
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

A Snow Day Sew Day of Fun!

Do you remember as a child when school was cancelled for any reason, and you got to stay HOME and PLAY!?

That’s exactly what happened here in my corner of Southwestern Virginia.

The snow came down, BOY did it ever come down!

It was 7am when I took this little video – Click and take a peek:

Though it was still dark out, I love how the porch light caught that little wintry miracle. It snowed all morning and into the afternoon – blanketing our mountain in white.


And so great that we didn’t have to go anywhere.  We could just stay in and enjoy this view from beyond the sliding glass door to my basement studio while we sewed the day away!

I spent my time finishing the last of my Jack’s Delight blocks.

Mona took over my favorite 301 as the seam allowance was set up for her, and she was accustomed to that machine as she has one.

I oiled up the pink 1950s Necchi Nora.  She hums so sweetly and sews so quietly.  What a lovely machine! And yes, she fits the singer cabinet that came home from the Free Market a couple of weeks ago.  Happy all the way around!

Go Big Or Go Home!

The original top had 30 blocks.  I made MORE than that amount to bring it to this size, and I think it’s going to be better.

This quilt needs to be big enough to cover PEOPLE.  The size I had it wasn’t much bigger than a 5 year old size.

And my thought is – if there is enough recycled shirt fabric to make it this size – KEEP GOING.  Next will be more sashing, more cornerstones.  That strip bin of shirt fabrics needs to go down in volume – and this is going to help loads.

O is for Oetting!

Mona has wanted to make an O quilt for quite a while, so I set her loose into my cabin stash so she could begin!  We all know it’s more fun to play with someone else’s scraps, right?

She has a granddaughter and step-grandkids as well – so those novelty fabrics are going to be fun here.

Using the Simple Folded Corners Mini to trim before stitching!

I am currently out of the minis in the Quiltville Store, but another batch is on its way and should arrive within the next couple of days.

And then there were 13!

She really got a good start on these blocks, and they are going to be so cute when she sets them together.

My killer steep drive!

While our Snow Day Sew Day has been fun, and getting Mona down the mountain was fairly easy  (We left her pickup parked behind the Quiltville Post Office last evening and he rode to the cabin with us.) Getting back up the mountain after dropping her off proved impossible!

Our steep mountain drive is about a quarter mile long, has steep grades ranging from 11゚ to 16゚ with a hair pin turn at the top included. Dave's Chevy 4 wheel drive pickup could not gain traction to go back up and we found ourselves parking at the bottom of the drive at the road and hiking to the cabin at the top instead.

The entire drive is located in what is well known as "where the sun don't shine" and as evening fells temps were dropping rapidly and things were about to ice over.

We hooked the blade to the RZR hoping to get some of the snow pack scraped off before the ice really set in.  This morning the sun is shining and temps are rising so I should be okay to get the van down and head to the QPO this morning, and I should be okay getting the van back up late this afternoon.

If not, it will be parked at the bottom and I’ll be doing the killer climb up to the top by foot again!

So here we are at WEDNESDAY!  Do you know what that means?  It’s time to start the drawing for retreat dates process!

As of this morning there are 140 groups on the wait list.  OH. MY. WORD!  SO EXCITING!

Once again, I am convinced that drawing by number is the only way to do this.  Those who are not drawn to fill 2020 dates will remain on the waiting list, and I will continue to use this list to fill dates as they become available.  It is NOT too late to add your group to the list.  

Click HERE to enter your group.

Entry 71!  Shippenstitch Quilters!

Jessica, I have sent you an email at the address you left in our drawing. Please choose your weekend from the available dates also enclosed in your email.

When The Shippenstitch Quilters have chosen their dates, I’ll remove that weekend from the available list of dates and we will draw our next group!


Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage orphan block quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

Trying new things can be scary. Pointing your life in a new direction can leave you feeling uncertain.

You can do this! And so can I!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


MaryLu said...

That is so very exciting that you are drawing names!! Did you ever think that you would be an innkeeper? One of these days/years I'm going to gather a group of quilty friends and join in the Quiltville Inn fun! Much love, Mary (Idaho girl in Indiana.)

LoAnn said...

What happens if you fill the weekends and all of the groups want to book the same date next year?

Lori said...

So exciting to start filling the Quiltville Inn calendar!!

Unknown said...

I am so incredibly excited for you, to have your dream to finally come to reality is such an amazing feeling. And to add to all that, you are going to be making such great memories for all the groups that are blessed with a retreat weekend at Quiltville Inn. Your heart will be happy to see the smiles and hear the laughter of quilters having personal time - time to just focus on what makes them happy and not have to worry about any other responsibilities for a few days. It really is a great thing to share. Thank you for all your hard work and can't wait to see it in person some day!!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Plans do change but mine were not as great as yours or as productive. My plans yesterday were to get some things cleared out and go to my sewing room to start on a guild challenge that I need by April. It is a kit from our guild charity stash. We are to make it into a quilt to be judged at our retreat and then it will be given to one of the charities we denote to as a guild. I was getting dressed and while putting my jeans on my back just went into a spasm!!!!! The whole day went to ice and heat and my chair. Well best laid plans!!!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Then I have a very full retreat. Groups are welcome to book their same weekend in the next year. If they give up their dates, I'll draw from the waiting list.

Jonnie said...

I'm currently doing a "One Block Wednesday" from Temecula Quilt Co. that's a smaller version of the "O" block that Mona is doing, as a leader ender. It's going to be so cute.

I'm currently working on clue 4 of the mystery quilt, getting excited for the reveal. This quilt is going to be my granddaughter's wedding quilt in her chosen colors of reds, blacks, greys and neutrals.

Kay said...

What an exciting day! Even for those of us that aren't in the drawing. Yippee!!!

Nikki said...

Congratulations to the first retreat group!

Sue... said...

Absolutely love the Jacks delight blocks when will they be in the quiltmaker mag so i can buy it!

Susie Jensen said...

I hope I get a chance to come ti a retreat someday. I live almost 500 miles away and I hope to get a group together.

Vicki B said...

where do i find Jacks delight block.

Hennetta said...

Oh I wish I was there to se the snow!! I have never seen it and would so love to have that experience!! Maybe one day. Enjoy it!!

Here it is so hot, we are having a bit of a heatwave at the moment its even to hot to go down to the beach, when you've gotten out of the water its just as hot again within two minutes! I'm constantly sitting in a puddle of perspiration! :)

Bobbie said...

Bonnie your blocks are beautiful, I have looked and can't seem to find where you pattern is for Jack's Delight. If it is in a book, can I please have the name so I can order it. Thanks for all you do and all you share!

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