In between frustrations with this new laptop (and there are many) I’ve been wheedling down on this very mis-matched pile of layer cake squares and turning them into blocks.
There have been strips and other random pieces added from my very limited cabin stash, and that is part of the fun.
It’s a challenge to work with a smaller selection of fabric, and that is where the creativity comes in.
I think that is what got me hooked on scrap quilting in the first place. Choosing the fabrics that go together, pairing this color to that color and seeing what different print styles do when placed together. That’s the best part!
When you can finally push beyond the boundaries of sewing with “one designer – one fabric line” of pre-matched colors and styles, exciting things happen.
3 more going up on the wall!
Where there were just 20, there are now 30!
I’m really liking where this is going, and I plan to be at the machine again today seeing what other combos I can come up with. Most of these layer cake squares came from my monthly Quilty Box deliveries.
I love it when these boxes show up on my doorstep as there is usually something in it that I may not have bought for myself, (Like a bundle of layer cake squares) but I encourage myself to use them by mixing them up with other favorites, and it is often times that these different colors and prints add the needed spark to a project.
In between the stitching there was time to gaze out my kitchen window and see what was going on outside while I was staying inside where it is warm. Click to play:
I just filled this bird feeder Wednesday morning! Little hungry beggars have eaten it all the way down! Or more like picked it out onto the ground for their friends (including the noisy black crows) to eat.
Though the hummingbirds have flown south, I'm happy to have these little ones outside of my kitchen window. I filled the feeder again after this little video clip.
This is getting closer!
I counted the un-quilted blocks in this photo. Before quilting last night, there were 17 blocks left to go. As of this morning, after last evening’s binge-watching of Twin Peaks on Netflix, there are only NINE BLOCKS to go!
The question is…do I start hand stitching time earlier tonight so I can finish it before heading home tomorrow?? Or do I let my addition to machine piecing these fun blocks take over, meaning I finish the hand quilting NEXT trip up later in the month?
I’m just going to go with the flow and see how it goes. I am excited at the prospect of this quilt being my FIRST FINISH of 2018! (It only took about 15 years from start to finish. But who’s counting?)
The new laptop saga? I’m having trouble with text showing up too small on the blog when I use Open Live Writer to write my posts offline. Remember that I don’t have internet at the cabin. I am running off of phone data, so I write this offline, and then connect to upload. This program is NOT talking to blogger (which I can’t use to write offline) and my default font is too small.
Messing with the blogger fonts once the post is uploaded makes this too huge. Nope. They are not working together.
I know this. (Emails telling me so are not appreciated.) While you can biggie size your screen on your end to view the font in whatever size you want, there is a limited option for me and I am working with it so I appreciate your patience, okay? Thank you.
SO I’m working on it. I can’t change the default font size…the only thing I can do is biggie it after I finish writing the post and see if it transfers over when I upload it and that is what I’m trying today.
After composing, I am changing everything to a heading font. We’ll see how it transfers over. It’s a step I can’t save to default, but if it works, it becomes the new normal.
We’ll get there, I just can’t for the life of me figure out why it is different from computer to computer while the program is the same.
This morning’s sunrise!
10 degrees out, but that sky is blue this morning and the sun is shining through just a smattering of scattered clouds. Life is definitely good!
Other than to fill the bird feeder, or take sunrise photos, the closest I have come to stepping foot outside since I arrived on Tuesday afternoon was to take the trash to the garage.
San Diego sounds REALLY GOOD to me right now!
Quiltville Quote of the day!
Photo shared by Kevin H.
I love this simple 9 patch! Aren’t the grey prints and neutral corners just great against that yellow polka dot?
This is your reminder to simply be YOURSELF today!
Happy Friday, everyone!
So excited to see you next week in San Diego. Just wanted to let you know that we have rain in the forecast for the early part of next week.
We have had a blizzard with 12 inches of snow so I hand quilted until midnight!
