
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Days and Nights of Speedy Sleep.

This was my one accomplishment for yesterday.

I finished binding the Blossom Time quilt around 9pm last night while the last dose of Benadryl was being taken before bed, but before it had really grabbed hold.

You see, I made an “impaired judgement” decision while at CVS.

I was picking up my meds for the cellulitis wasp bite arm, and the pharmacist asked if I was up on my immunizations.  My insurance would cover them all and it wouldn’t cost me anything.

I figured that since the cellulitis arm already had me in a walking Benadryl coma – what could it hurt?

So I left there with the LEFT arm bearing the marks of Flu, Pneumonia, and Shingles shots.  2 of which have boosters down the road.

The right arm was out of commission anyway due to the wasp sting – so let’s knock these out of the ball park!


Part of yesterday was just doing this.

This is Lola.  She has started to become very needy – and I think that is due to Ivy invading her space.

I’ve even caught her being meanly aggressive toward Ivy.  I suppose in time they will sort it out. And I need to spend as much time there with the two of them as I can so that is my plan today -

Yes, I’m moving slowly – but have switched my morning dose of antihistamines to Zyrtec instead of Benadryl to hopefully keep the sleepy foggies at bay.  This was suggested by my doc when they called in on me yesterday morning to see how I was doing.

That Speedy Sleep in the title of this post is drawn from just how I feel when steroids ramp me up, but the Benadryl pulls me under..you know the feeling?

I’m thinking some simple string blocks for more hexie star applique are in order now that the binding is done on Blossom Time.

That icky backing fabric even became the sleeve!

The only thing that remains is to stitch that upper edge of the label in place – that can happen tonight.

Greens photograph weird.

The binding print is actually much brighter and it has “sailing” terms on it – but it acts like a stripe due to the fabric being cross-cut.  I used it all.  There was only about 12’’ or so left by the time the binding was on – another piece of yardage bites the dust!

And these are still on the go!

Nearly Lemoyne is really a fun block to play with and perhaps I’ll get some more block sets cut out this afternoon.  These have been my “just sewing a bit between dinner and tv time” project.  If the parts are cut out, it’s easy to sit and sew for 45 minutes or so.

And I think that brings me to now!  Another low key day ahead.  Nothing grand or exciting, but I’m still on my feet and moving forward (albeit slowly!) and that’s a good thing!

Anything interesting ahead for your Tuesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

So much to be said in this statement! Be strong!

Vintage string star from my collection.

Have a beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


isupam said...

I'm surprised they gave you all three shots at the same time. My doctor wouldn't allow me to do that. I had to go back 3 different days to get them all. I know those wasp stings really hurt, but you got a double whammy when it swelled all up and got such an angry red. Hang in there. This, too, shall pass.

Judy said...

Speedy Recovery Bonnie!

swooze said...

Wow I thought a stripe! Love it. Get better quick!

momhulk said...

When I got the new shingles shot that required a second booster shot, it kicked my butt. Hope you don’t get that reaction on top of the wasp reaction!

Kim said...

Ouch! Your arm might get really sour from all of those shots, I felt like a was bunched in the arm from that shingles shot my husbands only hurt after the second dose. I bet the health care system is pushing to get as many people vaccinated as possible this year to keep hospital beds available for Covid patients.

HospiceNP said...

Talk about adding insult to injury! You are a better woman then I am, I would have waited for the vaccines. Love love love the Blossom Time quilt, and the funny thing is I didn't like it in the block stage. The magic of quilting, how things come together. Your quote today really speaks to me. Feel better!

Raine said...

I wish I could be finishing Frolic today but work awaits.

I had a shingles shot last week. Felt fine the first day, ached all over the second day.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Leah said...

Greens might photograph weird - and you're right there - but that quilt is lovely. Even your funky dragonfly back is charming. ;)

Feel better soon!

mpv61 said...

My arm hurt for days after my first shingles shot. I dreaded the second, but I didn't have the same problem for the second.

Sharon K. Jack said...

I do not take benedryl do to having the opposite effect it keeps me awake and makes me very wound up. not that I could get more done since not too functional with out sleep take care. hope Lola and Ivy start liking each other

Helen S. said...

