
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

All On A Rainy Tuesday!

 You know those days where the rain pours endlessly with no sign of stopping?

The kind of cool autumn morning where you want to just putter around in a comfy pair of old socks, sipping a warm, yummy beverage, listening to an audiobook while you sew the day away?

Aren’t those days just the BEST EVER?! 

And don’t let Lola’s stinky-eye gaze fool you.  She loved this day as much as I did.

Well, what she experienced of it, as she seemed to sleep her way through most of it.  In my bin.  Where the fabric I needed was held down by her dead weight sleeping self.

How does that saying go?  No scrap quilt is complete without a bit of cat hair?

This was yesterday’s afternoon project after mail order had been delivered to the USPS in a torrential downpour.

The Snail’s Trail project had been on the back-burner once again due to the hurry-hurry to get Appalachian Autumn to pattern status. 

I can now pick it up again and continue making blocks!

Yes, there will be a pattern for this one too, but I need a completed quilt first – so please stay tuned on that one.

In the mean time, October starts TOMORROW – and you know what the end of October brings?  YAY!

Check out this share by @ltellenpa on Instagram!

She writes:

"It’s an Appalachian flimsy! What a fun project and so hard to believe, that in spite of the great variety of fabrics used, the same ones were lined up in a few spots....random?

(I also made it into a rectangle instead of the square pattern that Bonnie provided.)
I’ll be piecing a back tomorrow and then on to the quilting!"

Thank you so much for sharing with our
#appalachianautumn hashing and tagging me @quiltville_bonnie as well so I can share in your progress! Keep them coming!

You can find the PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store

Oh, ZOEY JO!!!

This is what I found when I returned home from the QPO.

Evidently she had a great time of it. Where was the hidden camera when I needed one?

And why is the poly fiberfill BROWN?? WHO KNEW?

Evidently, unbeknownst to the Hubster who was up in the loft office working – Zoey had followed Ivy down to my basement studio to play, and finding a small hole (likely made by toenails) decided to explore a bit further and dig out the fiberfill from her bed, the same way she will de-stuff a toy.

I can only imagine how fun this was for her.  LOL!  And yes, we are watching her to see if she ate any of it, which I don’t think she did as she doesn’t eat the filling out of stuffed toys either. 

Believe me – she wasn’t bored in the least, though it was a very rainy day and she was inside much more than she usually is – torrential downpours are not fun for people to play with dogs outside.

Does this sound like I am being defensive on every count?  YES I AM!  Because I know the kind of comments that come shooting my way about not being a responsible Kelpie Mom.  

Today the sun is shining and she will have abundant play time outside!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Happy September 30th!

How can a year pass so quickly and yet so slowly at the same time?

Oh 2020, you are a conundrum of utmost confusion!

Who is ready for October?

Enjoy your Wednesday, everyone!


Louise said...

I have 3 Papillions and they do the same thing to their beds and stuffed toys. Just a tiny hole and the fun begins when your back is turned. I just clean up the mess and buy a new bed. Zoey Jo is precious. Love seeing your sweet fur babies.

pojo said...

Bonnie I have a long haired dashhound Rusty Dusty he is 9 years old and does that to ever bed we have bought him but still love him. I keep wondering about the colors in them.

sue s said...

Love your quote and I sure feel this way a lot! (Although, I'm not ready for fall yet....)

Holly Burch said...

Good job Zoey Jo - you chose to tear up your bed instead of a beautiful quilt. And quite a fine job of it you did too!

maryofkern said...

Yes, I know those rainy days, I live in Oregon....so glad to see you are back to the Snails Trails, can't wait for the pattern on that one. Hope you and Zoey Jo have a great play day today. Look forward to your blog every morning.

Chris Gilbert said...

Got my Project Quilting Planner 2 days ago and love it. Thank you for telling us about this nifty planner and for also carrying it in your store.

Sydney said...

I am looking forward to the Snails’ Trail pattern for my collection of Bonnie Patterns and books! I did purchase Accuquilts’ new Snails’ Trail Die to make my cutting easier! Thank you Bonnie for all the beauty you bring into our lives! 🤗❤️

Kat said...

We live in a world filled with so many unwanted and not needed critics!! I have a 9 year old puppy that thinks stuffing needs to come out of every one of her toys, immediately. It’s a game, pull out a piece and toss it...and oh there’s more to pull and toss. Love your photos of your furry family and the area where you live and all of your prolific quilt projects.

Deb E said...

