
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells–Meowing All the Way!

I made an executive decision yesterday morning.

It was unavoidable. There was no other choice. These two are being moved from the house in North Carolina up to the Quiltville Post Office in Virginia.

Son Jeff always said that he would stay and care for Jason’s cats until Sadie crossed the rainbow bridge. That was 6 weeks ago. And life moves on in the realm of adult children, just as it should. With a new job, a committed relationship, and his whole life ahead of him, he is spreading his wings and soaring into his future unable to really care for these 2 cats that weren’t really his to begin with.  I get it. I do.  I thank him for his extreme efforts, but it is time to move on.

Son Jason is in Portland, Oregon and unable to care for Dresden, 13 and Lola 11. Emmy Lou turns 20 this coming year and doesn't deserve the stress that these two additional cats give her either. Therefore, they are to become Post Office cats and keep me company until Emmy Lou crosses in due time. At that point these two will be moved to the cabin to live out the rest of their days together.

I loaded up the van with everything that we needed, including more shipping supplies and more cases of books and headed out on a very loud 100 mile drive with cats meowing all the way!

What else can you do, but turn up the music and SING!?

They actually did very well.  Dresden settled in and mostly just slept.  I had him in the front passenger seat facing me, and could scratch his chin through the grate.  Lola doesn’t yowl.  She just softly mewed, She was just behind the center console where she could also see me, and I could reach fingers in through her grate for chin scratches as well – when she would let me.

Hello, sweet Lola!

It’s not ideal – before they had the run of the entire house, upstairs, downstairs and all around.  The QPO is much smaller – but here they will have daily people contact, versus solitary for days on end.

I almost didn’t post about this – fearing that another ugly hand-written and unsigned accusatory letter would find its way to me, stating disdain that I would bring these cats into my space next door to Quiltville Inn.  But I need to listen to my own heart more than I need to listen to other people’s opinions. (So don’t bother wasting the stamp, okay?)

As stated, Dresden is now 13.  Lola is 11.  They will be moved to the cabin in due time, but for now – they will bring me purrs and smiles and cuddles and meowy conversation on a daily basis.

They are now also close enough that friends can check in on them if I happen to be gone for a few days at a time.


As I was grabbing the carriers out of the storage area, I spied this rolled up carpet runner, remembering just what I used it for early on.  When placed pokey-side-up it will keep cats from using the loaded quilting machine as a cat hammock.

Those of you with quilting machines and studio cats may find this to be a bit helpful!  I’ve used it for years and it really does keep them away.  Those little kitty paws don’t like the pokies.

While they explored -

The mama quilted!

It only needed about 3 rows to be finished – but there was no time for trimming and binding last night.  Friends Martha and Don suggested we meet them for dinner at our favorite Log Cabin Diner, about 4 miles up the road from Quiltville Inn.  The special was grilled shrimp, and it was yummy!  We actually closed the place down as we sat and laughed and chatted. 

I stopped back at the QPO to check on things before heading back to the cabin, and all was well. The binding application can happen today.

Quilted with Holly Berries by Urban Elementz

Thinking of binding it in green – at least that is the plan.

Our 50% off pattern of the month is my Hunter's String Star! You know how much I adore string quilts, and you can be printing, cutting and stitching up this beauty in your favorite colors in minutes! Sale price good through the month of December only.

When you receive your download links email, please read the READ ME file first so you know where your file is saved when you hit download. For best results download to a real computer first saving the file to where you know how to find it. Click the saved file and open to print. Once you have saved your file you may easily transfer it to your iPad, tablet or other mobile device.

There is also a file showing you WHERE to find saved PDF files on your Ipad if you don't know where they go. I hope you find this helpful.

And how about another goodie for those on your Christmas list?

Celebrate important dates with a quilty keepsake calendar

Keep birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions at your fingertips forever.This is a perpetual calendar you can use year after year. Filled with more than 70 of my own quilts, inspiring quotes and quips and bonus quilting essentials in the back of this special keepsake planner,  you can easily stash it in your purse, at your desk, or by the sewing machine.

For the month of December only, you can grab my Quilter’s Date Keeper for just $9.99!

