Everything is put a bit of delay as I take time to enjoy this big wonderful family of mine.
We ended up short only ONE sibling as my brother Rick had to work last night, but he will be joining us later to complete our crowd.
It’s hot hot hot in Utah, but the proverbial “It’s a dry heat!” does apply, especially in the shade. We couldn’t do this in North Carolina in the humidity. No way, no how.
It was a long travel night the night before, but we were able to sleep in and catch up thanks to staying at an airport hotel before heading to the happy chaos about to commence in Tooele at my sister Mary’s house.
The baby quilt was bound in flight!
We found out that it isn’t necessarily a BAD thing to arrive after midnight. Our “standard” car rental proved to be a real bonus as they were out of standard cars long before midnight. In fact the fleet was dwindling so low they handed us keys to THIS:
Baby Quilt on Bonus Ride! Weeeee!
I have had the most amazing experience so far and we’ve only been through 24 hours!
When I returned from Pennsylvania and dug into getting all of the awaiting book orders out I came across one with a Tooele, Utah address. A map search of the address proved that it was only a couple of miles from my sister Mary’s house.
A plan was hatched!
The great Salt Lake with Antelope Island in the distance.
Speedy Delivery!
This package was one that qualified for “free shipping” since its contents were over $75.00 and I decided to take that free shipping a bit further and make a personal drop off. How fun!
So nice to meet you in person, Janiel!
I am also tickled to find out that Janiel will be in my workshop next Friday – Yay!
The beautiful view from Janiel’s porch.
And within 5 minutes of delivery we were pulling up into Mary’s drive!
Family, food, friendship and fun!
More special delivery!
I’m not giving lecture while here. I had luggage space. My closets are full, and my heart is even fuller.
When the upstairs closet is packed with quilts after many books, it's time to get the quilts into the hands of family members who will love them and use them as quilts were intended to be used.
3 teen nieces singing in the back of the car on the way to my sister Joy’s for the night!
Mykenzie, Lucie and Addie sang us all the way home. Priceless!
I am wishing these quilts to be used as many blanket forts, many picnic quilts, lots of sweet dreaming, and many memories made over the coming years. 6 quilts for 6 siblings and their spouses, and one baby quilt for baby to be.
Pioneer Day bike parade & pancake breakfast!
Love my sweet niece Emery!
Love these smiles!
Bro-in-law Mark, Sister Joy, Taylor and Emery!
As I type this quickly, family is arriving and we are planning a drive up to the mountains, destination Silver Lake to escape the heat, get in some hiking, some Frisbee throwing some picnic having and some memory making.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
It's happy chaos when eight siblings, the spouses and children and grandchildren are thrown into the mix and I am loving every minute of it! Today's blog may happen tonight, and maybe not at all. Sometimes you've got to give it up for family.
Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

If your sister knows any Hormans in Toole and has contact info., I'm interested. My historical family is all from there and I've lost touch. Have a wonderful reunion and take lots of pictures!
Oh Bonnie, how special for you and your family. I can only imagine how your mom feels surrounded by so her special people. That picture of her at the table brought tears to my eyes. Enjoy every minute!
Enjoy your family and don't worry about us - we will be here when you are finished catching up with all the love! Have a wonderful time!
Wow Bonnie what a great family! Looks like so much fun! I was with my family on the 4th of July, but your family is mucho larger than mine. Isn't fun to give quilts away to family you love? Makes your heart so happy!❤️😍 The baby quilt design looks like ❌ and⭕️S,maybe the quilt should be called Hugs and Kisses❣️❣️Love to make one someday! Have a good time.
ENJOY every second!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Dear Bonnie,
While you are enjoying your time in Utah, many of your fans are enjoying a bit of Bonnie (or should I say, "scraps of Bonnie"?) in Hershey, PA, this weekend, at Quilt Odyssey. I went on Thursday with 3 friends, and was thrilled to see the exhibit of your quilts. So exciting to see them in person! I think my favorite had to be Dawn's Early Light, since I followed your progress on your blog. But all of the quilts were awesome, and have inspired me to start tackling my scraps. (Or maybe I should start with getting the borders on my Bargello quilt UFO from your workshop in West Chester, PA, in October 2012!) Thank you for sharing your work and thoughts with us every day.
Hugs - safe travels!
Lil Koster, Wilmington, DE
Sounds like fun and LOVE your 'standard' car!! I actually know how to pronounce Tooele as a friend of mine was from there. Know you'll have a great time!
Fortune cookie words of wisdom discovered today while 'cleaning up' the desk:
It is a happy talent to know how to play.
Best wishes to you and your clan.
Welcome back to Utah, Bonnie! I look forward to meeting you next week. I loved the video of the quilt distribution and the connection you had made with someone that knew your brother-in-law. Isn't it wonderful to give your quilts happy homes with loved ones?
Have a Wonderful time with family!
So glad you could share your quilts with your family! The video was cut off and I missed the last part. Cool to meet someone Kelly met on his Mission in Canada.
Bonnie, What a big, beautiful, happy family! I can see how full your heart is and it is beautiful. Please don't take time to write for us, just love and enjoy your family. Taking time for family is something you will never regret. We will all be here when your return with wonderful stories.
How Fun! Beautiful family. Looks like everyone is having a blast!
Saw your quilts a Hershey. They were wonderful! Thanks!
so glad to see this post. thanks for sharing the nic post!
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