At least she didn't find one of your quilts to 'empty'! Our son & grandson's dog (they live upstairs) stays with us during the day. He is still a puppy (about 18 months old) and put a hole into one of my quilts that was hanging off the back of a chair. Luckily it didn't go all the way through to the backing. Also lucky is the hole is on one of the leaves I appliqued onto the front...I'll just add another leaf to several places on the finished quilt so it looks like its supposed to be a design choice instead of a repair choice! Love our fur babies, but they can get into trouble so fast. Enjoy your Wednesday---wish we had rain here in No. Calif. Deb E

Deb E said...

Also wanted to thank you for the two books & the playing cards I received. I'm slowly going through each book, savoring the patterns...trying to decide what's next on my quilt list. Thanks!! Deb E / CA

Andee Neff said...

Dogs are like kids...take your eye off them for one second and they find that one thing! You are a terrific pet mama! Loving your new project and Lola too!

Gail Topper said...

Oh the horror! Oh the giggles! I was very lucky that my girl wasn't one to tear into things but OH she sure enjoyed stealing my slippers! She didn't 'abuse' them but loved tossing them in the air and chasing them down all over the back yard! She did grow out of that...er...maybe I just got better at hiding them from her!♥

Jen said...

Dogs are like children, they will get into things no matter how hard you try. At least Zoey had fun and entertained herself! And you don't know if Ivy helped. I can see the both of them plotting to get to the stuffing. The video of this probably would have gone viral. Silly Zoey!

brandln said...

Maybe you SHOULD get a camera, just for entertainment purposes.

Sue said...

Lola isn't giving you the stink eye-she is looking for love. She really is a cutie and so much company when sewing.

Lori Wasserman said...

Zero judgment here! My beagle does the same thing. She chews through Kevlar toys in under 20 minutes, pulling out every bit of stuffing! I've pretty much given up on stuffy toys with her. Haven't bought her a big bed for this reason; she sleeps on the couch or armchair with a big fleece blanket draped over it (which she gnaws periodically). She does like bones and rope toys.

Peggy from Colorado said...

A rainy indoor day sounds delightful. We've had a hot summer with no rain here in the Colorado mountains and would love rain for oh so many reasons. If you can't enjoy a little naughtiness from your furry family members why have them!

cityquilter grace said...

i've made a ton of scrappy quilts and it's the same way in every one...somehow the same 2 fabrics end up side by side...

ASMcBurnie said...

When Zoey is 10, you'll be happy to see her to something like this because that means she's still a puppy at heart :) Our Berner is 7 and we have to constantly watch her or she'll be in to something. And sweet Lola - she knows all quilts need to be pre-cuddled. She's just giving them a head start.

spacer said...

I live in the high desert in Central Oregon. We need a good soaky rainy day to keep the fires at bay.

Tammie said...

A pup, a kitten, and dad in charge....what could possibly go wrong???🤷‍♀️ Can’t blame the kids...dads are usually oblivious..😂😂😂. Have a beautiful day!

Always In Stitches said...

Just had to laugh. Zoey was telling you.... don't leave me alone. I think since she usually goes with you to Quiltville PO she retaliated. "Mom don't leave me I can't handle thinking I am alone."

Nikki said...

I have a 10 year rescue that loves to take apart her beds. I just let her have fun! And buy another one.

Brenda said...

Isn't it strange that Zoey did not appear in that particular photo? Did she have a prior commitment? Is the stuffing brown to make it less noticeable in case it beards?

Terri said...

See if you can find an antler rack. I got one for my miniature golden doodle. She LOVES it. Carries it around like a trophy and chews on it for hours. Just being a kid Miss Zoey Jo. My doodle also chewed my sons underwear and my fat qtrs. Grrrr.

beth d. said...

Zoey is a little devil. my dog who is 5 years old still chews on things out of trash can while we are asleep. they are little rascals. cute, though and still love them.

katesquilt said...

Bonnie.... cats and dogs are like kids. No matter how close an eye we keep on them the little stinkers are bound to find that brief window of opportunity to do their worse. Got to love them.

Phyllis said...

I sure hope you get it. Terrible with those fires destroying so much!

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Bonnie, bless you for taking the time to check out Blue’s tags and contact his owner! I bet Blue howled to all his friends over the ridge and up the hill “there is a nice human over at the old post office building who serves fresh water, will give you a nice pat and will call your folks if you get lost!!”. The words out....your story reminded me of a scene in Lady and The Tramp.

Farm Quilter said...

What Zoey did to her bed is what I think many of us would like to do to some random piece of furniture to relieve the stress/boredom of this past year! This staying home all the time definitely is a challenge...the whole year has been a challenge!!

