Sadie made the airport run with us yesterday.
You can see how she feels about the whole situation.
“Mama’s leaving me again!”
I’m so sorry, sweet girl! But you know what? I’ll be home next Wednesday, and the days are going to fly as they are so busy – at least on my end.
I wound up arriving in Akron/Canton about 3 hours later than expected. This is what happens when I take a later morning flight instead of the first one out of the gate.
Flying seems to be just like going to the doctor’s office. If you are the first patient in, you can get in and out no problem and get on with your day. If you take a later appointment – every appointment that came before you that went over time has now pushed you way out of your time slot and things start to domino –- missed second flights because of late first flights.
It’s just that being at the airport at 4:30 in the morning is NOT something that anyone loves and looks forward to.
Busy Bag to the rescute!
I had started basting this one at thet dermatology office on Tuesday. I only managed to baste two measly diamonds before being called in for my appointment. Rats! I was hoping I would sit there a while longer and make some decent progress on this one.
At the airport I was granted my wish. Ear buds in, audio book playing, I set to stitching. I finished this one by the time I had boarded for Akron in Atlanta, and then closed my eyes for a snooze.
“Still Life With Pears”
4 down, 3 to go!
I always loved the captions for still life paintings and this photo caught me as funny. However, I am happy about the pears. I love pears. I swiped these from the hotel breakfast bar and will be taking one with me today as a snack, and leaving the other for later tonight. Mmmm pears!
This arrived at home as part of this project.
I will be kitting up these projects for my China and Thailand travelers this year (click the tabs at the top of the blog for more info and COME WITH ME!) and I found just the multi-packs that I needed on the website.
Someone asked “WHY” I was stitching through the papers on these when I am just tacking the corners on the back of my small 3/4” hexagons. SIZE MATTERS. These diamonds are 1 3/4” per side. that is more than double the length of the hexies. The trailing stitches would be too long to hold the seam allowance in place. And these are acute angles, not obtuse – which simply means they are long and pointy. Sharp points need a bit more tacking down. So I’m basting with about 2 big stitches per side, and also being sure that I tack those pointy corners well so I can also stitch sharper points as I assemble them together. Big stitches are easily removed, and is no problem. And I like it much better than glue.
Earlier in the week I started a discussion about a grammar issue that drives me bonkers. Should HAVE is contracted to SHOULD’VE not SHOULD OF. That also goes for Would’ve Could’ve and any other ‘ve that is out there. There is no place for the word OF to be printed as part of this combination. That also goes for MAY OF. There is no such thing. And I let it get to me.
Why did I bother to care that others do NOT care? Because. Let’s just say that if you are walking around with the back of your skirt tucked into your pantyhose, I’m going to let you know because it makes you look silly to everyone else. If we were talking face to face, there is no text bubble over the top of your head to let me know how you are spelling things. But IO let the stress of other things going on in my life be the catalyst that set off my post.
People got mad, got angry, threw hissy fits and unfollowed me.
I wasn’t pointing this out over any one person in particular, just in general and why it SHOULD’VE mattered (Not Should OF) in world where we are communicating by the written word on a daily basis.
It didn’t matter. Instead of learning. Instead of saying “I didn’t know that, thank you – I’ll put that into practice in the future” I was the mean girl.
I get it. No one likes a Grammar Nazi. But the stress of the closing on the Virginia property, and the whole thing with the THING biopsy got to me.
Yesterday it was the same thing. I stated my feelings. I presented one side of a story from my own point of view. And I hurt some people that I didn’t want to hurt. I wasn’t singling anyone out by any means, but someone I really like was offended enough to write a very defensive post in the comments section and I want her to know that it was not my intention to make her feel that way.
I’m on the fence of keeping all of my posts totally BENIGN because every time I express how I feel – my opinion—my findings, there is someone ticked off enough to stop reading instead of allowing me the space to be myself and share what I do in my own way.
And again. I blame this on stress. Because my biopsy did not come back benign.
More about that later. I’ve got to get ready to get to class. Today is Box Kite to 50 fabulous students and the busy happy quiltiness of this day is just what I need to see me through.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Let’s talk Motivation!
This is greatly Illustrated by how many mystery quilts are finished in short order after our yearly Quiltville mystery is revealed simply because it has been broken down into manageable weekly clues.
Can you break down your current project into the same structure?
Make a habit of setting reachable goals!
Have a wonderful FRIDAY everyone!

Hello Bonnie, I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoying it for quite a while now. I haven't commented before but now feel I must. I've noticed quite often that some people seem to get upset when you express an opinion that differs from their own. What do they want, something totally bland and banal - this is your blog and you have every right in the world to express your point of view. Folks - it is a big world out there - open yourself up to new thoughts and experiences - who knows you might even learn something new.
I'm sorry about your biopsy results. Have a good trip and deal with it when you get home. It is hard not to worry.
Oh Bonnie. Sorry so many were up in arms about posts. I guess that's why I stick to pictures of my quilts and recipes on social media. Have had bad experiences too.
About the "thing" they removed from your face. Did they get all of it removed? I have had skin cancer in 3 different spots. It was removed and never came back. I hope yours is the same.
Hope you have some wonderful times with great people as you teach today.
I am sorry about the biopsy results. Sending you best wishes. I try to use your way of sewing in every new big projecs and I love the leader and ender system. I learn alot from following you on Quilt Cam. All your sewing tips are so valuable.
Oh Bonnie, hugs to you for all that is going on in your life. Don't stop,I love to hear others opinions, especially yours. There are always "those" people out there that can't just pass over something if they don't like it. It is just part of group dynamics. No one is making them read what you write so just delete their comments and move on. I think of your blog as your personal diary and so glad I get to peek in, kinda like reading my sister's diary. If you look at it, those comments are such a small fraction of your followers and just as in real life, "you can't please them all"! I never read any of it as unkind or mean, just what you believe. It is your blog and your opinion.
Just want to say I'm thinking of you Bonnie. I empathize with you on many levels. Take care !
No apologies should be necessary. You are very gracious to offer one and I hope any who were offended will accept it. You are a very sincere person and people who can't see this should take a moment to reflect on how generous you are with your time, knowledge, and talent.
It's appalling that so many people immediately take umbrage to any perceived slight. Yes, there are times that people ARE being judgemental and should be gently corrected. Most of the time, people are either truly trying to be helpful or genuinely unaware they have offended and should be accorded grace, especially when it would be out of character for the person to be considered mean. I wish people would stop and ask themselves why they are reacting the way they are and if the response they are considering is worth the response they will likely get.
Will be thinking of you as you tackle your new challenge. Continue to be optimistic. As long as there is life, there is hope.
Hope to see you in Birmingham!
Faithful follower here. Our blogs are like journals, where we write what is on our minds and in our thoughts; but we open that journal and let others read alongside. My grammar is not always perfect, my spelling is often in error, but I press on. My topics may annoy some or bore others. What has happened in society and we see in social media is the "permission" to personally attack someone whose point of view is contradictory to our own opinion. For example "You like cheddar, I love green....oh, I must yell and scream and rant and rave about how awful cheddar is as a color and how anybody that uses it must be belittled, destroyed, called out, etc." I see that happening more and more on social media. We have lost the ability to have a conversation, to "shut up" if we don't have something nice to say, or to just "move on" to the next tweet, facebook post or blog post without being snarky. I think I have just written my next blog post here! I love your work, your patterns, and your stories about your pets, the cabin, your life. I have met you in person and find you to be a wonderful, caring, creative person. Your willingness to share and teach and converse via social media is why you have so many followers. Most of us feel as though we know you. I give the "negative nellies" the big eye roll, and move on. If the attack is personal, then I do "call them out". Trolls are everywhere, bullies are too. Your faithful followers are hanging here, ready to hold your hand if the mean girls can't behave. Mary/
Please don't change - I love reading your blog and your facebook group posts. I was amazed by so many people who were offended at what you have posted, and incredulous that people would insist that you should not write about anything other than quilting or that if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all or insist that spelling/grammar doesn't matter on written posts.
I'm sorry to hear about the biopsy results. And I'm looking forward to seeing your future posts on the new VA cabin!
You are a refreshing light in our world. Prayers that your health issue will be a minor bump in your journey. You give so much to so many. MThose folks that can't understand the concept of opinions, need to hear you more! My mom always said,half the people will always love and support you no matter what , the other half, never did and never will, no matter what! In my journey, I have seen that true, over and over. Stay the course, live and share with those who love you. imdo😘❤️
hey it's YOUR blog, say what you want...people will leave, but they should not chastise you at all...and stay cool about the's a common result for many with positive outcomes...
Hello Bonnie, I have been reading your blog and am a big fan. Whether or not I totally agree with everything you say, you always present interesting and inspiring ideas. Please don't go bland. Continue to post challenging ideas. We grow together as we exchange our points of view.