Our Quiltville Goes to Bavaria project pattern for Warm Hands, Warm Heart is now available for everyone! You'll find the easy to follow PDF pattern full of full-color photos and helpful hints in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store where all of the other Digital Goodies live!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage quilt found in North Carolina.

When I found this quilt at an antique mall I smiled.

One little pinwheel gone wrong, yet how much of this has gone right?

How often do we focus on the one flaw instead of the beauty that surrounds it?

I love the insight into this Quilter's life because it makes her human!

Have a wonderful Tuesday – I’m heading in to the QPO to check on a couple of furry felines!


Linda Swanekamp said...

The cats will be fine. They have each other and a beautiful space. I think you have done the best thing for them.

Diane Evans said...

Home pets and office pets ...love it !

memckee2 said...

I love to see cats in any shop, studio, even cafe. Cats mean peace to me and there is instant joy and relaxation related to them. Do not let guilt creep in to your (repeat, YOUR) decision!

Anonymous said...

The cats will be fine. Theyll explore and settle in.They know you and will appreciate more time with you. They also have each other. As for anonymous hsnd written letters???Just chuck it in the rubbish!

Lesley Duncan said...

Well said Bonnie. You have to do what you have to do. We have been faced with a difficult decision with our 10 year old dog. She has been diagnosed with diabetes. So my old car is being patched up for another couple of years and my dear old dog will be with me for a little while longer.

HospiceNP said...

Bonnie, Your kitties are very lucky to have you! They seem to be very sweet and bring lots of comfort and happiness. Every QPO needs a couple right? I love the quote at the end today, something for me to keep in mind as I go through the day.

Sharon K. Jack said...

so glad the kitty can keep you company at the QPO. Mama's taking care of their babies.

Cathy said...

So sorry you have to deal the negative Nellies.
My first thought they will feel right at home since you housed them in your office at the beginning. I love how cats are so independent they will adjust to the the new space. Things will be familiar and you are loving on them. It's what is right for you. And it's what is best for them.
Love the table runner.
Enjoy your day!!!

Deb Rupp said...

I love pets in the workplace!

Deb Rupp said...

I love pets in the workplace!

Tiffanee said...

YOU are Lola & Dresdens mama so whatever you think is best for them is your call...And I soooo appreciate the thing’s you do everyday for us crazy about you Quiltvillians 😊🥰 I’m often amazed at how much you get done in a day but let me tell you how inspiring THAT is👍🏻👏🏻💪🏼THANK YOU for being the wonderfully made Bonnie Hunter 💗💗

Mary Ellen said...

The cats will settle in and be good company for you at QPO. They have each other when you're not there.

Denise Patterson said...

So glad you took the kitties up to the Quiltville PO. They will love having you with them each day and I’m sure you will enjoy their company too! The quilt loaded on the machine is simply beautiful!! Is the pattern available? Enjoy the holidays and your new office kitties!!

Beth in NH said...

What a good idea for Dresden and Lola coming to bring you kitty therapy and they in turn get human therapy. Enjoy that contact as you work and quilt. Not sure what it is about a contented cat that really reaches into our hearts. Cuddle lots.

Deb E said...

Many kudos to you - those two beautiful kitties are lucky to have someone who loves them & looks out for their best interests...AND...Emmy Lou's. She has serenity & peace in her advanced age, and Dresden & Lola have a new, interesting place to live with visitors! What fun they'll have looking out the window, and being close to you, as well. Merry Christmas to you, Bonnie! Deb E

Sandra Henderson said...

You have to do what is best for you and it
Sounds to me as if you are and will be moving that direction and spending more and more
Time there.

Perhaps you can , if there isn't already a
Shelf area there,
Make them a little something to
sit on to sun in the front window and look out.
I've seen many small business have cats like that -
"Store cats"
Everyone loves
On them and they are so happy.
Sounds like a great idea to me

Merry Christmas

cityquilter grace said...

i can't believe somebody actually wrote to chastise YOU about how YOU take care of YOUR animals...sheesh....takes all kinds i guess....

annie123 said...

