"So I've got this thing...." I said to the receptionist when I called the doctor's office yesterday afternoon to inform them of the huge lump that has taken up residency on my face seemingly overnight.
My breathing is fine, I have no fever, but the lump on my left cheek is hot, bothersome and has increased in size throughout the day and I thought I should have it seen.
Dr. Doogie Hauser was concerned enough to send me immediately for a CT scan. And I am on the strongest antibiotic he felt comfortable prescribing, the same thing given to my son Jason when he had MRSA.
BTW, having a very young and very handsome Doogie Hauser ask you if you are indeed menopausal was the highlight of my visit.
If this is some kind of abscess, I need it to go away before I fly to Texas on Saturday! I'm not one who whines and complains through social media over every little headache. But this just has me a tiny bit worried.
It has grown overnight…but the antibiotics were only started last evening, so I just took the second capsule this morning.
And I’m laughing at what the bottle says – do you see that?
“Take on empty stomach. If Dr advises take with food to avoid upset stomach.” Would they please make up their minds?
This “THING” is high up on my left cheek, to the side of my nose and just below my eye. It’s swollen enough that I feel it in my bottom eyelid when I blink. It aches like a toothache, but it’s not my teeth.
I’m hoping that a call back after the CT reading this morning will let us know what is going on. Do I need to have this aspirated?
I’m having visions of “The Elephant Woman” as I head off to Houston on Saturday to teach and lecture for two guilds.
Okay. I’ve just turned into the whiny person who discusses all of their health issues through social media.
While waiting for my appointment time, I pieced a back!
This is for the Dawn's Early Light finish that I posted about yesterday.
When it rains, it pours!
Cats & Dogs!
And some 1980s thing that needed to go away.
Yes. This fabric is from my stash, but it likely is something that was gifted because I don’t remember buying it! And there wasn’t enough to do the whole back with it, cute as it is, but I can use it and get rid of other blues in the process.
And I love the breathing room it leaves in my stash. Bye bye!
Oooh. (or is that Ewwww?)
I don’t remember buying THESE either!
I am so not a floral person. I look at florals and have a hard time deciding what color they want to be categorized as. Especially BIG print florals. But they do liven up anything that is tone on tone, so in they go. These are now GONE from the stash. There is a whole bin of gifted florals that really might be best cut into strings and just let them be “COLOR” because I don’t think I can use them any other way. Maybe we need another floral cousin to Florabunda? Some way to use up the florals? (My brain is on hyper-drive. Maybe it is the antibiotics?)
There is a lot of pattern writing going on behind the scenes. I’m trying to make my own self-imposed deadline of having En Provence and Garlic Knots ready to release in Digital pattern form tomorrow, but if this face thing gets in the way, or if I have to go see a specialist or have it lanced or whatever – I’m sure that I’m the only one who cares about missing my own deadline.
I DID put up a very sweet Quiltmaker Gift-Away last evening! Did you see it? Did you enter? You can find the info on THAT POST.
And maybe by tomorrow I’ll have news on what this THING on my face is.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage spider web quilt found in North Carolina.
Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you.
Keep the good vibes and positive thoughts and whatever juju you can send coming.
Have a positively great Tuesday, everyone!

I hope it is just a sinus problem
Maybe a spider bite?
Sending happy thoughts to you Bonnie! And, hugs!
Glad you had it looked at! Any bumps or lumps on the face or head are nothing to take lightly! Years ago, I woke with what looked like a golf ball in my cheek....turned out to be an abscessed tooth, and they said the infection could have gone to my brain very quickly! Hope they figure out what you have fast! Big hugs!
Awww, gentle hugs. If it's bothering you enough to whine, then whine. Since you never do, but you are now, I'm worried for you too. Hope it turns out to be something not-so-serious and easy to remedy.
Hi Bonnie!
Whine away! Actually it doesn't sound like whining when you do it :)! And it sounds like you have reason to be concerned but I am betting it is just something simple! Hope you got some rest last night. Please let us know all is ok when you ear from the drs. Hugs!
Hope it's not a staph infection. Those are extremely painful and hard to get rid of, I speak from several experiences . Get well! And I am so envious of the two guilds in Houston that get to have you with them. I only live 25 minutes from there. Darn! Will have to investigate guilds in the area.
