my nerves. I assumed the deer was OK because it ran off. Hugs to you. Just go sew. Everythings all right with the world as long as we can sew.

Always In Stitches said...

Today I guess is a day for broken hearts. So sorry about the Facebook situation. I have had a long love hate relationship with Facebook. I too have threatened to just get on without Facebook. But I have so many people I connect to. So I hem and haw about it. But this has brought me to just deleting Facebook completely. I lived most of my life without it. I guess I can do it again. Sorry about the deer �� hit n run. We have experienced it more than once. Very scary. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Debcal1946 said...

Hi, Bonnie. Keep your chin up. This to shall pass. Several years ago a friend who owns a computer business told me to switch to Chrome as it is the safest & most reliable. It can't hurt to try.

sue said...

You absolutely deserve a break!! Go for it. Hugs for a relaxing day. Sue

Charlotte said...

Oh Facebook! Why all the drama? If it doesn’t work, I’ll just learn to use Instagram better. 😂😂.

Declaring Sunday a Cyber-Free day sounds like a great idea. You definitely deserve a day off. Go for it!

Carolyn V said...

I love your daily blog, but a Sunday for a day of rest sounds just fine to me.😊

Jill said...

I hope you don't give up on Facebook. I don't do Instagram and I would miss you. Looking forward to Grass Creek!

Gail Topper said...

Taking Sundays off for just you sounds like a brilliant idea. Although I look forward to setting my days in the right direction as I read your blog posts I agree that a person does need a break. Smart girl!
I hope Elle's idea to use a different browser will help your Facebook issues. A lot of people will be so sad to loose our connection with you in that format.
However things proceed with all the other social media venues we will still have your blog to keep us sane! Happy November!♥

Linda said...

I hope you have a leisurely Sunday, forgetting about problems and concentrating on you husband, animals and sewing. Enjoy! 😻🇬🇧

stitchinkitchen said...

Dies your Instagram really have 2 t in it?

Joann S said...

SOCIAL MEDIA FREE SUNDAYS - You deserve at least one day off a week! Go for it and enjoy. We should ALL have a social media free day!!

MaryKup said...

Yeah I read that somewhere as well for another group I am in. They used Edge to get all the paperwork done and it worked out fine. I can't believe they have no way for you to get help, that is just bad business practices.

Good Luck with the car repair and I do hope the deer is okay too.

Can't wait to start the new mystery even though I haven't finished the last one...or two....or three :)

Laura said...

Everyone deserves a day off! You would be missed for sure, but your loyal followers will understand.

Dianne B said...

Enjoy YOUR day. Breath, relax, scream, whatever helps. Glad you didn't get hurt physically by the deer. Emotions will have to work themselves out.

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

I am sorry you are having trouble with Facebook it seems if they are doing whatever they want without us being not being able to do anything about it. Ama zon blocked me because I was unable to put their mixed up code in. I do fine without it, I have friends that will order what I need. Take care of Bonnie we love and thank you for everything, you are very generous with you time and talents. Love Grassy Creek.

kaycep said...

Do take Sundays off! It's time for you to take back some of your time for yourself.

Astrid Reflux said...

facebook is basically the worst. Even though they own insta also, insta is easier to use and less clunky IMO - if it ends up you decide to move on, you're only doing what most of us should have done long ago!

Rupert's Mom said...

Bonnie, you sound as if you might have a case of lockdownitis. Please don’t be despondent. Being run into by a deer is bound to make you feel upset and your nerves jangled. We love your blog, but please could I suggest 2 things? Firstly, you always write long posts, which we love, but you could shorten them and they’ll still be great! Secondly, Facebook problems aside, taking a regular break from social media is a great idea. But maybe you could take more than one day off? You need time for Bonnie to get yourself back to you. Lots of love xxx.

Sharon in Seattle said...

We love you Bonnie and we're with you for whatever happens. Blessings on taking Sundays off! I'm so sorry about the deer, what a shock to the mind and heart! Rest well and happy quilting.

Love Of Quilts said...

