This was the world outside of my hotel window as I threw open the curtains from my hotel room yesterday morning.
It had snowed overnight. It was BEAUTIFUL outside!
Cold. Crisp. And I was ever so happy that I packed for this weather. I was prepared!
Spring snow is different. It comes with a feeling of “This is only temporary so enjoy it while it lasts.”
Even the roads remained clear, as they have been warmed by several days of spring weather. This is just the way I like it. Keep the snow on the yards, the fields, the roofs and trees, but keep it off the streets because we have people to see, places to go and are in a hurry to get there.
Pretty pretty pretty!
Meet the Apron Brigade!
After last week’s discussion on aprons, these sweet ladies made it a focus to all wear aprons to the workshop, and made one for ME TOO!
How cute is this?? LOL!
Happy triangle cutters.
The most adorable little blocks were coming quickly together.
Such a great day to play inside with snow blowing outside.
We all went nuts over this version with the black backgrounds. WOW!
There is more to be seen in the slide show below.
It was an AWESOME day with a full class of 51, and I’m looking forward to our luncheon presentation today.
I’ve had some trouble with the hotel internet and this is late posting, and I’m even later getting ready to head over to the Eagles lodge where the luncheon is happening.
Even BETTER – Rick & Mona are here visiting their daughter and granddaughter Carmen and Mona’s mom about an hour away. They are going to swing by and see me this afternoon and have offered to take the remaining book boxes home with them. Hooray for good friends!
Tomorrow I fly off to Michigan. Whoohooo!
The quilty adventure continues.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
There is always a life lesson to be found in any situation. Especially when those situations keep coming back.
Just like I should KNOW that people will choose to be ticked off by something I say that doesn’t agree with their viewpoint on “whatever.”
Thank you for the support, the kindness and the words of “Stick to your guns, sister!”
Because I can’t be less than I am to appease what someone else’s view of me is in their own mind.
Life has thrown some whammies lately, but as my friend Karen said to me just this morning: “Breathe as deeply as you can and trust it will all work out the way it's supposed to...think of it like quilting a king size quilt on a domestic machine - just focus on what's under the needle and bunch up the rest and be the boss of it. “
Basal cell carcinoma can be dealt with. I have a consultation on the 23rd. They ddint' get it all with the biopsy, so we'll do it again and be sure they DO get it all. And we quilt on.
Have a great Saturday, everyone!

You've got this Bonnie! Yes, it can be dealt with and you can move on past it. Have a great day and safe travels.
Myrna in KY
Everyone has a story so this will be brief---I have more than a few friends who have had basal cell carcinoma. Each person had one procedure to get clear margins and have never been bothered by the "things" again! Ever!
Mary from Texas
wait, what?? I missed the diagnosis... but I am glad you are well and taking this one day at a time. You have an incredible support system in Dave and the boys and thousands of friends around the world. Hugs!!!
Love, love your posts and blogs. Just take it one day at a time. Sending positive, happy thoughts your way.
Best wishes to you!
Happy thoughts and positive vibes coming your way.
You mentioned you were coming to Michigan, please check with wherever you are going that they have power. We had a massive state power outage due to a very major wind storm on Wed and today's news said there are still over 200,000 customers with out power. I am not trying to put a damper on your trip just want you to be aware. Wish I could be wherever you are going to be, maybe one of these days. 😉
if one gets skin cancer that is the better one to get! like you say you can deal with it!! love what your friend Karen has to say - I agree breath deeply - why someone would disagree with you is beyond me :) you always make sense to me!!
I'm glad you got it checked--now you can get it gone!
I think the evidence shows that very few people want you to "go bland." So many positive messages the past couple of days far outweigh the grumps. You have lots of friends out here. :)
I had Basal Cell on my lower eye lid. When it was removed I heard what sounded like a BB dropped into a tin cup. It was weird. I pray things will go well. Dr will get it all and I'll see you in May. Cute Aprons. Sew nice of Mona to come get extra books. Glad to be in the 60's here. No Snow this week.
Hang in there. Things will get better. Never mind the negative people out there. Stay positive and safe travels.
Be strong, seems like those folks who fight your upcoming battle with strength, humor and commitment to winning are those who beat it!! Wow, that was garbled but hope you know what I'm trying to say. Lots of prayers and hoping only the best!! Safe travels!
With so many of us sending good thoughts, wishes and prayers..all will be well. Thanks for everything you do for us. We will be with you..taking one stitch at a time. Quilty hugs!
