I’m off to St Charles, Illinois today –via Chicago O’Hare!
It’s a later morning flight, which is kind of nice. I can take my time getting myself out the door, which means I have time to write this post – because last night was BUSY BUSY with a Quilt-Cam of double trouble variety via Facebook Live!
Did you catch it?
If not, don’t worry. It will be embedded right here at the bottom of this post – so read on, my friends – read on!
The June Quilty Box is full of romantic flavor with some gorgeous Florabunda fabrics by Melanie Testa.
What is a Quilty Box?
Here are some highlights to keep in mind:
- Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
- 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions are donated to Quilts for Kids - a non-profit which donates quilts for children in need
- Each month we have 4 or more products (fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
- Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $60
- We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Get Quilty!
Patrick Claytor, CEOpatrick@quiltybox.com
Oooooh! So pretty!
All the fabrics to make this beautiful BE MINE wall hanging.
Fusible applique folks…Easy Peasy!
I love the stained glass look!
Melanie Testa is an accomplished textile and quilt artist. She holds a degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology in Textile Surface Design and exhibits her fiber art at various galleries and quilt shows around the country. Her most recent book offering, Playful Fabric Printing is co-authored with Carol Sonderlund by Crafting a Life, LLC.
Melanie Testa learned to love fabric and sewing at a young age while sitting at her grandma’s trusty Singer, and has been reimagining her everyday experiences through artful construction ever since.
Whether printing cloth, making quilts or journaling, Melanie’s work enchants with its primitivism and captivates in its exactitude.
Birds come to life amid polka dots , roses and poppies, expressing a passion for color, pattern and design that shines with a depth and sensitivity to her subject matter.
Full size pattern sheets for the fusible applique are included with the fabric needed to make this project.
The Bundles of Inspiration magazine includes the directions – everything you need is right here!
Even the misty fuse and the Goddess pressing sheet!
Add in a spool of Wonderful 12 wt black accent thread and you are ready to go!
Mistyfuse is an environmentally friendly fusible that is solvent-free and recyclable. It’s been extruded to a very fine web to create lasting bond without adding bulk. No extra adhesive to gum up your needles. It is suitable for a wide variety of fabrics from velvets and cottons to delicate tulles.
The Goddess Sheet is sure to become your indispensable fusing tool. The Goddess Sheet is made of a slick Teflon-coated sheer fiberglass for a long-lasting nonstick transparent sheet that puts a helpful glossy sheen on fused surfaces.
Who is ready to throw their name into the hat for this month’s Quilty Box & Quilty Box MINI!? I’m drawing for 2 winners this go around!
Our drawing will happen Friday Evening, June 29th, 2018! Good luck, everyone!
And now for some Quilt-Cam fun with a disclaimer:
This was our first time trying out a split screen episode. It took a bit of time to figure out the technology and get us both on the screen at the same time.
At first I was trying to do this via my laptop as I usually do, but it turns out that you can only go split screen via mobile device. So we had to start another session, me on my phone…
My eyesight is not great. I had to get CLOSE to the phone to read the comments and answer questions. And this made my voice all the louder. I apologize!
And HollyAnne was further away from her phone, so sometimes her voice is too quiet! LOL! Well – it was a first shot, with great attendance and we had some fun.
Click to play:
If you want info on HollyAnne’s free intro to free motion quilting class, or recipe for her homemade spray baste – you will find it on her String & Story website.
More links:

It was a great time – and I hope we can do it again. Next time I’ll try my tablet (easier to read comments by) and try the external camera on the tablet so that anything I show you isn’t in reverse mirror image!
I’m headed off to the airport – I’ll catch you next from St Charles, Illinois!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
This little something came right out of my mouth while playing on Facebook live last night. And it applies to wherever you are in your journey.
There is no skipping ahead, start where you are!
Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.
I watched the split screen Quilt Cam and it was great! There were so many great ideas and tips that I may need to watch it again. The best part was watching you and Holly Anne share your love of quilting (and scraps) with everyone! Thanks to both of you!
I enjoyed last evening's Quilt Cam / Summer Sewcial Hour and hope you two do it again some time.
Safe travels, Bonnie
That was fun! Gotta watch it again. I missed the end. Thanks for the Quilty Box Giftaway. Not that I need more fabrics ...
I hope you will do a twin QuiltCam again. So much fun!
I thoroughly enjoyed Quilt-cam last night and learned so much. Thank you and hopefully you both will do this again.
so happy you found your "lost" items... which were never lost, just not situated where you were looking! ahahameuwabahahahahaha! Like when I'm driving and take a wrong turn... i'm never lost... just not where I want to be in relationship to where I am! ok enough ... I called Lehman's Hardware rgarding ordering the treadle belt and in conversation with the very nice, supremely knowledgeable rep (she's not a quilter but her mother and sister are, can she be far behind?) I said that Bonnie Hunter had referred their store and she exploded with laughter! "I thought something or someone was up!" she chortled, "in the last three days we have sold at least 80 belts a day! We usually only sell 80 a year!" Then she added, "I gave my buyer a 'heads up'... i think we have plenty in stock, but she's going to watch our supply." Upshot? I ordered two belts (and yes the connectors come with the belt) one to replace the new to me treadle that's in sad shape, and one to have as a spare... am going back to watch you live show... hope you have a chance to look at my comment, i know you'll love hearing how your fame has spread even more...Cats from Carlsbad CA
Fun watching you & Holly last night! I missed the live, but enjoyed the replay! Safe travels Bonnie!
