
Friday, May 29, 2020

Furever, Dresden.

I did something extremely hard yesterday.

In the end, it was the kindest thing to do.  And it breaks my heart to write about it.

This photo was Dresden a mere 2 months ago as we were sewing away on the Elvira Quilt Along.

Over the past couple of weeks Dresden’s weight loss went from “watching closely” to extremely concerning.  of course all of this happens right at the onset of a long holiday weekend.  Yesterday was the first open spot to get him in to the vet.

Taken Tuesday afternoon, just not himself.

Yesterday morning he was extremely lovey – just wanted to be held (Over my shoulder, baby burp style) and was purring like crazy.  I also know that purring can mean they are in pain.

I was sorting strips yesterday -

Keeping an eye on him sleeping on the cat tree.

That in itself brought a realization.  He NEVER liked the cat tree because he was really too big to be comfortable on it.  The cat tree was Lola’s domain.  He wasn’t comfortable in any of his pet beds or usual napping places.  As of nothing felt right.

I loved on him some more before I kenneled him.

He had lost so much weight – seemingly overnight.

The ride to the vet is a winding mountain road adventure.  He used to HATE riding in the car and would meow loudly all the way.  Not this time. It’s as if he knew.  A few mews here and there.  I had him placed behind the passenger seat where he had a clear view of me and I could reach my fingers back through the grate so he could rub his cheeks on my fingers.

This whole Covid thing?  I’m not sure if it made it easier or harder. 

I called them when I arrived.  We waited in the car for about 15 minutes until they called me to bring him in.  I stopped in the front vestibule of the vet clinic where owners dropped off one at a time as called.  I filled out some paper work, and handed him over to the vet tech who took him back through the “do not enter” door and said they would call me soon.  I went back to my car to wait.

We had been hoping for a thyroid issue.  Perhaps a bad tooth?  But it turned out to be an inoperable abdominal mass that had wound itself all around Dresden’s intestines.  No wonder he felt so terrible. If only he could have told me sooner.  But even then?

There really was only one kind and humane thing to do.  But to speak those words and give the go-ahead was so very difficult.  I didn’t know that handing him off to the vet tech would be the last time I saw him.

How to break this news to Jason?

RIP Dresden Hunter 2007-2020

Dresden was Jason’s “Big Boy.” and he loved him dearly.

More Dresden highlights found HERE.

And the chiding thought that kept going through my head was “More than 100,000 people have died from Covid and you are heartbroken over a cat?”  But I can’t help it.  For many reasons.

Having Dresden and Lola live with us was a constant reminder of how far away our son is and how Covid has affected his life.  Right now he is not working and having a hard time getting unemployment in Oregon – and he is emotionally stricken as many young folks are.  We are helping him all we can, but this is a loss for him that is hard to bear from so far away, and the fact that he couldn’t just jump on a plane and come here is another.

We had a good long video chat and a good cry.

The vet will be making a plaster paw print for me to send to Jason.

And then we had to decide what to do with Lola.

Come to the cabin and live, sweet girl.

Lola came to live with Jason and Dresden when she was 6 months old and Dresden was almost 2 years.  She has never spent a day or a night without Dresden.  I didn’t think that staying solo at the QPO would be enough stimulation for her.  She is a cuddler and needs to be here with us so she can curl up in laps in the evening while watching TV.  She can bird watch from her cat tree – she can sleep next to us on a big soft bed and be watched over by Zoey.

Emmy Lou who turns 20 in August is not quite happy – but she will get over it.

Bringing Lola home.

Exploring higher ground – on the bedroom dresser!

It was a rough night – emotionally, and also interruptedly as Lola continued to explore her new digs through the night, jumping on the bed, off the bed, trying to open closet doors, just being who she is.

I always thought that Emmy Lou would cross the bridge first, and we would bring both Dresden and Lola to live out their days here at the cabin together.  Life has other plans!

At 11 years old, I hope to have Lola for a good handful of years yet – and I know that we will give her as much love as she will take.

So now – I am facing going to the QPO this morning and finding it empty and that has my heart a bit sad.

I could take Zoey for company, get the mail out and then go see if Round House Road is up for hiking – it might be just what our hearts need.