Anything that appears over night in an unwanted place is scary... I hope all goes well and away as quickly as it came.
Praying for good news on your CT Scan that it is nothing serious and the antibiotics work for it. You are an amazing woman and just keep on keeping on.
Sending good vibes and praying that you get good news today about the lump, hopefully it isn't serious and clears up before you fly out to Houston.
Love the raining cats and dogs fabric, I could have used some of that for the baby quilt I'm working on... too cute!!
I had something similar happen to me last year. I was eating a Wendy's salad and my left jaw started swelling, and got bigger and bigger. Went to the emergency room and it shrunk a bit while I was waiting, but truly my jaw was huge. Turned out I had a blocked salivary gland. I'll save you the gory part, but 3 days later it went away. It was blocked by a small stone, something similar to a kidney stone and once it worked it way out, all was fine. I hope your issue is something just as benign.
I am glad you got the lump checked out. If it continues to grow today, let the Dr. know. My husband had MRSA and it took 3 antibiotic tries before they got the right one (finally IV meds in the hospital). I hope this isn't MRSA - but at least they have started treating. Hugs.
Good for you getting this taken care of so quickly! I hope the antibiotics take care of whatever it is. Hope you get news of that soon too. Hugs!
sounds like an abscess of some sort - you might not think it is the teeth but could be a dental problem - hope you feel better soon and won't have to cancel your next workshop but you must take care of yourself first.
Sending happy thoughts from the Netherlands! Hope the medicine will do it´s work very soon (on the lump....not your stomache!)
Possibly periorbital cellulitis
Maybe you need a dentist? When Katie was about 12, her whole face swelled up and she had a fever, after the pediatrician saw her, he told me to take her to the dentist, it was an infected tooth, which needed a root canal. But she never had any pain.
Glad you had the CT because that kind of thing is nothing to mess around with. Things like that can escalate quickly and may need IV antibiotics, close observation and/or immediate treatment. Hope it is resolved quickly. Take care!
Certainly don't perceive you to be whiny. This is upper most on your mind and you spoke your mind. You are in my thoughts.
Oh, Bonnie! Does not sound good! I hope it turns out to be something not to major. And you are not whining, this is not normal and it is scary. Besides, it is your blog and if they do not want to hear it, do not read it! On the good note, just love the raining cats and dogs fabric...so appropriate for the situation. Lots of prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏for you today!
I hope that the antibiotics soon kick in and the swelling goes down, plus they figure out exactly what it is.
BTW - Many years ago I worked with a young man that had a big spider on the ceiling, over his bed. He didn't want to kill it and all the women in our office were telling him it would come down and bit him. He didn't believe us, but one day he came into work with his face super puffed up. Yeap, the spider bit him. More often we don't see the spiders, but they are there, easily lurking this time of year. Just to be safe, you may want to spray for spiders in your bedroom, especially under the bed.
Bonnie glad you got into Dougie and you are getting it defined. Hope it is a quick thing that the antibiotics will blast away. Good healing thoughts coming your way.
Hope you're feeling better very soon...you're too busy to have to deal with this!!!
Wishing you a quick successful diagnosis and speedy recovery. Ugh! We all hate not being well.
I've had similar symptoms from a blocked tear duct. I hope they figure it out and you can get relief soon.
Hope it is a big old annoying nothing!! Love when there is a screaming ugly on my face! Love the kitties!
Holy Hannah hope it subsides before teaching otherwise pose with your good side out. lols I am looking forward to your digital deadline but I have plenty of other projects to keep me busy. Just get better.
Praying they find a cause and quick cure. No fun to be in public with a bump on your face. Whine all you want. We are here, and we all care!
"Hurts like a toothache but it's not" is what I get when my sinuses get infected. I hope that's all it is and that you have a speedy recovery.
Thoughts and prayers for your peace of mind, and the THING you aren ow living with... get over here and get a huge quiltie hug Bonnie..
hhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghTake a deep. Reath,
Hope you find out soon that 'THING' is just a weird bump in the road and off you will go to Houston, right as rain. Thinking of you.