When I had my first shingles shot, I developed a mild case of the shingles from it. My primary care doctor told me never to have second injection!

PattioQuilter said...

The Hubs and I got the shingles shots at the same time. Shot #1 kicked his butt right to bed; I just had a sore arm. Shot #2 kicked his butt back to bed; this time I joined him! I can’t imagine getting all 3 at the same time! Bless you Bonnie and I hope you’re back to normal very soon!

janie said...

May I ask a stupid question? Why do you add the 2 1/2 square blocks after the star is made? Does this add a 2nd design? Thanks Bonnie for all you do.

Susan said...

I hope you're feeling a bit better today. You may be moving slow but a sewing machine goes fast so you'll probably get more a lot more accomplished than you think 🙂 Have a beautiful day Bonnie! ❤

farmhousequilter8 said...

Headed to the cabin for a little retreat with the Friday Girls. We social distance and enjoy each others company. Paula in KY

Sue said...

The shingles shot is a killer. We need it. But it hurts and up to 40% of patients experinece flu like symptoms. And, the pneumonia shots were OK but I hated having to go back in again. Hope your bouncing back soon. The second shingles shot was not bad.

Lisa T said...

Good for you! Might as well get your money's worth out of the Benadryl!!!! Mark that stuff off the list!! And the backing on Blossom Time is so hedious it is gorgeous!!!! I just love it!! I have been collecting greens and neutrals for Emerald City. Think I might just smoosh them over to Blossom Time. I just am in love with that quilt! OK, it's all the brights but man, it is awesome!!!!

mboykin said...

Hope you recover quickly, Bonnie. All those shots on top of the wasp bite are bound to throw you for a loop!

Betty said...

Lola needs extra love, probably still missing Dresden. Hope the girls will become friends. I thought my simple phone camera was why I had trouble with greens, maybe it just the nature of the color.
Hope you get through all the medication frustrations soon!

Gwin Gover said...
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Gwin Gover said...
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kwiltnkats said...

You had the idea I would have had...as long as I'm down why not. The Shingles #1 had me sore for several days, I was expecting Shingles #2 to be similar, but felt fine after it. It is good to be up to date. Hoping the next injection you get will be for keeping COVID away. Wouldn't that be great? It is coming hopefully soon with all the work by scientist around the world. Feel better soon Bonnie!

Mary O said...

I'm hoping you will feel better soon. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. We care!

Shelina said...

I am so impressed that your doctor called to see how you are doing! Mine doesn't even call to remind me to come in. Congrats on a finished quilt! I wish you a speedy recovery.

Annka said...

Bonnie, Be very careful of wasp stings...Each time you get stung in the future the reaction will be more severe. I have been stung several times over the years as we live in the country. This last time we had to call 911. I carry an EpiPen at all times and know I have to use it immediately after getting stung....good luck! Thankful you are okay.

Annka said...

Bonnie. Be very careful of wasp stings in the future as each time the reaction becomes more severe. I have been stung several times over the years as we live in the country. This last time we had to call 911. I carry an EpiPen at all times and know to use it immediately. Good luck!

Brenda Rithmire said...

You are a superwoman. We have had all the shots (n0t at the same time) but only side effects were a sore arm. love the quilts. I am allergic to all kind of stinging things. So run away as fast as these 79 year old legs will carry me.

Calicat54 said...

Hope you feel better soon Bonnie! Sorry to say we had two cats who lived together for 19 years and they never became friends. Miss Kitty was the younger of the two. She came into Calicat's domain after Calicat lost her best friend Sylvester. Calicat was 1 1/2 yrs old and Miss Kitty was 4 months old. We kept them separate for awhile and introduced them slowly over a couple of weeks. They never really bonded but we always hoped they would eventually tolerate each other which they did for the most part. Calicat sitting with me and Miss Kitty sitting with my husband in the evenings. Calicat passed away at 19 years old and Miss Kitty lived another 9 months with us before passing away. During those 9 months she stilled enjoyed her time with my husband and continued looking at me like "Why are you still here?" as she had done all the previous years. She was his cat and Miss Kitty never let me forget it. Randy couldn't bear to take her to the vet as with all the cats I was the one to hold them and love them when their time came to pass. I finally was able to show her how much I loved her!!

colleen said...