I'm guessing Lola and Dresden will be right at home in the QPO. They will be happy to see you and I bet they will get some visits from your retreaters too. Sounds like the perfect solution.

cbott said...

I have a New Home frame for my Brother QP1500, or so I thought. The boy cat seems to think differently. THANK YOU for the anti-cat-mat info!!

Anne Hayward said...

You are a true pet lover those two little kitties are sure to be well loved and cared for by grandma Bonnie and they will keep you company as well as making sure no mice get near your quilts. They are very lucky to have you a and I’m sure they will be very happy looking after the QPO for you when your not there, and an added bonus I’m sure your retreaters will love to visit with them.
Love and quilty hugs and lots of purrs from my 3 kitties to yours
Anne xxx

Leah said...

Sounds like a great fit for all of you. The kitties will be welcome company while you work. I look forward to hearing more about their daily adventures, now that you'll be spending more time with them. They're both cute, but that Dresden is such a handsome gent!

Kara Benavides said...

I like to believe, because one can not really know, that when someone tries to guilt you about your actions, it is because they feel guilty about their own. Beautiful cats! Obviously well-loved and cared-for. 2 of my 6 are my daughters. But this is their home. So she did not take them to California. But I am so excited to see her, and my other grand-kitty in a few days. He lived here for a few months while she was changing colleges and locations. It is going to be very lively with 7 fur babies/beasties.

JMOT said...

I agree with everyone on the rightness of your cat decision, you can look after them better at the QPO. I'd bind the table runner in red, though, with that backing, but that's just one opinion.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

I'm glad the ride went well--I was so worried that one (or both!) of them would be "explosive" like Emmy Lou! :) I think it will be enjoyable for you to be greeted every day at work by happy, furry grandcats.

Enjoy your time off--the semester just ended here, and I'm decompressing (auto correct wanted "decomposing," though that may be true, too! :) ).

Cats said...

Amen, you are brilliant...simply, brill. Good solution to life's many challenges, and as another commenter stated... rubbish! any negative comments, go in the rubbish... nice word... Bright, sunny and cool in Carlsbad, CA... Happy Christmas and love to you and yours. Cats

Sheila said...

My sentiments as well.

Marti said...

They are not at the Inn so what business is it of "nosey Nellie's" anyhow. I can understand people with severe allergies but they will be exposed to "Cat" anyhow unless you plan on disenfecting yourself everytime you walk thru the door at the inn! I do not understand some people. If I were coming for a retreat I would probably spend most of my time at QPO!!! Blessings to you for loving your fur babies!

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Margo said...

Love reading your posts. Was appalled at the note you got. Kids grow up and out! I've had kitties left behind as well, and loved them to pieces! So great that everything is so close! A hop, skip and a jump!

Sharon said...

Thank you for continuing the loving care of your son's kitties and your own lovely lady as well for every beings best interests. As everyone has said - it is your decision to make and they will settle in to soon-to-be familiar surroundings with people and activities they already know.
And I just wonder - did the quiltmaker make the one little "wing" of the pinwheel go wrong on purpose ? Sometimes I wonder :) Take care Bonnie - and thank you for all you do for so many quilters !

April Sayers said...

It amazes me how some people think you care about their opinions. If you cared, you would ask!!! And cowardly complainers at that when they don’t put their return name and address on the envelope. Fortunately you have thousands of fans and I, as one of them, appreciate your kindness and love for the animals. Happy Tuesday!!

Susan M. said...

Glad Lola and Dresden are safely at the QPO. You did a good thing by taking the 2 cat's in instead of surrendering them to a shelter. Busy bodies need to get a life and mind their own business. I also love the vintage pinwheel quilt and the pinwheel gone wrong. It's a testament to life. Not all is perfect. Put a smile on my face.

Maureen said...

Sounds like a purrrfect arrangement all around! Love to the kitties, and peace and joy to you and yours!

Teresa said...

I was going to post encouraging words about Lola and Dresden, but looks like everyone has that covered, lol. I too am foster Mom to my son's cat. Miss Mila LOVES the big cat hammock in my quilting room! I've struggled to keep her off of the quilts. Thanks for the tip about making it slightly less comfy! I just discovered that I'm slightly behind on Frolic. I evidently looked at the wrong number for my clue 2 and only made half of the units. Dang it! I guess I know what I'm doing this afternoon!

