
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday on the Run!

I took a good long time out for some of this yesterday.

Dare I say that I needed it as much as Lola did.

She has this uncanny ability of knowing just what I'm talking about.  She listens.  She purrs.  She looks at me with the wisdom of the ages. She reads my thoughts.

She doesn't stick her nose into my business and tell me how to run things, what I should or shouldn't be doing.  She allows me to talk it through and make the best decision for myself and for my business.

And then she lets me live with the consequences.

I wish the world was more like that.

Funny thing, this whole internet and social media aspect of life.  I find myself the email target of random people who want to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing with my life.  

The whole exchange started as a nosey email about my renting Quiltville Inn during Covid. 

"Are you having retreats during this time of increased Covid cases in almost all States including NC and Virginia? If so how many people are you having on each weekend? Which guidelines do you follow, Virginia or NC or both?"

I can understand people's concerns. I have explained time and time again that we are within state and county guidelines, and safer than any other open venue be it a restaurant, store or a church.

My problem is that I looked at this email as once again a chance to educate and to dispel fears. There is a way for folks to retreat safely.  Self quarantine, wear a mask, don't shop on your way here, stay here once you get here, sew 6 feet apart, sanitize, sanitize, sanitize, but that doesn't seem to matter.

It turned into a diatribe of replies from "Donna" whom the rest of the world would nod and knowingly call "Karen."

I knew I shouldn't have replied - not even the first time. I should have sensed the barbs from the first email and sent it directly to spam. But I didn't that time. Nor the second time - and telling this person to please mind their own business made it worse.  I became a target.

I should know better.  You don't have to attend every email argument you are invited to, Bonnie!

"How can you encourage gatherings when people are home struggling to stay alive and keep a roof over their heads? Or are planning funerals for love ones in the same family.  Do you really think anyone would quarantine for 4 weeks to go on a quilting retreat?  No in-person schooling. No visits for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I can go on but you don’t want to hear it. I hope I don’t hear about a new cluster in your corner of the world."

Folks are quarantining for 2 weeks before coming. I never said 4 weeks.  It has always been 2, and it is doable.  And people ARE doing it. And if they don't want to, they don't come.  

But I still don't see why that is any random person's business who lives nowhere near here, and isn't even planning on visiting Quiltville Inn ever - why does it matter so much?

Where I live - this area?  19 people per SQUARE MILE. That's our population.  We are socially distant every day.

But again, I don't need to explain myself, and I shouldn't have replied once again telling her that I am within state and county guidelines and to please mind her own business in her own corner of the world.

"All I know is that you are a business person who is not following guidelines. One of many. We will never  get this under control if we ALL don’t follow the guidelines. Many quilt businesses have gone on-line to stay afloat. Enlarge your website. Sell more. Have more classes on-line. What about business grants, which is different in every state. There are many things you can do without gathering people and having additional costs on the weekends. "

How does she know that I am not following guidelines? She doesn't live here.  Why is my business a concern?

So needless to say, it is my own fault for answering in the first place - a reminder to mark as spam so nothing comes to the inbox ever again, and delete, delete, delete, delete. 

No one is being forced to come.  And bills must be paid.  I will continue to run my life following guidelines and keeping things as safe as possible, but folks need to be responsible for their own lives as well, and not shove their opinions down other people's throats. 

Dear Donna-Karen: Stop being a busybody and please worry about your own area and state, wherever you live. Your area may be different than mine.

I didn't ask anyone for business advice, and if I needed it - it's not likely I'd ask you.

If and when I need to change my business plan, it will be in my own way - something that will work with my life, my area, my family.

I have finally sent that email exchange to "SPAM" so no more replies will find their way into my inbox.

Why am I typing this here?  Because this blog is my journal. My life. And if I don't just type this out and nip it in the bud it will explode. 

I have a busy day ahead.  I want to enjoy it and breathe freely, not hold it all inside.

The Donnas and Karens are all out there watching everything we do, forming opinions, and they feel free to shoot off an email or two telling us all how to live our lives.  What is the world coming to?

After all of the "must dos" were taken care of yesterday, the only thing I had time for on the quilty side was getting the Nearly Lemoyne quilt partially loaded.

As I am spending today on the road to Wallburg and back, the rest of the loading will likely happen tomorrow.

In the mean time, I am undecided how I am going to quilt this yet, so I'll let that play on my brain during my 200 mile round trip jaunt.

Calming my nerves through the stitches.

Stitching in the evenings is the icing on the cake for my day.  There is still so much to do on this quilt, but it is so easy to pick it up and sew for a while as I am not having to mark anything.

And no matter what comes undone in my day to day life - the stitches that I put in, how few or how many there be, will still be there when I come back to it.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

We can always do a little more!

As for the journey part, yes, look for the positive things you wish to remember about 2020 so you can tell the story of how we survived through it all! 

(Yes, and I know that some experiences, like the busybody business above is not positive, but did I learn something from it?)

We are living and making history every day. 

The rest of this day is going to be AWESOME!



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Julia said...

Sending you virtual quilty hugs.

Kim Barbour Lavender Moon Quilts said...

I admire your business sense. You have become very successful doing what you do. You are correct, just ignore those unnecessary and unkind words.
You have given quilters around the world so much. Please know you are appreciated.

Anne and Mike said...

Bonnie, you are without equal in the quilting world, for your creativity and generous sharing of your ideas, and tips, and your endless love and enthusiasm for all things quilty! I read your blog every morning to get a little dose of joy, and set the tone for another day doing what I love in my sewing studio. Thanks a million times!

Cats said...

aha... here's some more unsolicited advice... don't allow yourself to be sucked into someone else's insanity! I think most of us know and love you and what you do and pretty much who you are and in a kind of maternal, meaning to be helpful way, offer some "have you tried?" or "why not do?" you've been in our "home" so much we feel you know us and we feel we kwno you, we're all family, but what you described is not that... yes, shoulda, woulda coulda -- mark them spam and move on... if she is so concerned about your business... let her buy several books or sumpin!!! I hope you drop all this off in the finished business category and move on, aren't Lola's eyes gorgeous? She's the perfect accessory to your green stripe project... looking forward to the next 'reveals' and more of your fun adventures, how about Ivy's chin?? There's REAL stuff to be concerned about! LOL -- can't thank you enough for your contribution to my life, hopefully, can be a part of yours... Love, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Den said...

We so appreciate all that you do for our quilting world.
I am loving the Appalachian Autumn quilt that I am making, can’t wait to see what you do with the trees.
Thanks again,
Mary in New Mexico

Neil and Lorelei said...

Nope, nope, nope...send that email directly to spam; you are doing fine! It amazes me that people feel they have the right to tell people what to do, unsolicited. Keep on keeping on! Love reading your blog every morning! keep up the good work and enjoy YOUR life! Hugs from coastal NC.

Jen said...

I am glad the rest of your day will be awesome. I look forward each day to hearing about yours. You are so positive and affirming for the rest of us. A retreat to Quiltville Inn is on my bucket list. I live in Iowa but your corner of the world looks delightful.

leelaa said...