There is no point in having a blog if you have to bubble wrap your opinions. I have cultivated a thick skin over the years and it has served me very well. I recommend it to all the delicate snowflakes of the Internet out there who take offense at the slightest thing. Lol This is such a first world problem!
Keep up the good work. :)
So sorry about your biopsy. It is your blog, say what you think. It is your business, you give us so much time and teach so much. Thank you for everything. Have a great week. St Patrick's Day is around the corner. Snow in Middle TN Saturday night.
Bettie Sue Middle TN
There was absolutely NOTHING in your post about grammar that should have been perceived as a personal insult. [You really don't want to get me started on misspelled words and abbreviations(?) used in social media. I don't know what most of them mean, and at this point in my life, I do not plan to learn a new language In order to "fit" in.]. I'm sorry some were offended, but if they left our group because of any of your posts--then good riddance.
i would like to think we are your best quilting eFriends and that you can tell us anything without censure. Please know that 99.99999% of use love and support you. Praying for you❤
People will get their panties in a bunch no matter what you do. It's not your job to pick them out.
Only they can de-wedgie themselves. :)
Hugs to you, Bonnie! You are not mean. You have a huge heart and share tons of info about life and quilting with all of us. I appreciate that look forward to reading all about it every day. Keep doing what you are doing thanks so much for sharing. Love you!!!
Thank you Bonnie for being the fun , happy, energetic, and generous person you are! You are at the top of my news feed evert morning! You have taught me many things and I hope will continue to do so. I love your blog, patterns, and hearing your inspiration! THANK YOU!
I love your blog,,,and that's exactly what it is,,YOUR blog, not anyone else's. If "they" don't like what you are writing, maybe "they" should write their own blog. There they will be able to express their own opinion's about what they think matters in the world and what bugs them. Don't change. EVER
I love your blog just as it is. Although I am not the best speller I try hard to use spell check and I do like a good reminder. Like other people has said - this is your blog - not anyone else's - your thoughts and feelings -- don't change a thing!
I am sorry to hear about your biopsy. Do what you love - quilting is a great therapy!
I live near Pittsburgh and i get irritated when news people pronounce it picksburg,call children kids,they are not goats and call policemen cops. Enough ranting . Have a great time teaching and encouraging quilters the stretch their creativity.
Oh bonnie, what a world - maybe we could make some new phrases, like "fixing' to' OF" .
My obsession is apostrophe's ... like the sign in the meat department reading "chicken's"..... CHICKEN'S WHAT? I want to yell... but I do not, i just buy hamburger, which should be called "cow's"..... like probably.
have a great trip and let it all roll off.
I love your blog and too bad for those that unfollow you. Shame on them for not being able to learn and listen to another opinion than their own. Shame on their upbringing. There is no respect in this country and it's so sad. Keep blogging about what's in your heart. It doesn't matter what others think. You can't please everyone. You will be in my prayers for the "bibopsy" results.
Please keep expressing yourself. We understand about stress and how it affects our thoughts and our words. Stress also affects how we "hear" and interpret things. Those who were offended probably have stresses of their own and it is safer for them to yell at you, online, than to yell at bosses, tax man, etc. Many of us are so tense now and do not need to keep it in. You have so many followers that someone is going to offended, whatever you say. And about the biopsy, my husband over the years had several basal cell carcinomas removed and all have turned out well. We are with you. Jo Watson near Boone,NC. (Expecting snow tomorrow!)
I love reading your blog! Yours is one of the only ones that I consistently. Please don't change! It is your blog--you may ppst anything you want! I so agree with many of the comments on this post! Wise words from wise women! Looking forward to your next entry!
Thoughts and prayers for you regarding your biopsy!
I liked your blog on grammar but my reason was that when I moved to the South I was concerned that intelligent people sounded "dumb" by the grammar they spoke. That so many seem to see it as a badge of southern honor kept me from saying anything. As to your biopsy, I completely understand having gone through it myself: My faith, the support of my family, and a couple of really great doctors have kept my spirit up and so far kept me going. I pray the same for you. Gari
Loved your post yesterday, and my only comment is when we read a post I think it is thought provoking, not judgemental. We do not always agree with a post, however if we take time to listen, we may actually learn something. Goodness, when we get offended by an opinion pretty soon we will have no friends. Your blog, your opinion, no worries! Keep on giving us something to think about please!
Lots of great encouragement here today. I second all thoughts! Love reading your blog, wish I was near enough to attend a workshop. When I speak about you to others, I say,"my friend, Bonnie Hunter", because I do think of you as a friend. An online friend, at least. Take care, have a great week and "take one day at a time".
You know what they say: Times like these show you who your real friends are. Be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. You have a right to your feelings the same as anyone else and if people want to carry on a daily "conversation" with you then they have to realize that they are going to occasionally "hear" things they don't like or agree with. Sorry to hear about the biopsy. Take care of you first then worry about being here for the rest of us. Glad you have your family to help you through difficult times. Also know that the majority of us are here for you in spirit and in prayer.
I am so sorry about the biopsy results, and about people getting their feelings hurt over a simple correction. A couple of years ago, I learned that I was using it's/its incorrectly, and it was frustrating because I have obviously been using it incorrectly for years, but I appreciated learning the correct spelling. I hope those people overcome their frustration and correct their grammar.
Your blog posts are funny, inspiring, encouraging and from the heart. If some people felt the need to stop following you, it's their loss. Please keep writing, sharing your creativity and your family life. I will keep you in my prayers for your health concern and look forward to more photos, quilt designs and your heartfelt words. Blessings
Hi Bonnie,
Sorry your biopsy didn't come back benign. This is your Blog and you have a right to your opinions. I've been following you since around 2009 and have never taken offense to what you have said. Keep doing what you're doing.
My favorite thing about your blog posts is how truly 'real' they are. Please don't change that. So sorry to hear about the biopsy results. My Dad struggled with skin cancer so I know it can be a scary thing.
I think people have gotten so accustomed to curating their media intake to be only what they want to hear that they are forgetting that none of us is right all the time. Not only that, it's possible to have a civil discussion about a point of disagreement and come away possibly having learned something and we don't have to hate the person holding the differing view point. It makes life tiring sometimes.
On a more important note, sending wishes for thoughtful and wise health care for your 'thing' and all the rest of you. The good news is that most of what the dermatologist finds is usually successfully treatable. Hoping that's true for you.
I am sorry thinking of you. As a whole we have become to easily offended,and way to sensitive. Thinking we need safe places,c etc. When we just need to put on the big girl panties and grow up. People just need to let others have opinions. I happen to enjoy your blog, you bring a ray of sunshine into my life thank you
First, I am so sorry that your test did not come out as you had hoped. We are all thinking of you and saying a prayer for you. Next, this is YOUR blog/journal and we are just lucky enough that you share it with us. You give us so much with your mysteries, patterns, tips, quilt cam, etc. There are and will always be rude people. Look at our election this year. Not everyone agrees with the outcome, so let's just keep picking and stirring the pot. Some people just like to stir up trouble. I say, let them unfriend you. You are always kind and loving in everything you say. Is there maybe a reason these people are so bothered? There are many more of us that enjoy reading every word. Please take care, enjoy your trip and keep sharing your thoughts & life with us--we can take it!!! Janine Baker
Sorry about the biopsy results. I'm sending all positive vibes your way.
There's a quote I really like about being offended, "To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else." Online I always try to assume the best of people because it can be a tricky thing to truly see how they intended to present themselves. I wish everyone could remember that just because they're offended, doesn't mean they're right.
Bonnie, thank you for being a great woman and being helpful. Praying that you can feel some peace about the Thing and that it can be resolved successfully when you get home. Thank you for sharing your journey in such a caring, sweet, and real way. You're the best.
I had that same biopsy news a couple months ago. I hope all goes well. I think it is your personality and the fact that you allow us to know your "whole" self that causes your huge following of people with a common love of quilting. You are not going to please all of the people all of the time. Keep having opinions, thoughts, and musings out loud. This group won't be for everyone. There are lots of us left to love it.
Unfortunately, as a "public figure", you will always be open to these stupid attacks no matter how much you try to filter yourself. So, you should be yourself, and just ignore the negative stuff. If people don't like what you have to say, they are free to go elsewhere. If they continue to read you just to find things to criticize, then you should pity them for their small-mindedness and give them no further thought.
Bonnie, it is your blog. If someone does not like something, they can choose to not read it. Beating someone up because what is said does not agree with their opinion is inexcusable. Explaining why one holds a view in a gentle, humble way is a lost art. People think if they scream, insult, attack- it makes their message valid.
Anyone who knows you in context of what you consistently do, make, and share would take what you say in a larger view and not hammer you into their mold.
Let it roll off like water on a duck's back.
Thank you for your blog.
Here's hoping the ladies in your classes will lift your spirits and decrease your stress levels.Social media has made it possible for people to say(write)things that they wouldn't say to someone's face. My rule is...if I wouldn't say it to them, I won't write it.