If you watched my studio tour in yesterday's post - I promised you links to the other folks sharing their spaces!  I can't wait to visit them all.  

Remember this is about KEEPING IT REAL!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

It's the unexpected things that add the spark to life - The unexpected things that change our direction.

How many of us are yelling "Plot Twist!" right now? I know I am.

Where will the plot twist of 2020 lead you?

With much of my teaching through 2020 and into early 2021 canceled, I am looking forward to settling in here and reopening Quiltville Inn in a safe and conscientious manner when given the go ahead.

I am reaching toward feeling excited about it and what the next chapter after this plot twist and pandemic hiatus will bring.

And that’s what is on my mind this morning.

What are you thinking about?


Unknown said...

Hugs xx

Julia H said...

Sending all the love I can for your sweet Dresden. ((hugs))

stretchmarks said...

Our thoughts are with you.

Jen said...

So very sorry for your loss.

DebW said...

Crying with you this morning. ((HUGS))

Nancy said...

So sorry about Dresden. I was happy for Lola that you brought her home to the cabin.

Cats said...

seems as if you and fam are having a whole boatload of 'transitions' -my heart aches for y'all... hugs and … it's never, "just a cat" -- truly a family membr and my heart aches for you... hugs...Cats in Carlsbad CA

khowardquilts said...

So sorry to hear the news. Lots of people were hoping it was something treatable. Our oldest daughter was away at school when the dog she grew up with was found to have a tumor. It was hard on her not to have had a chance to say good bye. The next dog that crossed was at home with family around and the vet came to the house.

anna t said...

So very sorry for you and your family's loss.

For anyone that wants to debate the hierarchy of grief, well, that's on them.

CatQuilter said...

So sorry about Dresden. This year is certainly shaping up to be vastly different in many ways.

Amber said...


JuliAnn Craver said...

Bonnie, Reading about your loss brought back my own experience of loosing Pixie my wild child. (a referral kitten) She was just like Dresden one day fat and sassy and the next day it seemed she got skinny. She was 16 when she died. Some people say animals don't grieve along with us but I know just how wrong they are. Coco my male moped around for a couple of months afterwards even though he still had his sister. I think taking Lola to the cabin was the best thing to do. Lots of quilting hugs.

Maza Dena said...

Sorry for your loss of Dresden... I know your πŸ’”... you are a wonderful fur mommy!😘

Quilting by Melissa said...

Hugs to you Bonnie. Cats are amazing. They are small creatures with huge personalities and they fill our lives with joy. Though. it's never easy to lose a friend, he was loved and loved you in return. That's a win for sure.

Mary Ellen said...

They steal our hearts so quickly. Hugs.

Sandra Taylor said...

So sorry for your loss. Great idea to bring Lola home. She is most certainly greiving herself and confused.

Betty said...

That's always a difficult decision. Our furry friends are family and it hurts to give them up. I'm so sorry.

kwiltsnblooms said...

It's ok to grieve this loss! After having lost my almost 14 year old calico cat to chronic constipation issues, I was shocked how her litter mate and some times irritating big brother pined for her. He felt her loss much more than I had expected. OUr pets give us so much while asking for so little! Hugs to you!

Lilac Joan said...

I feel your pain. I am in the same situation. Taking my dog to the vet this morning and it is not looking good. Pets are so loving and bring so much into our lives. Again I feel your pain.

northernquilter said...

No words just hugs

Unknown said...

So sorry about Dresden, but you did the right thing for him. We just made the same decision for our Sam, who was dying of kidney failure. He was 16 years old and we enjoyed and loved him all of his life. It is ver hard.
God bless.
Gayle in TN

Tracey said...

(((Bonnie))). I am so very sorry. Just so difficult, but kind.

Nell k said...


Sharon Ingalls said...

Hugs things will get better I know I have lost two birds which I loved dearly

Charlotte M. said...

So sorry to hear about Dresden. Animals are a part of our family too. It hurts when we lose them. It doesn't have to "make sense" and it isn't any less painful. Fortunately, time eases the pain and we open our hearts to new pets. You are a great pet mom.

Kara Benavides said...

At a time of great loss, any loss can feel compounded. Hugs And hugs for Zoey Jo as she takes on her new duties - quite seriously from her look in that photo.

