
Thursday, February 01, 2018

February 1st! On Ringo Lake in Digital!

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We made it through!  January is a thing of the past!

These “Ary” months, the ones that end in ARY – January, February, are things barely tolerated by my warm weather loving soul.

One more Ary month to go, and we are home free!  And February is a SHORT ONE, making up for the extra day in January.

With the coming of February, also comes the retirement of On Ringo Lake as a mystery-of-many-parts and the offering of the pattern in digital form in the Quiltville Store.

After many many requests over the past mystery retirements, I am listening to your wants and this year our digital download includes EVERYTHING from our mystery parts, in a more coherent format. (Not scrambled to keep you guessing!)

All of the hints, helps, tips & tricks are there including the optional ways to do each unit, just as it was presented while the On Ringo Lake mystery was running here on the blog.

Learn to fine tune your scrap quilt piecing through the use of specialty rulers and optional assembly methods! This 20-page full color in-depth workshop is an easy to read and follow PDF booklet full of hints, helps, tips & tricks with many photos to guide you through each step.

Discover your own place On Ringo Lake!

Everything previously presented during our Quiltville 'On Ringo Lake' Mystery is included in this printable booklet. You won't miss a thing!


Such a fun project to make!

To celebrate the release of our On Ringo Lake Digital Pictorial Tutorial Booklet. ALL digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are on sale at 25% off using the coupon code DIGITAL25 at purchase through February 11th.

Coupon code MUST be used at purchase to redeem, so don’t forget to use it.  No refunds.

And yes, I said ALL digital patterns!  Click to play:

This is your chance to pick up any that you missed at a very reasonable price.

We had an amazing Talkin’ Turkey workshop day yesterday with the Lake County Quilters of Mt Dora, Florida.  I’m saving all of the fun and scrappiness for tomorrow’s post as this morning I am off to Ocala for stop 3 on this 3-guild-tour.  Guild presentation tonight, Pineapple Blossom workshop tomorrow with the Country Roads Quilt Guild, and I head home on Saturday.  Whew!

We’ve been filling this week full at break-neck speed!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage quilt shared by Kevin H.

Actions always speak more loudly and more truthfully than words.

Make sure your words and your actions speak the same language!

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!


Betty's Daughter said...

I hate to bother Bonnie. I feel like a senile idiot but I cannot find the cart button to buy a book. It asks me to sign in but I don't have an account and I can't find a place to sign up for one. If someone wants to point me in the right direction via her blog I will check back later, with gratitude, Sue Summerall.

New Quilter in Texas said...

Your warm weather soul? I am an avid Jimmy Buffet fan and one of his song lyrics is "going where the weather suits my clothes".

I don't know what we will do without having a BonnieBlog to read while starting our day! Safe travels and I will try to see you again next time you're in the Houston TX area!

Ruth said...

Betty's daughter/Sue Summerall, go to "SHOP" at the top of Bonnie's blog, where all the words are under her banner. Click on it, and it will take you to her subject listing of everything available in her shop. It also tells you how to pay without a Paypal account, there in the first few paragraphs.
Be careful, I hear it's possible to spend lots of money there!

mangozz said...

@suesummerall All you need to do is click on the photo of the book you want, and then "Add to Bag". Your shopping bag is located in the bottom right corner. You can also drag the item to the bag. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Always have heard it is the sign of a good teacher who will show you the way... then applaud and encourage you when you make you own shortcuts and paths. By this definition Bonnie is an excellent teacher... thanks Miss BKH

Dorothy said...

I just have to sew the 2 halves together and my On Ringo Lake is DONE !!! Read that as "the top is done" I absolutely love it !!! Thank you Bonnie

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