As for the grammar issue...I wholeheartedly agree with you...some days on facebook and other sites I wonder where these people went to school. Of course with all the short forms that have been invented with the onset of social media, I get it but basic grammar is just that..basic!
You are always honest and forthcoming on your blog...don't change for anyone...we who love you and the blog, don't want you to change!!
Deep breaths and fresh air in between classes and here's hoping your stress level goes down.
I wholeheartedly agree with the whole 'should of' and should've. I hate reading things people write on FB and feeling like correcting them but not correcting them because of being pegged as the mean girl. My issue is that when I have face to face time with people who I know make grammatical errors in their writing, I can picture the errors in the bubble over their head when they are speaking. That is my burden - it's a blessing and a curse.
It seems as if you realize that you are stressed and not handling the stress effectively. I do not agree with your thought to keep your blog clear of your opinions. It's YOUR blog. If people don't like it, they don't have to read it. I don't always agree with everything you post, but I am hear to get encouragement and inspiration.
Finally, I am so sorry about the biopsy results. My thoughts are with you and your family right now. I hope that you can take a bit of time this weekend to relax and enjoy the weekend with your students and guilds and that they can be a bit of a distraction for you. Hugs!
Hugs girl, why do people think they are judges? There's only 1 judge and 1 judgment that matters.. He said that EVERY knee will bow. Not just mine. Their judgment day will come. Love ya girl and praying about your biopsy. God has a plan and it's always good.
Don't change. I, for one, don't want to read some bland noncommittal post. I want to read about YOU. And the bit about grammar was spot on. I like to read about it but I am something of a language nut anyway. When you learn a second language (or third or fourth - am currently learning Bosnian) you had best understand your own language's grammar. Regarding the biopsy, you and Pam Holland now have another thing in common besides quilting.
Stress is a factor for us all. I think one thing you could do to stay unstressed is not to reply or address the comments. That's all they are.....comments. Leave them be. As a pastor's wife for many years, I've learned the hard way to just not address the critic if at all possible. My husband is better at that. As a woman we want to fix it all. State your opinions and let it influence where it will. Social media is something I don't get involved in much. I do read your blog every morning. Keep blogging good stuff and your thoughts and don't address the comments in your next blog. We will feel better and you will too. When there's a critical comment just think hmmm and go to the next😇😇
So sorry to hear about your results. God speed in a total fix.
Sorry to hear your biopsy report isn't what we all had hoped! Keeping you in my prayers.
As to the comments you have received regarding grammar, you are right! Unfortunately in our current political and social media climate people don't seem to be able to read something and move on without reacting. I too, find myself annoyed by some of the grammar used both in print and by people who should know what is correct. We all have out pet peeves. It is sad when every thought elicits a snarky comment.
Thank you for sharing your life and talent with us. Please don't change what you do because of a few readers who choose to be offended by some post. They are a minority. Do I agree with everything you write? No! Do I need to comment by attributing ulterior motive to you? No! You can say whatever you choose on your blog and people can choose to read it or not. It is still a free country!
Breathe, relax and enjoy your trip!
I have too deep a stash to stop reading you and using your ideas and patterns! Thank you!
Ellie Lively
I don't "know" you but I like you and I appreciate you and I respect you and I am interested in your life and doings and now I am worried for you. Here's hoping full and fast healing will be yours. And take everything said on the internet with a grain of salt except the words in this post.
Bonnie, this is your blog, you have the right and privilege to write about whatever you wish, creating a discussion if wanted. It bothers me as well when incorrect grammar is used and I am so glad you put it out there. I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and will never stop reading it. Keep up the fantastic work and know that you have more supporters than non-supporters. You are loved and blessed by so many as are we by you! All the best to you on this medical journey you are embarking on. Trust and faith will see you through. ((hugs))
Julia H.
You are such a blessing to so many! Unfortunately we live in a world where lack of respect and disrespect run rampant. My father always told me "opinions are like a'holes ... everybody has got one, and some of them stink" and it helps me out to this day. And when those that get insistent that I should agree with their opinion, I simply reply with "your opinion has been noted" and continue on. I think that the reason so many love and follow you is because you are so real. Please don't ever change that! It is by listening to other opinions that we open our eyes and minds to think and grow. I have never seen you be hurtful in any of your posts just keep it real. Please keep it up. Good thoughts and prayers sent your direction and upwards. May you find peace in your creativity today. Thank you for being you!
I too am bothered by written grammar that is used incorrectly and it happens more and more! Hugs and thanks for all you do.
Linda for Peachland, Canada
Really....people are offended way to easily these the scheme of things where there are huge social injustices going on, this is not even a blip!! Your journal is a place that YOU are able to express yourself at the moment. I go to my journal to work things out and I usually feel better after expressing myself there. Just keep doing what you are doing....
And while we're at, too, and two...and there, their, and they're! People make me crazy! Argh! :o) Please know that your opinions, thoughts and feelings are allowed on your own blog! Snarky people should not get to dictate what the rest of us do! You've always been kind and compassionate with your words...anyone who reads your blog regularly would know that! You are never judgmental, but rather just saying what is true for you! Anyone who takes issue with that is just looking for a fight! Sheesh!
Sending prayers your way about the 'thing'! Of course, positive attitude is 99% of most medical issues....and you have that in spades! Big hugs to you, Bonnie!
Bonnie -- You don't have to defend yourself for posting your feelings. I happen to agree with you about people using bad grammar in their writing; it drives me nuts. You weren't calling any one person out. You were just sharing your own opinion and that's one of the many things we all love about you. So please don't stop or change the way in which you post just because a few people got their panties in a wad. Let it roll of your back like water off a duck's back. About the biopsy, I'll be praying for whatever "it" is to be removed completely. Be glad they caught it now. Hang in there. You are loved.
Sorry about the results of your biopsy. Hang in there! What drives me crazy is when people on TV can't annunciate properly simple words. They say fir instead of for and ta instead of to. Then when they call concrete cement - well that just sends me over the edge. Concrete and cement are two different things and it just shows ignorance if the script writers don't know the difference. It's your blog and if people don't like what you write then they don't have to read it.
Ohio? Akron/Canton airport? Your in my neighborhood! How do you like the snow that showed up this morning?
I don't think anyone should apologize or explain for being themselves. As women, we should already know that sometimes things bother us a little more on any given day due to any number of issues such as stress one may be feeling to hormone issues. To those who take issue with a grammar pet peeve, lighten up people! We all have pet peeves! We all have stress. We all suffer from hormone issues from time to time. Sharing a pet peeve is a way of letting off steam due to stress, etc. It's not personally directed at anyone!
This is your blog and you are allowed to write about anything you want. Seems to me some people may be a bit over-sensative. I wish people would HAVE understood that it was just a fetish that bugs you and you chose to write about it. 😀 I agree with you, bad grammer bugs me, not that I know all the correct grammer but I do recognize the obvious.
I am so sorry the biopsy was not what you were hoping but I will keep you in my prayers for a wonderful outcome.
Adding my 2 cents to this conversation, as some others said, it is your blog, don't change, you allow us a to share your journey. As my grandmother used to tell us you can't please everyone, and if they get offended over grammar RULES, that is pretty thin skinned and that is THEIR issue, not yours!
Prayers for you on your test results! Stay true to yourself we love you.
Before reading your blog today you were on my mind as I'm making your Chicken Taco soup that you so willingly shared recently. My taste testing leads me to believe we are going to really like it. Whether it be a recipe, a quilting tip or a chance for your followers to be a part of your life, you come across so genuine--like family. Now after reading your blog I offer by sincere concern and prayers for a great outcome. My husband has had five occurrences of melanoma on his face and head. All have been successfully removed. I would hope you could slow down, but I would not want you to give up your blog. It means so much to so many of your followers who like it just the way it is.
Keep on being YOU. You're just fine that way. I'm sure you'll tackle this biopsy thing like you do everything else. Straightforward and no nonsense. Hugs. Mary K in Tacoma.
Oh Bonnie, PLEASE don't be bland! I can't believe that you can! You're such a GREAT TEACHER! Please keep teaching us what we need to know, whether it be quilting tips or basting reasons or grammar! This world needs more relationships! Relationships that we learn from one another out of respect! I respect you Bonnie Hunter! I appreciate you! Just the way you are! Oh, and Thing --- be gone! Sending you Thing Be Gone MoJo and prayers!
I agree with you about the grammar. Some posts are difficult to read and make me cringe. I also agree with many of the previous comments that this is your blog, it is your choice what you want to say and if it bothers anyone, they just need to move on!
This quote I found on Pinterest seems appropriate for this post. "To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else" -David A Bednar
I enjoy everything about your blog/journal and feel previlidged to be able to read it. 😊...Good thoughts for a swift resolution of the forhead "thing" .