I would be willing to join another page, if you make another Facebook so half of your follows could leave this one and join the other. With out saying so on Facebook just here on your blog. We would still be able to share our quilts with enough people and you could post to both. Maybe even have three Facebook pages so then they would leave you alone.

Chris Gilbert said...

Hi Bonnie,
I do software testing for a living and have discovered doing testing for the Army, that if you are typing answers into a form sometimes you need to do this to avoid an error message or to have the system accept the form after completing:

--Make sure when your're all done typing that there is a space after
the last character text, usually a period. And if the answers don't require a period, make sure there is a space after the last character you typed before clicking into the next question.

Don't know why that happens in some forms but it occurs far more than you'd expect.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sundays off makes a LOT of sense - I hope you do it.

Mary Bolton said...

Thank you for all you do for us. Everyone needs me time, take the time you need. XO

Julie said...

I've had deer run into me too. Glad you are safe and the timing wasn't such that you hit it. I'm going to try that sewpad - I work from home full time and definitely feeling the pain from sitting so much. I hope it helps. Thankful for you and this FB page. I sure hope it gets worked out bc I would miss it very much.

~M said...

Dang! I'm glad you're ok but hope the deer is too! As for FB yes it's a PITA!! A real time suck! If you do leave FB I'll keep my fingers crossed that quilt-cam will be back.....PLEASE! I'm sure everyone misses you. I know I do! Hugs! ~Merri

Karen R said...

Bonnie for what it's worth here is something I found on Fb that might get your ID question's answered .https://www.facebook.com/help/582999911881572?helpref=hc_global_nav

Marti said...

I'm beginning to think we could all live calmer lives without Facebook. We have given technology to much control of our lives!! Have a peaceful day and glad you faired the run in with the deer!

Kitty said...

Awww, Bonnie, I would so miss you on FB. Hope you get it figured out. Elle had a good suggestion. ~ Hope your day of relaxation goes well. We all need to have those regularly, and going to 6-days rather than 7 on your blog might help too. We all want you to take care of YOU.....whatever that looks like. <3

bjiwami54@gmail.com said...

I gave up Facebook earlier this year. I was amazed at how much time I needed to fill everyday. It was hard at first, but I soon found "sew" many things I could fill that time with. I no longer went down that rabbit hole every day, and yes, I have found you and others on blogspot and instagram. Whatever you decide, your business, your life. I'm glad the only damage was to your vehicle. Stay safe Bonnie Hunter!

Nikki said...

Another blog I follow, Travels with Kevin and Ruth, (they are Canadians, using RVing, right now visiting Turkey) reported similar upsets with Facebook and the inability to correct it or connect with a human at FB to help them. Maybe a FB thing due to the elections. Hope it resolves. Hope the deer is ok. Am already following you on IG. Love your blog and quilts. Happy days are in our future (if we keep telling ourselves that, lol) Right now I am traveling vicariously with Kevin and Ruth and pulling my mystery fabrics.

Marsha B said...

Sorry to hear about the deer incident, glad you are safe and the van can be fixed. There was no way to know the deer was there and you could not have changed the outcome, let it pass. Nature has a way to deal with everything. As for Facebook, I am so tired of everything social media. I choose not to participate in that media circus. I choose the blogs I enjoy and leave Facebook, Twitter and all the others alone. Taking Sundays as social media free will be good for your psyche. Just make it a day for enjoying your family, friends, hobbies and the beautiful surroundings of your cabin and inn. I love to see all the beautiful things you create, enjoy then and find the fun!

The Speckled Hen said...

As Elle described in her post. Try Google Chrome or Firefox as options, even if you are a Safari user. Internet Explorer is most problematic. It has to do with a tunneling and handshake issue with regards to the secure protocol settings of each due to hackers.

Karen R said...

Bonnie reach out to some other friends that have groups on FB and see how they handled what Fb has been asking you to submit. The other option is hit the down arrow on far right of page,click support ,then scroll to report problem and ask for help. It will get straightened out,think positive.

Bonnie said...