Evie said...

So sorry for your loss. It's really losing part of your family. Hugs to Jason.

Connie W. said...

Thank you for sharing Dresden so often in your photos. He looked so much like my Bud (pronounced "Buuud" like the youngest daughter in The Cosby Show pronounced her friend's name). Bud was 18 years old last year when we had to make the same decision. Pets are wonderful family members who brighten our lives, give comfort and help us maintain routines. In your videos of him, your voice conveyed the affection that you gave Dresden. I am sorry for your loss.
Connie W.

gschwarting said...

Hugs to you. I have lost three cats to cancer and no, it never gets easier. You are a wonderful pet parent and have given Dresden so much love. Peace to your heart.

earlene said...

Loss is so hard at any time but during our quarantine is doubly hard. Know that we grieve with you. You take such loving care of your fur babies.

Mary said...

I’m so sorry for your loss, Bonnie. 😒 The loss of our fur babies is no less painful than any other family member. Hugs to you and your family.

Franny King said...

Sweet kitty has left pawprints on your heart. God bless you! Hugs.

JMOT said...

So sorry about Dresdan. I hope Emma Lou forgives both you and Lola quickly. If she can handle Zoey, she can get used to Lola and your fur babies can all be friends. Glad you have Zoey to take with you to the Quiltville Postoffice for company. Hugs!

Denny Webster said...

Always so hard. Sending hugs.

Elle said...

Dresden got the best life possible with Jason and then with you in Virginia.

Hugs to you my cat-loving friend.

Angela said...

My thoughts are with you, our pets are very important to us and their loss is real

Susan M. said...

Thinking of you all during this time. It's not easy to do. You gave him and Lola a home when Jason couldn't. Dresden was loved. Prayers for you all.

Sara said...

Breaks my heart. But he knew he was loved. We know we are getting closer to having to make that same decision for our almost 19 year old kitty. He is so lame and slow moving. But still eats well. He'll be 19 Labor Day weekend.

shelleyjwilliams said...

Hugs to you Bonnie. It is so difficult to part with a loved one, human or animal. The species does not matter. This is a matter of the heart. Our family sustained the loss of our beloved MINI. She was a rescue dog. At 17 she began to lose weight.
And then came the diagnosis--the same as yours inoperable abdominal mass. We had to let her cross the bridge May 4, 2020. Not a good day for us. I wish I could hug you right now and dry your tears, and mine too. Well, know you are not alone in your grief. We have to support one another. Thanks for supporting us, your quilting family all these years. May Dresden rest in peace.

Anne said...

So very sorry you lost Dresden so suddenly. You've shared your pets' lives so much it feels like we lost him too. My best-friend cat died the same way from a sudden abdominal tumor, and he left a hole none of the other cats ever filled. He was a randy stray tom who adopted our yard and after numerous vet visits to repair fight injuries, the vet recommended neutering. Within a year, he was my big fat cuddly lap cat, and the vet posted our "before & after" photos in his office as an example. But all the memories are good ones, so he lives on through them, and I hope it won't be too long before you can smile again at Dresden stories too.

dorothy said...

It is too bad our fur babies can't tell us when they hurt, it would save us all pain. RIP Dresdin

GodissCreations said...

Sorry for the loss of Dresden. Prayers for your family. Losing one fur baby is difficult enough, I could not imagine losing 2 in less than a years time...my heart goes out to you all.

Elisabeth K. said...

I know how special out feline fur babies are. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Dresden. Thank you for sharing him with us.

Nana said...

I don't know if Dresden and Lola wear collars, but if they do/did, it might bring Lola comfort to put Dresden's collar on her. I did that when my pup died...I put her collar on my cat, and it seemed to help her. My heart aches for you all.

Connie said...

Just because Dresden was "just a cat" doesn't mean your love and grief are less. Anyone who's had a pet understands. Hugs to all!

Anonymous said...

Michael and I have tears for you as I read your post aloud. We lost Shiloh who was 18 to kidney failure 2 years ago. We knew it was coming but that didn't make it any easier. 8 years ago we lost Kimber who was 10 due to a mass in his stomach, much the same issues as Dresden. It's never an easy decision, and we are bothered by it still. Know we are crying with you and sending you big hugs.