Bonnie, You have my prayerful support as you deal with your biopsy results and work with your doctor in a plan of treatment. I wish that no one ever had the stress of a biopsy that came back 'not good.'
I see that many have posted their support of your blog. Count me as another one of those. My addition to the conversation is that opinions are like noses - everybody has one. Isn't it great that we don't all have the same one? Imagine how boring life would be if that were so! I am in agreement with the consensus of this conversation. 1)Your blog is a collection of YOUR life events, thoughts, and opinions. 2)No one is forced to agree with it 100%. 3) People get too easily offended over a difference in opinion in our culture today. If they are offended so deeply that they decide to stop following you, so be it. It is their choice.
Please do not be discouraged. I, for one, look forward to reading your daily posts. I have suggested to others to follow along (and not all are quilters!) to get a daily dose of encouragement. God bless you for all that you do and share with others.
Dear Bonnie
Please don't change who you are , I have followed you, learned so much, laughed, cried, hooted, loved everything you've posted.
I have purchased items from you because I believe in you, Please don't let any mis-guided souls change you. You are in my prayers for health and stress reasons , have a great day and know that many more followers understand you. Anyone who gave you heartache was not a friend.
Bonnie I'm sorry to hear the biopsy result wasn't good news. I'll be praying for you. It still amazes me that people feel they need to correct you on your posts. I've been following your blog for a few years and I love the view you give us into your life. I think you are an amazing woman and quilter and I don't know how you do it all.
Oh, darlin! Sorry about your biopsy result. Keep on keepin' on... glad it's being taken care of. DO NOT ATTRIBUTE your feelings to stress or hormones! Hey, we are entitled to our opinions, thoughts and feelings... we who have the energy to post as you do almost daily have a right to express those feelings, thoughts and opinions. You will never be able to make everyone happy and bid a fond adieu to those who do not clog up your time with negative thoughts. Your creative child has found a lovely outlet and even though it's not necessary, you have my permission to turn her loose any time you feel the need! So, there. pfththtttttt Love you and thank you for your contribution to my life... Cats
Bonnie, I have never posted a comment on your blog before but wanted you to know how much I enjoy what you do, how you write, and even your self-proclaimed rants :)
These posts are what you feel and what you think and a person should never compromise that – and others need to be tolerant and open to opinions – whether they fall in line with theirs or not. I applaud you for being willing to post and share your thoughts, feelings, and life with all of the people that love what you do. Just know there are those of us that you touch in a way that is wonderful. You show yourself to us – often in a very open and revealing way. So, Dear Bonnie, I wish you blessing, peace, happiness and health! Don’t ever change :)
I hope the doctor got all the cancer the first time. It is scary. Usually dermatologists have a good idea before they do the surgery. Though when I had a lump removed from my nose a few years ago, he wasn't at all sure. (It was benign). My parents both have had skin cancer spots removed numerous times. They had a lot of sun exposure in they lives farming and gardening.
Are your blog posts automatically posted to FB? If not, maybe you might want to consider not posting non-quilting posts to the Open Studio. Not everyone there knows even where to find your blog. Or if you have a non-quilting post that gets a lot of comments, you might want to consider closing the comments after a certain time and then the post will just move down the line and not be seen. I know you got a comment from an upset person on the blog, too, but I think you have to take that risk there.
I know there are people that break the rule about sharing heath problems and I am glad the administrators are a little lenient on those. People's problems affect how they quilt. For many members of the group, this is their guild and they need to share a little of themselves.
Oh, I am trying hard to meet the grammar challenge, but I sometimes fail. Many of us have been out of school for a long time and the mind sometimes forgets these things. I had to look up effect and affect, because I could not recall which to use in the previous post!
I am with you, Bonnie, on the use of proper grammar and spelling -- good luck with your thing - keep up the good work and ignore the haters.
I'm still relatively new to your blog but going to express my opinion anyway FIRST, it's your blog, your way of communicating about your livelyhood but also other things that are important to you. It part of what makes you interesting to follow. You're like the rest of us dealing with life's ups and downs, most of us can relate with you on several levels. Please keep your blogs. SECOND, never apologize or minimize why you might feel like you do about a particular subject. You do have a full plate with lots of stressors but how you feel about things are your right. Please, don't ever feel like you shouldn't be able to express how you feel! THIRD,you always seem to be very kind, respectful and considerate of others. You're expressing an opinion, you're very clear that is what you're doing. You don't do this in a mean or demeaning way. If someone's feelings are hurt they can express why, as long as it's also done respectfully. Please don't stop doing what makes you unique and you. FOURTH, this is the big one for me. I don't think you've lost much when someone chooses to respond to your posts in such a negative way. Why are some people so thin skinned anymore? You are creating a forum for discussion, so state an opinion or not. Everyone has the right to participate or not. Those folks may have something profound to say but instead of having an adult discussion they choose to react in a way that accomplishes nothing. So sad that something like this would cause you to second guess your right to express your opinion and encourage others to join in the discussion. I say it's their loss!! Keep up the good work! Have a great day and safe travels!
Your blog, your right to post, your choice. That's what free speech is all about. A wise friend told me once that what others think of me is none of my business and none of my concern. I'm not responsible for their reactions and I don't 'make' them mad or offended or happy or anything. If I don't like what you write I can ignore it, choose not to read it, maybe assume you have difficult stuff you're dealing with too, or be grateful I'm not feeling defensive today. So far I've been able to mind my business and enjoy what I can, which is a great deal, from your blog. Thanks for putting forth the effort.
I admire you for posting your thoughts as they are your view of things. Without different points of view life would be not only boring but people would never learn anything. Instead of berating the person posting something a reader doesn't like the reader should try and see how that person came to that conclusion and respect it.
I can see why a fabric designer wants people to buy their newest line. Strong sales call for a new line for the next season and assures their job and income - BUT- I also love my fabrics that are 20 years old and am more than happy to mix a few new with the old. It's like having several generations of a family at a reunion. Not everyone is the same age but the youngest and the oldest get along just fine and make amazing memories. Keep posting and making us smile.
Bonnie: You have nothing to be sorry for! No need for you to apologize for correcting one's grammar! If we no longer point out errors, ignorance will be passed on to the next generation. Ignorance & embarrassment is what caused followers to drop you. Please continue contributing to the education of America. Love you! Mary
OMG. It seems to me that generally folks are getting meaner. (Can't help but believe it comes down from the top - folks see the president bad mouthing people and they think it's ok to do the same.) You, my dear, are sooooo kind and almost generous to a fault. Please don't change and don't let a few meanies discourage you. For every meanie out there, there are twice as many kind persons who cherish you as your comment section proves. The meanies will return like a pesty gnat if only to obtain your generous pattern give-aways.
Your "thing" is better out than in. Take care. We love you.
Hugs - Terry
*hugs* So sorry to hear about the biopsy results. I hope it turns out well regardless.
As to people getting highly offended at what you write... as the saying goes, "haters gonna hate." Life is short; don't spend it stressing about what other people think or do. If they unfollow you over a grammar debate or over you expounding on your theory of quilt construction, well... they clearly didn't need to be here. The world already has too much hate in it; concentrate on love instead.
Will keep you in our prayers Bonnie. Thanks for everything you do.
Jean from Utah
Please stay true to yourself! You have such a way with words, that if you start restricting what you say to the blah and boring, you will not happy. I'm sorry to hear about the biopsy, hopefully it's just a minor bump in the road of life. Love everything you do AND say!
Cyber hugs ((())) Your busy life is full of the good and the challenges. Hang in there with those close to you that can give the extra support you need. You have a lot to 'take in' right now. I hope the moves and possible moves and the health issues have clear paths for you to follow. God is good...all the time. Prayers for a smooth resolution for the biopsy 'thing'. (((love)))
lorismills at charter dot net
You have been a source of inspiration to me, a long time, faithful follower, of you and your blog. You have also been a friend to me, on lonely days, or when I just don't have a buddy to quilt with. I love the blog and the quilt-cams just as they are. You give your blog followers so much of your time, your life, and with that come opinions as well as advice, and sewing instruction. One cannot have it both ways. You are a package deal. Don't let the naysayers get you down. I pray every day, and I will be praying for you with regards to the biopsy. Much love and happy quilting. Shelley W.
Hi, Bonnie. I like reading people who have opinions and let their personality come out in their writing. There are always a few people who take offense, even at posts that were not offensive. Your following is so huge that that small percentage probably looks large. But proportionally speaking, I'm sure it's quite smll. Please trust me when I say that you did not write in an offensive way.
I'm so sorry to hear about your biopsy. I'm sending prayers and good wishes your way.
Thanks for being you.
