From Houston to Home.
And time on flights to reflect and lock tight in my memory the things that meant the most during this whirlwind trip to Houston Quilt Market, 2016.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hubbub of the industry. The notions, the tools, the fabrics, the threads, the publications, the NEW NEW NEW, BETTER BETTER BETTER and that ever present push to work harder, do better, climb higher.
Until you realize that it all means NOTHING without the friendship of like-minded women and men, who just like you, get up in the morning, throw themselves into the shower before facing another day (maybe a cuppa and breakfast first) get dressed and go at it again.
It looks so glamorous on the outside, doesn’t it? But just like a carnival lit spectacularly at night that captures the wonder of all, when seen in the breaking light of dawn, you come to realize that the best part is meeting up with friends you never see enough of because you are all on this crazy merry go round of moving targets and busy travel lives.
It’s a wild Ferris Wheel, made all the better by the folks sitting next to you. Nice when you can ride it together!
These women keep me grounded. I admire them so much and have learned OH SO MUCH from what they have shared with me, and I hope I can share as much to someone else who finds their way into this whirling, swirling creative business that is always on the move.
I am shown here with Mary Koval, Marie StClair, Linda Collins and Jo Morton. You ladies are the best!
And we got LORI too!
Lori is working in the administrative area of Quilt Festival and came in on Sunday afternoon. We spent as much time as we could together. She was working in the classroom area up on level 3 when the group photo was taken above, just before I left for the airport. So happy I got to see you, Lori! Next time we need more time.
We are shown here admiring a bed turning of Linda’s antique quilts from her book Treasures from the Barn and there will be more photos to come. Some I am allowed to share, others I had to pinky swear to remain secret. So much fun, and you know how I love the antique quilts.
Scenes from my weekend!
There are SO many photos to share, so this is just a sneak preview. There will be more shared over the next several days.
And it was fun flying home on Halloween. Check out this scene from Hobby airport:
I shared this caption with the collage:
At Houston Hobby Airport ready for my flight home. Of all the photos I took at Market, I loved the wall at RJR Fabrics and this quilt in the Modern Quilt Guild display. Those two things say at all! Make more quilts, and make them with love.
This girl came to meet me at the airport!
And this was waiting in my living room.
This is the next batch of 2,000 Essential Triangle Tools that we’ve been waiting for! So guess what resumes today?
It is my goal to get these out as quickly as I can, working in the order in which orders came in, and starting right where we left off when we ran out. Thank you again for your patience! I see a light at the end of the busy tunnel!
Because of this, Quilt-Cam is on hold until after Thanksgiving. It's going to be crazy around here for a few weeks.
Starting with box #7 on the left!
I will have evening help and help through the weekend. I am home until Nov 11th when I fly to Salt Lake for a Family Reunion/Early Thanksgiving. It’s going to be epic. My mom and stepdad are coming down from Idaho. My brother and his wife are coming up from Arizona. There will be loads of family togetherness and I am so looking forward to it.
On the tail of that trip I continue up to Idaho Falls, Idaho to teach my last venue of the year. And into mystery season we go!
Quiltville Quote of the Day.
Vintage Double T quilt found Carolina.
This is something that has been weighing on my mind. It seems whenever we want to explore a new avenue, there are those on the outside looking in who want to tell us “I like this better” or “I preferred when you did it this way” or “That just isn’t you.” It can feel like the world is saying "Get back into your box!"
We can’t stay in one place simply because it makes OTHERS more comfortable to have us stay in one place. We have to progress and try new things or we stagnate.
It is important to always follow your own muse wherever it leads you, and there will be those who don't understand why you don't do things "like you always have." It is not up to us to create simply for the entertainment of others. It has to fill our hearts and souls first wherever it leads!
If where we go puts others out of their own comfort zones, so be it!
This is your journey, not theirs.
Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Woo hoo! My winning number is in box #7 :-)
Welcome Home. So happy to see the ladies with you! Quilty friends are the best!! Yea, for more Rulers in time for the Mystery.
You are the best. Thanks for the inspiration I needed today.
10 days at home before you are off again? Wow!! That is some crazy schedule, but I can tell you this... I'm looking forward to Mystery Season!!! Thanks for all you do for quilters around the globe.
You are so right, to follow our own muse to where we are to grow. And YES, my order is in box 7 too!!!!
Bonnie,I so appreciate your above comment about getting out of your box and doing things differently. I love to piece quilts. If I hadn't been able to get out of my box, I would have had to give that up. Several years ago, I lost my predominant arm. If I hadn't been able to change, I would not be able to do this anymore. Is my piecing quilt show worthy? No. Many things (mostly fabric) get thrown across the room and at times there are tears, but your upbeat comments keep me keeping on. I love you so much for un-knowingly keeping me going. Can't wait until you come in April to our state annual meeting.
