
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Serendipitous Saturday Sewing!

May there always be Saturdays to Sew!

It has been long – so so long since I have been able to just settle into a project on a Saturday, just feeding pieces through to the hum of the machine, the warm pressing of the seams by iron next to me, some silly chick flick Netflix on in the room playing for me – only for me.


At first I wasn’t sure I could even settle into it!  I was spinning around with nowhere to land and no idea where to start.

First things first – there was this girl to feed!

We headed over to Quiltville Inn to check on the dog food situation for Sadie.  No food was found.  Only a container of treats that I THOUGHT was food.  Nope. 

I gave her a couple of treats to tide her over and did a quick go-round tour of things that have happened since the last time I was up here.

See this remote?  Each fireplace in the Quilting Quarters has one – Flame up! Flame Down! And those EMBERS!  Look at them glow!  Whoowhooo!

Click to Play:

There will soon be thermostats on the wall as well so the flames will be automatic and easily adjustable to comfort levels of quilters.  This is going to be so great!

Boarded Post Office windows from the inside.

This will be changing SOON.

Drywall ceiling being cut away.

This was worked on yesterday while I was off getting dog food and heading to the cabin to sew. We are now ready to replace the damaged ceiling – but that will come AFTER the roof has been fixed and we are sure there are no more leaks.  So right now – it’s just a lot of ugly.

I’m thinking of the positives here – because we have removed much of the ceiling, we can lay electrical for better overhead lighting – and it is going to be awesome in the long run.

It’s just that this long run is turning into a very very long long long run.

When one project isn’t enough, try working on two at once!

Along with sewing the purple triangles around the recycled fabric scrappy nine-patches is this year's Leader & Ender challenge, Jewel Box Stars! I am so excited to see this coming together - Each seam has been sewn as the Leader or Ender to other projects in progress.

I counted the number of block quarters stacked up and pinned in sets of 10 – I had enough to start making BLOCKS!

Things to love about Leaders & Enders: Each purposeful seam replaces a seam wasted when sewing off onto a piece of folded over junk fabric while keeping chain piecing continuous.

It's a free quilt built on the side while stitching other things.

Pressing block halves -

Blocks laid out – 6 x 8

Today will be spent sewing these blocks together!

48 12" blocks set 6 x 8 gives an unfinished size of 72" x 96" which will shrink up a bit during the quilting process.  I’m thinking no borders – just a fun strong binding to end the design.  Borders will push the quilt to TOO BIG for the purpose I want for it.

The next question at hand?

What will NOW become the Leader & Ender project to replace this one?

Our next Leader & Ender challenge will start in July, so I’m sure I’ll come up with something in the interim.

Favorite scraps – so happy to be putting this TOGETHER!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Scrappy Bargello quilt shared during our workshops in Phoenix last weekend.

Truth and truth!

Attitude is everything and you are only in control over your own actions!

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!


Unknown said...

Bonnie, you tackle so much, and I know you are just plain overwhelmed and exhausted much of the (recent) time. I can’t even imagine tucking international travel and teaching in to the mix like it was just a walk in the park! I know the jet lag and what that does to your body is so challenging. But I so hope you can feel deep inside you the joy, inspiration, and encouragement you bring to so many. Many quilters are in the senior age group like myself facing lots of challenges: health, lifestyle changes, loss of loved ones and more. You bring a ray of hope and excitement with your daily blog, and sharing your challenges and how you conquer them is so helpful as well. I can’t imagine committing to doing this daily!
I have just wanted to let you know this for some time. You are such a blessing!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you so much. I needed to read this today. I'm feeling the aging thing creeping up on me - this is the last year of this kind of crazy. I'm looking forward to being more settled in the future. :)

Francine from Iowa said...

Happy Saturday indeed.Love everything about you,a wonderful start of my every day.One small touch is that the quote of the day is not showing up at the end. Can't figure it out. Have a wonderful weekend..

Mary said...

Beautiful scrappiness under your needle. Did you get your Longarm fixed? Or will you free motion these pretties? The day was well spent! Yes, Attitude is everything. Snow is lighty falling on the storm fallen snow that fell yesterday. I play the Glad Game like Pollyanna...Glad it isn't Freezing Rain or ICE.

crazyquilter1@gmail.com said...

I think the first "unknown" person said it so well. You are treasured.

priscilla said...

I so agree with this comment! Not sure how you do it all.....BUT I LOVE reading it daily!!

Unknown said...

I so agree with above posts.I really enjoy the daily blogs and find them inspiring!

Unknown said...

When I see photos of the future Quiltville Office I am just so glad the roof did not fall in on a building full of inventory. So much easier to make improvements when you are not "living" there.

Kay said...

And like so many of those who follow your blog and adventures, I look forward to hearing from your every day. Appreciate all you do. Glad you're getting some sewing time.

cityquilter grace said...

always surprises with old buildings...

Julie said...

Love your leader-ender! Can't wait to see what you do next. Thank you for all you do for us!

Laurie Lasala-Tuttle said...
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Laurie Lasala-Tuttle said...

I agree, Bonnie is the best!!

Nikki said...

I am working on the L/E also...still working on GF. Misplaced some blocks and just knew I could find them. Have now decided to just remake them. Having fun doing both quilts.

Marionz said...

I so love your “I was spinning around with nowhere to land and no idea where to start.” At last i have a name to put on how i feel so often, you have a wonderful expressive way with words Your blog helps so many people in so many ways

Tammy said...

Bonnie, it certainly was a great day of Saturday sewing. I have a retreat coming up starting Thursday this week so was busy kitting some things up for that. Then some mindless sewing while catching up on some Pat Sloan podcasts. We finally got our snow here in the Pacific Northwest. It's a whiteout. Just canceled schools. We'll see if we make it to work tomorrow! Your purple triangles remind me that I need to add purple to my stash! I love purple so I don't know why I don't have any in my quilt cupboards.

Kerry Grace said...

Thanks for another inspiring blog post. I always think "if Bonnie can do all that she does, I should be able to accomplish more." I sew with a group making quilts for veterans, and also with a group making quilts for Linus project.
I'm starting a new vets quilt tomorrow, I've got some instructions printed out from your free patterns, I think it's called Strip Twist.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

All that you get done just puts me to shame. I did sew yesterday afternoon after church. I am trying to get the binding on a XLong Twin for a charity project our quilt group at church is doing. Today I have to take my van in to get a fender bender fixed but hope to get back to the sewing machine this afternoon. You so inspire me. Thank you for sharing your creativity and your progress.

cbott said...

Also working on my L/E--first time I've joined--and am at the joining the "little" blocks into the big-block-of-4 stage. I'm still using those seams as L/E, to extend this project to July. I've got 140 to assemble into 35 blocks for a 5x7 layout. I'll still have plenty of room to play with borders. I relieved to see how nicely your scraps are playing together--mine looks like a hot mess at the moment, but you've given me faith!

Unknown said...

YES, YES, Yes! I also agree with the Unknown Quilter's comments. We are all living our dreams through you Bonnie! And families are part of who we are, so I also enjoy hearing what is happening with yours. Has your son replaced his car? Praise God for him keeping your son safe!

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