Sharing our true selves is a risky business. People generally do not really want to know what we really believe unless it a reflection of their beliefs. We must always be true to ourselves first, regardless of the risk. Bonnie, please stay the strong & inspirational woman that we enjoy reading in your daily posts. Now about those stacks of projects calling me to finish them. If there is a definite purpose it motivates me to finish. Example: I gave myself a year to finish En Provenance. The child's quilt for a friend, 2 weeks. Mug rugs will be finished some time in the future. Makes for interesting stacks around the room. ((((Hugs&blessings)))) Linda Rae
First thought on this was a Dr. Seuss quote "Be who YOU are, say what YOU feel, because those who mind don't really matter and those who matter don't mind" Grammer and spelling DO count! The only rule needed to follow is your OWN. BE YOU, because you are PRICELESS. Sending love, hugs, and prayers...wherever you go, whatever you do and anything that gets in the way.
I actually enjoyed reading your post on grammar, and completely agree with what you said. There will always be people that take offense, even when there is nothing to be offended by.
Sorry about your biopsy results. Take care
Oh, Bonnie....I'm so sorry that biopsy didn't come back benign. And please don't stop expressing your opinions about things!! That's what makes the world go 'round and it helps others formulate their own opinions, particularly if they've not given your idea much thought. I'm so sorry you're under such stress.....hang in there.....this, too, shall pass! Your soon-to-be state mate, Judy Troutman, Staunton, VA
Hi Bonnie, I am also a faithful blog follower. I am also sending positive energy to you to resolve your biopsy results and next treatment decisions. I specifically follow your blog because it is so well written and because your philosophy of scrap quilting is exactly what attracted me to this hobby. My grandmother made loads of beautiful quilts which were special enough but more special because of all the scraps she used. They told the story to. I enjoy sharing your story in your blog. I have learned so very much here. Please continue and focus on the cyber hugs we are all sending. Best wishes from Texas.
Ba Humbug! I'm in your camp. I HATE misspellings and the use of wrong words, etc.
My big one is to, too, and two. Many of these incorrect usages come from college graduates. BAH!
Say what you like. I love your blog and your quilts too!
Sorry about your biopsy results. As for the people who were offended, they need to learn to accept constructive criticism and stop being so thin-skinned. You didn't single anyone out and you weren't mean and nasty. You are entitled to express your opinion even if it doesn't agree with theirs. It's your blog, write what you feel.
Please, Bonnie, don't be bothered by the naysayers. Personally, I enjoy it when you share your frustrations with us as well as your happiness. There will always be someone who gets offended by an opinion other than their own. So what? Looking at the comments to yesterday's and today's posts, I'd say most of your readers support you. Especially when you're going through the cancer thing. I dealt with it a few years ago when I discovered a lump in my breast. I'm wishing for you that the docs will be able to deal with what they found.
Living in Texas, we truly have a language all our you probably know from residing here for a few years. We're 'gonna' see 'ya' later...We're 'goin' to the store.... We are big on dropping our 'g's'...
After living here my whole life, I have that habit too, but I am still a grammar fanatic...just like you! I try really hard not do speak Texan, but it slips out often. I like the reminders I get not to do helps me be aware of speaking and typing correctly. But, sadly it is usually those of us who have the grammar issues that take offense. DON'T! Use it as an opportunity to improve your speech.
And Bonnie....don't ever stop being you!!! I haven't met you personally yet, but I can tell you are a loving, caring person. Your opinions and idiosyncrasies is what makes you 'you'. If people can't tell when you're just blowing off steam and not get offended over some minor thought, they don't deserve you as a friend!
You are in my Prayers, Dear BONNIE! I am so sorry for the reactions of those who chose to get angry at your Grammer correction. Did they act that way in English Class, too? Reciting the words of "Thumper". 'If you can't say nuffin' nice don't say nuffin' at all'...
Bonnie, so sorry for the meanness of some people. If they don't want to follow you, then good riddance. There is too much negativity in the world today and I choose to ignore it. I especially like your blog yesterday when you were encouraging us to be creative. I had just finished "Talkin Turkey" and I had so many bags of "crumbs" that I set to work making another crumb quilt. Oh, it's so colorful and pretty -- can't wait to show it to you. It makes me happy. I'm so glad you are willing to share your life and creativity with us. I am not that great of a seamstress but I sure love to sew and quilt. Thanks for all you do for us. Susan
There are still plenty in your following that like/love what you say and do on your blog. I give you my prayers, enjoy your class times, ]and a safe trip home to your family and most of Sadie.
OMG correct Englash is not a matter of opinion and those of us who care take the time to get it right. I'm glad you care. I'm also glad you are feisty at times, why not? There is never hate or maliciousness behind it just honest humanity which is why we love you. Sucks about the biopsy :(
It surprises me when people take that much offense to an opinion that differs from their own, or in the case of a grammar lesson, take offense to being corrected. So silly. Prayers for you in this time of stress Bonnie! Much love in my heart for you dear!
As has been said - this is YOUR space, to say what YOU want, and we are all guests here. We can join in on the talk, but, to loose out minds about what you say - uh, no thanks!!! Let them leave. And without someone pointing out to me - because I thought it was 'right' - alot, is not a word!!! A lot, is..... And I am very glad I was told because I used to write alot a lot of time!!!! ;-) And as for the your health..... keep the laughter and the smiles going. It is a great healer of all things, and you have a great sense of humour and we all love you. Love helps too!!!
Your post reminds me that there is always going to be someone who wants you to conform to their idea of who you are instead of just letting you be yourself. This kind 9of badgering has happened before to others in the public eye. There is another artist (like you but a different field of art) named Mary Engelbreit who speaks her mind on her Facebook page when she sees things that she feels are not right. She does have (like you and I ) the right to say their opinions. Some of her fans have told her to stay within their image of her as the sweetest kind of cheerful artist. Others applaud her for letting her art and voice reveal what she believes in. You are not alone in having some fans who want you to change to suit them. Only be benign. But this is your space. It is ok for it to reveal what you think. If you lose a fan or two..oh well. :) Hugs and keep moving! Kathy Aho in MN
Bonnie, you are a breath of fresh air! I so very much enjoy your blogs. You are real, down to earth and fun! You "talk" to us as your friends. In addition to what others have said, you are an inspiration to quilters, you keep the motivation going. Hearing so much about quilt shops closing and the younger generation not being interested in quilting...I believe you do much to keep it alive! I'm certain there has been an upswing in the purchase of vintage sewing machines - all because of Miss Bonnie *)* And, hey, I love the suggestions you've given about Netflix shows to watch. I so enjoyed The Crown and Doc Martin. All because of you *)*
I chuckled at the grammar comment. My older sister has been dubbed a grammar Nazi, and I have a life-long issue with not always getting the apostrophe thing correct. I'm used to her trying ever so hard to help me. BTW, I'm known as the food Nazi in the family...don't get me started *)*
I live in Spokane; most people who don't live in this area will pronounce it Spo-Cane rather than Spo-Can. Then there are cities on the west side of the state such as Tulalip, Puyallup, Kalaloch, etc. Most of the time I don't get in a dither when they're mispronounced, I just grin - well, most of the time. I do try to help them pronounce it correctly. I'll blame my younger sister for instilling in me the need to say "there is no X in espresso!"
Keep on being you, Bonnie. We love you! My best thoughts to you going forward with "the thing." You have a large support group out here...
With so many responses to this post you will probably never see this one, but let me just say that I have never seen a post of yours that offended me. So many people are just too thin-skinned and see everything as being directed at them. OK, that being said, bad spelling and using the wrong word in the wrong place, even though the different words may sound exactly the same, is one of my pet grammar peeves. For instance, mixing up to, too and two. Or peek, peak and pique. Or here instead of hear, or vice versa. And then there is I seen instead of I saw. All stuff we should have learned in grade school. Oye!!!
You are in my prayers. Your blog is yours alone, thank you for being honest and sharing so much with your readers. Keep up the good work.
Bonnie, It's your blog. You are not hateful or mean spirited at all. You are, however, human with thoughts and opinions that you express. Good for you! How boring would it be if we all thought alike about everything. Bleh! Sending you good thoughts for all things medical, quilting and opinions.
I agree with you that we don't care much about the written word anymore. Don't let the reactions by some get you down. We LOVE you. Good luck with your medical stuff. It's hard not to worry though.
Only best wishes and prayers coming your way Bonnie.
I'm with you on the 'should have' thing. Drives me nuts. Let's discuss using 'drug' as the past tense of 'drag'. I can get really crazy over that one!
I come to your blog daily!! I love all you share with us in your blog:quilting, antique shopping, doing workshops/seminars, going on trips, cooking & recipes, positive quotes, sharing your family and your ventures, your moving from one cabin to another, your precious baby, Sadie, quilt cam, your quilting tips and new notions, your thoughts, your cares, your different systems that helps you to be organized...etc. etc..etc and we all know all of these "things" make up our "fearless quilting friend and buddy"...BONNIE HUNTER!!
How exciting to be able to get a glimpse into your life, and not only that but you share photos of everything from Sadie (I love her) to your travel pictures, and everything in between! I can't imagine the hours you donate each day, week, month, year/years and over the many years you have been doing this!!