Loving these new blocks!💕 Your quilt is beautiful. I can so relate to your computer issues. I never like to upgrade, there are so many 'small' changes that drive me nuts trying to adjust to. Good luck and you will get it 😊
73 degrees today in San Diego according to my weather app. Sounds perfect to me here in St. Louis where it's 15 degrees with light snow. En Provence is on my radar today. Adding sashing to the blocks. And I may jump in on Ringo Lake as I have an idea for my color palette.
Your post came through perfect. It's raining here in So. Oregon which we need but the temps are unseasonably high - yesterday 50 degs. in Grants Pass! We do appreciate it because last year we had snow and ice and housebound for many days. Blessings on all you do Bonnie. You brighten my day with your posts and beautiful projects.
I am in love with those Irish Chain-style blocks! Thanks for being such a diligent blogger when so many others have shifted to just Instagram, I love reading your posts and you always make me laugh! :D
Thank you, Alison! Instagram and Facebook are fun, but those are "lost posts" that you can't search to find once they've gone down the feed a while. I like that each blog post has its own url address and they are searchable. I like instagram and facebook for quick updates, but this blog holds my life :)
I love the size..,with my vision was just right!!
Thank you for all of your blogging. I know how frustrating the computer vs. computer issue can be! The content of your blogs is what matters. Easy to make the size change on this end!! Thank you for giving me such joy with the Mystery over the holidays.
Congratulations on being so need your quilt being done. You have great staying power .. heck, 15 years! It will be worth it to see on your bed and snuggle down.
Ipad woes abound in my life. The more I use it the better it is. Do folks really gripe about font?! They can set things up on their computer. During these darker Winter months, my font is set on bold for everything. That might help in someway for others to try.
San Diego is a gorgeous place... and you can wander. The Del Cornado Hotel.
Happy to know you are having a slower peace filled time as the year begins.
Stay warm, scratch behind Sadie's ears for me. 🐶♥️
Sorry for your computer problems - but I love the progress you are making on your quilt and scraps
I am not a fan of the precut prematched fabric lines. I suspect in the years to come people will look at those Tula Pink quilts and go "What was I thinking?"
When I pull together various scraps and it comes together in an amazing creation, there is so much satisfaction.
That simple 9 patch is simply delightful!
"The new normal" my life is full of that😄 So excited for you to have your first finish of the new year soon. I hope to finish something by the end of the month. I need a few more dedicated sewing days.
Isn't learning new technology a pain?!?! You are so much better at it than I am. My son showed me how to resize the screen fonts, so that I can read it. Woohoo for tech savvy sons.
Happy 1st Friday of 2018. Beautiful Blocks on your Wall. I have a bunch of On Ringo Lake Blocks on my floor. No Sadie to mess them up. How did you do the piecing of the sashings and then sew it together. I'm sure you have a better way than how I'm doing. One chevron at a time. Sorry about your New Laptop woes.
I am really loving the effect of using rectangular neutral pieces in your scrappy Irish chain blocks....especially when the fabrics have stripes! It wouldn’t be the same if they were all equal size squares. It boggles the mind, all the computer/technology stuff you have been forced to master, Bonnie! Thank you so much for hanging in there, and thank you for teaching us too! I need to update my blog. I tried to post again and for some reason can’t get the photos on. What’s a blog with no photos? We are still snowed in down in Charleston, SC. 3rd day now! It’s gorgeous! 6” of snow, thick ice on residential streets, Christmas break extended by an extra week! What’s not to love!
Posts are coming through perfect. In my opinion your computer problems are because the sun is shining. Have a safe trip and Thank You for all you do for the quilting world, it really is appreciated.
Love that beautiful sunrise! Hang in there with the computer. I hate learning and working with new technology, but it must be done sometimes. Hope it gets easier for you soon.
Is there a pattern for the quilt you are working on in this blog?