Sarah in NF CT said...

Cats are really adaptable and they will have each other for company all the time. Plus you will have companionship while you work.

tealeafquilts said...

Those are your cats and you can keep them where you want to keep them. I can understand cat allergies but this is your home as well as an event center. It is what it is. Enjoy them.

Sara said...

The kitties will be perfectly happy at the QPO - sunshine coming in the windows, and you working there. Sounds like a great plan.

Quilty.gardener@gmail.com said...

I feel sorry for those negative Nellies. It makes me wonder what went wrong in their lives that they can't find happiness in the world. Good for you, Bonnie, for taking care of yourself and your pets first! Thank you for sharing your life with us. You are a blessing to me.

Carol D said...

Thank you Bonnie, for the solution to cats on the long arm! I thought I had tried everything, and haven't really used my longarm as much as I'd like because as soon as I would walk away, a cat would decide the quilt was a perfect hammock. I TRIED many things, but never thought of an upside-down carpet runner. AWESOME!

Grams said...

Please ignore the negativity! You bring so much joy to so many just leaving us know about your in's and out's of being a great quilt teacher!

Mary said...

Great idea to keep the kitties off the Quilt Frame. Hope they love living in your new QPO.

Jen said...

How awesome of a son to help take care of the cats, even when they weren't his. Shows how well you raised him, and how kind he is. Time for him to fly, and the cats to have a new place to explore. Thanks for taking care of all the animals they way you have.

fwJIquilter said...

Great idea, Bonnie. I have had problems with my fur-babies and the longarm. This should work better than the curtain rods I was using. The cats would find their way around them and the pull my quilt out.

I went out today and bought one. It is now spread on the quilt I have loaded on the longarm.

ASMcBurnie said...

Ahh, cats and quilting - is there any better combo? You get the benefit of the cuddles and snuggles whenever you're at the QPO and they get the benefit of being with one of their humans. A purr-fect solution. As is the tip on using a carpet runner to stop curious kitties from sleeping the day away on our longarms. It is the exact solution I need for mine.

Grandma Beth said...

Your love shows. That’s what’s important!

MeSue said...

Not only will those cats be good for any mice but also any other unwanted visitors (like the snake that left its skin for you).

Diane said...

What a purrfect solution. I'm sure they missed you and now you'll have company while you work. Perhaps a few well placed bird feeders outside the QPO windows would help with kitty entertainment when you're not there.

Farm Quilter said...

Kitties at QPO???!!! What could be more perfect!! You are cutting ties to the North Carolina house and transitioning to the cabin and Quiltville Inn...turning the pages in your lifebook, moving on to a new chapter. Of course the kitties are going with you and allowing Emmy Lou to live the rest of her life in peace as the only kitty at the cabin is the right choice to make. Just as you do with your boys, your 4-legged babies and their needs are taken into consideration. Just keeps on proving what a big heart you have and that your priorities are in the right place for living your life with your family.

Robin from Leavenworth WA said...

Bird feeders is a great idea for the Post Office at Quiltvilla

Squirrel1973 said...

I absolutely adore your kitties and love that you’ve moved your animals to be with you! Whether at the Inn or QPO! It says so much about your kind heart and loyalty to your fur babies. Sadie had every right to spend her last days with you and bless you for having it that way! I’m sure she earned your love and dedication many times over! I think all the more of you for it! As for the cat hammock—I’ve found my kitties trying that more than once! I found a vinyl tablecloth worked great! They don’t like the slick crinkles of it. My fur babies have the run of my home and studio, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No one is obligated to come and visit anyway! Again, kudos to you and your loving heart!

Squirrel1973 said...

Good for you!

aurora maco said...

I have severe cat allergies(actually all animal allergies) BUT I take meds for it AND I have the option to wear a face mask. AND besides I can always come home and take a shower to "cleanse". My allergies do NOT prevent me from going anywhere or spend time with anyone. Life goes on!!
Yeah for the cats being closer to you.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Oh I agree with you! Humans have domesticated cats and although they have each other, they need people around regularly, and those people -- even a daily 5 min visit from someone passing by -- will make them so happy.