Min said...

I totally hope the rest of your day, week and year is awesome! So sorry to hear that you've had to experience someone having an opinion about the precautions and thoughtful decisions you have made. Unfortunately I find that many people think that because they are anonymous on line, they have license to say anything to anyone, often things they would never say in person.I so enjoy reading your blog and being inspired by your endeavours. Thank you!

barbtaz said...

I'm really sorry you had to deal with her. If she was a regular blog reader, she would know the lengths that you go to to keep your retreaters safe. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life with us every day!

Unknown said...

You are making the right decisions, Bonnie, and don't let the evil pen behind a screen get the best of you. Just like fabric when it's unusable you throw it away, so don't give the "You should..." emails a second thought. DELETE the negative Donna/Karen's and don't think any more about it. You've done so much good to those of us who need your positive, uplifting thoughts. You are my hero and a great role model for those of us who need one. Hugs!!

Shonnie said...

Breathe. Look at your gorgeous surroundings. And keep a finger over the delete button! There are bullies who are only happy when making others miserable, and that says much more about them than it does about their targets. The much larger majority of us enjoy hearing about the great time that the fortunate few who are able to attend your retreats are having. Mental health can be as important as physical health, and social events (carefully organised and sanitised) are a big part of that!

Anne Hayward said...

so sorry you had to endure this again, it’s not fair that she felt she had the right to tell you how you should conduct your life and business. I read your blog most days and I applaud the safety procedures you have in place to keep yourself and all your retreaters safe. You don’t need to answer to anyone who does not know how hard you work to keep everything so safe.
Love how your hand quilting is coming together the texture is beautiful.
Have a safe road trip,
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Bug Lady said...

Bonnie, I do understand your frustration and empathize with you. You are my hero and each member of my family know that! Although I am a "Karen", I am not like the type you mentioned. Please continue being YOU.

Karen in Austin, Texas

otherussin said...

Dear, your business is yours. I hope to some day come on a retreat. That's the only time I would ask for information. Thank you for airing your mind to get it clear. Have a great safe day

Sue from Texas said...

Love the blog, the photos, the pets and the time you take to write it. As for Donna/Karen, my dil would say “worry about yourself!”

Dalina said...

Ahh this crazy world, just ignore it all because I believe that a business owner has enough sense to do whatever is needed to make their business succeed. If we all do our part, wear mask and sanitize and be diligent it would end much sooner. You provide so much joy and laughter to me in your blogs, following you, Zoey Jo, Lola and Ivy. All I can say otherwise is I love your heart Bonnie!

Sheila said...

You made my day. I hadn't thought of Gladys Kravitz in years. You might have to explain who she was to your younger readers. I'm sorry people feel they should tell you how to live your life. You are so much kinder than I would be in your responses. Hang in their lady, lots of people love you,

MRose said...

This Donna/Karen person is most likely not internationally known for her skills at quilting or talent for teaching. She probably hasn't had the foresight to establish a location where like-minded people could come and enjoy some time away from home with friends. In fact, she's insanely jealous of everything that you have taken years to develop. I'm sure that you're not the only one she's attacked. You've done the right thing by sending her to SPAM - you don't need all that negativity in your life!

Molly said...

It seems to me you are taking all precautions necessary and I applaud you Bonnie! You are a source of light in my life. I have learned so much about quilting over the last 10+ years since I have been following your blog.

Brenda Rithmire said...

Bonnie, I love reading your blog every morning and seeing the beautiful pictures of your area and of course your quilts. I consider you a friend, when I tell my husband about something you have said I catch myself say my friend Bonnie said this or that. stay positive we love you.

Unknown said...

Hang in their Bonnie. I admire the way your life has changed and you have evolved through this whole mess. Keep on going. Have a good day. Sometimes we have close relatives that are the same way. Goes in one war and out the other.❤

Karen said...

Hi, my name is Karen but not one of THOSE Karen's....lol. I think it sound great what you are doing and preparing for your retreaters. I'm a nurse and have worked through this pandemic, part of it in ICU, and honestly don't see a problem with your preparations. I'm just wondering if you are still drawing groups, and hoping our group from Middle GA will get picked soon!!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

You make the best decisions with the best info you have access to and then you are allowing the retreaters to make their decision based on that. What works for you, may not for others, but you are being properly careful for yourself and your retreaters. I would feel comfortable retreating with you.

Karen said...

Hi, my name is Karen but not one of THOSE Karen's....lol. I think it sounds great what you are doing and preparing for your retreaters. I'm a nurse and have worked through this pandemic, part of it in ICU, and honestly don't see a problem with your preparations. I'm just wondering if you are still drawing groups, and hoping our group from Middle GA will get picked soon!!

Bluebird of the shire - Gay Youngman said...

Your blog brought tears to my eyes. Just know so many of us love who you are as a person and a teacher.

Mary said...

Your true followers know your heart. Sad to read about another busybody. That delete button is my friend. Also the Hide and Block on FB & IG.
The Retreaters who come are so Lucky to have your place to come and stitch the cares away. Love and Virtual Hugs for you!

Pat Hume said...

My 2cents worth.... You are one of two blogs I read daily. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life. Carryon .. Pat

stretchmarks said...

Keep calm - and quilt on!!! You are a delight! Marilyn Marks

Juls said...

I have a long time friend who is also a very successful businesswoman. Her favorite piece of wisdom: Don’t should on me.

Reba said...

Don't let nosy busy bodys get you down just keep on keeping on you do a great job teaching the rest of us quilting

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Bonnie, I remember being taught as a very young child if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing. Perhaps those who think your business is theirs need to hear that again as I’m sure they’ve heard it before. You open your heart to all of us everyday and share life and Quilty news. You are truly a bright spot in the day and each and every person who follows you virtually or in person at Quiltville is blessed to hear you. Thank you for all the opportunities to share safely!

shelleyjwilliams said...

Haters are gonna Hate! Keep on with the Good Fight! Continue in your kind ways, always! Thanks for all you do for us, your quilting family.

Dorothy Cole said...

So sorry you had to bear that censure. Yours is the only blog I read daily. I trust that you are thoughtfully handling your business. This poor woman is obsessed and concerned over this pandemic. Like she has the ability to control it. Life is risk. I subscribe to the philosophy “ Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can.”
As you say let’s do what we can to get through this.

charlotte said...

You posted this to remind yourself not to engage in this tripe! Good for you. Take care on your trip to NC and back.

Cathi in Texas said...

Poop on Donna. She's a miserable person. What goes around comes around

Sassna said...

Consider me another Lola in your life. I get so much inspiration from your blogs and I would hate for you to stop putting out the positive vibes, encouragement, lovely photos, and good natured humor I look forward to each day. Thank you for sharing.

Nancy said...

Yes, lets all listen to cats and ignore people who spew negative energy.

Lilac Joan said...

