
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I’m Walkin’ on Sunshine….

Here is your new Tuesday ear worm, ready to play its way through your day!

Arizona sunshine has been a part of my winter routine all the way back to my high school years when my Grannie and Grandpa John first became snowbirds, arriving from Minnesota sometime around October and returning to their home base in Minneapolis sometime around early May.

They built their casa in Rio Verde when I was about 16, and we made it a point of coming to spend time around our birthdays together as often as possible.

Even during my school years in California, it was a welcome respite from the day to day routine of life.

As a young mother living in Idaho, it felt like such a gift to leave my kids in the care of The Hubster as I went to recharge my batteries around my birthday.

Yesterday morning was cool and glorious, and Sharolyn and I set out to take a long morning walk while talking up a storm over things that have happened over the past year since I was here last.

Winter in Arizona lasts all of about 3 weeks.

Take a look at this tree branch from Sharolyn’s front yard – blossoms are already gone, leaves are starting!

Oh, the wondrous hope of spring to come!

The Iconic Gilbert Silos.

The saddest thing – PROGRESS.  Progress has swallowed up much of the farmland that surrounded Gilbert – the landmark silos are now surrounded by neighborhoods and suburban sprawl.

I know that is the way of the world, and folks have been bemoaning expansion and loss of farmland for as long as I’ve been on this planet, but change is hard to swallow sometimes.

That’s the thing about living in paradise -

Everyone else wants to live there too!

We sat here on a bench with this view (There is a fountain in the distance shooting water upwards to the sky.) and planned our day.

This came first:

Morning sunshine on loaded tangerine trees!

There is nothing like fresh citrus in January!

Dueling juicers and more chatting!

While orange juice is good -

Fresh squeezed tangerine juice is THE BOMB!

(Tell the truth – is your mouth watering yet?!)

A whole gallon!

Before I left we poured some into quart jars for me to take back to dad’s.  Nectar of the gods.  Seriously.

Feeling the winter blahs?

Visit a Lowe’s in Arizona in January!

Oh, the colors were glorious.

Just feeling the sunshine as we wandered through the outdoor garden center section was balm!

Something about the smell of water on dirt, and the feel of sunshine on top of our heads. YEP!

We walked by rows of garden-ready winter vegetables,kale, cabbage, lettuces, broccoli, and more.  It’s already too late for geraniums – they will cook in the heat by May.

Evening was spent at Dad’s finishing up the binging on Hulu’s Four Weddings & A Funeral – a one season long mini-series that had us laughing out loud and enjoying every minute.  If you haven’t seen it, do.  So much good funny!

And still a stitch hasn’t been sewn, nary a needle has been threaded.  But that might change today.

My fingers are getting itchy!

I’ve been checking in on our #quiltvillemystery and #frolicquilt hashtags on Instagram and am just blown away at the beautiful work being done with your own Frolic quilts.  WELL DONE!

From @jeanetteindra:

Woo-who!!! Frolic mystery quilt finished. Very pleased with Pattern & colors. My quilt measuring at 85 x 85 - debating on a 4-5” solid border??? Let’s let it rest before final decision.

From @flickenreich:

Mein Quilt und ich - "Frolic" Januar 2020

(My quilt and me!)

Keep them coming!  Remember to tag your photos #quiltvillemystery and #frolicquilt on Instagram and tag me @quiltville_bonnie so I can find you!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in North Carolina.

Encourage your creativity. ⁣

Feed your imagination. ⁣

Lift your heart. ⁣

Listen to your inner voice. ⁣

Do what brings you joy! ⁣

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!


Melva said...

I am so glad that you have the opportunity to re-charge your batteries. Savor every moment! You deserve it. MelvaLovesScraps(at)NolanQualityCustoms(dot)com

LJ said...

Yep, my mouth is watering...that fresh-squeezed juice looks amazing. I'm sure that it tastes even more wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Spending time in classes last week with you,rejuvenated me to get through the rest of this school year. I'm already looking forward to next year and taking classes again. So glad you choose to come to Arizona each winter.

Dalina said...

Just looking at the tangerine juice made my mouth water Bonnie. It sounds delicious, I love fresh juice. Just very rare to get any.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I am so totally amazed at the Frolic Quilts and Blocks. Hoping to get started real soon. Your family time is as wonderful as your quilting time and thank you for sharing it with us.

Julie said...

In my mind's eye, I can to smell the water and dirt, even if it's from northern Wisconsin!!! Love you, Bonnie, enjoy your short days with family!

Anne Hayward said...

So beautiful I can’t wIt for spring to warm up and everything to start growing again we already have daffodils so it nice to see the yellow heads starting to show in gardens and hedgerows. Getting excited now on clue 7 now started sewing together my 4 hosts and carefully clipping all the matched pairs together with wonderclips lol.
Have a wonderful day
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Irene said...

I look forward to reading your blog every day. I love seeing the pictures of all the quilts that people are making. Your mystery quilts are so beautiful. I do have my favorites and wish I had time to make all my favorites. I'm so behind in my quilting making. I have one quilt that needs the borders to be finished quilted. I have a triple Irish chain that is layered and basted and is waiting to be quilted. I did quilt one of the blocks because I just couldn't resist. My latest quilt is a patriotic Lone Star quilt. It is all pieced and has a lot of applique to be finished. These quilts are all queen size because I like to have quilts that fit my bed. Then I have been working in making 4 twin quilts for my latest great grandchildren 3 boys and one girl. I just keep pecking away at them and eventually hope to get them all finished. Thanks for your blogs.

Patricia said...

Wonderful memories of your Grandparents. Your walk pictures are beautiful. My parents would winter in Arizona, good memories.

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