It felt like a treadling day yesterday.
I was feeling a bit restless. You know how it is when your mind goes a hundred different directions and you can’t seem to quiet your thoughts?
Around and around and around they go, from one thing to another until the circle begins again.
I’m making a good ditch effort at this relaxation thing, but for a girl that’s always thrived on hyper-drive, and deadlines and go go go, sometimes relaxation feels like the equivalent of SLACKING and slacking is just something I do not do.
And I start over, telling myself – you need to relax, you need to do less, you need to enjoy life and not just pound through it.
And this is why I settled in to treadle. A bit slower pace, a bit closer to the family room area so I could watch some interesting documentaries while the feet rocked in a repetetive motion, causing me to let the machine set an easy pace. And perhaps, just perhaps – the brain will slow down just enough to let that relaxation set in.
And this girl watched on.
I should take relaxation lessons from Sadie. She’s got it down pat.
Around 2pm I knew I just HAD to get out of the cabin. I needed some fresh air, a breather. Sadie and I took a SHORT walk – VERY SHORT. The temp was only about 28 degrees, it barely got above 30 all day long yesterday. After putting her back in the cabin with a treat, I grabbed my purse and headed to town.
Some groceries were needed, and if I went to West Jefferson, I could hit my favorite antique mall as well as picking up the supplies I needed for the weekend.
This greeted me at the front door!
I LOVE the artistry of detail.
They certainly don't make them like this anymore.
$125.00 and it didn’t need to come home. In fact, I think I’ve really reached saturation level, and there isn’t anything I am really looking for or need. My stable is full. I’ve got more machines than I can sew on, but I still love “setting them free” by lifting up the lids and leaving them out in the air.
Bonnie strikes again! HA!
I wish I had a place for this cabinet.
Maybe in the NEXT cabin?
This was inside.
1,000 Pyramids, circa 1940.
Tried letting this one out --
But the lifting mechanism was broken -
Gorgeous decals though, and a round bobbin.
Oh dear. A hammered Singer 15
Tiffany decals almost gone and loads of rust.
Still $125.00? Are people nuts?
Bowties surrounded by more bowties!
And bowties of a sweeter nature!
There weren’t many quilts to be seen, and I was digging. But I certainly can tell you that THIS is the kind of activity that WILL relax me. I even found myself humming and singing along to the holiday music that was playing throughout the mall.
Oh my, this has been loved until it is completely shredded.
Close up.
When I see quilts like this I am completely humbled. THIS was all that the maker’s scrap bag contained. I imagine a Christmas with this family, a house warm and cozy, full of family and yummy smells even if the fabric supply was meager and mainly used for making clothing and household items. Maybe less is where it is at?
And I found some Christmas to bring home.
This little tree was in a booth that incorporated every day vintage items with a bit of holiday flair. The little tree is decorated with rose hips, pine cones and twinkle lights and it sits in a vintage lard bucket, a bit rusty and worn. And I knew what I needed. A tree for the cabin. This came home!
And a few other goodies were found as well -
A beautiful footed depression glass dish
It has Christmas tree motifs.
An iron trivet for my collection.
A couple of vintage irons.
I bought the small travel iron to replace the one I dropped and broke the Bakelite handle on. The 3/4 size iron? EVEN BETTER! It’s a bit heavier, and it gets hot hot hot. Most importantly, the cords are good and flexible on both of these.
It passed the test run test!
and I finished up the last few string blocks feeling so much better!
Trimmed, sliced and de-papered!
These are the large string triangles for my Dawn’s Early Light blocks. Next up will be half square triangles.
But that’s going to wait for later as this morning The Hubster and I are heading out to see a couple of cabins – one in Virginia, one in West Jefferson. Let the cabin hunt for the next Quilt Villa begin for real.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
There is an awful lot of hustle and bustle out there. My wander through the antique mall was just what I needed!
Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!

I hope you find a new cabin that is everything you want and more.
How do you keep up with when you need to oil & lube your beauties?
Enjoyed your stroll through the antique mall. Made me realize that I need one of those too.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful day...feel like I went along with you! Glad it calmed you!
Bonnie, I have been reading and following you for the last 18 months or so and I could NEVER keep up the pace of life you are amazing with what you do, the work you create and share and all the tips for us newbies. Just wanted to say thank you..... And breathe....Big love xx
Good to see you have slowed down some. Ithnk of pacing ourselves like driving a car. If you race around, in and out of lanes etc., you will either cause or be part of an accident. Accidents can be fatal!
