
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Moving It On Up!

It took a big trailer.

And a whole pickup bed -

Sunday was a beautiful sunny clear day and a 100 mile pilgrimage was made to North Carolina to retrieve my 5 stash cabinets, and 3 metal shelving units, and whatever else “quilt wise” that we could fit in the back of the truck.

I told the Hubster as we were loading things that I just felt overwhelmingly emotional about emptying out this house.  He asked why. (As men tend to do!)

We spent nearly 13 years of our lives in that house, even though much of it i was on the road and not really “living” there.  It’s true.  I never felt like a resident, just a visitor. It was just a space the held my stuff so I could do what I do.

But at the same time – a lot of living had happened there.  A lot of creativity – and it was a safe and comfortable space to come home to, even though it never truly felt like it would be our forever home.

And here they are!

My yardage will be here.  For the most part.  It’s a daunting task – I’m planning on sorting and refolding and taking the TIME to make things really work here.

As to that whiteboard? I was never a fan – if I were going to use it, I’d want it in the office.  The problem?  It is GLUED to the wall and framed in. So it stays.  Besides – it’s been painted around and we used the last of the paint – and well – just leave it.

As to why there is a gap between the set of 3 and the remaining 2 – can you guess?


The cord by the wall is a power strip with a long extension – because the one outlet is also behind that cabinet – so this will snake through when needed.  The receptacle part is resting on the white board ledge.

And uh, yeah.  STUFF.


There is a lot to go through, and I have come to realize that I likely have more containers than I need.  That is – I plan to really go through and condense and make less.

There are a couple of areas in my stash that are going to be revamped – for instance – What do you find as the best way to store things like Layer Cake 10’’ squares?  Right now they are in a basket, not sorted by color or anything – and I need something better.  Maybe an art bin? 

Yesterday arrived, as Mondays tend to do and I spent the day getting book and merchandise orders out – This busy little bee was dancing happily to the sound of Pandora on shuffle coming from my newly hooked up smart TV and sound bar.

Jason walked in with lunch and just shook his head! LOL!

I had hoped that the next batch of the Quilter’s Project Planner would show up so I could take care of those pre-orders, but no such luck.  Today?  Please let it be today!

Once all of the order filling is under control I will begin tackling the stash rehoming from the garage/shop next door at Quiltville Inn, and filling those cabinets.

Yesterday did also provide some fun email conversations with a friend in Hawaii bound and determined to help me tell iPad and iPhone wielding quilters who don’t know where to find pattern files HOW to find them.

Know where your files folder is!

See it circled in red above?

This is a screenshot of her iPhone, but it should be much the same on an Ipad. You can move that FILES app to where you can access it more easily. 

The thing is – it’s different for everyone depending on how they have set up their devices.  Some find it in the iBooks app under library – collections – PDF files.  Some who have downloaded through Safari find it under the downloads tab. And some – like above, find it in the FILES APP.  So I hope this helps some of you.

Personally, I would download to a real computer first so I can choose WHERE to save my files.  And then transfer to a mobile device.  This way I have a backup should something happen to my iPhone/iPad phone/tablet.

Lola Loves her Appalachian Autumn Quilt!

And I have seen so many beautiful quilt starts happening through social media!  I am so excited that YOU are so excited!

You’ll find Appalachian Autumn in the digital patterns section of the Quiltville Store along with other downloadable patterns.  You’ll also see what’s new in the NEW category.

I’ll be honest – the shelves may be looking a bit bare because this was a very busy weekend and shipping delays as they are – but I’ll be stocking up again as soon as items arrive and make them available ASAP.

Today’s plan – HAIR CUT DAY!  I’ve had it.  I need it.  Who would think that going to get a haircut would feel the same as walking into a war zone?

But i know I’ll feel like a much happier human if I get that taken care of.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

My family, the dog, the cats, my fabric, my health and the ability to see with my eyes and use my hands to create.

A beautiful roof overhead, comfortable temperatures inside, running water and electricity.

Plentiful food for our bellies, quilts to create and snuggle under -

I am focusing on the HAVES today, not the HAVE NOTS!

Have a terrific Tuesday, folks!


Dawn Champion said...

I downloaded Adobe acrobat on my iPad and that’s where I put my downloads.

CherylW said...

Please let us know what you figure out with the layer cakes. I don't have many, and for now the intact ones are in a lidded container...as a result, they are out of sight/out of mind. The ones in the process of being used are "free range" and need time and an accessible home.

Carolyn V said...

Appears that your space is filling up.😊😊 but will feel so good once your get sorted and reorganized. And that will last about until the next big creative event. But that is what it is all about. I do hate spending time “hunting” for something specific I’m sure I have.

Anonymous said...

how about storing your layer cakes on end, in a file cabinet?
If you get one of the "sideways" cabinets (wider than deeper) you could sort the layer cakes by season, or by color families. And if you choose to store them standing on end (rather than laying flat) you will get more layer cakes in the cabinet, and still be able to see the colors.

Just a thought.

Shirl S said...