Roni said...

So sorry for your loss. Do not dismiss your pain of loss at this time. It is not an either/or because of the other losses going on in the world. Your hurt and aching heart are no less worthy of sympathy. I feel more damage is done with the phrase "But ____ (fill in the blank) is worse than what you are going through". Pain is not to be equated or diminished. It is to be felt and worked through with love and strength. Wishing you all heartfelt healing.

Leah said...

I'm so sorry. Loss is loss, no matter what package it comes in. Give Lola some ear scratches from all of us.

Ruth's girl said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss! Don't beat yourself up over your sadness. Yes, this isn't as devastating as the loss of 100,000+ lives, but it is a huge loss never the less. Your beloved pet lived out her life's purpose and now she hurts no more. Your precious Zoey is waiting to accept the love you have left for Dresden. Hugs!

Megan G said...

One thing that I've had to be reminded through the years is just because someone else is in pain, doesn't make your pain any less valid. Yes, a lot of people have died this year, but it doesn't make the pain of losing a treasured family member worth any less. I am so sorry for the loss of your big boy, Dresden. My heart goes out to yours in grief. Be gentle with yourself and I hope that someday the memories of him allow you to smile through the tears. Sending a virtual hug your way.

Anne Hayward said...

Love and hugs to you all and Lola xx

Farm Quilter said...

I am so very sorry that Dresden had to cross that bridge so soon. He left his paw prints on your hearts forever.

gardenwitch said...

It's losing a part of your family so it is hard. It is so sad that we outlive so many of our furry friends,
as you know you will always remember some funny thing that your pet did and it helps a little. Our siamese cross Sox used to sit in front of the frig and give his siamese chicken call whenever there was chicken in the house and he would raid the garbage can for sweet corn cobs!

Val said...

I am so very sorry for your loss,the hardest part is not being with them. My Amazon parrot Charlie died in my arms here at home last week..we had him for 27 years. Very different here too.

Phyllis said...

So sorry for your loss Bonnie. So much love that you both shared and so many memories to remember.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I'm so sorry that Dresden didn't have more time on this earth. Don't be surprised if another kitty shows up around Quiltville Inn & QPO. Somehow they know when there is a job opening for a kitty and come to apply. At least that's been my experience.

Maria said...

So sorry for your lost. One month ago I lost my dear siames of 17 years. A big hug.

Patricia said...

my love and hugs to you at this time. not only the loss of your fur baby but having to tell jason what happened. you made the most painful decision that was really a blesssing for dresden. better he not suffer. my heart cries with you. hugs to all in your family, patti in florida

Genie said...

Dear Bonnie, my heart cries for your loss.

KMSC said...

Deepest sympathies for the loss of your sweet Dresden. I always loved the photos of your fur babies.

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

My condolences to you. Don't feel guilty morning your kitty when so many have passed with corvid 19. My heart is broken with all the suffering because of this pandemic but if something happened to one of my pups I would be crying too. We know people are more valuable than pets but our pets have worked their way into our hearts and it hurts to have them pass. Bless you and know things will get better. Patty McDonald

Dottie said...

So very, very sorry......it's never easy.

Liz B. said...

So sorry to hear about Dresden, I'm sure you will all miss him very much.

Rhonda said...

Your blog brought some tears. I call all of this heart tugs. Emotions seem to run high for me. Covid19 is the basis I'm certain. Mom has lived with us for 2 and half years. This week I made the tough decision to have Hospice help us. Reading about Dresden just made the tears flow because of the decision you had to make. I know I know I know some folks think animals, people? How can you compare them together. But some of us do and it's ok. So sorry for you and your family.
I have enjoyed watching the Keep it Real Tours. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your caring heart too Bonnie. It reaches out and touches all of us.

Joan said...

Oh Bonnie I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Dresden. Its so hard to lose a fur baby

gibson1936 said...

Sorry to hear about Dresden. You have my deepest sympathy.

Wendy Crigger said...

As I read your blog the other day it brought back what we went through with our dear Belle. I was hoping for a better outcome for you. So very sorry.

Sewgirl said...