So thankful you are okay A run in with a deer is not pretty. Vehicles can be fixed. I so enjoy your blogs I'm very excited about this year's mystery. MAY God continue to watch over you

Quilting_Chris said...

With all of the complaining and belly aching I see on Facebook I do not blame you for thinking about calling it quits. I have also thought of closing my account, it started as a great way to communicate but has become a method of being a "mean" girl without having to face the person you are commenting to. There is so much spam in some groups it is just impossible to filter it all out. So glad the involvement with the deer wasn't worse for you and other than shook you are OK.

Donna said...

Glad you are safe, Bonnie! Today I permanently deleted my Facebook account. Decided I didn't post much and yet I received almost as many "notifications" as I do quilting emails. Guess which I like better????

TrulyBlessed said...

Sending you Hugs and much Love. How terrifying to have a deer collide with your van. I thank G-d you were not hurt. You work 24/7/365... harder than anyone. I hope you will take the week-ends off blogging and just enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Christine said...

I vote for you to take one day/week to be media free. It can only be good for you.

Ada said...

Take Sunday off..many of us do..it may mean less stress. Sorry about Facebook...they seem to be in social troubles in other areas....glad the air bags didn’t go off...thats an expensive fix. Looking forward to your new mystery..gathering the stash! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you're exit from Facebook, and also with you're taking Sunday off from posting.
We all need a break in our routine, or else the routine starts to drive our days instead of the other way around. Good for you!

acoelke said...

In "our neck of the woods" it isn't "if" you hit a deer, it's "when". It is one of the downsides to living in the rural wooded areas. However, we certainly do enjoy the beauty of the woods and fields, seeing deer, turkeys, and a wide assortment of birds. I know you wouldn't trade your cabin or Quiltville Inn for a deer-free environment.

Susie H said...

Nothing wrong with having a social-media-free day. Even if your Facebook page goes away, please don't take away your blog. So glad you're safe and I'm wishing the same for the deer too. Thank you for all you give to us!

Rita said...

I totally understand your desire to take Sunday off. Like the rest of us you need time to recharge your battery.

Jennie said...

Bonnie...God rested on the seventh day and I agree that you should too! We all need a day off to reboot ourselves each week. Spend time sewing, special time with hubby, walks with the dog, anything that gives you joy. So glad you are ok after your encounter with the deer. I had the same experience. It was so scary to have the deers face looking at me in my drivers side window. He ran right into my door and took off my mirror and destroyed the front quarter panel. Thank God I was driving slow because it was raining so hard. Cars can be repaired ... bodies not so easy!
Have a blessed day!

Lehighlady said...

Only reason I even stay in FB is my quilt groups!! And I'm in a group for both my sewing machines! They MUST have that many followers too!! Yes, DEAR, please rest on your weekends-- family time only!! Praying safety & protection over you & your family--you bring so much goodness into our lives!

MissPat said...

I haven't read through all the comments, but just a heads up in case no one else has pointed this out. The Instagram address you posted has an extra t in it. I don't do Facebook so won't miss you there. As far as taking Sunday off, go for it. I remember the days when you used to post twice a day on the blog. I wondered then how you found the time. Most bloggers who post daily do much shorter posts than you.

Anna said...

You do what is good for you. We will still be here.

Juststitchin60 said...

HI bonnie i was talking to one of my techy friends about friends FB was treating you, and what they said. He found this info and sent it to me so I am passing it along to you.
I really hope you can use the info.

Contact Information

You can contact the customer service representative of Facebook calling Facebook's helpline phone numbers.

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Sew lovely quilts said...

Hi Bonnie , so glad you are ok ,hopefully the deer is too , yes van can be mended but would be nicer not to have to go fixing. I found you on the blog years ago and often ( most days)its my only sewing fix for the day when my weary body hits the bed - I love the read, I don't do ig or fb no time. You give so much to us all ,do what is right for you to protect you - Sunday off sounds good to me & well deserved .Keep safe & well Ann

Jeri said...