Hey Bonnie, thank you again for a wonderful mystery quilt pattern, I did Enjoy Provence last year and this is my second. I was wondering of there will be a quilt label for On Ringo Lake like there was last year? Thank you so much for all you do. Karen
Oh Bonnie! You have my sympathy. Santa brought me a new HP laptop with Window 10. It has been to the computer doctor twice so he could help me understand the differences from my old Windows 7 laptop. It has gotten easier, but then I don't have to do all the complicated things that you do. Thanks for all you do. I know you will figure out how to use it for your needs. 8-)
Life is good when covered in fabric.
The pink and white quilt is to die for!!!
The font on this post came through big and beautiful. No problems whatsoever. Thanks for sticking with the problems on the computer until you tame them. Love the colors in your Irish chain blocks. That will be a stunning quilt when all done.
Bonnie - you never cease to amaze me! Quilting phenomenon and feeding of the beautiful birds! Hubby says thanks for feeding the nuthatches and other wild critters. Enjoy your time out west and hopefully FL will be warmer when you arrive here! Love, love, love, your creations and all your time and effort you give so willingly is much appreciated. Thank you
Thank you Bonnie so much, I really appreciate all that you do. Re technology- I will not be impressed by technology until I can download actual wine. Kerryn, Western Australia
Thank you Bonnie so much, I really appreciate all that you do. Re technology- I will not be impressed by technology until I can download actual wine. Kerryn, Western Australia
It is 39 degrees Celsius here today (Australia) and will be 45 Celsius tomorrow. Way too hot to do anything outside so I have spent the day working on my first MQ - On Ringo Lake in air conditioned comfort and listening to an audio book. Very relaxing.
I noticed the print was smaller the other day and figured it was the new computer acting out! It looks good today! It's amazing how something that's suppose to make our life easier does just the opposite! It sounds like you had a lovely day! Enjoy your trip to San Diego and stay safe! problems. We do appreciate the things you do for us! Today's post looked great, Bonnie. :) Have fun in San Diego. I'm a Huntington Beach girl, living in the Pacific Northwest, and I wish I were going with you. I miss the SoCal winters. (And people.) I hope Miss Sadie is feeling better every day. xxx Beth
Loved seeing the little birdies. The blocks are coming on a treat - but soooo close to that hand quilting to finish! Difficult choice.
As for computer recommendations - no chance from me. I just managed to kill our printer by jamming the paper. Husband bleeped more than the machine! Well if he won't show me how to do it for myself (and I get the oh I'll do it give it here grumps with regard to changing ink - shouldn't be difficult it's just inserting a little cassette) I thought I'd replace the paper. How hard should that be? Just a sliding tray! As a result I completed a couple more blocks of ORL just to keep out of the battle zone! LOL!
The font on the main part of the blog is just perfect. It is smaller on the comments. I will finish Allitaire, I will, I will....
Thanks for the reminder to fill my bird feeder as I have been amiss! My other plan today is to keep sewing away on step 5....... Love everything you do for the quilting community!
Good Morning sweet Bonnie. Thank you for your blog each morning. Getting the blog is important to me to say the least, content is always awesome, readable size is a nice benefit. I am not a techie in any way, and I do not know how to change things on my end, so I try to be grateful for whatever I get. Love the new blocks. Pattern *open* *open* *open* fingers on the windows. lol Have a great day.
Hi Bonnie,
Good SAt Jan 6 AM.
I am wondering if you have the quilt you posted last night on the freebie quilts or in a book?
It is the 2nd one shown looks like a quadruple Irish chain???? Really love it
Wendy Dillon
Bonnie - I sure didn't notice a problem with your post today. So something you did must be working. Thanks for taking all the time to "fix" the things that go haywire. I am dealing with computer problems too, but don't want to get a new one - all the little glitches that come with any new electronic device are so frustrating! Good luck, and I hope you have lots of time to sew!
Hey there, I am super curious about the pattern that you are using for your scraps. I really like that design, but I can't figure out (though I didn't spend much time digging) the pattern. Could you tell me where you found it?
Thank you and I love following your blog.
The weather shown above is so pleasant.
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