My DH and I are dealing with loss of a different sort and have needed to seek outside help to deal with it. One of the main things the therapist said is just because you can say, "Well, think of all the pain others have gone through", doesn't make your loss any less. We are ALL entitled to grieve our own losses. No need to compare! Hugs to you.

Jenny said...

So sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. And Dresden was link to your son, who is also going through a hard time. Life is difficult these days for so many.

Glenda said...

I will forever have the memory of Dresden balanced somehow on the edge of your ironing board. Seems like it was just a week ago you posted that video and you could see he was a big boy. Thank you for letting us have memories of him too. Hugs to you and ear scratches to Emmy Lou, Zoey Jo and precious Lola.

Nikki said...

Sending you lots of cat love. Pets fill such a huge part of our hearts, it is hard to say good bye. Bless you for loving them.

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

I am sorry for the loss of your sweet Dresden. We lost our sweet Burr on May 4th. He was 16. It is so hard.

Susan said...

Thinking of you dear Bonnie. Hugs from over the mountain in Linville NC.

Susan said...

My deepest sympathy on the loss of Dresden.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, sorry to hear about Dresden. It is hard losing a wonderful pet. We had to put down our dear Katie 2 years ago and my heart is still sad at times when I think of her.

Shawn Duray said...

I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your Dresden...seeing the picture of him sitting on the mailers - I'd like to think he gave the mailer you used to mail my Addicted to Scraps book not long his purrsonal touch. I've always enjoyed your videos and watched for the kitties to make an occasional appearance. My eyes are just tearing up as I sit here with my Olive snuggling on my lap and Hubert snoozing in his cat tree...Hugs to you and and yours - Dresden had an amazing life touching hearts the world over.

Kerry said...

I cried over my grown up children's pets - and it makes no difference, the animals are friends and family members so it is natural to grieve over their loss. Rest in peace, poor Dresden - fishes, mice and dishes of cream and catnip await over the rainbow bridge. Hugs for you all xxx

Kelli said...

So incredibly sorry to hear this about Dresden! Know that positive thoughts of virtual hugs and healing are being sent to you and your family! Here's hoping that Lola settles in and finds her place in the cabin with the rest of your crew asap. <3

*Added thought, though I know many may disagree -- a pet is never "just a..." they are if we're lucky a cherished family member and friend. Dresden knew he was loved, and while it hurt to give that go ahead, it was the kindest thing to do so he didn't suffer anymore than he already had. Hugs to you for being able to face that decision and do what was best for him!

ShirlR said...

I am so very, very sorry for your loss of Dresden. I know how your heart hurts because I, as a senior, have had doggies all my life and know the sadness when that time comes for them. God bless, you are in my prayers.

Gilroy Cat Mama said...

Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of handsome Dresden. We lost my soul kitty Toby this past December 12th due to kidney issues. Toby could have passed as Dresden's twin. I knew letting him go was the right thing to do - and at the same time the hardest thing to do. We had Toby privately cremated so, in a way, I can continue to take care of him. His urn now holds a place of honor on our dresser. I still kiss it every day because I will never stop loving him. Please include my virtual hug along with all the others being sent your way. Please continue posting pictures of your fur kids - they are truly wonderful.

~M said...

Hugs! πŸ˜’πŸ’”

Linda K. said...

Deepest sympathies and a big virtual hug. The loss of a pet is always so difficult. We still miss our last cat and he's been gone for over 2 years.

craftyjudy01 said...

I went through this last year. Within 3 days Bella went from the best cat I ever had to knowing I was losing her. I've been through this before but this time it happened so fast I still grieve horribly even though I have 2 part feral kitties to enjoy. So, so sorry for your loss.

Stevie said...

Hugs, sorry for your loss.

Lorraine said...

Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs..Dresden will be missed for so long... I still miss my Ebony from 10/31/18.. She was with us 20 years!

Pam Dempsey said...

I'm so sorry, Bonnie. He was such a sweetie :(

nannystitch said...

My heart goes out to you Bonnie! I had to put my sweet lab, Zoe to sleep on May 8th. I know the heartbreak too well. Our Walker Coon Hound, Victory died Oct. 3rd. Great big hugs to you!

peggy h said...

"Its better to end a life a week to early than have them suffer for one more day" Dr Sandi Sawchuck, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital School of Veterinary Medicine Work.