Like so many things in life the Donnas-Karens spoil things for the nice people. I so enjoyed seeing all the quilters and their project and their food at the Inn. Understand why we don't see them anymore. I love what you do and enjoy your blog everyday. And I have made several of your quilts.

tmarcus said...

I believe we all have free will to do what is best for us as long as I am being responsible. Those that have come to Quiltville hopefully will be following the guidelines you have set up, and everyone has a safe and fun time. Donna:Karen is not worth the time or effort you gave her. You are doing a wonderful thing in a beautiful place in our country. The Phoenix area is highly anti-mask, anti-social distance. Even one of our large grocers has stopped cleaning the shopping carts. Your guidelines are so much stronger than what we have here. Enjoy your retreats - I wish I was at one!

GeeMa said...

I was helping my husband by creating a "program" for a Zoom induction program for his Kiwanis group. One of the guys who reviewed it sent back some snarky comments. I was lamenting about his rudeness to another Kiwanis member who owns a restaurant and he told me that it seems the filters have come off since the Covid virus. He said people have been unbelievably rude in his restaurant and feel free to openly say anything and everything. I think it is an unfortunate occurrence of events if this pandemic has indeed caused a certain percentage of the population to loose their manners. I think you do an awesome job of managing the retreat center.

Quilting with Karen said...

I have a friend who hosts retreats. A few years ago she wss treated by a very crazy Donna-Karen with a lawsuit because her retreats were too expensive!!! Like anyone was being forced to attend. Some people just want yo make waves. You just need to let that roll over you and keep doing what works for you. I'd be prone to betell her something very choice.

Betty the quilter said...

Hope you learned to hit spam sooner.... Sure don't know what's wrong with people sticking their noses where they don't belong. You do Bonnie so well, just keep doing that. Just look at the love coming from Ivy. All is right with your world. Love you bunches.

Unknown said...

I admire your business sense too. Bills just keep on coming and coming and coming... I have to wonder if she is a quilter at all.

Wendy B said...

Busy bodies will be busy bodies and try to run everyone's lives. They just dont realise their part of the world wisdom does not apply to yours. They have never learned the art of Lola. I admire your ability to deal with all personalities.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, please help yourself by not paying attention to ignorant people who live a life of misery and have nothing nice to say about anything. We love you and your daily blog.

Joyce C said...

We need more Lolas and less Karen’s! Although I have a good friend named Karen.. and I feel her pain about how her name is used. Poor thing. I’m embracing this pandemic quarantine time. I’m retired so there’s that.. but am enjoying no visitors at the lake ( not a big fan of company). 🤷🏼‍♀️ Had a friend ask me if I was taking cbd oil as I was so calm and relaxed. I said no... just enjoying the slowing down of the times we’re currently in lol I do have empathy for others though. But take care of yourself. You’re a brilliant business woman.. hugs 💗

brandln said...

It is a beautiful day for your Wallburg run! Safe travels.

Brenda said...

Ditto !! You have oodles more Yeah's than Nay's. Keep on trucking .. or tractoring .. or mustanging .. or ...... quilting !!

Unknown said...

I too decide to answer some of the comments people send me. Lets just say I do my best not to. I have received several horrible comments from unknown people. My motto is delete, delete, delete.

stitchinpenny said...

I hope kinder people than Donna lift your spirits today. Smile at the mean ones and know that you are trying to make the best of a bad situation. You have multiple mortgages, essential repairs, sons you need to help and many things I have no concept of since it is none of my business. You are loved by many. I have a sort of grandson on a two week quarantine but people who are secluded are committing suicide. Balance and responsibility are needed but that is not your responsibility. You are trying your best to create a safe place to allow other adults to responsibly gather safely. You can't be sure that each person does what they say but you can have faith in you fellow man. You can believe in them and require that they protect themselves while on retreat. I like your way better than mistrust and anger. Please accept a virtual hug and know there are lots of us that believe in your desire to do the best for you quilting friends.

terry said...

OMG …… Karen or Donna why don't you put all that energy into something that really matters like get on your soapbox for the all the children that were separated from their parents. LEAVE our Bonnie alone. She is kind and generous almost to a fault. There …. I feel so much better now.

Franny said...

you Bonnie in the great Commonwealth of Virginia are such an inspiration and hero to me here in the heartland of Iowa. It is with gratitude that I read your blog daily even re-read them.You bring sunshine to my sometime lonely world. Thank you so much and keep the faith.There is so many more of us than those nay-sayers out there. Now on to a fun quilty day. Fran

Unknown said...

That's the problem with the internet. People say all kinds of things while hiding behind their screen. Things they might not say in person. Do what you want and don't waste your time on someone like that!

Doris B said...

I love what you do. I have noticed that more and more anonymous people say things they would never have said before social media took over our lives. Our mothers would be horrified! Keep on keeping on! You are an inspiration to me every day!

Carolyn said...

Our dog runs to the window when vehicles pass. We call her Gladys or Mrs. Kravitz. Her name is Grace. Sorry you have to deal with busy bodies.

Carolyn said...

Our dog runs to the window when vehicles pass. We call her Gladys or Mrs. Kravitz. Her name is Grace. Sorry you have to deal with busy bodies.

Maryissewfast said...

Well said! Enjoy your day and every moment

Lisa T said...

People are funny. They can't control their own lives so they try to control others. Let it roll, girl. You just have to figure she is very afraid. The news has tried to make us all that way. Hang in there. You do what you think is right and move on.

Mary Ellen said...

We all know you are doing everything correctly and keeping everyone safe. If people want to come to a quilt retreat and it requires two weeks of quarantining, that's their decision. I would do it gladly if I had the opportunity. Your loyal followers understand and are sending you buckets of virtual hugs. I only wish people in my part of the world were as vigilant with virus restrictions as you have been. Here in St Louis, and in Missouri in general the positivity testing way up. The folks in rural areas who pooh-poohed the idea of wearing masks are now experiencing serious outbreaks. Hospitals, if they have any, are at the breaking point. Keep your chin up.

tlclauricella said...

Every time you share these stories I am just dumbfounded. I so miss quilt cam which I think you said hasn't happened because of horrible comments. For someone to take the time out of their own day to criticize someone else for doing what they do or being who they are is insane to me. Get a life!!!! Love all you do Bonnie! Keep doing YOU!

Elle said...

HEY Donna/Karen: you need to go and read Bonnie's contracts and expectations. Yes, although I live 2500 miles away and will not likely ever go, I did read the documents when she first announced Quiltville Retreat Center.

If you had a brain, you would know that retreats are NOT 12 quilters from all over the place. 1 person takes charge and who attends is up to that person. Likely always people who know and trust each other.

Dearest Bonnie, I'm sorry you're being spammed by busybodies. I am a healthcare provider, Infection Preventionist and I'm strict in my personal practices. I 100% support the manner in which you are running your business and the additional guidelines you are requesting of your customers. NOT that you need my approval but want you to know I respect your business model during Covid.