Well you really got it all done except the boosters which you can choose to schedule differently. Everyone is different I had chicken pox I saw several people suffer from shingles I got the first shingles shot then I got the newer 2 dose shingles shots for me it was just the injection pain

colleen said...

I am a pro vaccination person but to be honest I never look forward to the shot .... I have to either really talk my self into it or my best case would be like happened with you it just presented it’s self to you and wammy done

Our Homeplace said...

I'm so glad you decided to have your arm taken care of. Hope it heals quickly for you so you can continue doing the things you love to do. My Tuesday consisted of teaching a young woman how to make her quilt sandwich and how to straight quilt. I taught her how to piece her quilt a few weeks ago. She's a quick learner and has really enjoyed learning to quilt.

annie w. said...

for Lola and Ivy, consider trying ‘Feliway’ pet calming products. They come in a spray, collar and plug in diffusers. Find them at a pet shop or amazon.
Also, check out Jackson Galaxy’s website. He has several different essences for target behaviors and issues.

Nel from Nebraska said...

That’s such a hard job. I’m with hubby, can’t do it.

ceblakeney said...

Mama got injured by invasive hornets, but that will heal, given time. Lola got injured by invasive Ivy, but that will also heal given time. Betting they will become BFFs in almost a blink.

jshipp said...

You have been having a rough go of it lately. Hopefully that improves each day.

I had the shingles, pneumonia and flu shots at the same time a few years ago. The injection site became hot and red. The size of the red area increased rapidly. Looked like flesh eating disease. Go to Emerge NOW a nurse friend said, unless you want to spend the night In the hospital on IV antibiotics. Each nurse and doctor who saw me said, “whoa!”. Best to seek medical care ASAP. Feel better soon.

Katherine said...

Good for you getting your immunization updates. Don't forget your shingles booster. All 3 will work to keep you healthy and quilting!

Linda K. said...

I have the same reaction to benadryl and others that are supposed to help you sleep! Just like toothpicks stuck in your eyelids! UGH! You must have good insurance Bonnie. I had to pay for my whole shingles shot and that hurt worse than the shot!

Barbara P. said...

This quote really spoke to me as my husband recently died. You find out what you are "made of" when you have to deal with that. Love all your daily quotes.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, time will heal your multiple bites! Shame on that pharmacist for recommending all those immunizations when he could see by your prescriptions what you had going on! But what’s done is done, and as usual you have a great outlook on the situation. Keeping you in my prayers! We know you can’t keep Bonnie down - you’re like the energizer bunny!! 🤗🤗

Sandy said...

I am really growing to love that icky green backing. Keep posting and then I will be on a hunt to get a piece to add to my hexie quilt. Remember what you say...if it is still ugly it means you haven't cut it small enough! Stay safe and rest.

Nancy G said...

Love the backing and the binding. Your shot barrage reminds me of my own preparation for my first trip to Kenya. It all turned out very well and I am immune to Hep A, Yellow Fever, and a whole lot more.

Frances Simpson said...

Lots of love Bonnie. Just take it easy....do whatever you feel like doing and no more. You bring such joy to my life with all you do and I know there are others just like me!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

As a vaccinating pharmacist, I have talked to folks who have gotten the second shot before 5 months and they all had a reaction. The original information was to space them 6 months apart. It seems that the extra couple of months cuts down on the reaction to the second dose!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Bet it hurt a lot less than having the shingles! Plus the expense of the meds would be much more than the cost of the shots!

Cinders said...

Sounds like you are handling your situation, you are still keeping busy just the same! I loved the green/white words binding on your tulip Quilt and also loved the fabric you used for the backing, so fitting!! Glad you got caught up on your shots and also surprised they did all the shots at the same time. My first of the series of the latest two shot shingles shot did throw me for a loop, my whole body ached terribly. I am all done with the shots now, up to date, even the new 2020 flu shot done as well. Love reading your blog and keeping up with what is going on in your corner of the world!

Satindoll2002 said...

Be strong and know w you are loved. 🥰. Praying each day you feel better

Anne Hayward said...

Love how blossom time came together and congratulations on using up the yardage.
I’m sure things will settle down with Lola and Ivy but they just need time love and patience.
Hope your feeling better now insect bites can be so cruel.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

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