Bonnie it could be erysipelas of the face. Don'task how I know. I would try cold compresses and Benadryl with Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours for the discomfort. Keep taking the antibiotic. If it does not seem to be getting better see an infectious disease Doctor. Hoping you get better real soon.
Love & prayers, Bonnie.Liz
Prayers from Texas Bonnie!
Bonnie - Hope you get relief from the meds and are feeling better soon!!
Bonnie, Among all the suggestions, I'm going to toss mine in the middle. I've seen sebaceous cysts occasionally. They are NOT infectious at first, but could turn that way if not handled in time. You've handled it in time. Sometimes the doctor will lance it to drain. Other times, Doogie will leave it to drain back into the body where it belongs. Not life threatening, but can occur almost anywhere on the body. Sure hope you hear soon! <3
Bonnie, Among all the suggestions, I'm going to toss mine in the middle. I've seen sebaceous cysts occasionally. They are NOT infectious at first, but could turn that way if not handled in time. You've handled it in time. Sometimes the doctor will lance it to drain. Other times, Doogie will leave it to drain back into the body where it belongs. Not life threatening, but can occur almost anywhere on the body. Sure hope you hear soon! <3
It still could be an abscessed tooth. Sometimes a tooth will die a silent (painless) death. Then much later form an abscess, I worked as a dental assistant in an Endodontist office and saw it many times. Good luck with whatever it is and hope you feel better soon.
Years ago, the first time I had MRSA, mine came up in a day. It went from being the size of a small marble, to the size of an apple (on the back of my thigh). It had to be cut. I've since had a few in my nose (where MRSA lives) and one even came out the front of my nose (unhappily, a few days before my son's wedding). Hope yours heals quickly.
It's okay to whine a little. Waiting to get a medical answer is the most frustrating thing. I just saw a Dr. today after waiting for 6 months just to get an answer of "well, since its been 6 months, we need to get a new MRI (which was why I was sent there in the first place sine others couldn't seem to decide what it meant) before we can decide". So the waiting game is still being played and he actually questioned why I waited 6 months to see him. Really?? It certainly wasn't my choice. Hope you don't have to wait so long to get an answer and that you are feeling much better before your trip.
Hi Bonnie
Saying prayers & hoping the "IT" on your face goes away with the anit-biotics.
Keep us posted when you find out what "IT" is please.
Take Care
You are in my thoughts and prayers Bonnie! Hoping it clears up fast! One thing
about being sick, or having something wrong with our bodies, it always makes me
feel more blessed and appreciative of all the time that I feel good!!!
Julia, still in Missouri
I hope this clears up soon. Scary! I wonder if it's a clogged tear duct? My sister in law had a tendency to have this. One time it did swell and became infected. Be careful with this. I now try not to itch or rub my eyes if I haven't washed my hands before hand.
Prayers for a quick recovery are being said right this minute for you.
Hope it's gone in the morning. Going to Houston THIS weekend, will be headache enough. That plane from Atlanta to Houston will be packed. All us Falcons fans, that can be, are Houston bound! Falcons are gonna win this Superbowl!!!
I had something on my face when I was at summer camp many decades ago. The camp nurse lanced it and told me it was a carbuncle. Hope your issue doesn't ruin your travel plans.
Praying for you and believing for a quick and easy solution!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, don't worry about the deadline you have enough on your plate. The post didn't soud whiney at all just matter of fact & sometimes we need to just let it out. Stay safe.
I bet it's an abcess and it that location, they are nothing to mess with because the blood/brain barrier doesn't work well in that area. My son went through one of these, his finally had to be drained orally. Best wishes for a speedy resolution.
Just got out of the hospital. They kept me for four day cause I had an abscess on my lady parts! Take your antibiotics religiously! Don't let this thing get out of control! I feel your pain Sister!!
So sorry your having this problem. Put some warm compresses on it. It will help with blood flow to that area for healing. Will wait to hear what they find. Prayers your way it's something simple. Hugs
Wow Bonnie!.. Glad you have a good Doctor who will take care of it.. Please share the diagnosis.. I hope it is easily resolved. Please don't worry about all of us.. We just want you well and your amazing sparkley self! Love and prayers from Ontario, Canada!