No apologies needed for being loud. Both of you project your voices well. For us hearing-impaired people, even with hearing aids, the problem is when people - in conversational style - drop their voice for a side comment. We can never hear those. Anyway, it was a successful twin-cam, IMHO.
I watched you and Holly last night, great fun and I’ll definitely be checking out her website and blog.
Today I’m trying to finally finish putting my ORL flimsy together it’s looking lovely and can hardly wait to see it all finished.
Then my next job is to get all my hecherboard rail fence together I’m loving how that’s coming together too .
Thank you so much for sharing all your fabulous patterns and ideas with us well back to work so I’m ready for the next leader ended challenge and I have some really pretty charm squares that may well be nd up being used at last lol.
Safe journey love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx
When someone says "I don't mean to be mean spirited...BUT..." And you continue to be....YES, you DO MEAN IT! Colleen whoeveryouare your comment has been deleted as mean and completely unnecessary. In the future, your comments of any kind are not welcome here. What you said was hurtful and reflects badly on you. This is a NO TROLL ZONE. I hope in the future you stop yourself before the word BUT.
Enjoyed watching the replay. Today is a back to reality day—planning meals, grocery shopping, laundry—after 5 days un Bridgeworld. Hope to finish marking En Provence tonite.
I really enjoyed watching the both of you early this morning. Thanks for introducing me to HollyAnne. It is amazing how far technology has come.
I so enjoyed your time with HollyAnne last night and hope your time in Illinois is wonderful. Want you to know I FINALLY have all 840 HST's made and am finishing up on the last 10 string blocks for my Jamestown Landing. I can hardly wait to be able to put them together into a top!! Thank you Bonnie, for all you do for us. I am truly a Bonnie Hunter devotee - and VERY PROUD OF IT!!!
My darling husband caught the last half hour of your "split screen". He thought you and HollyAnne were so upbeat, positive and passionate about quilting and the quilting community. Just for giggles I mentioned we have a daughter around your age, Bonnie and at least 3 granddaughters and/or grandson around HollyAnne's age. Both of us agreed how wonderful it is to see the younger ones find the pure joy in sewing quilts. So far only 2 out of 13 grandchildren sew. Now I'm working on the great-granddaughters!! Blessings to you both and safe travels Bonnie.
Loved the split screen show. I am so looking forward to Hollyann's FMQ lessons. I used to FMQ but stopped for a long time because of shoulder troubles, I mostly do either walking foot quilting or QAYG on strips of blocks. I have been leader and endering for many years and a lot of my quilts are scrap but I promise I will try some other sizes, Bonnie - I tend to just use 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 and don't worry about strip sizes, they are just as they come. Anticipation is building. Not sure how I will be able to watch, the split screen was 10am Sunday here in Queensland Aus but I can't get my wifi down in my sewing room shed. Can it be recorded to a memory stick and then put into my tablet?
Such a joy to see and hear the two of you together, hoping it happens often, such fun and always teachable moments from you both.
I did enjoy the show very much. I did laugh out loud a few times with you both too. Holly seems to be a very nice young lady - and I like the idea of quilters being in the 65+ group - I'm still young then (60) LOL!
Great fun - I do hope you do another double up.
Oops HollyAnne - senior moment, my apologies! LOL!
I was watching from the start but had to leave to take care of my sick hubby. Can't wait to catch the rest of your dual program. Such a refreshing escape for me to be able to sit and enjoy the two of you. So happy you have it archived in quilt-cam.
What a fantastic quilt y box this month. Love the colors. Would be a wonderful birthday present for me as Friday is my birthday.
Thanks Bonnie for sharing yourself with us so generously. You are an inspiration to us. May you be blessed in all you do.
Thank You for the fun and informative blogs. I run retreats and have a “scrap fabric Mosh Pit”. Many quilter's who attend my retreats follow you! Once they show and tell their quilts designed by you…. There is a mad dash to the Mosh Pit! LOL your ripple effect inspire many!:)
That was SEW fun! Good to catch up with you both split screen style. Lots of good information. Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas
I love Cats experience with the hardware store with the treadle belts!!! if there's ever any kind of downturn of sales of something, just have Bonnie post about it!! Problem solved!!!!!
I enjoyed the split-screen interview with Holly.
I use my small scraps to fill dog and cats pillows for animal shelters. Mix with batting. Don't over fill them. It keeps fabric out of the landfill.
thanks, Kay, was hoping Bonnie caught it... no response from her tho...quilt on
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