I wish you a fabulous and relaxing day today as fall takes deeper hold in your part of the world. Hugs from Idaho :-)

Oh, and Goooooooo Broncos! Assuming hubster has his jersey ready for Saturday :-)

Susan said...

Oh Bonnie, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this nonsense. Please put a sticky note on your computer telling yourself it's okay to put busy-body email in the spam folder. Oh, by the way - I would totally quarantine for 4 weeks for a quilt retreat! And Lola is an awesome listener because she is a tiger striped cat! We had one years ago that was the best cat ever. Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...


pam said...

Our business here has never closed as it is considered essential. 150 employees and not one case of covid has appeared. Our school opened up in August and no cases have been reported there either. Keep going Bonnie. You have done an amazing job of spending YOUR money, not Donna/Karen's money, on doing everything you can to make people safe. Paper towels, hand sanitizer, coverlets (when you have plenty of quilts to use) , and the list goes on. Have a great rest of the day even tho cleaning things out is not a picnic. Hope you are seeing the end of it and you will be able to breath for once. pam

CherylW said...

WTH is wrong with people???? That's all I got.

Mamaski said...

Well said, we all need to vent. Hugs and continue on your chosen path.

Carole said...

I read your blog every day and appreciate all that you do. Love your patterns and quilts and getting excited to see what this year's mystery quilt colors will be.
Don't worry about "Karen", the rest of us are behind you. Sending hugs!

Janice Edwards said...

Bonnie.... I love your blog and really appreciate all your hard work to make this blog so enjoyable. I learn something new every time I log on...be it quilting or how to deal with life. Thank you 😘

Marci said...

So sorry this happened to you. A small group is planning to retreat in November, and seeing you successfully having retreats encourages me. We all plan ahead as your retreaters do. My only problem with your retreats is that I'm not there.

quilter746 said...

Stick with Lola’s advice.....just be the very best YOU that you can possibly manage to be....and trust that all the Donnas and Karens of the world will find someone else to bother!

Marci H. said...

The world seems to be getting a little more unhinged everyday; ppl think they are entitled to anything they want to do, to tell anyone what they should do & how to live their life! And I know even though we all try to encourage you it is still hard to deal with ignorant selfish people. “Donna-Karen” may very well be dealing with a recent loss or something, but we all know she was so wrong. I’ll say a prayer for her, then say more prayers for YOU, the one she chose for her punching bag.
Bonnie, you are so loved & appreciated by 1,000’s. Focus on the 99.9%. You’re a gift.

And it is amazing how animals just “know”...
God bless and enjoy the drive & this beautiful awesome day!!

Debi Persson said...

Sending you many hugs, Bonnie. I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that. You give so much to us quilters - I appreciate it! {{hugs}}

Marti said...

that is the one BIG thing with electronic conversations, people seem to feel if they can't be seen they can say all the things, true or not, that they would never say to your face. I'm with you Bonnie! I know exactly where my spam folder and my block button are on my phone!! Now to important things, did you find out what has made it's home on your finger?? Praying nothing but a bother. Safe trip to load more things up!


MaryKup said...

Hang in there Bonnie, don't let the Donna-Karen's of this world rain on your parade. If I could get a group of ladies together for a weekend at your Inn I'd stay home for 2 weeks, no problem. The stopping to shop at Quilt shops along the way may be an issue but they will still be there way home. Keep calm and Quilt on :)

barblr said...

Do as you are doing Bonnie, you have an abundance of "quilty" friends who love you and love what you do. I'm thankful for everything you do for us quilter's. Thank you!

barblr said...

Do as you are doing Bonnie, you have an abundance of "quilty" friends who love you and love what you do. I'm thankful for everything you do for us quilter's. Thank you!

Connie said...

I think Donna/Karen happened across your blog for the first time, got on her high horse and charged. I don't think she knows anything about you or any quilters. "Do you really think anyone would quarantine for 4 weeks to go on a quilting retreat?" YES, we would. There are hundreds of quilters on a waiting list to visit Quiltville Inn and the required 2 week quarantine is a no-brainer.

More proof of her ignorance - "All I know is that you are a business person who is not following guidelines." "Sell more. Have more classes online." She admits it herself - she doesn't know you!! Your guidelines are stricter than going to stores, etc. You can't force folks to buy more - it's available for those who want it. And anyone who has attended one of your classes knows there's no way you could do it online, even if Internet was not an issue.

Covidiots are out there and more than willing to share their wealth of advice - HA!! Luckily we don't have to take it and can delete with one easy button.

Thank you for being you! (See ya soon!)

MarshIsleFiberArts said...

As a small business owner I understand your dilemma - we are attending our farmer's market (in West Jefferson by the way) every week to help keep our farm running. But every Saturday is stressful - wearing masks, socially distancing ,and dealing with a few idiots along the way. If everyone is as careful as you have been - we will see the light at the end of this dark tunnel.

Marge said...

Bonnie, you give so much to quilters all over the world. It's sad to read such unwarranted and unsolicited criticism. You are wise to decide to just delete from now on. My mother was a very wise woman who faced some incredibly difficult times in her life. She taught me that I can't control anyone else's actions, but I am in complete control of my reactions to them.

Unknown said...

Sad. I would love to spend time at your retreat house.

Nancy Nielsen said...

So sorry for the horrible emails. You are loved and supported by so many. Glad you will click SPAM in the future! We all need to choose to fill our minds with as much good as possible.

Theresa said...

I'm glad you have found a way to still have retreats. We all have to figure out a way to go on with our lives and businesses. Hooray for retreats at Quiltville Inn! I would come if I was on the same continent.

TerryAnn said...

Some people do not have enough to do so they have enough time to tell you how to live your life. Donna/Karen falls in that category. It's unfortunate D/K's negativity is affecting your life but her ideas are banana-pants!
BTW, thanks for recommending "Last Tango in Halifax." I am now hooked.
Terry in snowy Northern Wisconsin

Lisa said...

We all have to do what's necessary to keep our mental health during this pandemic but we must not tell others what they have to do to keep their sanity during the pandemic. I know 80 year olds who think it is a hoax and refuse to wear a mask, and I know 80 year olds who are being slightly cautious. Everyone is entitled to handle the situation as they wish but that does not entitle me, or anyone else, to tell someone else how to do it, you or your retreat guests. I have relatives that flew to Florida last month. And I have another group of friends that headed for Florida but one of them canceled as the trip was too scary for her. No judging others. I was glad to hear that you were hosting retreats. I'm sure for you as well as the women attending it was just what your sanity needed to exist during this time period. Keep up the good job Bonnie. Your daily blogs is helping me keep my sanity during this pandemic.

Saydea said...

The busy body is gone have a great day enjoy what’s joyful and give you happiness. I someday would love to see you at a retreat or Machinaw iIsland. Hugs

Carolyn A S said...

Sweet Bonnie, what you said/wrote, I say agreed and amen. We are adults and should make decisions based on our individual lives. Thank you for all you do for us. I wish you blue skies, sunny days, and the colors of autumn. Carolyn

KeanieQuilter said...