Have you thought of reaching out to others who have a large face book presence to ask for advice? And like someone else said, it might be a browser issue. I’ve had to give up Microsoft Explorer at work and move over to Microsoft Edge. I’ve heard Chrome is user friendly too. Good luck. ❤️

Ruth's girl said...

I am considering deleting Facebook as well. Way, way too much drama over trivial statements. I read your blog everyday and I so appreciate it! I am at a point where I am cutting back on some things, magazine subscriptions, impulse buying of fabric & quilty stuff. etc. I am concentrating on using what I have so your scrappy world is perfect for me! Please, take care of yourself and taking Sunday off sounds like a good way to stay more creative.

Turid said...

Always issues to deal with. But my great grandmother told be not to use my tears on things that could be repaired by money. Good luck with your Facebook pages. We'll find you, always. By the way, I think you wrote a wrong Instagram address for yourself in this post.

Holly Burch said...

I believe things happen for a reason. Maybe the issue with Facebook is a blessing in disguise in some way. Those who want to find you definitely will. You are in charge of your life, so live it the way you want. If that means no posting on Sundays, so be it. Everone should do what is best for them.

Soapstone Quilts said...

Car/deer encounters are never fun; have had a couple over my many years of driving. Very glad you weren’t hurt. I hope you do decide to take one day off from your blog/social media. Everyone needs at least one day off per week, even if you enjoy your work. It is healthy and important to have some respite so you are refreshed and ready for the “on” days.

Joolze52 said...

Take Sundays out o recharge and relax Bonnie. Even the Lord had a day of rest girl xx

Rachael Woodard said...

I had over 300,000 FB fans and one day they decided I went against "Community standards" and jerked it. I never did get it back. I was absolutely furious and heartbroken. I had been with FB since it started. The best thing I can recommend is people NOT use FB as anything but a vehicle to shoot people to your OWN website.

Sue said...

Glad to hear you are alright and the van will survive. Sunday's off is a great idea. If you're not on Facebook, it's not the end of the world, if I have learned anything in 2020, it is that we can adapt.

Sue said...

Glad to hear you are alright and the van will survive. Sunday's off is a great idea. If you're not on Facebook, it's not the end of the world, if I have learned anything in 2020, it is that we can adapt.

marlene Coates said...

As others have said, we will find you !! Wise choice not to be driven by Facebook . Their loss. And you deserve a day off without the pressure . Enjoy your Sundays or whatever other days tell you to take a break. Looking forward to the new mystery. Am just sewing down the binding on my Unity quilt. Thank you for the joys you bring, especially in troubling times. Sending lots of hugs from Edmonton, Alberta..

Unknown said...

Facebook has been in the news a lot as trying to control free speech. Think they are afraid of a free quilter??? Glad you are okay after the deer accident. Hang in there, Sundays off sounds like a good idea. We will follow you

Susie Q said...

seems I spend more with the ads even tho they are my interests.... where are my friends and family.... the real reason I do Facebook?

Barb said...

we WILL find you!! the world existed before FB- yeah it really did!!- and will go on long after. those of us who quilt will find ways to share patterns, ideas, fabric sales, frustrations and most of all love and laughter! Happy Sunday Bonnie.....from Minisewda.

Jennifer said...

i see you have lots of comments, so not even sure if you're reading them all anymore. anyway, my instagram was hacked over the summer, and although it took 2 months+ to get it fixed, i was finally able to reach a real person (via e-mail) who helped sort it out, and did fix the problem. i'm cutting and pasting his e-mail for you here. hope that helps!

gardenwitch said...

Those "Oh Deer!" situations are so scary. I am glad you are okay. I too think you should have a day off. For goodness sake we can certainly do without your blog for one day ( no longer though I would get withdrawal symptoms!). So excited about new mystery although I am still working on last year's and just now putting borders on Allietare!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Had a deer experience one night. They just appear. When we hit each other he (a buck) rolled under the car and rolled out and ran off. Thankfully no damage. You are being hit by a lot of unnecessary stress that is out of your control. If you feel like taking a day off from posting, do it. You can always take a break and come back later. I for one just want you to be healthy and stress free.

Judyk said...

