
Thursday, October 08, 2020

Wednesday in the Scraps!

For all of those times I wished I could just let the world pass me by while I cut and sewed the day away -

Wednesday, you were the bomb!

So much so, that I didn't really stop to take photos.

Well, except for Lola.  Because there is ALWAYS Lola!

Yeah, Lola!  Those are the strips I need that you are snuggling down into!

I have been building Easy Breezy Leader & Ender blocks while chain piecing on the Nearly Lemoyne blocks.

It is amazing how they stack up!

Scrap Compactor Lola getting into the action while cutting from the 1 1/2’’ strips for more Easy Breezy blocks!

I am shooting for a twin size with the Easy Breezy blocks, and I think I want to set them on point.  Whether with alternate blocks or sashings or both - the jury is still out.

I find it helpful if I cut out blocks in sets of 10 - go sew for a while, and take a break and come back to cut more as needed.  Sets of  blocks pinned in groups of 10 keep everything easy to count.

I am somewhat in the home stretch with the Nearly Lemoyne blocks - I hope to be able to sew the center together if not today, then tomorrow.

I'm still thinking on the borders for that one which will also end up in a twin size.

Hello, Downspout!

The truth of the matter is, if you really can't tell the difference in the looks of the house by the addition of gutters all the way around - the gutter guys did a great job!

We are expecting rain over the weekend from hurricane leftovers, and our hopes are that the gutters will do their job and handle the roof runoff in such a way that keeps our foundation a bit safer, and the wood porch rails will not peel so badly when they get their new coat of paint in the spring.

Check out Karen’s Appalachian Autumn Topper!

She used one big block (Instead of 4 in my quilt) to make a cute quilt for her kitchen island!  Well done, Karen!  Such a cute and quick finish!

I love her use of scrappy browns as the background. It looks so nice with the Appalachian Autumn quilt as well!

Punkin Patch table runner pattern is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store for just $5.00 through the month of October!

My book String Frenzy contains the full sized Punkin Patch quilt pattern.

It looks like a gorgeous Thursday outside - while rain may be coming over the weekend, the next couple days promise October glory.

Do you have any special plans for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

My plans include watching leaves turn and fall.

Cutting up scraps for blocks. (I am close to enough blocks to have the center pieced and then on to planning those borders.) 

Deciding ahead what we'll have for dinner.

Listening to audio books while I sew. 

Enjoying that afternoon cup of Chai.

Whatever you get up to, make the most of this Thursday!



Anne Hayward said...

They really did do a nice job on your gutters, and so quickly!
Love how Lola always knows which scrap bucket needs her attention lol
Have a wonderful day.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

KatFurr said...

Glad you are having time to immerse yourself in stitching. I'll be enjoying the fall weather and beauty hand quilting out on the deck, piecing some and then FMQ (ala HollyAnne's classes) on a friend's wall hanging she trusted me with. Life is good! Blessings!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

No quilting for me this weekend. Heading to Monroe, LA this afternoon to move my granddaughter into her dorm that just got finished. Yes, Monroe, where the rain is suppose to be falling from Delta.

Leah said...

"Scrap Compactor Lola" made me chuckle. :)

Mary Ellen said...

Quiltville Inn looks great. The gutters are a good idea. My parents had a house in the Ozarks built years ago. The contractor did not include gutters. That was a mistake. As Bob Vila used to say on This Old House, water causes the most destruction in houses if not managed and/or if problems are not immediately addressed.

"Bee" said...

Hi Bonnie,
I love your pictures of Lola.....so precious. Any time you have pictures of your "furry babies"..I love it!!

Your Inn is so beautiful.....I hope to get there someday. Bucket list addition.

Well, I'm trying to figure out which Double Wedding Ring Pattern/and templates to use; my first granddaughter to be getting married a week after she and her fiancé graduate from college, which will be in a year and a half. I so want to make them a Double Wedding Ring Quilt!! It's a little overwhelming!! Crossing my fingers and toes and hope I can make it for them.
Have a wonderful day, Bonnie!!

Kevin the Quilter said...

That kind of day sounds wonderful! Enjoy it for those of us that can't!

Ruth's girl said...

Here in central Iowa we are blessed with amazing weather this week, warm, sunny, and the trees are vibrant! I just want to sit still outside and take it all in. (Which I did do!) Windows are open. I could be sewing but I am afraid if I stop enjoying the weather it may go away. I want to enjoy every minute!

Chris Gilbert said...

Hello Bonnie and fellow quilters !! A while ago this summer Bonnie told us about Sew Pad. I didn't order one then because it looked like there was a stampede on to purchase one of them. Instead I ordered it this past Saturday and it came in today's mail (Thursday). So excited to use it to help my aching, bony bottom ! Good delivery time, considering the US PO has been having issues, but I got it !!

Marti said...

Glad you had a day to do exactly what you love!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Progress on TWO projects at once... in true Bonnie Hunter style!! :o))

Bella said...

Lola is not just compacting the scraps, she is warming them up for your fingers!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

So many DWR patterns don't go together correctly & the quilt top won't lay flat. I used Mary Ellen Hopkins' pattern. It went together so well. It looks like an absolute mess as your putting it together, but it just works. It's an old pattern book and no doubt out of print for a long while now. With some luck you might be able to find a copy.

Marty said...

Always love pics of the 4-legged kids! We just got the 1986 house upgraded with seamless gutters! Yay! One suggestion, as we did, to further protect the foundation from gutter water Glo runoff, get an extension to add on to that 90-degree turn. We also dug a little tench, filled it with gravel (or rocks) to help spread the runoff off. I actually planted some perennials around it to pretty it up. Rain ready now!

Linda K. said...

Karen and Cecile did great jobs on their projects. When I see someone finish something, gives me a bit of a push to finish something myself! ;)

Sandy Meyer said...

I made a double wedding ring quilt using templates bought at a quilt store. Those templates made cutting so easy!!

Carol said...

I've used the template set from Quilting in the Heartland to make 2 queen size DWR quilts. Both went together easily. She also has some great videos to help. I highly recommend this template set. More info available at https://qheartland.com/collections/template-sets/products/double-wedding-ring-quilt-template-set

This winter I'm planning a king size DWR quilt for me, this time.

RachelA said...

Lola is just such a beautiful cat, but I haven't seen much of Ivy lately! I'm liking your nearly Le Moyne Star patches

"Bee" said...

Thank you so much for your thoughts and ideas about which DWR pattern/template might be best. You are so kind:)
I will be checking these ideas out.
Blessings to each of you!!

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