I tell my son on challenging dad, "it's a glorious day." That's days. Haha. For good people, like you, it is unsettling to have someone latch on and dump their negative, controlling comments into your consciousness. Trust yourself. You are being responsible and that's the end of it. We love you and you lift us up every day

AnnieBikes said...

Don't just send to spam....BLOCK!! Thanks for all you do for us! Enjoy this lovely day (I live fairly close so hope it is lovely there, too.) I live in East TN, one mile from the Virginia line.

Brenda Barnes said...

Virtual hugs sent... I just love you!

Rebecca Johnson said...

I agree with everyone else about your business sense and how generous you are in sharing your life and love of quilting. I look forward to reading your blog every day for inspiration and a sanity check in the crazy world we live in. Thank you, thank you! By the way,if I could spend time at the Quiltville Inn, I would be there tomorrow, oops, no, in two weeks after quarantine 😁 Have a great day and don't let those miserable people get you down!!

Deb said...

Oh Bonnie, hugs to you. I think that has been the hardest part of this fiasco. Everyone has an opinion. We have had some circumstances with a close relative w/cancer/transplant and are helping provide care. We are doing what we feel we need to do and many have expressed their views unsolicited. I am learning that a little blood on your tongue can be rinsed out! 😁 my reply is usually " Do what you need to do and we will also".

Loris said...

Oh man....sorry, Bonnie. Hope you have safe travels and packing today!

beth d. said...

you are doing wonderful. opening up quiltville inn. it is probably most helpful to quilters to get away somewhere they can enjoy themselves for a few days.

Kathy Johnson said...

Dear Bonnie:

Consider this all in caps and exclamation marks. "You can't cure stupid".

Charlotte said...

May the emails/comments be kind, may your road trip be safe and may today be peaceful and calm. That is what we all need, want and deserve in our lives. Drama doesn’t belong and isn’t wanted. Enjoy!

Sue said...

Wasn't it just last week, you wrote all the steps your retreaters went through, so they could enjoy a safe retreat at Quiltville Inn? I thought what a wonderful job you were doing to keep your guests well. Going well beyond CDC and your state guidelines. Thinking if everyone was as careful, this pandemic would die out much sooner. You are a great role model. Let's send all the Donna Karens to spam. Hugs to you and the fur babies.

Judy said...

9.9% of us love you and enjoy whatever you have to say on your blog. Let the other % go to spam and never see the light of your email. I love the picture of the man asking which one of his bills would you like to pay, so perfect for today's post.

kathy6024 said...

I've had a recent "disagreement" with a customer and have had to "let it go." Emails can be taken wrong, or written too harshly. Not to excuse a rude person though. I admire what you are doing to keep everyone safe and I know those ladies who retreat with you, appreciate the little bit of normalcy you bring to their lives. Thank you for all you do for all of us. We have a small group looking forward to the mystery. We'll do it together as a charity quilt. Sewing separately at home, but dividing the work so it's not overwhelming to any of us.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Proud of you and your stance. You do you - let Donna-Karen do her. At the end we will see who has the happier life.

Angei said...

You are doing what is best for you, your business and your retreaters . Don’t let that busy body Donna get to you. She probably one of those that running around without a mask, touching everything and everyone. She’s a “ do as I say person, not as I do” and knows everything about everything and everyone. You don’t need to defend yourself. All your followers know you are going above and beyond to make your retreaters safe and comfortable. brush her comments off your shoulders, put a smile on your face and have a wonderful day.

cindythequilter said...

You are an inspiration, a generous, caring person! You totally rock and no one has the right to tell you how to run your business. Carry on with being the person we all love and appreciate. My bucket list also includes coming to your wonderful Inn

cindythequilter said...

You are an inspiration, a generous, caring person! You totally rock and no one has the right to tell you how to run your business. Carry on with being the person we all love and appreciate. My bucket list also includes coming to your wonderful Inn

katesquilt said...

I call it not letting anyone rent space in your mind.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry but I know we learn from experiences like this and you're quick, you get it. Even though people write 'you should blah blah', what they write reflects them, what they're about, what they're afraid of, projected outward as "you should ". Bless you for catching that when you did. We learn from these people, painful as it is. You are well loved and respected so good wishes toward moving on to the next thing!

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

OMG Bonnie! You crack me up! I look forward to your blog every single day & love to hear what's happening in your piece of the world! But I equally love how well you can articulate and respond to the ridiculous stuff happening too! If you could see me, it would be a fist bump and a sign that says "you go girl!" lol We need a FB filter that can be turned on, that deletes any post that starts with "You should ....". Wouldn't that drive them crazy??? lol Have a fantastic day - looking forward to new pics about your travels today and packing/unpacking!

AngieSewTherapy said...

Oh Bonnie,
I feel your pain. I answered someone this weekend about something I should have just let it ride on by. I knew it was a loaded question. After back and forth my nerves were shot and I truly think I lost a couple friends.

Sometimes we do need to let Karen and Donna move silently out of our life.

Except that I did what you did and I just can't help myself. I was stressed because of their comments though.

Advice to Angie and Bonnie- don't take the bait.

Bonnie, have a wonderful day. I admire your business acumen and I'm envious (in a good way). You are a time model on many different levels and you're great at it!
Angie D.

Unknown said...

I was actually thrilled to hear that Quitville was still holding retreats...needed now more than ever!

Laura N said...

Hi Bonnie, from Idaho. Deep breath in, deep breath out! I feel like you are doing a great job with your retreat house. I live in Idaho where Covid is exploding and I am very sensitive to the rules and precautions. It is amazing how many people here do not do the one simple thing that can really make a difference: wear a mask. Your rules and precautions sound like they are right on the mark!

Unknown said...

I’m so sorry that you have to deal with “Karens” in your life. I’ve only met you once last year in Shipshewana (I filled in for someone who couldn’t come during a class) but you are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. The second time is coming in a week as I’m an “October Quiltvillian”!!! Please, please, please don’t shut down!!!😉. I lost both of my parents within six months during the past year and I’m so looking forward to being put back together at the retreat. I’m also looking forward to doing the mystery quilt this year as I’ve now moved to the other side(as in needing to keep my mind occupied during the holidays).
Don’t ever forget what a special person you are and for every Karen there’s several thousand people who appreciate what you do.
Cathy H

Sue Smit said...

Bonnie I cannot thank you enough for all you do for the quilting industry. Don't let these type of people ruin what you are doing. This Covid has made people crazy if you ask me, obviously they are not quilting enough.!!! Again thank you and just love reading what you up to it keeps encouraged to do more. Virtual hug here for you.

Quilting Babcia said...

Sadly it seems it's far easier to be a gutter-snipe than to be a voice of positive encouragement for the world. Keep on doing what you love and remember there's a delete/spam key for everything negative that comes your way.

Linda Mischloney said...

Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. Send those messages right to spam and move ahead, if I had a group I would feel perfectly safe coming to your beautiful inn. Thank you again for sharing your love of quilting with all of us. Hugs from the extreme southwest corner of NC.