My friend always wears an apron while sewing. She stays thread free and has pockets to keep whatever she needs close at hand.
It will all be OK. Love your posts and your thoughts. I "second" all the good advice commented here so far today. I hope your friend Karen doesn't mind, that I will take her advice to you and pass it on to a dear quilting friend who is dealing with a serious cancer diagnosis with her husband. She too is a cancer survivor, now needs to be on the other side as her "best friend" deals with it.
Hi Bonnie!
I would not have had so much fun quilting these last couple of years WITHOUT YOU!! You are like my personal quilt buddy even though we have never met and I enjoy catching up with you on your blog every day I can. For all the love and quilting help you have given us all, I would like to send tons of love, positive energy and thanks from Seattle, WA! We are all there with you girlfriend! Hugs, Gina in Seattle :-)
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday here in MI ;)
Bonnie, you a huge inspiration to me. For the quilts, yes, but even more, for who you are! Keep being you, we will still be here! And kick that basal cell carcinoma's butt! You got this!
Weigh the words of others, but they have no more or less weight than yours. Do what your heart calls you to do - or in this case "say". You can listen and if you are meant to change you will, but the words of others shouldn't be painful at anytime. If they are mean or hurtful you will probably disregard them and therefore they have no weight to you. If they teach you they will be weighted such that the regard for learning will bring you joy and the value large. Bullies can only hurt if unreasonable value is given to their words. No one can please everyone and unless you are looking for constant frustration, don't try.
And at least they caught it eatly! Fred had the same thing & in fact went to a specislist st Wake Foredt. Just continue being yourself. ...& wear sunscreen! Too many people with their emotions on their sleeves these days.
Good morning Bonnie. Don't worry about the nay sayers. Keep that positive winning smile and upbeat attitude!! Many of us love you, your generosity, and winning spirit. Peace and blessings.
Bonnie, I had heard of you for a couple years before I checked out your blog… and what a great day it was for me when I began subscribing. Thank you for all of the cheer and positivity you bring to the quilting world… and for your amazing use of scraps! Thank you for your great generosity in sharing your life with all of us. You are a daily inspiration in so many ways. Thank you.
You are loved Bonnie. Thank you isn't enough for all you give. Maura
I can sympathize with your Basel cell carcinoma since I've had two on my face and one needed Mohs surgery. It's no fun to deal with but as my dermatologist said, once you cut it out, it's gone. It's a shock when you get the first diagnosis, but after that it's ho hum. I've also had 6 squamous cell skin cancers so have full body checks every 6 months. A nuisance but part of the keeping healthy process. Good luck & don't worry too much about it. Staying inside and sewing is great therapy and keeps me out of the sun!
Hi Bonnie,
My son also had basil cell carcinoma and they also didn't get it all out when they did the biopsy. He drove himself for the surgery and did fine. There is hardly a scar. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
Hi bonnie
How do you keep that motivation for your projects going? I also work on a few
Projects at one time. Put on those runners and keep on running you are
Doing fabulously . Thank you again ursula
Just this morning I told myself that I didn't to learn 'that' lesson. I have the had the same problem all this week. Why can't I learn. Your quote was just what I needed.
Where in NE Ohio are you? I used to live in Kent which is north of Canton, east of Akron & south of Cleveland.
My dad had several basal cell carcinoma's removed. Had no trouble after they were gone. Just as long as they get all the margins.
You can do it, Bonnie. We will be here to cheer you on.
Hi Bonnie, Looks like a Mohs surgery for you. It's a nifty procedure that will remove just enough to get to clear margins. A friend had it done on her cheek and the scar is barely visible. I see lots of sunscreen and sunhats in your future. Unfortunately, we are all paying for our misspent youth looking for that perfect tan. Pale skin is in!! Sending good thoughts.
Positive vibes on the way to you today and always!! Seems like I always miss the negative Nancy's ruining your day, I just can't vision why anyone would not like you or being rude to you!!
Bonnie - I have had two basal cell surgeries. I agree with Karon Reese, the Mohs surgery is great. The Drs. take tiny sections until all is clear. It is great that your Dr. found this when he/she did. I have my whole body inspected by my Lady Dermatologist every 6 months.
I am a 5 year cancer survivor, my dh David is a 3 time cancer survivor. We know the sinking feeling that can follow a diagnosis, but we also know how much a positive outlook makes it easier, and you have that positive outlook! Keep it up!