You teach us so much and have fun with us on Quilt Cam, the giving of yourself to so many of us.......MY OH MY.....NEVER WOULD I EVER WANT YOU TO STOP
I would say to simply ignore those who have disgruntled comments; however, if they continue to be that way, simply block them from your website with a note saying, "When you can behave yourself and you would like a second chance, e-mail me. Until then, have a wonderful life"!
I hope to meet you personally someday, Bonnie; but in the interim I will continue our friendship through your blog and Quilt Cam:)
All of us are sending you positive thoughts and prayers for the "thing"! Trusting all will go well with that situation.
Blessing to you, my friend, Bonnie Hunter.
Carolyn Thompson
God bless you bonnie.
Bonnie - just know there will always be people who become offended over most any opinion - it doesn't matter what you're talking about. Grammar has become an issue with me, too, mostly because so many people treat it as free-style, with zero regard for correct usage. Drives me crazy and many of my beloved relatives are offenders. Not that I think I'm above those who don't use good grammar but because I'm afraid our civilization is beginning to "slip" and it scares the heck out of me. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers for a successful treatment whatever that might entail. My hubby has had several skin cancers (he was a redheaded sun worshipper in his younger years). His melanomas were treated successfully with MOHS surgery. And try not to stress out. My grandmother used to say, "worry is like a rocking chair - it keeps you busy but doesn't get you anywhere." xoxo
BOO! DANG that sucks all around!
Remain true to yourself, stay positive, love deeply, and please keep creating! Thank you for your time and attention to all of us. Keep blogging if it's an outlet for you and you enjoy it...let it rip! Not as in seam ripper as most of us don't enjoy that...! Sorry about your biopsy too but happy you shared we can all send positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Oh Bonnie; Incorrect grammar bothers me also; nothing wrong with that. And apostrophes in plurals!! Your instead of you're. Their instead of they're! I guess it's the former teacher in me that wishes some students had paid more attention. I'll be praying for your quick recovery from "THE THING".
Bonnie...while there rules, words are an ever evolving thing... or we would still be grunting and pointing to communicate!!! If someone wants to play grammar police in jack boots... it is THEIR PROBLEM. You are a quilter... not a grammar student in Miss Priss's class... they need a life.
If they unfollow, please remember they are the ones with the problem... and over what??? You never stated, advertized and insinuated you were an expert on English grammar and were teaching it either.
Chuck it up to wierd, giggle and walk on into the sunshine of being yourself.
Bonnie, I'm sorry about your biopsy report. I hope it has a simple solution! As to people objecting to your feelings about incorrect grammar, well, let it go. The objectors should let it go too. Don't we all just want to focus on making fabulous quilts? Have a good time in Ohio and wherever your schedule takes you. I hope you get some time for antiquing, too!
My Dad has had a few skin cancers and other suspicious things removed from his face, shoulders, and arms over the years. Hold the good thoughts. We all have issues. The human body is really a piece of crap when you think about it. We all get old, we all have different ailments. Fortunately, this one is fixable. Press on...
Hi Bonnie! I love you ❣😍🤗 just the way you are! I read you every day and have never been offended by your comments. This one went right over my head...I said what is she apologizing for now?...I missed it! I said "Really!" Maybe we should all send an email to these people to bugger off! That would give them something to ruffle their feathers!! Honestly, Bonnie, do not change!! There are to many of us that love you just the way you are!! Sorry about The biopsy not coming back benign. Many of us our age did not use sunscreen back in our teen years, oh yes, the baby oil fry!! BUT the good news is that medicine is so much better now in curing the problem. You are in our prayers and you will over come this valley.🙏🙏👍ok, good things to think about! New cabin to move to with lots of land, Sadie is waiting for you at home with hubster, new quilting friends to make this week, and maybe a new quilt store to twist your arm into a few NEW fat quarters!!‼🐾🤗😁 ok girl friend, go out and be Bonnie❣❣❣👏👍
Oh Bonnie! Your opinion is different so it MUST be wrong! I believe the anonymity of the internet does not being put the best in some. I know I personally have been in the same situation when Infelt passionately about something. But at the end of the day it is your blog and many of us are grateful for it.
Sorry for the misspelling above! 😂
Wishing you peace as you navigate the good as well as the stressful stuff the next couple of weeks. Keeping you and your family in my prayers this week. Safe travels.
Sorry about the biopsy report. Hope it can be taken care of easily when you get back home. I read your posts, but, I must have missed what bothered everyone else. Some people just need to get a life (of their own) and learn to deal with things. It's your blog, so, your opinions. I just don't comment on those posts other bloggers write, that I don't agree with. My mother taught me 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' and I try to follow that (usually).
Hugs to you Bonnie! Thinking of you.
Oh Bonnie, so sorry for the added stress in your life. Please keep on as you always have, everyone is entitled to their own opinions especially on their own blog! I appreciate all you do and all you are willing to share with us. Thank you!
Your blog...say what you want...ignore negative comments-don't let it bug you. Hard to do sometimes, I know. Sorry about your test results. Hang in there.
Stay true to yourself. Let it go. You are so much better than those crabby patties making rude comments. Take care of you!
Please continue to post what is on your mind. I find it interesting and informative! I like who you are and what you have to say!
It's YOUR blog. It continues to boggle my mind that people criticize you for writing in your online "diary". Get a life people. if you don't like what Bonnie is writing about, skip it. tune back in on her next entry. If you continue to find her offensive, stop visiting. Don't go off on her.
Seriously Bonnie, write what you need to write. The grammar thing made me CRAZY too! I was applauding you in my head and apparently I failed-I should have applauded you OUT LOUD on your blog!
Don't go benign. Stay true to you :-)
Sweet Bonnie, you are a delight. Pleas don't be brought down by those who think they are the only ones allowed to express an opinion.
It never ceases to amaze me that some folks just will not consider an opinion other than their own. I've been seeing it more and more since this last election. Strong opinions are stated and if we differ, we are "put in our place" with name-calling and nasty words. I hope you are able to ignore them and know there are oh-so-many others who look forward to your positive, uplifting words and - yes - even your pet peeves.
You are the best, Dear Bonnie. I am sorry for your diognosis. I will say lots of prayers for your health and strength. Be at peace, rest easy, and Quilt your heart out, you most wonderful lady.
Loretta McGinn
I love reading your blog, taking your classes, watching quilt cam. People just need to take a chill pill. After all it is your blog to write what you want to write about. If they don't like what you wrote, stop reading and go somewhere else. Who cares. We are behind you one hundred percent. Life is too short to worry about small minded people. Keep doing what to do and enjoy life.
Love to learn something at least once a day. Some days I learn I don't want to do something again. Some days I learn life gets in the way of my attitude. So, want you to know how much I appreciate your ability to keep us on our toes with challenges whether it be to be nicer, urge us to tackle another quilt, admit you are human and the best part you are a caring, loving lady. It is your blog and I appreciate your being human and for sharing your thoughts and all of your talents. You are blessed. I am blessed for knowing you through the list.
So sorry that your biopsy was not clear. Many prayers for you and your family.
Your blog, your point of view. Those who don't agree with what you post can unfollow you, and you certainly shouldn't feel responsible for their reactions. You can't be sunshine and smiles every day. I've followed you for several years and there have been very few posts that upset me, and NONE that would make me unfollow you. Heavens, I follow blogs for quilting comraderie - anything else is gravy. And, while I appreciate your attempt at grammar education, I did learn long ago that most folks don't like being corrected. "It's" versus "its" is my personal hot button, but I've adjusted my outlook. You just keep on being you - you're inspirational, kind, generous, and educational. Sorry about your biopsy results 😕.
This is your blog. You are not forcing anyone to follow your blog. It is optional for us to "op in" to follow you. People need to grow up and be adults. And guess what? It is not for anyone to judge you or anybody else. There is a higher power who will be doing that. We have the "luxury" in our nation to express our thoughts and opinions, as long as they don't "harm" others or cause unrest in our communities. It's our duty to be respectful and civil of what others think, whether we agree or not with others' statements. That's what makes our country great! Keep expressing yourself and why you believe is important!
You have tens of thousands of fans, Bonnie. You are a teacher and teach us LOTS of things, even about grammar! If some people take offense and unfriend you, let them! The rest of us will still be here. I could care less about them. . . that's a joke, Bonnie. I really COULDN'T care less--LOL (That one is MY pet peeve and I do mention it when I hear it).
Happy quilting!
I like you just the way you are: opinionated sometimes, cranky sometimes, grammatical all the time. You are interesting and wise and real.
Everything that needs to be said has been said, and I agree with them all. You are a joy to follow. If grumpy people get you down, please remember that there is a very cold Tar Heel way up in Alaska who looks forward to the inspirational messages at the end of your blog every night. But why in the world you would ever want to leave North Carolina for that Yankee state of Virginia I will never understand!! �� Best of luck with your health issues.