Andrea said...

You set priorities. If seeing someone is important you isolate for 2 weeks. If all goes as planed I will travel to Switzerland in December. 10 days quarantaine, then seeing a few people, who will also need to limit and avoid crowds for a couple weeks. When we come back we will quarantaine fro 2 weeks. So, in all there will be 24 days for quarantaine in the future for us. Why do it? Because seeing my family (parents and our kids is important. As I said priorities, different for everyone. Spending time with friends, doing what you love. I understand that.

Anonymous said...

Love the Gladys Kravitz meme. It made me laugh out loud!!!! I tell people all the time either just swipe on and ignore or delete the email. Those people are not worth the time wasted reading their comments. You do what is best for YOU and that is all that counts.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for all you do. It is appreciated very much.

Bella said...

My mantra is that opinions are like bellybuttons. Just because you have one does not mean that you have to expose it to me. I hope that today is far more peaceful for you.

barbara woods said...

do what you need to do to make a living! we are on your side

Ruth said...

You rock Bonnie!!or should I say you are a rock and a rock Star amongst quilters. We all love your wonderful Patterns, helpful hints and generous Spirit. Not to mention the great photos and pet stories. Hope the rest occupier daybis awesome. Safe travels

Lindab quilts said...

Sorry you had to experience this. Long time blog follower here in paradise... I am finding many people are living in fear, especially the ones shut in watching TV all day. The economy has to run.. I've been working full time thru all of this in an office or remote, masks when I need to and being cautious. One quilt weekend retreat with friends, socially distant when we can. Small businesses need to do what they can to stay afloat. People should not judge, but unfortunately they do. Love all you do Bonnie. Thanks for being you.

celkalee said...

While I totally agree with your position and response, in the healthcare field we are seeing a wide range of reactions to the virus, the quarantine, and the devastating effect it has had on so many people. That said, this person might just be one of those individuals who are literally panicked while living during this time. I have a friend, much like this. My empathy for her anxiety drives me to make this statement. I would suspect her comments are as much in relation to the situation more than to you on a personal level.

gardenwitch said...

Thank you for being you! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read your blog, take your classes and make your quilt patterns. You are a light in this dark time.

Dorothy said...

I just don’t get people like Donna/Karen. Bless you for holding retreats in a responsible way. I’m hoping one day to come to one, but I live in a generally rural area and don’t know that many people who quilt. So, it’s on my bucket list. THANK YOU for all you do for us quilters. Have a great day.

beth said...

Oh what people do who don't have a life, Bonnie you are just great. Yes I learn quilting from you but I have been with you during pets passing, moving to cabin, and even son going to Portland, especially helpful to me as my daughter did same thing. You held my hand the whole time. Now, what about your finger bump? I'm always learning.

Sandy said...

Dear Bonnie, I am glad you are able to 'forget' this episode. Your blog is wonderful and I am glad you are comfortable enough to share your days with all of us. I think it helps us all be mindful of what not to do and to be kind to everyone we meet, whether in person or on-line. These times are 'trying' as the quote goes. Thanks for all you do and we are all looking forward to the 'end' of this month and like Christmas, we can hardly wait. Please know that we all love you and thank you for being a wonderful part of our lives!

Mommappainter said...

You are living a successful life and doing it well I might add! Keep on, Keeping on,I say! You are an inspiration Donna/Karen/Busy Body Is not!!! Love you work and your sprite!!

Unknown said...

and more hugs from a BIG fan in Illinois. Keep singing..."Let it go, Let it go!"

Donna L said...

This person named Donna says you are doing very well in handling your business within the guidelines. Donna L.

Sharon 321 said...

My motto is you do you, I will do me.

Deanna W said...

You do get the good, the bad and the ugly telling you what you should and shouldn't do. I am glad you share with your followers so we can say...you got this. You are doing a great job and one person's comments should be put in the delete spam file for sure!!

Elizabeth said...

It is unfortunate when others do not stick to their own business and in turn make our business theirs. I have always felt they must have way too much time on their hands to be sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. perhaps she should get a hobby like quilting....:)....and calm herself. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do and for all that you give..... you make the world a better place by being in it. It has helped me feel connected at a time when I have had to disconnect from so much. I look forward to your posts and words of wisdom each day....and to creative ideas that you share so freely.

Lehighlady said...

My heart grieves for you & what you've been through with this person. Agree 1,000% with others, you contribute so much to our daily lives & your true followers love you! This is a year to push many over the edge! Its been necessary to "snooze" the dearest of my family & friends, when I must protect my own mental sanity. So sorry you became a target to blame. Know you're cherished!!

Susan Davidson said...

I think that having a blog might be a little like sitting on the seat of a dunk tank. There will be those who just cannot resist tossing something to try to dunk you. They must have no life of their own to mind.

Char said...

Keep doing your thing! I admire you and your life. Thanks for encouraging words. Have a great year!

audrey gm said...

Feeling your pain. Have been working the entire time as essential services and have everyone's opinions both at work and at home. Everyone telling me to do all the things, all the things, all the things. I'm burnt out. Reading your blog each day and sewing in the evening (with wine) is my happy place. You make good decisions and have the luxury of sending people to the spam file - I'm jealous - and you should use it more.

Nancy Clark said...

Just be glad you aren't related to her and have to see her on a daily basis. Pray for her husband and children.

Nancy Clark said...

Just be glad you aren't a member of her family and have to put up with her on a daily basis. Pray for her husband and children!

Kathy said...

I also read your blog every morning. Bravo! for saying how it is with you and your inn for quilters.

"Bee" said...

SPAM IT Is, Bonnie:):):):):):)!
Enjoy your day

deanna quilts said...

Good for you Bonnie----you do you !!! Thanks for all you do for the quilting community, there are MANY of us that do appreciate you & all you
do. Big hug !!!

Shirley said...

Just a few days ago, a friend and I were discussing how glad we were that you were posting a little about your retreats. We also were amazed at the effort you have put into making it safe for everyone. (She lives in CO and I am in NC.) We both thought that we would feel safe attending an event at your Inn. Sorry you were treated to such criticism. I think most people will only have praise for your protocol and retreats.

Miss Daisy said...

If this person wasn't targeting you they would be targeting someone else. Maybe she will lose sleep over this , have a fabulous week.

Mary Lynn Frein said...

What you do Bonnie is amazing! Your blog brightens my day and encourages me to keep quilting! I know it is a time consuming for you but you do it every day. I for one appreciate all you do. Thank you (Every barrel has a BAD apple.....you got a really ROTTEN one!)

Pat said...

So sorry that you were the subject of a social media rant. Don't know what the big deal is. I attended a quilt retreat in NH 2 weeks ago. We followed all the covid criteria that was required and we had a great time

Elle said...

Right? "But but but, I know best and you are wrong".....sigh

Farm Quilter said...