I’ll miss you on Sundays, but I absolutely understand your need for a break. As for Facebook, you are one of the only reasons I have a Facebook account. I’m glad the deer ran off and didn’t wind up through your windshield (I always try to look for the silver lining).

Ames in VA said...

I dumped FB 2 years ago after my personal page was hacked and I could not find customer service assistance . I don't miss it one bit.

Craft Mad said...

Hi Bonnie,
I enjoy your blog.
It is extremely important for you to look after yourself.
Do what is good for you, to keep you doing what you love.
Happy sewing.

Sherrill said...

Ooo, deers have always scared me from dusk to dawn so when we made trips between Ft. Worth and Pagosa Springs, we'd leave here in the dark since deer aren't that prevalent around here. That made us arrive in Pagosa before dark--whew! Facebook, Instagram--they've all got too much power. We all need to say 'we don't need you to keep in touch' and find other outlets

alspeaks said...

THank you for all your hard work. Facebook is a menace. When one person can control the narrative there is no free speech.

Toni Stanek said...

Hi Bonnie. Whatever you choose for you will be good for everyone. It's your life we get glimpses of and thank you for allowing us in. You might check to see if pop ups are being blocked by either your browser or your security software. There might be instructions on how to fill out the form in the form of pop ups. If those are being blocked I can see how the form might not be accepted. I am going to participate in the mystery in real time this year. Fabrics are pulled and I am diving in

Kristi said...

I'm only on facebook for a few specialized groups. Otherwise I would've deleted my account long ago. I totally support whatever you feel is the right thing to do!

Sue said...

I have your "Quiltville's Quips and Snips" on my regular computer. Instagram is a bonus. I actually have nothing to do with Facebook except as a way to share photos with family and friends. Don't care for the way FB operates. Just another reason to dislike them. FB is too powerful and controlling and doesn't answer to anyone. In general the big tech group is not to be trusted. So tell everyone to just put Quiltville's Quips and Snips as a site on their computer. Works for me.

Sue said...

I found you by putting in the site "Quiltville's Quips and Snips." I only use FB when communicating with a few friends and family. Don't like FB-too arrogant. Don't trust big tech anyway. So tell folks to just add a bookmark on their computer for the site Quiltville's Quips and Snips.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Your taking Sunday off is a wonderful idea for you and your family! I like your blog & read it every day, but you and your family should come first. I'm sorry you have to make a decision about Facebook, but you will decide what's best for you. Down the road in Lansing but closer to Jefferson, Joan P.

Linda B. said...

Bonnie just do what you feel is best for you. I'm sure everything will work out. Thank you for all you do to lift peoples spirits and bring joy to our day. <3

Sandi1100 said...

So sorry to hear about your run in with the deer but glad you're ok. I don't know how you do what you do and I think you should be able to enjoy your Sunday and not worry about your Blog or any social media that day. I appreciate all that you do.

Lois M. said...

I feel your pain on the deer hit. I ran over one that been hit and collapsed in the highway. By the time I saw it on the dark road, I was afraid to swerve, fearing I might flip my Minivans or hit someone else. It was like driving over a Boulder. I felt like it probably ripped everything off the bottom of the car. That was when I decided to quit driving at night. As far as Facebook and servers go, I am having triuble downloading longarm digital patterns with Chrome and I was told that that was my problem. So who knows. All this techie stuff will drive me insane.

shoshu said...

Bonnie, some days are just like that....we all love you and love hearing from you however you manage it, and if you're in touch only 6 out of 7, we will still love you 24/7. stay strong and full of courage

Marty said...

Ugh. I’ve had 2 deer accidents, dead deer (fawn the first time!), its extremely distressing, in the past 7 years. They can “come out of nowhere” just as people say, no matter how careful and attentive we try and be. I had to have body work done both times. I loath driving at night now, esp vehicles that want to exceed the speed limit. Facebook, the bane of my existence. Some family friends it seems are addicted snd will only communicate that way. It’s the only reason why I’ve not deleted my account yet, tho I rarely go on, or my Instagram account. I actually prefer blogs!

