Late afternoon photos bring interesting lighting!
This is the turret room, bedroom #3 complete with pea-soup-green walls. The previous owners did a great job on choosing colors that were quite original to the dating of the house. Colors a bit out of the ordinary that make my scrap quilts sparkle without being too matchy-matchy or blending in.
It’s like they knew me before we even knew the house existed!
Detailing these rooms has been such a joy – and my inner 10 year old wants 2 weeks to sleep in each and every bed to make sure they are comfy and just right!
I love seeing my quilts on these beds!
The second folded quilt at the foot of each bed is vintage, should a guest require the weight and warmth. If you are like me, winter is a 2 quilt cocoon, and there is also another woven cotton blanket on top of the sheet under the first quilt. Too hot? There is a ceiling fan, and you can take it down all the way to the cotton blanket if you wish.
Luggage racks are in place.
Wall reading lights are mounted. They have a USB port!
Next to ever bed is a power strip with more USB outlets as well as grounded regular ones. No one should lack for power access.
Baskets hold a bath towel, hand towel, a face cloth and a hair turban towel.
Upstairs front landing.
The numbers for the rooms are perfect – and I love the chalkboards I received as a gift – names of occupants or messages can be written on the cute boards. A good old fashioned piece of chalk has been attached to each board with a string.
The “map photo” came with the house.
I don’t know how long ago the photo was taken, but it was LONG before there were drone photos available. It shows the house from above and I knew I had to find a place in the house where it could live. It was over the fireplace in the Quilting Quarters. Now it is here. For now.
Evening was really falling by this time!
Bedroom #5 is ready and cozy! My Beta Test Group is gifting the inn with brand new bed pillows as their “retreat cost.” There are pillow protectors and pillow cases ready to be added when they arrive.
I so wish I could be part of this party!
It feels like a big birthday sleepover from when I was 12! And that will happen when we open “for reals” in the spring.
Everywhere I look I see the generosity of others.
Thank you all so much for your part in my dream!
From dream to nightmare. LOL!
No, really, it’s going to be GRAND!
There is something strangely satisfying about the smell of new carpet!
The plan is to join these two with Gorilla tape on the back. That might happen ON Thanksgiving Day as I have lost my help – The Hubster is off to Oregon for the funeral of our dear friend Joe, who passed from ALS. The funeral is Sunday, but my dad comes here from Arizona on Saturday and his tickets were already purchased so it was decided that I would stay and have time with Dad while Dave goes.
As of yesterday, the new passport has still not shown up. It’s only been a week. But feels like forever and I’m getting a bit panicky. Maybe today? Or maybe it will be in the box on Saturday when I go to Greensboro to pick up Dad? We will keep checking – but Germany is just a bit more than a week away now!
Late evening Walmart run.
I keep adding to the on-going list of items needed for Quiltville Inn on my phone. What you can’t see here is in front of the blender box – but that list is getting shorter, until the next time I add to it. Costco and Sam’s and Target will be hit on my way through Winston Salem to get Dad.
I keep telling myself one of these days the lists will be shorter!
Things that remain: Dusting the dining room floor after getting the rug situation situated. Detailing the Hen Den and getting all in place. (There are 2 fun chair cushions for more color in front of that blender box!) The hallway outside of the laundry needs to be dusted and mopped, as does the back hallway off the Hen Den. The back porch entry needs a good clean – that is where everything has been pushed as I work my way to completion. The downstairs bath also needs a deep clean and a floor scrub.
I picked up more Mr. Clean erasers and will tackle the stove grates that have been soaking in an ammonia bath in a black trash bag in the garage for 2 days now. My fingers are crossed that I can get them clean!
And – I still need 6 of these:
I made 2 place mat tops yesterday morning.
4 more to go!
They won’t take long to quilt if I can get them loaded. I wanted them to be a binding project while Dad and I sit and watch TV in the evening. But I may just have to realize that it is okay if we are short a few place mats on our test run retreat.

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And I think that brings us current!
Quiltville Quote of the Day
What can you do to preserve your own peace today? What can you eliminate?
Have a wonderful Thursday, friends!
I’m sew excited for you! I hope if you have time (ha I know what’s that?) before opening would you do a walk through video? Then we will get to watch the before video and after!!! Oh Bonnie, it’s HAPPENING FOR YOU!
