You know that whole saying of “Red Sky in the Morning, Sailors Take Warning??!”
Well, this should have been the warning for my day as well.
Not as a weather thing – the weather was fine, but anything and everything else that could hiccup did. And one hiccup lead to another and on and on…
We boarded in Greensboro. After sitting on the plane for an hour we UN-boarded in Greensboro due to something malfunctioning with the rudder. NOT GOOD, but they assured us they could fix it.
Meanwhile –we ALL missed our connections and there was little we could do about it.
The flight now connecting through Atlanta would get me to Dallas at 3pm instead of noon. That’s okay. There is still time, and I found a place to sit during my layover and stitch a bit.
We boarded the flight in Atlanta, to pull out onto the tarmac…..and sit there another hour.
There is a problem with a light. And the announcement comes that there is no way to fix it out on the tarmac, we are going back to gate.
And we sit. And we wait.
Keep stitching Bonnie, just keep stitching!
I am trying different methods. I have tried glue, I am trying thread basting. I am trying mitered corners, or just pushing dog ears over to the side. The jury is still out on what method I like best, but I do feel like I have more control (And definitely less sticky fingers) with the thread basting.
Hexies are easy. They have obtuse (fat and wide) angles at the corners. 60 degree diamonds? These are acute angles. NOT CUTE! and the sharper points leave dog ears and excess fabric to deal with . It’s a different dance.
My two test units, side by side.
This is a project I am working on as our hands-on workshop for our China and Thailand tours coming up in October! It’s not that far off! Have you considered coming along? You’ll find the info in the tab section at the top of the blog.
My goal is 7 stars, appliqued to a background of some sort, with borders. The stars are all batik, or batik like – and the neutrals are regular cotton for fun and interest. Somewhat scrappy, but still controlled…
And about the time I got the second star done, we were FINALLY leaving Atlanta for Dallas. Another 2 hours later than anticipated.
Wow! Texas is GREEN right now!
This photo is for my football fans!
This was my first time landing at Love Field. It’s a great little airport and very convenient if your destination is on THAT side of the metroplex.
The only bad thing? Yes. I came in at 5pm. Can you imagine what we were driving in to get us from the airport north to Denton? Stand still traffic. Barely moving if at all.
We got hungry along the way and Jill called up her grandson to ask where the best BBQ place was in the area we were “barely moving” at:
When the driving gets tough – the tough pull over for BBQ!
I swear, this was the best ribs and brisket I ever remember having. Item #1 of my “must have” foods whenever I am in Texas has been satisfied – WAY satisfied. That only leaves Tex Mex and I have until Saturday morning when I catch my return flight to do it!
Irene is here with me as well in a room down the hall where she set up to solo-retreat today while I am teaching a Split 9 Patch class to 50 quilters at the event put on by Minding My Ps & Qs Quilt Shop. It will be a HUGE reunion as many of these students are ladies I new from when I used to teach in Plano over New Years. It will be great to see them.
Tomorrow we head down to Rockin’ R Ranch outside of Temple for a retreat. I’m teaching Midnight Flight tomorrow –and the Texas fun continues.
The weather is spectacular. We should be hitting 84 by Friday.
I have been thinking a lot about our pursuit of perfection, especially when it comes to the expectations we put on ourselves when it comes to our quilting.
How many times have you become discouraged because things didn’t come out EXACTLY PERFECT the first go around? How many times have you felt put down because of the imperfections pointed out to you by OTHERS?
Take a good look at this video by Ricky Tims:
What a hoot!
The need for perfection can KILL creativity. It can halt the learning curve needed for increasing our skills. The need for perfection can stop you from even starting.
Just don’t go there!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage applique quilt found in North Carolina.
The pursuit of perfection is crazy making! Keep life real!
Much love from Texas -

Bonnie, glad you landed safely.
Don't feel bad about your flight. My husband's plane to Atlanta was 3 hours late (headed to Tucson for blind rehab) so missed the connection. Delta finally put him up in a motel, rearranged his flight through Minneapolis to Tucson. Thank God we upgraded his flight to first class (he's a big man) or he would have had to spend the night in the airport. Airport here (TRI)says they have been having a problem with planes coming from Atlanta to take folks back to Atlanta for their connections.
My sons live in Carrollton. Sure wish I was at one of your Texas workshops or retreats! Yes, the weather is beautiful! I'm going to quilt outside today.
Love Ricky Tims...he calls a spade a spade in that clip!!! Have fun in Texas despite the rocky start to your trip.
And Kathy McNeil says "if your only aim is to strive for perfection, then you can kiss creativity goodbye." That is why I will always be a 95% quilter. I love to be creative and that last 5% just takes away the fun of it.
Welcome to sunny Texas! As a new quilter (decades ago) the best guidance I received was on the cover of a Georgia Bonesteel book. It showed a close-up of one of the quilts and I realized, "Her points don't all line up! In fact, some aren't even pointy!" That showed me immediately that perfection was an illusion, and granted me the gift of forgiveness for my own less-than-perfect works. Now, as I ripen along my own timeline, I'll take Ricky Tims' video to heart as a reminder to keep fighting my own "Miss Thing" inclinations, with my own work and with others'. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for sharing. I saw Ricky 's video and had to Lol! I love non-juried shows. I stand by my quilts and listen. Sometimes I hear that Quilty Miss Perfect who needs to just 'shut up'. Have a great time in Texas! Wating for the Show n Share...