Antique Mall looking/shopping is relaxing. It beings me to what I think of as slower more simpler tomes. Compared to what we have today. We would thing they had very little. They had what they needed ... So do we, m ost of us. Finding that there is a time to relax when you have been going full spped ahead can be very difficult. But it is needed. Yes, let Sweet Sadie Jane teach you to take care of yourself. DOgs KNOW how to relax and enjoy.
Hugs JuleinTN
Sometimes you need a new perspective. I get "cabin fever" too when it gets cold. Just seeing some different items gets the brain off high speed. Love your little Christmas tree.
Thanks for sharing your journey and wonderful finds!
I do hope you find something that is just perfect for you and your family ! Together space-me space-not too much outside "work" to be done when you are not present. Natural setting with wonderful views from your rocking chair on the porch or from your sewing machine! Thanks for sharing your antique mall adventure. I'd love to hear more about that metal iron rest.
Ooh, West'll be close to Shatley Springs and their excellent breakfasts!
Enjoy cabin hunting ☺
Oh my!!!! The cabinet would have definitely found a place for me IF the price was right! 😉 My last 10 days has been like yours....a friend who is 4 years, 11 months breast cancer survivor found out she had a brain tumor, had surgery, now will begin healing, chemo and radiation. Such a whirlwind for everyone and prayer chains.....praising God for complete removal of tumor! 🙆 but, it has had me in this kind of mind whirling gig! I had to do as you, run errands and wear myself out. I wanted to complete a quilt for her and label it with her and her granddaughters names. Finally got it done in time for her to receive it in hospital while she's in recovery. Luckily, it was one I was already working on, and so it was a real God send!
We all have these moments, we just need to slow it down anyway we can. It does give us a creative block doesn't it?
Have a great weekend and LOVE, LOVE your new ruler!!!❤❤❤❤ Thank you!
The thing I remember about learning to sew on a treadle was how bad my calves felt the next day from peddling.LOL I learned to quilt on that treadle and my mother left it to me when she passed. It still looks brand new because she always made a cover for it so that the wood was never in the sunlight when it was not being used. So glad you were able to have a restful day. You find the sweetest quilts at the antique/flea markets near you. Best wishes on finding a new "Quilt Villa".
Have you ever tried Meditation or Yoga to help you relax? Hope your cabin hunting trip went well.
Have a wonderful day and good luck with the cabin hunt.
Sending you positive vibes that you find the perfect cabin! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I hear you on the go go go, not able to relax or slow down. Story of my life.
My Christmas Tree still has just the lights and Angel on top. DH didn't realize that I hadn't added the garlands and ornaments. Simple is good! Love the little tree in the bucket you found. Hope Cabin hunt is productive. Treadle time is coming after I get Clue 3 done. Thanks for sharing your Antique finds.
Fun day to use the treadle and relax a bit.
Meditation and yoga....that's what you need to quiet your spirit and mind. Youtube is a good place to find meditation music.
My husband and I are going through that mind racing in every direction, too. We're thinking (seriously) of downsizing. My husband is 76 and I'm 70 so we don't need a large house anymore. We had 2 realtor's come last week and talk to us about the market here. One realtor had 2 clients that are looking for exactly what we have and we could sell our house immediately. The problem?? There is NO inventory available! Everything sold quickly in Nov. We want a new construction, but everything is sold there, too. We would have to wait 3-4 months for a home to be built.
So, our minds are spinning, too. The future is very uncertain with a new administration coming in and if Medicare is privatized, which is a very likely possibility, we will need extra $$$ a month for insurance.
All I can say is: OMMMMM :)
No sewing today, went to the pantomime with husband and granddaughter. Had an amazing time. Hope to do some of clue 3 tomorrow. Love seeing what your all doing.
What a lovely picture of Sadie Jane! You can see the love in her eyes as she is looking at you! True devotion! Thank you for taking us on your excursions! FREE the sewing machines!!
I know exactly what you mean. I've run fast for years, but this year I've had some health issues that have slowed me down a bit. I fully intend to get back to more of my usual stamina, but for now, I'm taking it a little slower. Treadling is always good for getting back in touch with close-up-and-personal-sewing. Fun! Hope you find the perfect cabin.
I want to go antiquing with you. I never seem to find the things you do. LOL
I want to go antiquing with you. I never seem to find the things you do. LOL
Some wonderful finds! Sometimes you just need to get out and about it helps clear the mind and open the soul!
I'm with KLG, would need to go antiqueing with you,because I wouldn't even know what would be a great price! Love Sadie.
Bonnie, when in West Jefferson, you need to visit the cheese factory if you haven't already. A fun place to visit. My grandparents lived in Fleetwood and we would go to West Jefferson to shop.
I love to see your finds from the antique malls.