Kerry said...

Sounds like a brilliant kitty fan. If kitties live happily in small appartments, then they'll be just as happy with the smells of their former home! Quilts, books and you - not that you smell, but you know what I mean!!! A familiar hooman smell that they know and love! Well fed, well cared for and well done you.
We are hoping to get a kitty (building work to be done first - avoiding stress on any pets) next year. Also hoping to get my long waited for longarm - so your post was so useful in advance - thank you! xxx

Unknown said...

Your 2 cats will be fine at the QPO and you will enjoy having them there. Sounds like a good plan.

Kerry said...

Kitty fan? How did that happen - it should have said kittie plan!!! LOL!

Loris said...

Not sure where my comment ended up but I think it's great that these sweet felines are being blessed by a family effort to give them happy lives.

Karen R said...

Your Kitties will be fine at the PO and will be great company for you. Cats adapt so well,I had 1 in my Big Truck when I drove Long Haul,she was better than any dog when it came to guarding it when I was out of it....ask any of the company mechanics about getting into it when I wasn't there. LOL

Anonymous said...

I have no desire to have animals as I have already had my share of "babysitting" my grandchildren's dogs & cats. I think it is wonderful that you are bringing the cats to the QPO to be with you. It certainly is better than being in the house all by themselves. My 2 cents worth is to just ignore those who complain about it. Just delete those comments. Enjoy having your cats at the QPO and the cate in your cabin! Have a Merry Christmas, Bonnie!

Stevie said...

I also think you did right in moving the cats, Dresden and Lola, to the QPO where they will be loved and continue to be spoiled in the most loving way. Just let the naysayers talk away, you know you did right.

Bec said...

Bonnie what others think has nothing to do with you and your business. Don't let others make you feel bad about a decision you make. Nasty folks poking their nose in where it doesn't belong. Thanks for the tip about the carpet runner....my husband has trouble keeping our kitties off the longarm (he does all the quilting). Hope you have a Merry Christmas and get to relax some.

Barbara D said...

So glad the kitties get to share space with you where you will be often. Time with their person is much more important than space to roam. I bet you are all so very glad the trip ended, and a bonus that it ended well. Love the carpet runner idea, but is it the sort to go under to keep from slipping or over to keep cleaner?? I want one, but have to buy online since I'm housebound

Alice said...

Alice Woodring says"Good decision about the cats, Bonnie."

Karen said...

I have found that my old cat did not meow if I play a book on tape when driving them to the Vet. Also when my new kitties were little (10 weeks old)I drove them 350 miles on vacation and back. They didn't meow once. In fact they didn't start meowing until they were 6 months old, they chirp and talk to you, but don't meow. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you for another fun Mystery Quilt.

Susan4cats said...

Your family has been blessed with many animals that have lived long lives. How wonderful! I smile each time I see Sadie's picture at the top of your blog page. I also have a Sadie who is 16.

Nikki said...

Kudos to you for caring for the senior cats. They will love the QPO. I know I would!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

They're adorable! While I really do not like animals in the house, I ended up with one cat inside and then later a second. They are completely necessary with farm ground, chickens (feed) etc all around--we haven't had a mouse inside since they've joined us and I always enjoy their company while I sew, read, etc. Yes a little fur gets here and there (and I vacuum constantly) but they fortunately stay off anything loaded onto the long-arm. I just wish I could keep them off our bed but I'm apparently a sucker for them! Not to mention they're quite warm. :o) What're ya gonna do? LOL

Irene said...

I love your thoughts about Lola and Dresden. They will do just fine. My son had 2 cats for many years. They did very well while he was working 12 hours a day. He took excellent care of his kitty buddies and they loved him. Sadly the second kitty passed on to rainbow heaven recently. He was so sad to have lost both kitties. But they lived to be a ripe old happy age. Bonnie is so inspiring.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a great place for the kitties. Everyone gets attention now, with less stress. I know the kitties will settle in quickly. Merry Christmas!

gardenwitch said...

It could be that some of the quilters visiting Quiltville Inn will need a kitty fix.

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