Perfection is an unattainable goal! So why do so many people brag about being a perfectionist! Strive for excellence!
Hi Bonnie. Glad you arrived safely. I love the Ricky Tims video. He's absolutely right. I have learned not to care what people say about my quilts. I love them and the people I give them to appreciate them and that's all that matters.
Oh my gosh - that video was hilarious! Glad you finally made it to Texas - too bad you aren't staying for a couple of weeks - you could come to the Dallas show!
Loved the Ricky Tims video... yes we all know someone like that. Glad you finally got to you destination, safe and sound!!
Funny video! He is so right. I am a process maker, not a perfectionist maker or speedy maker and it is so freeing! Have a blast in Texas!
Caught the Ricky Tims video yesterday and had a good laugh! So very true about making decisions before knowing the facts! Enjoy that area of Texas-it is beautiful!
Great Ricky Tims, so true! I also watched a video by Linda V. Taylor when I first got my quilting machine and wondered how I would ever be able to follow those patterns perfectly. Basically, she said that the patterns are a guide & there was no need to beat yourself up for not following those lines perfectly. People looking at the quilt weren't going to know if you followed those lines perfectly or not because they weren't going to have that pattern right there to compare to your work. That was so freeing!
Thanks so much for sharing...we are our own worst enemies at times... we surely don't need someone else butting into our thoughts and productivity....
Glad you got your bar-b-que...and that you arrived safely.
Enjoy the warmth... it's back to the 30's here in Utah.
Hugs, Jean
Welcome to Texas. I'm just a piece down the road from where y'all are staying and wish I could see you again as I so enjoyed your visit to the Ft Worth Trinity Valley Quilters Guild a number of years ago. You're an inspiration with your patterns and techniques, and I strive to be a Bonnie strip saver/user on of these days, Enjoy your stay and the food...sleep well tonight. God bless...
Thanks for that "Miss Thang" video, it was hilarious. It's 1:15am and sleep is not working for me, so of course I'm checking out your blog that I missed yesterday ... glad I did. That video is so true, every quilt has a story and the maker is the only one who knows every line.
It's funny how one person's lousy day could be another person's wonderful day. You were unhappy killing time in Greensboro, and I would give just about anything to be stuck in Greensboro-- where I grew up-- rather than freezing in Alaska. I guess we should always try to remember that, huh?
Bonnie- I am sorry you had a rocky start to your trip. Hopefully the rest of the week will be smooth sailing! Thanks for sharing the Ricky Tims Video. It is perfect for my cousin who is just starting with quilting. I reminded her that all quilters feel that they have to point out their mistakes, but it is something we have to learn that "We do not have to point out our mistakes".
Kasilof, AK
where we got up to 22 today! Heading for the mid thirties by Friday- Heat Wave!
Love the "Creative Spectator" video. We would lose so much in life if we only appreciated the perfect leaves on the perfect tree with the perfect clouds in the sky and the perfect cows in the field. And why should we all want to pick the same color combinations etc. How perfectly dull.
Welcome to Denton! That's where I live! Yes traffic is horrible, especially with all the construction. I am so thankful to have just retired 1/31 and no longer have to fight it!
When I started having eye surgeries in 2008, I started a quilt ministry for our outreach program in our church.There were many who pointed out mistakes. I kept urging them forward with the thought,"Is it going to keep someone warm?" I am not a perfectionist and with present eye dilemma will never be one. I like keeping people warm, though.
Wow. This really hit home for me. I am also "suffering" -lol- from the curse of perfectionism. I am a great idea person. I am a also a fantastic starter. I am NOT such a great finisher..... [hangs head in shame....] I have to fight that feeling that I 'ruined' a project if it isn't 100% perfect. Ridiculous, isn't it?!! Knowing this huge flaw in myself, I always encouraged my kids to accept their results as they were, as long as they knew they had put forth a good effort! Also, I encouraged them to do things out of their comfort zones because perfectionism has paralyzed me at times and kept me from doing things I'm actually very at--fear of failure. SO! Thank you, Bonnie. I needed this encouragement for something I already knew. :) Now. To re-address my granddaughter's quilt before she is grown. HAHA!! Happy quilting everybody!
Bonnie, had to laugh at your saying Love Field is a great little airport. In the 50's and 60's, we thought it was a huge airport compared to OKC's. A flight to Dallas was so exciting especially as the plane passed way to low over the highway that accessed the Field. That first flight at 19 I wished I hadn't been gawking out the window.
The hexi project is looking interesting. Have been working on 1/2" hexi wall hanging for a year and haven't tried the "exposed tail" method. Know you will share your preferences. Think we should name you the Queen of Share. I only baste through the fabric on the back side. Find it easier to remove the basting.
Safe travels home this am.
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