I love the pic of the “kids” sleeping side by side!

Marty said...

Oh, and I vote for you to take Sunday’s off! You need a day of rest, purely family day. Just do it!

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Bonnie, a day of rest is perfect medicine! Your contributions to the quilt world far exceed the loss of one day without your treasured blog! You deserve quiet time, take it and run....we all will be standing by on Monday morning to hear how you spent your day. I heard from our local animal control officer that many deer fair much better than we do after similar collisions. So thankful the deer was able to run off and your body is healthy. Vehicles are repairable. Thank you for the Mystery to keep us all focused. Happy Day Off!

Lace Faerie said...

Glad you are ok! When my sweet sister lived in North Central Washington state, she was broadsided twice by deer!

I wouldn’t miss Facebook if it disappeared tomorrow.

Samantha M said...

Sundays off is definitely a good idea, you need time for YOU and time to recharge. Sending a hug x

Irene said...

I use face book to keep in touch with family and friends too. I use Bonnie's blog to keep in touch with her quilting. I love to read the blog and see all the beautiful quilts, I'm in love with the sugar loaf show in the picture today. I'm thinking I could do a very scrappy Sugar Loaf quilt with my many 2 1/2 inch rolls of fabric. I love the pretty outdoor pix and pix of the sweet pets. I have been a quilter for about 42 years and a crocheting off and on for about 60 years and I love to knit. So I like to see what is going on with crocheting and knitting. People post a lot of pix of their crocheting and knitting.

JeannieK said...

Bonnie, in case you have not seen this, this is the help for that page authorization requirement: I do know that Facebook’s 2-step authorization is a pain in the neck. And if you’re using a VPN, that might cause issues too. https://www.facebook.com/help/1939753742723975

I am glad you were okay after the encounter with the deer. I hope the deer was okay, too. What a shock for the both of you! You do what you have to do for your sanity and the well-being of your life. We will adjust.

Angie said...

Sorry about your van. My husband drives a long way to work on curvy mountain roads with deer and I got him a product called "Deer Horns" by Bell & Howell. (After research, that brand seemed to be the most successful.) The deer horns make high pitched noise as you drive down the road. This scares the deer & other critters away. (You have to be going like 20 mph or so for it to work.) He hasn't seen any deer since I put them on his car. As far as Facebook, I've never been on it. Things will look up soon for you. Jesus loves you. 🌟🦋🌻💞

KerikeriQuilting&Patchwork@blogger.com said...

Deer Bonnie (excuse the pun!)
Facebook are worried that you might be influential! You are - your kindness is contagious! Keep going.

linda said...

I read your blog every morning! I too am thinking of dropping facebook. Do not like the idea that they can delete anything they don't like!

Laurie McNamara said...

I enjoy reading your blog by email every day, but everyone needs downtime, Take Sunday’s off! We will all survive without it and you will get a much needed mental break!

susanb said...

There is a website called gethuman.com where you can find phone contact information for real people behind big online businesses.

Janis said...

Hi Bonnie. Losing you on Facebook won't upset your followers. I get your blog via email the following day and I'm quite content with that. I also think that taking Sundays off from social media is great. Maybe you should take Saturdays too. I know it's hard when you work for yourself to make time for yourself and family. I'm a business owner too. This pandemic is a wake up call to many that may have forgotten that self health and family come first. Best of luck with your decisions.

Linda Swanekamp said...

One too many things push us over the coping edge at times. Rest up and then look at the situation. You do know that Instagram is owned by Facebook? They can do the same thing with that. Take Sundays off. Take care of yourself. You have scores of people who love you, take heart. You are the best at what you do!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Did you also see you can't add to a hashtag on IG right now? You can put it on a post but it does not show up.

Marci H. said...

Facebook is going to have an army of extremely upset quilters if they try to shut you down!! I’m sorry you are having to deal with this!! I hope a tech person can help you with their expertise.

Thank you for all the things you share & do for us that we know of, & all that we have no clue about too!!

Bless you Bonnie!

Marci H.

Eileen said...