Kb48 said...

Oh Bonnie, I am so sorry. Kitties are such an important part of our lives and it hurts so much to lose one. I couldn't stop crying while reading this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jason.

Chris said...

So very sorry - I too have much-loved furry babies and have lots many. It leaves a holle in the heart. Hugs to you!

Kerry Grace said...

So sorry you lost your sweet cat. Not being able to be with her must have been hard, but understandable under the circumstances.
Our last pet loss came the day after Thanksgiving, '18, after we had arrived home from my mom's funeral.
Two losses, different, both hard to deal with. I was too much of a mess to take Leia to the vet that last time, my husband had to do it alone. I had to do it alone 3 times with pets when he was traveling for work, I know it would have been much easier if I had been able to be with him. It's always easier to have someone to lean on.
Loss is loss--and time to grieve is required. We all need to take that time, whatever we've lost in this pandemic, and work thru it.

Unknown said...

Im so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

DO NOT feel guilt or shame about "just a cat"
I know your pain Bonnie. I believe most of us here do.
Dresden was the happiest guy ever. So fortunate to have had the best life with all of you. I wish you strength and prayers for comfort.
I still miss my Pierro.
I think you never get over losing pets. They were literally part of our being. We loved them just like our kiddos

Unknown said...

Sending lots of Love & Hugs to all of you.

Da Momma said...

So sorry for your loss, prayer to you and your family.

Tina K said...

Right now you are hurting, but it does get better with time. Of all my dogs and cats, none have lived over thirteen years. One of the happiest days is when you bring home a new friend. The saddest is when you must say goodbye. But they will live in your heart forever.

Debbie Myatt Arnold said...

First off my Condolences to the lose of your fur baby (Dresden) I too know how it feel's because yesterday I too lose one of my fur babies (Marbles) whom was hit by a on coming car,he was hardly 6 month's old I been sooo heart broken and still am. My heart goes out to you and your Son.

Konstantina said...

How difficult to be so faraway when Dresden passed...it is difficult enough to lose a loved pet, but from far away...my heart goes out to your son!

Donna O said...

Sorry for your loss. It is always so hard losing a family pet.

Jennifer Rauch said...

Oh my heart. . . reminds me of my situation. As I cried while petting my Minnie, the very kind veterinarian said "It is the last kindness you can do for her." Such a shock for you with everything else. Your heart always seems to be in the right place, Bonnie And we all do the best we can.

The Calico Quilter said...

I am so very sorry for your and your son's loss. My heart goes out to you. We could tell from your blog that Dresden was a wonderful cat. I have lost many pets in my long life but the worst by far was my last cat Molly, who had cancer; when I drove her to the vet that final time it almost destroyed me, so I understand how you are feeling. Take care, love on all your dear animals and remember all the good that Dresden gave to you for so many years.

Shirley said...


Curious Daylily said...

It's heart-wrenching to lose a furry companion. For us animal lovers, they're a touchstone of comfort and love. My heart hurts with yours over Dresden's passing. I'm thankful that you gave him a good life.

Beth B said...

I am so sorry for your loss. And not to be able to hold him until he is gone breaks my heart. Much love and sympathy to you and your family.

Unknown said...

Hugs to you, Bonnie. So many losses right now. I'm sorry to hear about your Dresden.

radars grammy said...

deepest sympathy. always hard when our fur baby crosses the rainbow bridge. Many hugs

ceblakeney said...

Goddess speed Dresden- freed from the bonds of earth. I hope you keep a close eye on those you left behind! The weight loss is surely the alarm bell- that's what it was with my Rosa kitty a couple of years ago, and with most of my other furred family members. And to anyone who would say "it's just a cat (or dog, or bunny, or chicken, cow, etc.) please stop. There is no "it's an inferior life". Humans are no "better" than other animals, we are just different animals. We are always better for having had compassion outside of our own limited circles.

Hoping the good memories of Dresden soothe the pain of his loss for his non-furred adopted family members.

Linda Greethurst said...

My 12 year old cat had the same experience, in December. She lost over half her weight in just over 3 weeks and the vet had to nudge her over the bridge. She was my constant and loving companion and the void just can't been filled by our other cat who is very independent and truly indifferent to humans except at food time. I so understand your feelings, Bonnie and my thoughts and cares are with you.

