I’m just hanging out with the locals!
There is a lot to be said for taking a few days without a sewing machine in tow.
Eventually you have to look up from the project and pay attention to what is going on around you or you just might miss it.
I spent some time yesterday just enamored with these birds – are they ibis? walking around the sandy areas as if they owned the place.
In a way, I guess they do!
Yesterday was day 2 of scuba instruction for the hubster, and that left me time to explore a bit, to kick back and relax a bit.
And to monitor how the release of Part 1 for our En Provence mystery was going.
So far, so good! At least for my part I didn’t find any major faux pas, I think everything was explained in as much detail as possible when it comes to the construction of 221 4-patches, etc.
There have been several emails on “where can I find…..” and my answer is simple. It’s all under the En Provence mystery tab at the top of the blog. Yesterday’s part 1 has been added to the line up, and Monday we’ll add a link to our Mystery Monday Link-Up to the line up as well. It’s all going to be there.
Binding by the canal!
I was actually in a shaded area under a “tiki hut” kind of covering, and the shade was lovely.
I brought my Craftoptics Telescopes with me….I can’t bind without them! Folks may look at me funny when I bind in public, but as soon as I flip up the telescopes and let them peer through them and see the difference, they are amazined.
I also got this info from Jeff at Craftoptics to share with you:
Just in case anyone asks, we are running our holiday sale now through next week which is $75 off the complete set, free $40 travel case, free shipping and as always, money back guarantee. Anyone going to our website gets a popup where they can get the coupon." DEAL! Check it out at Craftoptics.com
There is more than binding on the canal!
The ORIGINAL African Queen is in Key Largo! I recognizedd it even before I read the weather beaten sign. I love this movie. My inner old movie fan just had to run over and TOUCH the African Queen.
I held myself back from climbing in --
But it wasn’t easy!
I can hear that steam engine chugging away in my mind. I’m going to pull this movie out when I get home and watch it AGAIN. Such a classic.
Katherine Hepburn, my heroine!
Sun, surf, and tiki shade!
No Manatees yet, but I haven’t given up hope.
Today’s plan is to drive down to Key West – there may even be a quilt shop run while down there as I found one on google. Maybe a photo of “THE QUILT” at the southern most point marker?
It’s just a day trip, we’ll be back up in Key Largo tonight by dinner time.
Ah, bliss!
I wanted to throw in just a bit of mystery housekeeping here. I've mentioned this in years past, but we have loads of newbies this year and I think it bears repeating.
En Provence is a READER APPRECIATION mystery. It’s for you, m y blog readers. Therefore, please do not give out piece counts and directions for this quilt on your own blog. You can link to mine and tell folks where to get the info. Feel free to share the photos as you are working on yours, but please – no sizes or numbers, and by all means do not save my pdf instructions, host them on your own website and link to them or post them on your own blog. You may link to the En Provence tab at the top of my blog so everyone knows where to find the info here.
I think you understand why, and all you have to do is put yourself into my shoes to know how it would feel if you found those kind of things happening.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
How about some vintage Sea Turtles while I'm in Key Largo! Such a fun Drunkard's Path variation. The quilt was made as a 100 year celebration for a church and is signed by members. 1884 to1984. Mary we send out boomerangs of kindness and joy!
Quilt shared by Kevin H @photokevin74
And off to Key West we go!

Yes, they are Ibis and they're everywhere here, I hope you get to see them balancing on the electric wires in the morning, amazing! Enjoy the trip down to Key West, the ride alone is worth the trip.
Bonnie I think your directions are wonderful and easy to follow. I especially like the reminders section which sums it up so clearly. Glad you are enjoying Florida. It has been perfect quilting weather in Indiana😊
I think I'm going to have to make a visit to Florida! Thank you so much for the mystery!
Thanks for the mystery Quilt Bonnie! I'm saving up to do it in the New Year as I have just to many other things happening right now. Glad you are enjoying your time in Florida. If you happen to get to the Tampa area, there is a Manatee Viewing Center near Apollo Beach, FL (south of Tampa along the coast near the electric plant)
Protected marine reserve with a 50-ft. observation tower, trails, a boardwalk & butterfly gardens.