Thank goodness you're okay, Bonnie. I had the same thing happen to me once. I ended up in a ditch and the deer ran off into the woods.

Robin said...

Hello Bonnie, I am glad you are ok. I have become very fed up with Facebook and now only use for my Quilt sites and family and friends contact. I do not use Instagram so I hope you will continue with Bloglovin. You have had so much going on lately and you definitely need a break! Take care and I look forward to your next blog!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Glad you were not hurt by the deer. I know the feeling of "encountering" such a sweet animal so suddenly. It is heart wrenching. I only read your blog via email even though I do have a FB account, but I don't check it daily (too much drama). So, dropping your FB account isn't an issue for me. I read your blog postings daily, but totally support your thoughts on taking Sundays off. You put a lot of work into your blog and your businesses. I, too, LOVE reading your blog about your family (both 2 legged and 4 legged), the Quiltville Inn, and, of course, your quilting "talk" whether it be patterns, techniques, tools, fabrics, etc. You put a lot of time and energy into your businesses and I do appreciate all you do and write! Hugs, Jenny

Aktibbs said...

So glad you are okay from your deer encounter. This happened to us also. It’s almost like “did that happen,” and then when you gather your thoughts you wear about what happened to the deer. Technology can be so frustrating. We will follow you no matter what you decide about Facebook or taking Sunday off. Sounds like a day off would be a good “me” day. I’m sure you can use it. Take care and thank you for another beautiful color and theme choice for this year’s winter mystery quilt.

Carol said...

As others have said, I am only on Facebook because of my family. I went to MEWE but they are not user friendly. You may want to try Parlar. I want to check it out but haven't gotten that far yet. Since I come to your email everyday, I am with you at deleting my account. Life has taken me in crazy places as well but I've not encountered a deer in many years. My mother hit one once and I was in the car with her. We were fine but I don't think the deer was. We lived in Canada at the time. I don't remember the damage to the car as I was young but I am sure it was there. Blessings on your day.

Unknown said...

I encourage you to take Sundays off. You may like it so much you decide to take off on Saturdays, too. I love reading your blog every day, but EVERYONE needs some time off. Do what feels right for you and gives you a sense of rejuvenation.

Sue Peyton said...

Bonnie...I read regularly but rarely post here or anywhere else on blogs. Not even much on FB. But I definitely encourage you to take Sunday as a media day off. We all need time to recharge and re-energize; it's hard to do that when every day is a day that you feel you need to be available to your followers. Just do it! Your soul and body will thank you and you will be better equipped to deal with all the positives as well as the occasional negatives that come your way. I've only made a couple of your quilt patterns but I love them all and have a waiting list. I'm collecting fabrics to use for a Straits of Mackinac quilt!

Judy said...

I know exactly what you mean about pounding the key board being therapy. Many times I will type out a long message then delete it as it was not always nice thoughts but I got them out of my system. These are hard times and everyone is stressed so you do whatever you need to do to relieve the stress. Hang in there, your fan base loves and understands you....

Rosemarie said...

Love your daily blogs, but I firmly believe that sometimes less is more. Stores in our lifetimes used to be open only 5 days a week...Monday to Friday and we all survived. Back then, women mostly stayed at home and raised kids and baked, etc. So 5 days to shop was adequate. If I were a bloggger, i would return to those 'good old days', and wouldn't folks be happy it was Monday morning again. How refreshed you would be after a weekend with family and yourself!

katesquilt said...

Happy Monday Bonnie..... social media is wonderful, until it isn't. I deleted my instagram yesterday and twitter is next. I find both are hard to use and finally I decided why am I even bothering? Remember My Space? Facebook is becoming un-user friendly more and more each day. I started using Facebook in fall of 2009 as a way to keep track of friends and family far away. I was watching a late fall 2019 Quilt-Cam yesterday and you mentioned that you couldn't wait for 2020 to come. I had to laugh wondering if you remembered that comment from then. Have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Honestly I don't know how you do it. You ABSOLUTELY need to take off a day (or two). We all need down days to refresh and rest. Blessings!!

Barbara Y. said...