Oh my! You have such an eye for's all coming together beautifully! Your Beta group is in for a real treat, and I'm sure they won't mind any little dust bits that might be missed.
Oh Bonnie, there is so much love in each little corner. Well done! Tell me you're not going to try to decorate it for Christmas this year!
People who have the "quilters' psyche" will feel as though they have come home at last.
My second Garlic Knots quilt is in progress. I had a few leftover blocks from the first quilt, so I started making "a few more". Turns out I have enough blocks to cover my living room floor. I am seeing a third Garlic Knots quilt in my future! Loving the process of using my scraps to complete these quilts.
It is coming together beautifully and thank you for sharing on the blog!! I absolutely love seeing all of your quilts on the beds and walls, makes it look very welcoming and comforting!!
The rooms are so beautiful, so up scale. I want to be there. You did such a beautiful job.
every room is just beautiful, I bet it feels like a warm quilt wrapped around you when you are there! so homey and comfy looking.
Everything looks fantastic. Wish I was there to see all the quilts.
I understand the frantic list mam ng. 2 years ago we sold our home and pretty much rverytever we owned to try our hand at full time RV living. My health has declined and we signed papers yesterday for our new house however we have nothing to put in it!! Lol be I'm frantically making lists of things we need for each room. I hope my new home comes together as nicely as yours has! Congratulations and wishing you much success
Thank you for sharing your journey. I may never get to visit your retreat house but I feel like a part of the process. Many blessings to you and your family!
Whew...I'm already tired just from reading the blog. You go girl!!
Your inn looks beautiful with all of your quilts and decorating! I wish I could live there.
everything is looking great. can not wait to come homefuily this summer we can get a booking.
The retreat is perfect. Enjoy the ride!
Bonnie, What an incredible job you've done with Quiltville! You have succeeded in making each and every nook and cranny warm, welcoming, and wonderful. Congratulations!
I love these rooms with all the quilts on them. What is the name of the quilt on the wall in bedroom 5, with the scrappy stars?
Bonnie, the inn looks absolutely perfect! You have done an amazing job building your dream into reality. I am so pleased for you ( and your family) and for all who will be able to participate in retreats at Quiltville Inn.๐
Things are coming together and they're beautiful!
If you aren't doing the Informed Delivery from the post office, sign up. I can check to see what I have coming each day and then you would know when to grab the mail because the passport is there!
Enjoy Germany and have a beer for me (if you imbibe)!
Anna in IL
Your quilts are the shining stars of Quiltville Inn! They are gorgeous on the beds!
How are you hanging those quilts on the wall?
I love all the pictures of your Quiltville Inn, it is beautiful. You have done such a wonderful job putting it together. Congratulations.
The Inn is looking lovely. It's like furnishing a giant doll house. What fun. I can't wait to see everything finished.
Today I will play with choosing fabrics for a special Christmas Quilt. I have a week or so to get it made and delivered by December 1st.
Thanks for sharing pictures of the rooms! It is a wonderful place you're making. Happy your dad is coming. Enjoy each moment!
It is looking super and you've put in so much heart and elbow grease!! It will be well loved!
I've enjoyed your virtual tour of Quiltville looks so cozy and fun! It's also given me a burst of energy to spruce up my space for the holidays. Thanks for your daily positive posts.
It has been so much fun watching this all evolve....Warm colors, warm quilts, COZY COZY COZY. Lots of beautiful vintage items. Just be sure to leave room on bedroom surfaces for your guests personal items. ♥♥♥♥
Love love love! Your hard work is paying off!
One of the coolest things about your Inn is that guests will actually be sleeping under your own famous quilts! How fun for them to see quilts they recognize from your books and posts up close, in person, and actually get to snuggle under them. Your testers are going to have a blast!
It's incredible what you and your family and friends have accomplished in that house, and how much more effort you're pouring on in this last big push. Yep - if the test retreaters are a few placemats short, I'm pretty sure they'll let it slide. ;)
As I said before, your “beta” folks are so lucky. You have really poured your heart and soul into all of this. BRAVO! It looks great. We’re off to Christmas markets just next week. We’ll wave if we pass by - on the Rhine river.