Address: 6990 Dickman Rd, Apollo Beach, FL 33572
Glad yo are having a great time! Thanks for the fun mystery
Looks like you are enjoying your vacation. Looking forward to seeing those Key West quilt photos (at the end of the mystery!!)
It's great that you're have a restful and fun R&R. I too love old movies and can watch and rewatch and even tho I know them by heart I still continue to enjoy. I am a newer reader, Follower, etc., altho when I blogged year ago I read along then too. My quilting muse rather suffered for a while but it spontaneously has returned so I'm busy with some stuff, smiling as I go. I just within a week or so discovered your quilt cam videos so I'm a new viewer. Haven't yet caught one live but hope I can manage that. Thanks for your kind contributions to quilters all over the world, me included. :)
Lucky you on the beach this weekend! I hope you are soaking in all the sunshine! I've cut the strips for my mystery quilt and will be sewing in the next few days. I'm hoping that since I'm doing half the units this time, I can keep up with you!
Sounds like you are having a great time. I just wanted to repeat something I posted on Facebook (given the traffic there, I'm not sure how much you get a chance to read the comments). Thank you SO MUCH, Bonnie, for the extra effort you made for us non-scrappy types. I for one really appreciated the two options for neutrals, after reading the instructions which would have meant cutting up my one fabric and sewing it right back together :) I took your advice and dug out a second option, and made up all my checkerboards yesterday.
I'm a teeny bit jealous of the warm weather you are enjoying. It is getting cold in Wyoming. But good news, my rulers arrived on Friday, so I am all set for En Provence. Been sewing some 4 patches intermittently while preparing to travel to Colorado for 2 days. Had to dig out a few more neutrals, more whitish instead of the creams I had pulled. Mixing it up! Thanks for the great instructions on Part 1/
Your directions were great. I spun my seams for the first time. The craft optics link isn't working for me
I'm going to the web site and check them out
We've seen some of those missing manatees further up the Gulf coast in Tarpon Springs, FL, where I am on vacation!
Love the Ibis photo. It's worth framing. A road trip down the Keys is on my bucket list. We made it to Key West a couple of years ago. Fun place - hope you had a piece of frozen Key Lime pie. Enjoy your special time with DH.
Oh, you lucky girl! Getting to see the actual African Queen! I would have wanted to touch it too! I just re-watched this wonderful classic movie recently; speaking for myself, it's amazing the nuances a person can draw from the same movie when viewed a second time after the ensuring years have added some maturity. It's one that I will hope to purchase for my library of classics. I loved seeing the pictures you have taken while in Florida. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Absolutely love my CraftOptics... best purchase this year.
I hope you are really enjoying the sun, surf relaxation! You certainly deserve it! How nice to see the African Queen up close and personal! Enjoy your weekend, we will all be waiting for you when you get back home!
Kasilof, AK
It's been about 30 years since I was last in the Keys. Had a vacation on what I can only describe as a floating mobile home. Wonderful. Enjoy the rest of your break. Have missed going away this year so I'm rather jealous of you but hey, you more than deserve it.
I"m glad you are relaxing. Your vacation is just what I'd be doing. Hubby taking scuba lessons and me sewing. Carol
If that quote is accurate, you are going to be blessed a million times over! Thank you for all you do for US!!!! You are such an inspiration!
Thank you for all you give us. So glad you are having this time with Hubby. Ron and I drove out to CA to visit with family. While there and while on the road, I stitched away. I am using EPP to make 6 pointed stars. Later these will be joined by hexies. This is going to be queen sized and will be the first quilt that I made for us. Everything else I have made have been for others. And there is no deadline! Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
Looks like a great day at the beach. Love the shared pics. We haven't made it to the keys, but you never know what lies ahead. That sand was so different from our Northumberland Strait stuff. We live on such a fascinating planet. Enjoy Bonnie.
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