I read your blog every morning and follow you on Instagram so I won't miss you on Facebook. If they won't listen to you then I say good riddance to them. I'm glad you are okay after your accident and that the car is fixable. My son-in-law was not able to stop before hitting a truck that jack knifed in front of him on icy roads last Monday. He was also thankfully uninjured but the poor car was a goner. They were able to find another used car last Thursday. With so much illness and death, I'm so thankful that these minor incidents are just blips and am so grateful when life can go on.

Unknown said...

As much as I enjoy your daily posts, I agree you need to take Sundays off. It is remarkable that you have kept this up for so long. Your photos are awe inspiring!

Kerry said...

I must admit I rarely go on FB nowadays. Too many friend requests from ladies seeking a nice man like me - er, I'm not a guy! I was forever blocking people. Some adverts were quite offensive too. So I don't miss it, and I don't have many family members on there because we keep in touch by Whatsapp - oh yes, FB took that over! It's getting to be a bit of a black hole! Instagram I joined but immediately had a gentleman following me which I thought was strange especially as I hadn't posted any photos. I do use it to see when people share things, like in the mysteries but not to post my own - I use Fotobucket instead when sharing (used to be Pinterest but that wouldn't load photos on properly and was unable to share with that format. I was also making videos (non quilty) on Youtube but stopped when I had spammers. I do read your blogs though and only have a few other favourites - otherwise I'd never get anything done! So no worries about you saying tootle pip to Facebook. They'll probably lose a lot more people with that sort of stance that they are taking.

Diane said...

So sorry about hitting the deer. We have that problem here in Alabama also. I was having a lot of trouble getting your facebook page...most of the time about 3-4 days late. I switched to email and do get them the next day, but I have never missed one. Thanks for the wonderful times on your blogs. Diane

charityquilter said...

What a great idea! Take a break from social media on Sundays. Regroup, recuperate and regenerate so that you can continue the other 6 days of the week.

Deb E said...

I'm at that stage in my life where if the company I'm dealing with doesn't make it easy (or possible) to fix things, or to assist me with customer service issues, I get rid of that company. They don't deserve your business if they operate that way, period. So don't feel bad! I see your postings every day & enjoy every one. Good for you if you take Sundays off - I couldn't imagine having to actually DO all of what you do EVERY SINGLE DAY. So glad you are safe after the accident - I'd feel the same way, hoping the deer is ok, too.

Judy1522 said...

Glad you are okay after the deer incident. My dad had more than one run in with deer and elk where he lived so I know how serious that can be. I am not on facebook and I find quilters other ways but I know many business owners use it as a tool for their business. I hope whatever you decide that it works for you.

Mego said...

Hang in there Bonnie! The car will get fixed, FB will work out or not but YOU...just take it easy. I've been doing a media free day since quarantine. I WORK on the computer as well as all the various 'reads' we do for social media and was getting 'overwhelmed'...it is amazing how well I feel after a day 'off'. You have been SO good to us over the years...treat YOURSELF.

Cathy Guth said...

Irene, I love reading Bonnies blogs too. Been quilting about 13 yrs, self taught and will never win a ribbon but my family loves them. Thats all that matters. I have crocheted since 12 so about 53 yrs. Never cared for knitting. Take care n stay safe

Christie said...

You do what YOU need to do! We don't want you to burn out! Sundays are a good day to stop and then start fresh again, so give yourself a day off. I actually like your blog better, FACEBOOK can be way overwhelming to me! Once I see something, I can never find it again! So much easier to navigate blogs! Thanks for all you do for us! HUGS... and stitches

abhedington said...

I'm sorry you're having issues with FB, good luck! I totally think you should take a day off! you deserve it, and we can survive! (saying as someone that just read your Sunday post on what is now Wednesday morning!) Thank you for all that you do. Virtual hugs!

JDonhorses said...

I love the gel seats! I have one in my truck. I used it when I drove from South Carolina to Michigan & back a couple years ago. I was going to take it out of my truck & into the house ... but my backside said "No"! So it's still in my truck!!

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