Who says dogs can't talk? Sadie's body language says it all.
You are correct that your correct use of the English language reflects on the writer whether they want to believe it or not. I think grammar "rules" started going downhill when they quit teaching cursive in school. They aren't scored on tests so they don't matter. You go right on saying whatever you want to. It's your blog.
I'm so sorry about your biopsy results. I hope they got it all and I am so glad they removed it that same day and didn't allow it to grow any more. Stay strong and we'll prop you up also.
Polly Blank
Oh Bonnie, I'm so glad I'm not the only Grammar Nazi around - it drives me crazy too. So you definitely better not start on the there / their / they're discussion!! Don't be worried about those people who get upset, it's not worth it for your mental health. Being honest, I don't even remember what yesterday's post said (showing my age) but I do remember agreeing with you. I'm sure if your friend who got upset is truly a friend, she'll be back.
Good luck with "bad" biopsy results and have a wonderful trip. I do so enjoy your travels.
So sorry to hear about your biopsy result. It must be a worry but there is so much good will and wishes out there as well as prayers for this to be gone. I hope it gets resolved quickly and you are able to enjoy your new holiday home . Lots of your readers are really looking forward to vicariously enjoying your VA cabin retreat!!
I had to re read your blog of yesterday to understand how you were being judgmental. I, along with many others who have commented today, want to hear your opinions, it's your blog after all and one so many, many of us enjoy reading each day. I enjoy it because it isn't anodyne and everything has to be awesome! They are hugely positive but real at the same time. A perfect blend. Don't change!!! I think you have to accept that if you express a view and the vast majority of comments are positive or maybe respectfully put a counter view then the very small negligible percentage who take offence and unfollow just ignore them. Frankly you are better off without them. There will always be people, sadly, who are so sensitive or in such a bad place in their lives that everything is personal and they have to vent.
Sorry about your biopsy will put you on my prayer list. YOU CANNOT PLEASE ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME...DON'T EVEN TRY. You are entitled to your feelings and it is your blog. If someone does not like it they can unfollow you and miss all the good information and You have a right to your opinion and a right to express it. Don't change.
Hi Bonnie, your blog you say what you like. I personally hate it on TVs shows that call victims, vics! I usually end up shouting at the tv "victims, victims victims". In this day and time it's more important that people still give their thoughts and ideas. What happens if we all stop!
Hope the thing on your forehead can be sorted not too painfully
Oh Bonnie! I am with you - it can be very difficult (and I usually give up) trying to read poorly written messages! I know that fingers can be dyslexic (mine frequently are); that Americanisms can get to us Brits!; that people struggle with foreign languages (I have never managed to master another)...
So I try to be patient. But we are each free to express our opinion and should be 'gentle' when doing so and understanding when we read that person's thought/feelings.
So Bonnie - keep being you (this is your blog) and please take care of yourself, remembering that you should come first. Especially your health - I hope your treatment will go well and quickly.
Hello Bonnie!
Your thoughts and sharing and honesty are part of what I have come to expect from you. Most make sense to me! If it doesn't make sense, well, as my grandson says, I have my big girl panties on and can let things pass! When I was in the "working" world,I was told many times that I should have been an English teacher. I wasn't! Please know that you absorbed your lessons well when you were in school, as you continue to use language properly.
As for the results of your biopsy,if you need MOHS surgery, where one layer at a time is removed until it is gone, do it! My nose has had one MOHS surgery this past January and is looking good now.In the future, if more spots appear, I would go this route again.
May your spirits continue to soar with your busy life!
There are snowflakes everywhere. Just ignore & be your usual upbeat self! I mean you didn't even mention my grammar angsts like their & there. Prayers coming your way on the biopsy.
First of all, welcome to Ohio! Sorry about the snow. I'll be seeing you later today at the trunk show/luncheon and I'm SO excited. Secondly, sorry to hear about your results. It's always a shock at first to get bad news, but with all the love and support coming your way it will hopefully be a distant memory soon. And lastly, I feel that we are long-lost sisters in the grammar field. It can ruin my day when I see people misusing possessives/plurals (i.e. your/you're, its/it's) and so many other things. You are well within your rights, since it is your blog, to bring it up if it bothers you! I applaud anyone and everyone who stands against the dumbing down of our society. Keep it up please. Also, keep the great quilting inspiration coming!
Hi Bonnie, I have only been following you for a few months now but I so look forward to your daily posts. Your life is full and interesting and it is wonderful that you choose to share part of it with us. Please don't change how you write, it is who you are. People who attack someone in a nasty way, who are just expressing their own opinion, are self-righteous bullies and most likely jealous of what you have. They would never have the guts to say that to your face and that is one of the problems of the internet.
Wishing you all the very best with your health.
Adrienne Anderson (one of your Canadian neighbours)
Bonnie, There will always be people who don't like what you say or do - everywhere in the world. We're supposed to be civilized people, but we appear to be living in an uncivilized society right now. Continue on as you are and speak your mind. If someone takes offense, let them stop reading your blog. Me? I read, enjoy, and learn. If I don't agree, well, that's OK...I'll just wait until the next day's interesting blog. Keep up the good work
Sorry to hear about the results of your biopsy. Hang in there and keep smiling. I love your smile. Praying for you!
While you are correcting grammar, please let folks know that the last fabric that goes around a quilt is a "border", not a boarder. This so annoys me and I want to correct it everytime I see it. In this new society of all day news and social media, people are increasingly less tolerant of those who are not on the same wavelength as them. Thank you for being you, Bonnie!
Your blog is the first I read every morning. When you write it's like you're actually there talking to me/us. Please continue as you are--pictures of Sadie and your cabin, stories about packing, moving, buying a new 'nest.' I love following your life--travels, new wonderful people you meet wherever you go that LOVE you, delight in you. Your enthusiasm is absolutely contagious. Wonderful. Prayers for you at this time of moving and your biopsy. You are greatly loved, Bonnie!!!
You're doing just fine, sweetie. There is not a mean or unkind bone in your body. You have a real talent and gift for expressing yourself clearly and honestly in a friendly manner. You do not need to change anything. Sharing your life and opinions with us is what makes you so personable and endearing. Those who are so easily offended are best flushed out of the system to go their own way. To them I say, bye-bye. They must not love quilting as much as I do! They must not like all the free patterns and helpful instructions like I do. They must not like seeing all the antique sewing machines and quilts that you show us so frequently like I do. They must not like YOU as much as I do! Their loss. Totally.
I'm a grammar nazi, too. And I don't know why I let it bother me either, but it does. Those who write newspaper articles, magazine articles really get to me. Yesterday, I visited a NASA site where "lessen" was written "lesson." Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Then there is the new "freedom of speech" mentality. You are free to speak as long as your opinion is the same as mine. Otherwise, you will be shouted down in today's world. It's so disheartening. At least we have quilty friends like you. Keep on keepin' on, Bonnie. You give us all so much. I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but you will face it with dignity and grace, as always.
That is one of the problems with the world, no tolerance. This is your blog to say what ever you want if people don't agree they can start their own. What a dull place this would be if everyone had the same views on everything. How would we ever grow without hearing ideas and views from all different sides. YOU GO GIRL!
Bonnie. Love to read your thoughts on the blog. We all have opinions and in a free world we are allowed to express them. Just because we don,t agree is not a cause for fury or belittlement. Keep up your thought. It is your blog, do as you please. Don't let political correctness get to you. The intolerant always loose out in the end.Try and see the funny side if things, and don,t let if get to you. You are breezing through life, the intolerant are not.
Sorry the biop was not good, but I am sure it can be successfully dealt with.
Ah, the grammar nazi. ha, ha I guess I am one too. Think the one that bothers me the most is I could care less rather than I could not care less. That one takes the cake! As far as your opinions, I have been reading your blog for years, and you own the blog! You are entitled to say whatever you feel like saying, and I have seen nothing that requires a comment otherwise. Some folks are determined to criticize if the idea does not agree with their thinking. These folks should just silently drift into the background and never be heard from again. Why do they bother reading your blog? Just so they can find something to criticize? I can't imagine anyone doing as much as you do for the quilting world. IGNORE them! The rest of us do!
I hope your travels distract you from your worries. I think some people out there just take themselves way to seriously. I for one value your opinions and appreciate you speaking your mind. I wish you the best and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay positive !!!
Hi Bonnie -- I've been following your blog for years and love it and you and all you do for the quilting community. It hurts to be attacked over your own thoughts and opinions on Your Blog, so I hope you will push to the top that there are many, many more of us who love and appreciate all you do and just keep doing what you are doing and want to do and ignore the naysayers. Now I'm off to work on those string pieces sections of Jamestown Landing...
I just posted a saying on my FB page.....something along the lines can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world...and there will still be someone that doesn't like peaches. You are splendid...keep on being the peach.