I'll be happy to give you business and life advice...do it your way until that doesn't work, then try another way you come up with! The Karens and Donnas of the world have such small lives that they only seem to live through the lives of others and try to control others to make their lives just as small as theirs. She (and all the others in the world like her) need to just get a life of their own that is larger than a tissue box! The quilters coming to Quiltville Inn would probably happily quarantine 4 weeks just because they want to come there, spend time with friends and make quilts!! You do you and just flush the Karens and Donnas from your life!

Unknown said...

I find that nice people are nicer during this time and mean people are meaner.

Jill said...

I like this visual.

Nel from Nebraska said...

I’ve alway considered you a very smart woman. And, you’re right.. they don’t have to come.
Lola is a very old soul, and a very grateful one, too.

Jill said...

Hugs from Michigan. If I lived closer, I'd gladly quarantine for 2 weeks to spend time at your amazing Inn. Maybe some day when it's safe to spend a night on the road to get there.

You do you.

Ruth's girl said...

Sending you a virtual hug! I just don't get it at all that people think they can judge and dump their negative opinions on others. Where is our general sense of kindness and compassion gone? Your business ethics are outstanding. I so enjoy your daily blogs! May your business be continually blessed.

Helen S. said...

Another encourager here who wants to thank you for all the time you spend making most of us readers have a wonderful day following your blog and loving what you share about yourself, your family and of course quilting.
Thanks for all the daily blessings!

annieb said...

Dear Bonnie, please don't give Donna Karen one more second of your life. She isn't worth it. Send her to SPAM or to MAPS (Spam backwords) maybe she will find a never ending jump off place to never return from. What a hateful, demeaning person. Just absorb all the love, caring, and admiration that your site generates. I've met you person, and you are the same then as on your site. Oh I just heard a loud "thud", maybe Donna Karen found her jumping off place....far, far away. lol Waiting to hear your thoughts tomorrow. Smile.

Sherri said...

Hi Bonnie, by the looks of all the replies in regard to this blog post, I would say that most people are fed up with self appointed Covid and mask police. This is life, enjoy it!!

Joan E said...

I so agree, yours is a must-read daily, working on my Appalachian Autumn, can't wait to send pictures, thank you for everything.

Mary Jo said...

You go girl! SPAM is the only place for negative busy-bodies!

Quilter Lois said...

I would like to be one more in the Bonnie cheering section. I often have to remind myself, I can't control what other people say or do, I only can control my reaction to it. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do!! Sending a virtual hug!!

Quilter Lois said...

I would like to be one more in the Bonnie cheering section. I often have to remind myself, I can't control what other people say or do, I only can control my reaction to it. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do!! Sending a virtual hug!!

Linda James said...

Bonnie, over the years I have found that people will say things using
social media that they would never say in person! Even emails I received while I was still working were often termed in way more abrupt or rude ways than that person would do in person!! It's really difficult not to respond in kind...some of us are more human than others. Good for you!

Quilter Kathy said...

I loved seeing Gladys Kravitz again! My kids call me Gladys (with love) when I don't mind my own business and try to tell them what I think they should do :)

Pam said...

Hang in there - you got this --- don't listen to the naysayers!! Sending good thoughts your way!!

Kaequilt said...

Let's start a "Not THAT Karen" club!

Karen Emerton

Yuki said...

Love your attitude! We should call you the Bonilator! <3

love reading your blog and wish that I could come to one of your retreats sometime. I live a very busy life and don't quilt nearly as much as I would like. But I get to quilt vicariously in my mind looking at your projects and dreaming of retirement when I will quilt to my hearts content. Maybe then I'll get to one of your retreats! Keep doing you! Most of us, love you for it!

Love Of Quilts said...

I'm thinking jealous competitor.... Hey!!! gave you something to write about.

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

Love to you and your business sense. Do what is right for you! The world is full of Donna/Karen s. I walk each day and a woman came out of her house and yelled "Wear a mask". I walk in the street near the curb so I don't have to watch out for all the driveway slopes. I'm a good 20ft. from anyone. Had to just keep walking and ignore her. Life is full of those 'types' but thankfully most people are nice. Patty McDonald

LindaJ in PA said...

I have a very low tolerance for busybodies and know-it-alls. I can offend one of them faster than you can snap your fingers! You're doing great and I for one admire all you do. I am a long time reader (yours is the only blog I read everyday) but this is the first time I've commented and I felt I needed to show support. Lesson learned, at the first sign of a busybody, just say NO and hit the block button. Then have a chuckle and hum a little tune :) Hope the rest of your week is awesome! We love you Bonnie! Keep doing what YOU want to do! BTW, I got back into quilting because of you and I am lovin' it! I pulled out a wall hanging I started years ago, found another one I'd forgot about and started the Punkin Patch table runner. I'm having so much fun and am so happy to be back at it, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Rae McKee said...

First, I appreciate your time and effort to make our quilting world a better place. We all have our challenges, this year especially. It is hard making sacrifices but I have to continue hoping that we are all doing the best we can. I'm not perfect but I'm continuing to follow protocol. Let's try hard to love, honor and respect one another as humans trying to continue to survive on this beautiful planet we call home.

PeggyB said...

If everybody had practiced the same rules you do for your retreat that is, social distancing hand-washing, quarantining for two weeks if necessary and wearing masks in all public places we would’ve had a much better outcome than we’ve had so far. If we had only had leader ship at the state and national levelTo encourage this behavior the United States would be in a much better place right now. Thank you Bonnie for all your hard work.

Chris said...

Fabulous post today. Your graphics are spot on and hilarious.
I believe you engaged her because a) you couldn't believe anyone would poke her nose in to something that you had already handled perfectly and b) you had some desire to defend yourself and c) maybe you thought that reasoned discourse could be helpful. LOL
Keep on being yourself and be quicker with the spam button next time.

Helenanne said...

The world needs less busy-bodies and more Bonnies. Bless you and your business for finding a way to safely quilt together.

Cat S said...

I too love seeing that you have found a way to begin 're-opening' in your own way, and are open about the measures your business is taking both to let customers decide, and to shine a light for others. You have a silent mass of readers who don't email or comment, because we don't need to add our 2 cents.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Never answer critics. You just give them more ammunition to fire at you.
You are the best. I look forward every day to reading your blog. Don't give them a second thought.

Soapstone Quilts said...

Huh. The last two sentences don’t sound like a natural American speaker when I read it out loud...wonder if you were targeted by, maybe not by a “bot”, but an outside entity paid to create issues. I know there is an awful lot of that going on as we get closer to the election. Glad you’ll just delete an email like that next time rather than let them harass you. ((hugs))

Craft Mad said...

Thankyou Bonnie. I always look forward to reading your blogs.
For some reason, people fell they can email/text conversations, that they would never engage in face to face. Usually due to ignorance and cowardice.

Quiltnut said...