Wishing you well and 'stick to your guns' about your points of view (((hugs))) from England :)
THANK YOU for trying to point out things that would make me (us) look silly. That's what I try to do too. I would want to know if my skirt was tucked in my pantyhose! MOST OF ALL I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED! My prayers are with you & thank God things are caught early. Count your blessings and you are rich! I know it's easier said than done & of course you're going to worry. Just try to keep it under control. Call & talk to friends about nothing to keep from dwelling on it. I'm a nurse & I see miracles daily! What you described is nothing much to worry about at all!! Smile sweetheart, better days are coming!
I was so happy that I got to hear you speak & see your beautiful quilts today! Good luck with your next "procedure." You're a healthy, young, gal & in good shape, you'll be fine! (and you have lots of people pulling for you!)
With all these long posts, I'm going to keep mine short and simple but from my heart.
"This too shall pass". Hugs to you!
An elderly aunt of mine used to say "All will be well" when troubles came around. Her life was not an easy one.. she lived this saying as well as passing it on to me.
Remember you are so special,The Lord Almighty made only ONE of you !!!
I had extensive Mohs surgery for BCC on my nose in January. Great plastic surgeon, hardly see the scars and cancer free for now.
Bonnie I went through this last month. Biopsy then back for results. When she said: basal cell carcinoma I was so relieved! Wanted to hug her as I as fearing melanoma which is a whole other battle. Went back to have it removed and so far so good. I am grateful!
March 17th is coming soon. Focus on the future and have fun in the present. Just put this "thing" in the rear view mirror as soon as you can.
Polly Blank
Bonnie, Rick and I send you warm hugs. You know our thoughts and prayers are with you.
My Prayers are with you! I had Basal Cell Carcinoma under my left eye in 2003. I was lucky and they got it all the first time. My Niece was not as lucky with hers, as it was on the top of her head, so had to have a couple of surgeries to get it all. I was a farm kid, and there was no sunscreen in those days. Now, I also wear sunscreen in the summer. I do not need it as much in Alaska, but did in California and the middle east.
Please be sure to use it liberally, but we do need a little sunshine without protection on a regular basis- 10-15 days is all you need to convert to Vitamin D. But you can also take a supplement, to get your daily dose.
I do not know who these people are that are saying unkind things, but all I can say is Shame on them! You are a Great, Wonderful, unselfish person to share all your talents and knowledge with us. Most of us Appreciate you a thousand times over! THANK YOU, Bonnie!
Kasilof, AK
Hi Bonnie, Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow, I am taking your chunky churn dash class.
Bonnie, sending out good vibes to you!
You are a survivor. How do I know? Because you share the real you on your blog. That'said why thousands of us think of you as our best friend. My husband too has had that pesky bcc but he has had it removed. He gets check ups every 6 months and has some of the precancerous things on his head. Poor guy. He went bald in his 20's and is paying the price of not wearing a hat. Who knew back then? Keep on talking to us on your blog. Don'the stop sharing your feelings. All my love and prayers for go to you as you heal.
Have fun in Grand Haven, it is a town that loves you back <3
I have had BCC before, had it removed, and have done well. I grew up in Florida before the invention of sunscreen so my skin has paid the price. Broad brim hats and a good sunscreen are my constant companions if you will. Just think of the cute scrappy hats you could make! "Do what you love, love what you do" is a saying that seems to describe you perfectly. But more importantly, your enthusiasm for creativity and life is very contagious in a wonderful way. Safe travels.
Take care, Bonnie.
Dear Bonnie,
Huge, soft, very slow quilty hugs to you always!
No matter how you spell it, or say it or express any opinion on it, your Sloth Sister is behind you all the way!
As a two time cancer survivor I say, "don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff!"
Hugs and Prayers from 'Minnesnowta' ...
Yes, stay true to yourself. That is what is most important. Regarding the basal cell carcinoma - this is the easiest type to deal with. Over the years I have had several removed - easy peasy. Usually when they take the biopsy, it is only a sample for testing. When you go back, the removal of the rest will take place. The last time I had a skin cancer removed, I was told that I will be getting more because of all the damage I (we all) did in the 60's and 70's is just now starting to show. Take care of yourself now and take each day as it comes. I appreciate everything you do and give to us. Don't sweat the small stuff!
I'm always shocked that people would be upset with you! We all are entitled to our opinions, but it's never ok to be mean to someone. I love your positive attitude! I've had the privilege of attending one of your workshops & loved it! Don't let anyone rain on your parade!
You got this Lady! Have a great trip. We're thinking of you.
Lynn from WNC.
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