Store your 10" squares in the clear Room Essentials storage bins from Target. They are 11 inches square , 3 inches deep for $2. They worked great,learned this trick from Gudrun Erla.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

My precuts are on a bookshelf, divided into the Jelly Rolls, the Layer Cakes and the 5" Charms. Somewhere, when my granddaughter moved in I put my 2 1/2" mini-charms somewhere and cannot find them. Still searching now that she has moved off to college. Wish me luck!!! My husband needs to be able to retire so I am on a buying freeze. Going to try to use only what I have which should not be a problem. My kids have quilts from me, as well as the grands so I will be doing charity and QOV and Bonnie Hunter Scrap Quilts. Have a blessed Fall day.

Sharon K. Jack said...

Hair cut day for me too. will be able to see again after bangs get cut..
off to put unity in the longarm and get it quilted. giving to my cousin a Vietnam vet first week of October. I had changed the aqua to gold. so looks patriotic. thanks Bonnie for such a fun quilt one of my favorites just what we needed at the time.

sue s said...

I am continually amazed at the way your animals lay/sit/play! I have had cats and dogs over the years and none ever looked like these!

Jacqueline said...

I do hope someone has a solution and posts it for storing layer cakes, charm packs and jelly rolls! That is what most of my stash consists of and it is in totes. Out of site, out of mind. Thought about opening them all up and putting them into a Bonnie Hunter Scrap User System!! What are your thoughts on that idea? My sister just about had a heart attack! Lol

Jen said...

Not a fan of layer cakes. I've often cut them up for my 2" bin or cut them in strips. I am, however, a big fan of Zoey and Lola and Ivy and their modeling careers.

Cats said...

Layer cakes go in the cabinet in same area as all precuts... not buying anymore, but there's a sizeable # to use up, layer cakes are my go to for quick bowl cozies, and they're almost used up... love lola on the appalachian autumn quilt... its calling me, along with that pumpkin throw from last year... moving even tho it's moving on and a good thing can be an emotional tug...you've invested so much of you in all your doings, it's bound to cause a tug at the heartstrings... thanks for sharing your thoughts, feelings, talents... Life is good... here;s to getting organized... at least i DO know where my files are, on my PC! Cats in Carlsbad CA All y'all have a propitious week!

Lehighlady said...

Poor Zoe looks perplexed with her ears back surrounded by storage tubs! Maybe she thinks you're moving out? Or senses your emotion? Not easy cutting ties to a home that was your refuge!

Ames in VA said...

I sorted mine by color, stacked flat with the purchased layer cakes on top, in a clear squarish bin with lid, and it's on my stash storage rack. Layer cakes can't be stored vertically easily, my preferred approach for yardage.

Lilac Joan said...

The quilt with your quote is certainly a different way to do a nine by four patch. I love and the quote.

Johanna said...

For layer cakes try Target. They have Room Essentials modular bins. Mine is 5 inches tall so it holds alot. Got this tip from Gudrun Erla!

Leah said...

LOL! Yep, I'm a big fan of wire shelving, too. We have various units all over the house - even our entertainment center is made from a Metro shelving unit. I remember a few years ago, trying to move a bunch of them without disassembling them first. It's a project, for sure. In hindsight, I don't know whether trying to take them apart first would have been better or not.

I'm glad for you that you're close to having your stash near to hand and easier to access. Good luck on the sorting!

Lori Wasserman said...

Got my haircut last week -- first time in six months. A good friend runs a salon at home, but has been working outside doing hair on her back patio. She has done so much to make her place safe, indoors and out, even for high-risk folks like me who have been quarantining. Came home afterwards in such a good mood and totally energized! Have been super productive ever since. Who knew a haircut could make such a difference?

priscilla said...

How about new pizza boxes for the layer cakes?

Gale said...

Yes! I second this. I got some of these also and they are the best for layer cakes and/or charm squares and they are clear so you can see what's in them. Find them only at Target, if you can.

Jan said...

I have used plate separators like for the kitchen and they work nicely. Can do by colors, types like kids or batiks. they will stack too if your shelf is high enough. Also have a paper shelves like for scrapbooking paper. When you're done want to come fix mine?

Kathleen said...

For a moment I thought the trailer was filled with cages. I was ready to see Bonnie move a ZOO - bears, horses, dogs and cats...... one thing at a time, it will get done ! You are doing great, pat on your back !

TrulyBlessed said...

How lucky am I? My youngest daughter is a stylist! DH and I have been self quarantining since March. When the salons finally opened in June, DD came to work on a Sunday when the salon is closed, wore a mask and transformed me!!! She continues to have me in on Sundays when I "just can't stand my hair anymore"! Enjoy your haircut today, Bonnie. I hope your stylist wears a mask. Where we are, masks are mandated by law. Be safe, my friend. I love seeing your fur babies. They so know they are loved.

Jennifer said...

Love your blog so much... I just want to tickle Lola's belly. So sweet.

Susan Smeltzer said...

YES, me too. Bless those friends who work from home. got it colored too. Needed a lift for 75 birthday. OH, did I mention It is PINK. Like you said,
"Who knew a haircut could make such a difference?" Hubby didn't even notice. LOL."

Unknown said...