I love the blog and the retreat. When my husband and I needed our passports quickly, we contacted our state representative. His office was able to get our passports--the day before we left. Good luck!
Don’t know if you are aware, but you can sign up for Informed Delivery from the USPS and receive daily emails with images of the mail for that day. You also get good information on packages that have been sent and their expected delivery. I find it extremely helpful since we used to have a mailman that didn’t care too much and was always putting mail and packages in the wrong boxes.
Could those grills fit, even part way in an old slo cooker. Use water and dawn liquid, in quantity. Maybe boiling soapy water for some hours will help clear them
It seems like you have thot of everything, Bonnie!! How far you have gone down the quilting road since our 1st Dear Jane Retreat in Perry, GA. We are now the Southeastern Stitchers & wish you had time to come & just stitch! Maybe some of us will get to your place! There are too many to come at once!
You have done a WONDERFUL job to obtaining your dream. Please leave Sadie on the porch as I Love to see her each time I read your blog. Have a great holiday with family and thank you for the Upcoming Mystery which I have renamed Sadie's Frolic!
Everything is beautiful!
Quiltville looks amazing! I hope and pray your passport shows up today! Perhaps our paths will cross in Germany or Austria, as I'm with a Craftour group leaving a day before you!
Looks like heaven!
You have come so far since you first bought the Inn. It looks amazing and anyone would be comfortable there! Your quilts are sparkling like gems on the walls and beds!
The bedrooms come to life with your quilts. I hope you try and balance some rest in your days too.
BRAVA! Kudos to you, Bonnie! It all looks magnificent!
I am sure that things will run smoothly for you. I hope to one day make it up there to visit. The quilts are beautiful on the beds! And I love the wall hangings! Best of luck to you! ๐๐งต
The room look so cozy and lived in. Sleeping in the rooms will be so nice. I wish I was able to come to one of your classes and sleep in one of the beautiful rooms.
I'm in love with the Garlic Knot quilt it is so beautiful. I ordered the pattern just a few minutes ago and downloaded the pattern.
EVERYTHING looks fantastic. Take time to breathe. You've done an amazing job.
Congratulation! Quiltville Inn is a wonderful place. Happy retreat.
Those rooms at Quiltville Inn are stunning. I want to live there! Your quilts are beautiful and your attention to detail gives off such a warm cozy feeling. Great job, Bonnie and Congratulations! All your hard work has definitely paid off. Happy Thanksgiving.
Contact your local Congressman’s office office for help with your passport. I had a similar situation. My son’s passport application sat in the post office for three months and was never submitted. The Congressman’s aides were able to assist with expediting the passport and it was delivered to their office the day before my son was to leave on a foreign exchange program. That was cutting it real close!
Oh, Bonnie, it is gorgeous! You did a wonderful job! How about a future book about the renovation with photos of the finished product. It would be an instant seller if you include patterns from some of the quilts on the beds. We who will never be able to come would love to see it!
Aerial photos have been around since at least the 1940s - maybe earlier. Almost always flown in the winter when the leaves are off the trees. It is so interesting to go back and see what your area looked like before development! Aerials are still being flown over large areas.
I too would like to know. Thank you
If watching this magical place transform is this exciting for me, I cannot even imagine how happy you must be right now. Thanks for sharing this journey with all of us. I know the lucky Beta Test group will have a glorious time! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
your quiltville looks so good, I noticed the treadle in one room in front of the window, I think a lamp made out of an old machine head would be perfect. My brother made me one, Its wonderful.
So let me get this straight -- I come to the Quiltville Inn and not only do I get the fun of seeing and larning from you in person but I also get to sleep under your actual quilts from all the QALs and books too?!? The Inn may be your dream but staying there is MY DREAM!! Maybe the "test retreaters" could help finish the binding of the place mats (or even making up the last of them) as the first group project of their stay. A "Sit and Stitch" would be a great test of the "Hen Room" too!
OMG, Bonnie. You have done a spectacular job with the house. It is so warm and inviting. Your quilts on the beds and walls help to create a wonderful ambiance. You have great taste. Wish I could be there.
Thank you for sharing this journey
You have worked so hard on the Inn, and what an amazing job you have done. Such a lovely and welcoming place you have created. Great job. Remember to enjoy the experience.
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