There's nothing more relaxing than antiquing. Your mind just tries to take it all in and all the pressure just leaves. I love giving well loved quilts a good home. My machine is being serviced and I'm using a 1961 Kenmore with a knee lever, just doing basic piecing like the 4-patch blocks. Have a good rest while you can and keep on treading.
May you find Peace and relaxation!
May you find the next perfect cabin- It is out there and you will know it when you see it, walk through the door.
I am like you, I was on the go continually with the military, and could not slow down and relax. No matter where I went, I could not let my guard down and relax. I retired, and could not take it, so went to work, first for JoaAnn Fabrics and then Robin Place Fabrics. It was a slower pace, but still could not slow down and relax. Now that I am retired again, five years later, I think I can slow down, as I have a new house, and gardens, landscaping and Lots and Lots of quilting, sewing, knitting and crocheting to do. I will try it for another year or so. If I still can't slow down, I may have to go to work at the green houses or something that is only seasonal. We all have to find our personal pace that we can live and work at.
May you find Peace and Relaxation this Christmas season, before you go back and start the teaching circuit and pace again.
Kasilof, AK
you are is hard to still the mind enough to be creative at times and our best ideas and inspirations come when we are at rest...I woke up at 2 AM yesterday with a great idea to fix the quilt my son had spilled oil on when he moved from Wisconsin to Florida. It has a back with seashells and I made a 10" block with an appliqued now looks great and they are so happy. I have to act when inspiration hits or it goes out the Finished the repair job by 5 AM before they were awake. Life is good.
hi bonnie,
what if "relaxing", MEANS going ahead full steam, just doing nothing was never my thing,but i do try to enjoy where i am, i guess you could say quality fs. quanity, the crunch comes when i get into the , jus let me FINISH ....fill in the blank and forget that i'm doing this because i love it, or because i love the person i'm doing it for, or gecause i love myself and this gives me trememdous satisfaction, or a combination of all of the above. of course, when it becomes my master, and even taking a walk, or speaking to another person seems to "get in my way" i know i've gone to far. life, in fact to live it, not to get it over wtih!!!!!1
I almost never comment on posts, but this one struck a chord. I too struggle with relaxing. I work in retail and this time of year a three day weekend is unheard of, but by some strange twist one fell in place for me this weekend. Like you I'm sitting here reading blogs, crocheting, and pacing. My mind is saying go, do, be, while I know I need to take the down time and use it to repair myself. I'm on day three, it's been a struggle but I feel a hundred times better and my thoughts are clear. I'm ready to finish the season. I can go in tomorrow and be happy and energetic, the supporter my team needs! Moral of my story, you never know what's on the other side of a little slacking.
taking care of my mom...working full time...always have something to do...can't get it all done...hurry, hurry, hurry, then I crashed....I have had fibromyalgia for quite a while....but I just couldn't go anymore...I was I gulped..made the decision to retire...took my 6 months to figger out just how tired I was...couldn't slow my thoughts down....I always have loved watching birds and chippies...watching my bird feeder...doing dishes...watching the birds...breathing slowed down...shoulders dropped and relaxed...oh there is a whited breasted nuthatch..oh and a red breasted one too...oh, and he makes the neatest little sound, oh look...the ground hog had babies and look how they all are playing so much fun...and now the deer come looking to get some seeds from the feeder..oh...nature has always calmed me down...breathe...long and slow...let those shoulders drop...I love being retired...took a few years to figure out, I could do things if and when I wanted and to enjoy the moment even if I was doing nothing....
Hi Bonnie, love the little tree. Good luck cabin shopping!
I loved seeing what you're working on and going antiquing with you, too! The mini tree is perfect for the cabin, but add some empty wooden spools to it!
Hi Bonnie , first as always thanks for all you share with the quilting world. When I slow down and retire , I will finally have time to work on your wonderful mysteries that I have been downloading and saving for many years. Like others above, I feel your frustration with not being able to relax. The one small thing I have done is start doing meditation using an app, that has guided meditations. I do need someone else talking in my head or my mind would never quiet! My daughter, who is a Yoga instructor suggested "Insight Timer" I have it on both my android and apple devices. There are probably many others. Just a thought. I am not 100% consistent but do use it when I can't sleep (often) and I started the gratitude series. Like you I am lucky enough to have a "quilt villa" mine is on the ocean not the mountains but nature does help. Just wish I could be here all the time. Enjoy the holidays and good luck with your new cabin search.
My sister has the energy you do! I didn't get that much energy gene. She says she's on Full Speed or Crash. I enjoy reading about your adventures & "taking me places." Thanks for all
you do. Merry Christmas!
I always love your antique mall trips. It's my vicarious shopping thrill for new machines.
I love the little tree. Good luck on your new cabin hunt.
Merry Christmas.
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