One thing I can add to my Have list is internet and cable again. We live in Pansacola and were in Hurricane Sally and they went out during the storm. 6 days is a long time with no internet! Love your new quilts. Polly.

Barbara Y. said...

You are going to love it when all the fabric is sorted and made easily accessible. Sunday evening my older daughter cut the back of my hair. It was getting so straggly and was driving me crazy when I was working outside. I left the sides longer so I could put the barrettes in to keep it out of my eyes. I didn't want to go through having to get it to that stage again. When I finally go back to my usual person for a hair cut I know she'll understand why I didn't come during this pandemic and why I finally had Sarah cut the back for me. I look forward to seeing your progress with sorting and shelving.

Irene said...

Shirl S. wrote that she bought Clear 11" square and 3" tall storage bins from Target for her layer cakes and suggested that they would also be good for charm squares. I'm sure there would be many other things in our sewing rooms that would fit perfectly in the bins.

Irene said...

I liked the idea for the Room Essentials from Target. The 5" tall bins sounds great to me. I haven't been in Target for months. Because of the 'virus' I limit myself to the grocery store and Costco. My husband has COPD and I worry about bringing something contageous home. So I do a lot of shopping on line. It's like the "old fashioned window shopping". My Mom loved going "to town" in the 1940's to "window shop". I like going with her and looking at all the pretty displays in the store windows. We lived in Pomona, Ca. it was a farming community. So sorry, I got carried away with memories that mean a lot from my childhood.

Irene said...

I loved the picture with Zoey. I didn't notice her at first because she was a part of the collage. Lola looks adorable on the beautiful Autumn quilt.
I too think of how great it is to have a roof over our heads, food on the table and being able to pay bill. Can't leave out how nice it is to be able to buy fabric and yarn for my quilting and knitting and crocheting. I had a lot of very hard years while raising 4 children on my own. Then I met my 2nd husband after 8 years alone and we fell in love and married after 2 years of dating. I couldn't have a better husband. We've been together over 50 years now and I have been happy and so has he.

B. J. In Virginia said...

My projects, Kaffe fabrics, etc. are stored in clear plastic 12 X 12 X 3? boxes purchased at Michael's (only when on sale) with a label on the inside front telling me what's inside. This is an ongoing project. I got so frustrated not being able to find anything. For me, the label is what's most important. I'm too old to be easily frustrated!

I love stitching said...

I use an art bin that I purchased from Missouri Star Quilt Company for my 10” layer cakes I love it!!! Using my stash and trying not to purchase new. I am also hoping to get back to my Jacobs Ladder, and Wanderlustvand some other UFOs have a wonderful fall day and try not to get overwhelmed by the Stuff. I know exactly how you feel it happens to me a lot especially lately.........

Thank you for sharing your lives with so many people.


Unknown said...


Donna S. said...

Looks like Lola loves rolling in the leaves in a controlled environment. Lol

gardenwitch said...

Just my socks from your site. I love them; my feet feel better already. Can't wait to start my Autumm quilt/ I will work on that and Pumpkin patch as leader and enders! Yeah!

Unknown said...

Years ago, I spent a considerable amount of time putting all my fabric on tables in my basement and then sorting by color, batiks (separated by color), seasonal, etc. Each color had its own bin, seasonals their own bins, etc. It took a lot of time, but I felt so good when it was done. A few months after that, my husband retired. I came home from work one day and he took me to the basement to show me something. He had noticed the bins were taking up a lot of room. He figured I would want more space. He had spent the day combining all my bins. He very proudly showed me all the empty bins I now had. For once, I was speechless. He was so proud of how he had "helped" me that I could not be mad. To this day, I've never told him I was not really pleased with his efforts.

Donna Endresen said...

Oh Happy Day! That is how great it feels when things are going great! for you, Bonnie, it was getting out of the house to get a hair cut. I took care of that in June, but we didn't have the out breaks up here that they had in the lower 48. But it was mask time, temp checks, questions to be answered, etc.

I am glad you got your fabric and cabinets in one place now. Since I do not have cabinets in my sewing room yet, my fabric is in lots of tubs, bags and boxes, and it keeps growing. BUT, I do get to sew a little bit once in a while to use some of that stash.

My Great Happy Day came on Saturday when I got my nice big greenhouse. It was built in a day, but they had to come back Monday and put in the windows, the one door, set the big double French doors, and then pain the French doors. Then on Tuesday he came back and set the big French doors in place, so it is complete now. So it is now complete, and I am in the process of moving the tomatoes, cukes and zukes from the "Green House in a Box" to the permanent greenhouse. It is much warmer, so they can spend the next month living out their lives before I call it quits for this growing season. Then I can switch full time to the sewing and quilting season! Just in time for the fabric requirements for the new Mystery Quilt. Oh What Fun, such wonderful things to look forward to/

Thank You, Bonnie!

Donna E.
Kasilof, AK

Carol Nye said...

Please tell Lola, (with all due respect), that is a very revealing photo!!
Love the quilt she has chosen!!

Anne Hayward said...

ivy is just adorable, she has really settled with you well, she looks so content she picked her new family well. Love how your son caught you in mid dance my boys would have been just as amused at me lol.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

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