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

this made me laugh! so true - there are a few things I would love to pull the stuffing out of! :)

Sherri said...

Oh how I wish we could have some of that rain!!! So so dry here in central Oklahoma.

OrrtannaKat said...

Try one of this type instead:
Only type that one of my German Shepherds decided not to chew. He loved to chew up any stuffed ones we got him.

Quiltnut said...

My German shorthair pointer does this too. Even when you are sitting right there in the same room. Just curious and mischievous. But she is sweet. Can’t be mad at her. She just has so much energy.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Several years ago we had a Corgi. We learned quickly that the toys with a squeaker were a no no. She would pull the squeaker out first thing, never ate one, but certainly did not like them. She did not like our printer either, apparently it made a sound that hurt her ears. Dogs are like humans, they just can't talk.

Jill Reichow said...

We had two large-105lb.&96lb. boys. Their game was one would hold the stuffed animal and the other would dismember ir. They switched off who held and who chewed. Then when the giant schnauzer got bored (105lb), he managed to open my closet door and took my LEFT shoe and chewed it up. Only good leather shoes. He managed to chew 10 good shoes before I caught him with my shoes that I had worn to both sons weddings. When I bopped him on the nose and threatened to pullout him teeth he went and hid and left the rest of my work shoes alone. Ahhh the puppies, gotta love them.

Unknown said...

I know what's coming the end of October!! I know why you do your mystery quilt and I support you for THAT over all other quilty things. But I never thought I'd be in that position until the coronavirus came along. We aren't doing Thanksgiving or Christmas this year with any family members - just too dangerous. (Unless there's a vaccine but I'm not counting on it!) So . . . THIS year I'm on board with mystery quilting between Thanksgiving and New Years. Bring it on!!!

Nann said...

Funny coincidence -- or not? I've been going through a box of patterns/designs torn out from magazines. I came across a scrappy snail's trail like the one in your post --by Jean Ann Wright/Eitel from Quilt magazine. Probably 20 years old. I may have to make a block or two. Or forty....

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I read your blog every day, Bonnie. I just do not always have a second to comment. This one I enjoyed. Thank you for sharing your daily adventures.
I love my cornish rex kitties. They are like monkeys, and they do find things to create surprises for us too, for example, a completely emptied out one by one box of kleenex, and of course huge chomp in the toilet paper roll is 'special' and creative.
Enjoy your day in So Virginia. I know it is beautiful there.
here in Northern Virginia (furthest west) it is going to be a pretty day.
I know I will find time to sew today but at present I have to get a move on to go up to my littlest grand girl and keep her busy while Sarah does school from home.

I love stitching said...

Oh my goodness Bonnie Hunter the laughter that I had for meeting this morning‘s blog when I thought at first when I saw Zoe‘s playing or the results of her playing I thought was this an ad for a cause you know I have your ads pop up and I’m trying to figure out the ad and then I read further oh my goodness laugh laugh laugh and then I got to hear quote of the day which I always love a night I’ve saved 100 and hundreds of them oh my goodness how true is that.

I hope everybody has a wonderful day and you’re absolutely right those rainy days when you just want to have your comfy socks on and you’re hot cup of tea and just read or so listen to music those are the best.I hope everybody has a fantastic day.

BONNIE thank you so so much for sharing your life it really brightens mine you’re the best and I’m getting closer to going to my Bonnie Hunter 2018 workshop UFOs

Anne Hayward said...

Ooops what a radicle miss ZoeyJo is lol, reminds me when out cat was a kitten she used to trot around with my eldest daughters thongs in her mouth, they get up to some very funny things whilst they are growing up lol
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Irene said...

Deb E, You are so lucky the hole was in a place where you could applique a leaf. Like your idea of adding more leaves to make it look like part of the quilt design. Years ago I made an appliqued quilt and my cat Pittypat made a hole with one of her toe nails. Sadly the hole wasn't in one of the applique pieces so I wasn't able to applique over it. The quilt has a white background and because of the design it would not look like a part of the design even if I added more applique. Oh my goodness writing this note to you made me realize that I can applique small hearts in different shades of pink. I am so glad that I replied to your post. Isn't wonderful how just a few words from another quilter can inspire your mind to find a solution. I made the quilt years ago and it won a blue ribbon at our quilt guild quilt show. Thank you thank you thank you for getting my mind going in the heart direction.

Irene said...

Zoey is so funny and just needed something to do while staying inside on a rainy day. LOL We have had many dogs over the years and they all had funny things they liked to do. I like your Snails Trail quilt and am looking forward to seeing it all finished.

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