RachelA said...

So sorry to hear about Dresden, I just had the same experience with my kitty during lockdown. It's hard coming down to an empty lounge in the mornings, But worst are my afternoon siestas without my cuddle bug.You have many, many happy memories to think on. Take care.

Quiltnut said...

So very sorry for your loss. Another step in our journey.

zolaquilts said...

I am thinking that Quiltsville Inn makes me think of Elm Creek Quilts, that I can bake brownies like Anna and I cry when I see pictures of Claudia, the dog we had for 12 years but now we have N2 and I love her too.

Joan M said...

So , Tsorry for your loss Bonnie, the QPO won't be the same without the fur babies, hope Lola adjust soon to her new digs. Dresden will be missed. Hugs Joan

Susan4cats said...

.I am sending all my love & comfort for your families loss. It never gets easier. I worked in animal rescue for many years & have cried many tears over those who didn't make it. That decision never gets easier, but it was the right one. Give some extra love to the sweet babies who are still by your side.

Kay said...

Our pets are part of our families, and of course you feel the sorrow. Sending hugs - hopefully the three will adapt to the changes easily. Take Good Care

Calamity said...

Hugs to you Bonnie. Greif is the price we pay for love.

Wendy said...

love and hugs to you and your fur babies. Not an easy time.

Karen said...

So sorry for the loss of your cat. We lost our beloved 18 year old cat a year and a half ago, so we got two feral kittens. One of our one year old kittens was attacked by a coyote 2 weeks ago (who knew we had coyotes?). We are so grateful she has survived, she slowly healing from three very bad bites. The CV-19 Vet procedure is depressing and a pain. I been there five times so far, back on Monday. Her youth is on her side. Again sorry for your loss.

QueenB said...

It's always hard to have a loved one go whether they are 2 footed or 4. You did the right thing, it never gets any easier. Hugs to you your family and Jason so far away at this point. I am glad the vets are doing the plaster paw print it will be a special reminder of his big boy. Stay well. Simone

Barbara D said...

love is love. Never be shamed to grieve a loved one. Our pets are family. My LuciFur has been gone almost a year now. I had to make same hard choice, only we have a vet who comes to the house. My little Miss Elli Tickley Whiskers still goes up on shelf above my computer to Luci's fav basket and makes the most mournful mews, and then goes to curl up in "her" basket or under my chair as I sew or do computer things. Elli is a very talkative kitty. What would us humans do without the unconditional love given by our furbabies?

Viola Pleasant-Queen said...

So sorry for your loss Bonnie.


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

So sorry about Dresden. We're keeping our dog alive with lots of pain killers, etc, until it is his time (as long as we can keep him pain free). It's hard to lose one of our pets. Our pets are our companions.

Kris said...

Oh, Bonnie, I am so sad for you with the sudden loss of Dresden. And I am even sadder you were not allowed to say goodbye!! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate this very difficult time!! Never apologize for loving and now missing an important part of your family!! My Pollie dog is 13-1/2 and I know I will be losing her one day. I'll be a major mess - heck I am a mess right now just thinking that time will come someday!! Take care and be at peace!!

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry that you had to say good-bye to Dresden. We were doing the same thing on May 29th to our best buddy, Shadow, our 14 1/2 year old Basset Hound who was attempting to recover from a vestibular syndrome attack (a major inner ear imbalance or vertigo attack) from the week before. He wasn't in the best of health when the attack occurred and just didn't have the physical energy needed to recover. Our hearts were broken, the same as yours. It'll take a lot of time to recover, but we know he's running free and no longer in pain and hopefully not chasing Dresden. Sometimes the hardest decisions are the best for our fur babies. Hugs to you and prayers for healing.

JeanGB said...

O.K. I'm semi serious about this: would you please put a chip in your pattern books? I bought String Frenzy and I know I put it somewhere but must have done a good job cause I can't find it. Now if there was a chip in it I could find it right away (probably to only hid it from myself once again). I really try to be organized cause I have to. I retired to quilt and have fun and having to waste time looking for stuff is taking time away from my quilting and fun. I'm sure you will get right on this. BTW, you have your mother's smile.

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