Welcome home! Sadie looks happy to see you again! So glad you had a good, if frantic, time at Market and found time to catch up with likeminded friends. Friends like that are heart friends and we pick up right where we left off, even after a long time. That feels good!
Thank you for your quote today and especially for your thoughtful comments. You are so right! We need to remember to listen to our hearts and not the outside voices, however well meaning.
Love your post. So happy you had such a wonderful time in Houston! you have definitely earned it. Have a great time at your family reunion. The end is in sight on your orders, then you can enjoy the holiday/mystery season.
I don't know what happened, but the video and the pics from the airport did not show up on my computer! I'm so glad that I could read the rest of it, and happy that you're home. Lots of work to do in your living room, and Sadie looks so Happy to see you! I haven't started my Scrappy quilt yet, but I pulled fabric strips for the garlic knot. I just have to figure out the sizes for the way you did it. This is stepping outside of my box, as I always have liked things matching, and I have fallen in love with a couple of your patterns, and am going to try them. I'm also going to do the MQ, these are my favorite colors. So step outside of the box I will!
Your 2014 Grand Illusion incinerated my 'box'! LOL I have never been the same & I'm having a great time! My friends think I'm insane now (because i always did big block easy quilts) but that's ok. Creating that quilt gave me the confidence to try lots of new things. Thanks for your excellent instructions & videos. And thanks to all the Quiltvillians who have shared their tips, tricks & trials during the mysteries.
You certainly have inspired me beyond belief! I wouldn't be blogging, speaking, and doing what I do in the quilting world if it weren't for you! So, I know I have said it before, but, here it is again, THANK YOU BONNIE HUNTER! And thank YOU for keeping it real with all of us! If you stay in a box, you're bound to get stale! You go girl!
Thanks for that. Your messages are always so good! I am excited for the coming mystery quilt.
Continue being "you", developing in ways you want to go, doing things that excite you. I like following your blog, Quilt Cam and reading about all the places you visit and the photos you share. Enjoy your family get-together!
Bonnie, life is ever changing, no matter what is happening. I have own little comfy spots in quilting, and yet sometimes so unexpected happened in our life that i cab see yet another wonderfulq spect of colors and patterns finding their way into my quiltie-brain.
So do what you want to do as best as you can doit ... If people drop away, others will be added. The balance will come natually and be maintained.
God bless
I keep saying that I will not do the mystery quilt this year because I do not usually work with such small pieces. I make quilts with charms and maybe 4" cuts but seldom on angle or smaller. However, I have already picked up my paint I do feel this mystery quilt expands my horizons and forces me to cut on an angle and learn to piece smaller things. I thank you for is a learning experience without going out to class. I am 80 years young and still very active. Did not start quilting until after I retired and took a part time job in a fabric store...loved it. The person I worked with was a quilter and hooked me in. it has been at least 10 years now that I am quilting. Mostly like making totes and placemats, etc. On quilts I do QAYG mostly. Last years quilt became two lap black/red/grey...the other yellows and browns. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge with all of us.
Thank you for all wise words today! I do agree with the quote.
Welcome home again and good luck by preparing this use amound of triangle orders.....greetings Conny
It is MY journey...thank you for the reminder. I am making decisions and choices right now.
Bonnie, you are such a wise lady, and I thank you for sharing your wisdom, as well as your creativity, with all of us.
Bonnie always has such wise thoughts- and some come just at the right time. I am a school librarian, so I am always reading. Currently I am reading Surviving Middle School by Luke Reynolds. He echos what Bonnie says in this recent post about honoring yourself and being who you are even if others shout (or whisper) that it is not "you" or "cool". Two quotes from his book from my readings yesterday are from famous folks but the quotes were new to me:
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" Ralph Waldo Emerson
and this which I guess is pretty famous- maybe it just spoke to me in particular this week:
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive" Howard Thurman
I plan to do activities with my middle school students based on both of these quotes in the near future. They too need to honor who they are and embrace differences rather than conform.
Bonnie- thank you for your hard work and kind spirit. I hope your reunion is epic and you have a few days to rest and enjoy family AND do what your heart calls you to do!
Dear Bonnie,
Just be you...Creating is always an exploration of what's next.Keep growing ,keep creating!Always thankful what who you are and what you've taught me.
Always quilting,Maryse
Bonnie, I almost cried when I read your words. I am breaking away from what I have been doing for a long time and I am exploring new ground. Thank you for the encouragement.
LOL... thank you for your contribution to my life! thank you for the "warning" that you may be taking a new path... whatever you decide is good for you, is fine with me... new house, new methods/style? you have my full support even if I choose not to follow the new path, I will watch and encourage and enjoy... it's what "we" do! <3 Cats
Have fun growing and trying new things. It's YOUR life, not other's life. Only the comments from your family really count, since it affects their life in more important ways. Enjoy your family reunion and early Thanksgiving. Those are the important things.
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