Let it go. In one ear and out the other. Don’t give them the satisfaction of thinking what the say matters. It DOESN’t. Enjoy life and take it one day at a time.
Sorry for the jerks.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

SMH. We all know this virus is serious business, but some folks have become totally paranoid. None of us wants to catch it but know it's possible. As for FB, sometimes I make an innocent reply to a post that sets the paranoid ones off. And that's just Covid. Politics is even worse. Anyway I have come up with a reply that just baffles the the diehards: "Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country were we can each have our own opinions and have the freedom to voice them?" And then I have a good laugh as I imagine the "Donnas" and the "Karens" sputtering as they work on a reply...one which I will never see because I have written them off.

MyCretanlife said...

Someone is always willing to throw a spanner in the works. I also feel for people called Karen. My pet hate at the moment is people wearing masks with their noses uncovered, just what is the point. Your breathing through your nose expelling stuff through your nose, that mask isn’t working like it should but would I pull them up on it. Not on your nelly, you just have to let it go. Try not to be drawn into this type of thing, just keep quilting and carry on. Someone always thinks they know better than you even if you know better. Looking forward to your new mystery, everyone is starting to get excited about the colours that you will be using this year. Keep on smiling. X

Diane said...

I have only been following you for several months. It seems like you opened the doors to your Quiltville Inn and the virus hit before your first group could get there. I felt as frustrated as you did, knowing how many had signed up and if they would ever get to enjoy their retreat. When I saw you were having them and the rules you required, I thought of all the fun these ladies would be having and just knew they would do whatever it took to be a part of your life. I get your email everyday and look forward to it. Hang in there and continue on. There are a lot more out here for you than against you. Quilt on girl!

Jetmaio from Florida said...

Every morning I have my coffee with you. Please know that there are thousands of us who are happier every day because of you. I know how frustrating it can be but try to remember you do bring joy. Not many of us can say that. I for one admire how you look at life and I just love how you love and share your love of nature and God's creatures. Please calm down and acknowledge you can't please everyone. Once upon a time I went to Tuscany with you, what an adventure.

Debbie said...

The only thing I thought of when you told us about your having retreats at this time, and the rules, was that I'm sorry we don't get to see pictures of it, like we used to!! I understand that you're trying to keep the privacy of the ladies that come. What about some pictures of the design walls?

Marty said...

I’d gladly quarantine for two weeks to come to Quiltville! Even tho I’m all across the country, quarantine all the time (I live 50 miles from the nearest town and only go to town 1-2x a month at the most).

Hug the “kids”, continue to do what you love, this will eventually, not soon, but eventually get better for all of us. Many are so stressed, send love out to the universe, wish them well, thank them for their concern anyway. It’s your day, your way, no one can change that. Virtual hugs, pets to all.

Kerry said...

Ye gods - just why? Well done Bonnie. That woman is bored and all she can think of is meddling in someone else's affairs. We have a relation like that and when she's sending texts like that we just ignore. She moves on to someone else and I guess that Karen will do the same.
Anyway Bonnie and the retreaters enjoy your escape to fun!

Unknown said...

REMEMBER the short time quilters spent at Quiltville this year could be the little slice of quilting heaven that gets them through the Year of the China Virus.
Have a blessed day---and a happier blogging day tomorrow!

Lainey said...

Bonnie, I love you and your blog. I just wish I could travel to the US to come to your retreat. Let Lola's lovely evil eye get to the Donnas of the world. I have an auto immune disease which puts strict guidelines on where I can and can't go and who I can and can't meet but if I could travel to Quiltville Inn I know I would be safe. As grandma used to say with one of here 1001 an Irish ism - if you can't say some thing nice then don't say anything.
Love and hugs.

Unknown said...

Just returned from a weekend at a bed and breakfast. Owners said they have never been so busy. We have been quarantining since March. People need to get away and a quilt retreat is a lovely way to do it. People are more than willing to do what is necessary just to get out a bit.

It is to bad social media seems to give some the right to involve themselves in matters that are none of their business.

Barbara said...

Dear Bonnie, I love your blog and everything you do for us. My life would be so empty without you, your ideas and your inspirations. Please continue as before, you are doing everything great. I'm so looking forward to the new mystery.
Kind regards, Barbara

Pam S. said...

Social media has allowed a person to say anything that comes to mind, regardless of how hurtful the words or ignorant the person. I would gladly spend two weeks in quarantine to come to Quiltville Inn, but II wouldn’t have the ability to stay safe getting there..,,it’s over 1,000 miles. 🙂 Someday Bonnie, someday.....

Linda K. said...

Agree 100% with Mary! Delete, Hide and Block are my friends. And click when the spammers start calling our business! Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job no matter what the Donna/Karens of the world say!

Rozza said...

Hi Bonnie, I read your blog everyday, I come from a small farming community in southern Victoria, Australia and I love seeing your photos of where you live and the surrounding countryside which is so very different to where we live. I too are an avid patch worker and quilter and I enjoy seeing what you are working on. As for the negative comments, my Mother always said you have to understand people who criticise others live a very miserable existence because people who are happy don’t criticise others. Keep doing what you are doing because you bring a lot of enjoyment to many, many people. Cheers Ros

Michele said...

I like many are grateful for all you do to educate and entertain. Please try to ignore those who are just trying to start a fight

52KID said...

I'm so sorry you have to put up with Donna/Karens. Just know that most of your readers love everything you do and all of that you share with us. This person obviously didn't even read your post properly or followed along with your preparations for Quiltville Inn, or she would have know that there was never going to be a problem. Keep up the good work, we all love you

Samantha M said...

Just wanted to say I love reading your blogs :)

Linda M said...

Bonnie, I admire what you do. Putting your life out there for all to see. As I read the comments above, I see so many that appreciate your gift. All the quilt shops here in Connecticut, near me, are open for business, why not your retreat center? I pray that you feel loved and appreciated today, Bonnie! Thank you for sharing your life with us. I love hearing all the updates, including the animal stories! Sending hugs - virtually distant, of course!

pareapantry@gmail.com said...

Lesson learned! Moving On. Circling you with all love! Love is EVERYWHERE! Jeanne

Stephanie said...

Bonnie, Thank you for continuing to educate us! As a former Quiltville Inn retreater (post Covid), you are following the guidelines set by your state and county. The email writer was only emailing their OPINION. And it was unnecessary to share that OPINION unless it was asked for.

Katherine said...

It's the very same Donna who points out the backwards HST on a proudly finished quilt on your website. Guaranteed to be hypercritical in every area of her life because she was raised with the very same attitude. File her and her opinions in the round file. If it makes any difference, I feel like you have an excellent approach to your retreat business, including keeping the weekends incognito.

Sharon M said...

Glad you blocked this person, Bonnie. Just please keep doing your thing. We all know that you are being super, super careful. And we NEED to see what's happening at the retreats. You bring sunshine into so many lives with your quilting and wonderful personality.

Karen said...

I'm in!

Kb48 said...

I hate seeing such an uplifting person being brought down by stuff like this. Lots of hugs coming your way!!

Cats said...

Covidiots! LOVE IT, Thank you for the smile. Cats in Carlsbad... who loves and accepts all the rest of us unconditionally!!!

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