Bonnie, your feelings and opinions should certainly be welcome on your own blog! I enjoy your blog, and I'm a big fan of good grammar. As to the biopsy--OH NO!!! I am holding you in light and love, dear girl. Whatever the problem, it'll be fixed, I'm sure!
Bonnie I am so very sorry to read that the biopsy was not benign but keep your spirit up.
They are able to do so much. I had also cancer on my nose and had Moh surgery.
It looked so bad the scarcbut over the years it has nearly disappeared and it did not get back.
I also had it on my chest. Go to a good specialist that does that surgery often.
Sorry about my English I know I make many mistakes but I speak 5 different ones so I think I am doing pretty good after all I came here as a grown up. I do not get mad if others correct me at all.
Love learning still and am nearly 75 years old.
Happy Quilting am waiting to heal my hand & arm that I broke.
Can't wait to get well to be able to Quilt again.
Good luck Bonnie.
Yoka Bazilewich
"I seen instead of I saw" puts me over the edge!!!!!
You are not alone on grammar police detail.
Ignore ignorant posts.
Bonnie, I was sorry to hear that bump is not benign, but you are strong and otherwise healthy and will get through this ordeal. I read some of the ranting about a grammar police, but to be honest I had not read what you wrote. Anyway I thought it was silly that people were so upset about it when I figured out you were the one they were talking about. It's your blog and you can and will write what is on your mind. That's why so many of us follow you. You share so much of yourself with us and I for one feel "you" are my friend and quilting buddy. Please just keep on being you. You are in my prayers. Your personal strength will get you through this time in your life.
This YOUR blog therefore you can say/write anything you want to! We all have a right to express our feelings. If they don't want to read it they should go quietly away. I too have been thought of as the grammar/spelling police,LOL! The English language has many words that sound the same but have different spellings. Schools do not teach phonics and spelling like they did when I was in school. Math is a totally different,too.
Sorry the bump was not benign At least you are getting it taken care of Good luck Looking forward to more of your posts!!!
I aimed to type this is your blog! Missed the is
Sorry to hear about the bump too. But at least you have had it checked and didn't leave it. My cousin didn't notice a bump on the top of her head - her hairdresser did! So that was lucky for her as it was also in need of attention. Lots of good wishes heading your way.
I also didn't notice about the "have" issues - it's something I'm always a stickler for - being English and lucky enough to go to a good school you came out with the correct ways - or the nuns would have (would've) been after me and some of them were scary! LOL!
Bonnie, you do not need to apologize for being human. I have no filter and broad shoulders. It's not that I want to be unkind, it's some of us just need to state the truth. That will bother those that disagree. I'm fine with someone not liking me because I'm not being socially correct. Our moral compass and manners have somehow become irrelevant. Not to me! Character,honesty and standing for what's right is everything to me. You are one of the kindest people I have ever known. I met you in the late 90's and have watched you touch the lives of many. If folks can't let you have a bad day once in awhile, then I say good riddance. Friends walk valleys and mountains together! It will not always look nice. You keep being you and real. It's their loss and they are so self centered they don't even realize they are the loser.
We will pray for your biopsy to be dealt with wisdom and quickness. ❤
Some people take offense too easily if they are taking offense then they already know that they are doing it wrong so what's the big deal it's called constructive criticism it's also your blog and your opinion are they saying that you are not allowed to have an opinion personally I love your blog it makes me think and the violin poem makes me tear up I think that's awesome say whatever you want I will listen and enjoy
Bonnie, I am so sorry about your about your biopsy. It is your blog and you can write what you choose to.
You must be doing something right or you wouldn't have all your followers. Maybe that person was having a "moment". Let it go and keep up the good work. God speed. Will be praying for you.
I'm a retired school speech-language pathologist and the whole "of" instead of 've drives me insane. Also it is currently in vogue among millennials, when using a contraction that ends in "not" such as didn't, wouldn't, etc., they insert a short"I" sound so the word becomes "didint" or "wouldint". AAAAAAHHHHHH! Stick to your grammar guns! Also "for sell". Really? "Sale" is the noun, "sell" is a verb! GRR!
Sue the speech policewoman
Marion, Indiana
Of course not everyone will agree with you. I think it's silly of them to stop following you for that reason. They should know the totality of you and how wonderful you are. I will continue following you.
Hi Bonnie,
i don't usually write anything in the comment section of anything, but i was so moved and thrilled by your post about stash fabric vs. new designer fabric that i added my feelings. about grammer, [coming from one who is the oppisite of the grammer queen!],if you want to take my unsolicited advice, just keep yourposts real... anyone who gets hurt by someone elses real thoughts, needs to remember that just because i think or feel a certain way, doesn't meant that you have to agree of be blamed... it's ok not to agree with me!!![even when i'm right!!!!!!!!!!!!].
The grammar problem is the result of lax teaching of English in school. Only a certain number of hours in a school day, and when one is being taught about feelings and never being wrong, there is no time to learn that which they are really there to learn! Don't give up on your crusade. You could be really mean and tell them incorrect grammar, syntax, etc. raises the flag of their ignorance.
It's your blog, and YOU are the boss of it. You're not losing anything when those morons unfollow you.
See? It's easy being mean when you know where you stand!
Love your blog just the way it is.
Hooray for you! Whether it's grammar, spelling, punctuation or whatever, when it's incorrect I think we do a service when we gently correct it. Until we die, it's a privilege to learn. If we don't speak up, we are perpetuating something which is wrong. At work, I always believed that we wanted the best output from each person which in turn made the company stronger. If I used an incorrect tense, I wanted to be told. Many times I would mention a typo in someone's document as I would want someone to do the same for me. My soapbox comes out over the possessive "its" and I can't tell you how many times I would mention that there was a typo. Finally the catalog committee would ask me to review the document for errors (typos) and sometimes I'd have to go with my handbook to show them the correct spelling of the word. I wonder if some of your readers are those who don't want anyone to speak up about inequality, etc. and want us to just be quiet. I refuse to. This is your blog and you can say whatever you want!
I'm praying for great medical advise and follow through on your biopsy.
Bonnie, you SHOULDN'T OF gotten yourself upset about the opinions of others who disagree with you. That's the beauty of our county and the freedoms we enjoy. If they do not care for your opinions, then they darned well don't have to read them!!!! I happen to agree with you as I too am a grammar stickler (thanks, Mom).
I will be praying for you and your biopsy results. I am an 18-yr breast cancer survivor. I know too well what the "hurry up and wait" game feels like. God bless...I love you, and GOD DOES TOO.
Sorry about the biopsy results, its scary and makes you feel a little helpless. Three years ago, I had a "thing" on the end on my nose. I had it looked at just because I was already at the doctors office. I thought it was probably a wart and had a witch-with-a-wart-on-her-nose comment ready. Not a wart, biopsy came back malignant (awful word, don't you think?) It was removed several days later in a Mohs procedure. They got it all in one pass and I left the office with this huge bandage in the middle of my face. Because it was a nose it took longer to heal but I'm fine now. I'm not telling you this to try to make you feel better. Nothing is going to do that. But this too will be taken care of, you will come out the other side and all the people you love will still be there. We'll all be thinking good thoughts for you.
Thank you for everything you do and more importantly your honesty. People are so critical, sometimes they need to look on the mirror.
I appreciate people that point out grammatical errors I make and trust me there are many.
I look forward every day to your email.
Hugs to you and Sadie.
Praying all turns out well with your "thing".
As the saying goes, you cant fix stupid........ I once had a boss that I corrected tactfully in a grammar error in an email. they got offended, I am the boss yadda yadda. ok, sorry. I will let you look like an uneducated jerk. no problem! sorry about your biopsy results and I hope that all things go well for you. treatment, house and all the many tasks you take on. you are like the energizer bunny and are such a treasure and inspiration to all. if someones feathers get ruffled, so be it. We choose how to react to things and if we choose to be offended, shame on us. Every day in life I choose to have a good day. if something bad happens, it could have been worse. and I HAVE a GOOD DAY....... hugs my friend. <3
Sending you thoughts and prayers. Thanks for being you.
Your special ��
I'm with you on the grammar! My parents, AND teachers were on us about that. Daddy helped me understand and cull out the bad slang that belittled God... Gad, gosh, golly, jeez, OMG, and Mother helped me cull out the other slangs, ya'know, like, uh, I mean! (VERY irritating!) People who add S to the ends of words it isn't needed on... Safeways (grocery store), Revelations (last book of the Bible), ANYWAYS! A friend is SOOO good at that last one, I still love her IN SPITE of this. I will prey for you, should read I will PRAY for you... i'm not a meal they anticipate! AGGGGHHHH! So many! I am SO with you on this! DO NOT let the grumps get you down.
Your blog, your content. When the criticizers start paying the bills, and paying you for all the free lessons and inspiration we're getting here, they can call the shots. I hope I never see that day.
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