Bonnie, you're in my thoughts and prayers.
You're going to Houston Super Bowl weekend, good luck! Why don't you stay a few extra days and make a guest appearance at Ricky Tims seminar Friday! Take care of your beautiful face Bonnie!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I Hope your face issue is resolved quickly before you take off. I ALSO Hope it is not MRSA, or anything like that. It sounds like it is close to your sinus's, which would not be a good thing if you have to have it aspirated.The Antibiotics should start to take hold by tomorrow. Please share the diagnosis and prognosis when you get it. We all want you well!
I liked the one blue floral. It looks like one I had a wrap around skirt in, in the 80's or 90's, when I was dancing a lot.
Gook Luck and have a wonderful trip to Houston!
Kasilof, AK
Oh, Bonnie, so very sorry for your pain and the lump. Glad you got in to see Dr. Doogie right away and praying that the lump will recede rapidly. I had to chuckle at your description of your young doctor and his comment. (((Hugs)))
Prayers-I'm sure all will be well, Susan
Sending you love and light!!!
sending tons of 'good juju' and hugs your way! you are one of the most positive people i know...it's ok to whine a little at times like this! praying for good news!
That's OK Bonnie, You don't complain and are not Whiney. Something like this is always scary.
We all just pray it's not serious.
Prayers all DAY!
Glad you had it looked at, Bonnie. I had an infection last week in my eyelid. out of no where. Antibiotics and hot compresses helped. I made a few small rice packs (added some lavender) so I did not have to have a huge pack on my face. ( a use for those florals? they were three inches square.Very ugly fabric.
Hope it is better soon!! Have fun in Houston! My daughter lives there. they have a craft meusem if you have a chance to see it.
When I was a teenager, I had something called cystic acne. It's quite possible, that that is all you're experiencing... even at our age, we can still get acne, and it can turn cystic with the right variables. If so, once it drains, you should be in good shape, although it can leave some scarring. Ask me how I know!
Adding my prayers to all those of your other friends Bonnie! And trusting that this will be something "simple" and fixable. HUGS!!!!
Hi Bonnie, Perhaps you have Rosacea. It is a skin condition that I have and mainly affects fair skinned women of English decent. The most common things that will trigger an attack are emotional turmoil both good and bad, strong sun exposure, some spicy foods and red wine (not necessarily all at the same time!) Usually a person can look back in time and see that they were always ones to blush easily. I keep my attacks to a minimum by avoiding the triggers especially the sun. I go for years with no attacks then I go through a bad spell with many attacks but I do not take medication. All the best Adrienne.
I'm no doc so I'm not commenting on what it might be, though it's probably not serious. I am sure interested to know what you find out though. My kids wrestle and MMA fight and get MRSA all the time. One doc even told us you can get it from clothes you try on in the store!!
Said a prayer that this will be nothing serious.
xx, Carol
Bonnie, You did not comment on the first part of you RX bottle. Mine says don't take if you are pregnant. I am a male. Really personalized medicine.
I hope the results are not serious.
had something similar. turned out to be an abscessed eye tooth. the PA at my doctor's didn't diagnose it though she prescribed antibiotics. don't quite recall why I went to the dentist to have it checked further. mine was a little further towards my nose directly above my eye tooth. might be a molar. and yes it was silent until it was a red swollen place near my nose.
Praying that it is nothing serious and that it disappears quickly.
Bonnie, I worked as an ER nurse for many, many years. What you are describing where it is gives me great pause for concern. The treatment of choice for any abscess is to open it, clean it up, possibly pack it, and take antibiotics, but your area of concern may be a bit more involved from what you described. Please be proactive and get seen by an ear, nose, and throat doc. With it still growing, you have to really concern yourself with the area of the infection you can't see as well.
It must be social media blowup day on medical. My mom be in and out of hospital. I told my mom I want to get her out of here. So we can quilt. I feel your disconfurt.
Sure hope it's not a spider bite. I had a spot show up on my cheek and my eyelid a day apart from each other last fall. Very hot swollen and painful . 3 days later as the swelling was coming down you could see the bite marks that weren't viable earlier. Lots of heat and crazy itching as the fire went out. Yet I was thankful that was all it was.
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