Some of the best memories from Quilt Market happen OUTSIDE of Quilt Market!
As authors, instructors and designers – we are QUILTERS first. And we often don’t get enough time during the year to be in the same place at the same time. But when things like Quilt Market happen, we gather from all 4 corners of the globe and though our days are busy with obligations to do a book signing here, give a schoolhouse there, film a video tutorial at this time, or do a demo at this booth at this time, the EVENINGS are ours, and we grab them and run with it.
Lori from Humble Quilts and I have been friends for nigh on 20 years now. She flew into Houston to work Festival, and our itineraries BARELY overlapped. We had one evening to share starting at 8pm because of a meeting she had, and I was flying OUT the next day.
Linda Collins of Quilts in the Barn from Australia invited us over for a bed turning of antique quilts and to share not only the beauteous antiques, but also her inspirations from them. We could not be more thrilled!
We checked Lori’s luggage in with the concierge at the Hilton and trotted down the street to the Embassy Suites where Linda and Maree were staying.
Oh, the anticipation as each layer of quilts was unveiled revealing another breath catching beauty beneath.
Antique Log Cabin!
We loved that bottle green stripe!
There is so much you can learn from studying antique quilts. First and foremost….forget the perfection. And contrast? Sometimes it’s highly over-rated!
And it’s okay if similar things sit side by side!
It adds interest!
Linda’s recreation in a different size. LOVE IT!
I’ll never get tired of the simplicity and intricacy of a log cabin quilt. If you are in a slump, just get in there and make some blocks. These only require 3 fabrics each, 2 for the logs and one for the center. Linda’s book Treasures from the Barn will get you on your way!
Eensy Stars!
Linda doing some ‘splaining!
The lights of downtown Houston are in the background through the window. Such a modern bustling contrast to the antique quilts!
Star too big? JUST CUT IT OFF!
Maree sharing the hand-dyed backing.
So interesting!
Little Boy’s Britches!
Lori pointing out her favorite bits.
And see what’s underneath?
Linda’s interpretation!
Even a mini version!
And quilt after quilt was revealed.
We marveled at the fabrics. We touched the stitches, joining centuries past with our own.
What would these makers think of our oohing and ahhing?
Lovely baskets!
This one had us turning cartwheels!
Aged and deteriorating, it is still beautifully magnificent.
Look at the block quilting.
Circles and curved lines. Lovely.
Talking about scale and angle with our eve favorite tumblers!
See the fabric with the bell?
Centennial Fabric! 1876!
Medallion love!
The border diamonds are large half-square triangles.
Linda is pointing out some “frugal piecing” to make a piece big enough to cut that one triangle out of. Quilters used fabric however they had to to make it work. Many of these were pieced in mirror-image so that the stripes aligned – can you see?
Make your border long enough, and just cut it off 
Antique Album Love!
Love these fabric prints.
And this one, biggie sized! THAT FLORAL!
So glad I got to see you, Lori!
And thanks to Linda and Maree for the beautiful bed turning!
If you are interested in recreating any one of these beautiful antiques, please as for Linda’s book “Treasures From The Barn” at your local quilt shop or favorite online retailer. It’s published by Quiltmania, known for their beautiful books on vintage and antique quilts.
This is a long long post, so I’m not going to throw a lot of “around here” detail in.
This is where I spent my yesterday!
And THESE are on their way to you!
Most of these went to the post office before they closed yesterday afternoon. Just a handful will be filled this morning so it is safe to say that invoice box #7 is DONE! On to box #8 today.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
During the month of November I like to focus on one thing each day that I am really grateful for. After returning from Quilt Market in Houston, today I am especially thankful for friends! They make me want to be a much better person through their examples. And I’m also thankful that Linda was kind enough to let me share the photos of the quilts from her book with you!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Beautiful quilts, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing. I believe I am in box 8, so grateful for all you have done to inspire also many quilters. Bless you
Thank you for sharing. They are just beautiful. It looks like you had such a wonderful time. Thank you again for all you do,
Thanks Bonnie! That was a treat! Question...what is the difference between log cabin and courthouse steps? The log cabin in these photos is what I thought courthouse steps is. One year I hope to go to Quilt Festival. So much inspiration!
Love all of the quilts! Bet there were no quilt police back then.
What a treat! Thank you for taking us to the bed turning with you!
Loved the impromptu Bed Turning! Lucky to have friends who save Antique quilts like you. Friends are the best gift you give yourself.
I love the cheddar quilt you chose as your inspiration today. I was looking closely at it, thinking it was appliqué, but the corners of the block look to be pieced. Is that correct?
Hi Bonnie & Lori
Thank you for sharing with us.....we had a great time! Hope next year to spend even more time with you!
Maree StClair
Lucky YOU . You see all those beautiful quilts in one place
Thanks for sharing. Love see old quilts and thinking how the lives may have been for the quilters.
Thanks for sharing. Love see old quilts and thinking how the lives may have been for the quilters.
I think it's important to note
That Australians have very few antique quilts available to them...
They were used up in very hard times and fabric was very very difficult
To come by..... It's still
Very expensive etc today. Anyway-
There's a whole Australian history on THEIR antique quilts that I find so
Interesting and it has shaped and influenced their quilting styles . Australian history is fascinating to
Me. Linda's book has been on my list for a while now. I have gravitated to their (Australian) books and styles and colors for A While Now. Thanks For Sharing Bonnie.
Yes - a big thanks to Linda for letting you post these on your blog. I loved seeing these quilts through your eyes :0)
Thanks for sharing these gorgeous quilts! I have several quilts that my grandmother and greatgrandmothers made. Sadly, I don't remember who made which ones but I love them just the same. Maybe someday I can share them with you!
Stunning quilt,thanks for sharing!
Australia's oldest known quilt is the Rajah quilt hand stitched by convict women being transported from England to Tasmania on the convict ship of the same name Rajah in 1841, I had the pleasure to see it recently at an exhibition in Melbourne called " Making the Australian Quilt 1800-1950".....this exhibition finishes on 6th Nov. Linda Collins has beautiful quilt shows at her barn, lucky for me I live nearby,......thanks for sharing Linda's work to the world.
Oh how stinking wonderful that you met up with Lori D. I am a fan of hers too. I read her daily too.
Sounds like you had so much fun in Houston. Good for you! Love you.
Honestly, I don't know how you can keep up the pace that you do. I always love reading your blog, daily, well that's if I'm in range of Internet
You go girl!
Thank you for reacting to fellow awesome quilter Tim Latimer from Michigan. His skill is awesome. I can't believe he recieved so many neg comments. I was so worried about him because he hadn't posted in a month or more but I sat tight and didn't try to contact him.
I read many blogs over morning coffee. You, Lori D, Randy, that man quilts blog, Kevin the quilter, selvedge blog., and more. But these mentioned are my staple. Thank you for you blogs! You enrich my life!
Even the f I don't learn something I do love reading you all. Thank you, thank you.
Donna in Wisconsin
Loved the bed turning and those antique quilts are fabulous. Thanks much for sharing with us.
What a beautiful display of quilts. It makes me wonder why so many people are very picky about everyone's quilts being exact these days. All the antiques, as you point out, have pieces joined, points cut off and 1/4 of a block cut off to fit the border. AND we admire them. Why can't people just let everyone do their own work happily and encourage them instead of criticising them. Gorgeous work.
Love loved the quilts, I will look for her book. Thanks for sharing.
Love seeing the antique quilts, and I love, love, love cheddar. I am making a quilt using Kona "School Bus" as the background. Thanks for sharing!
How are you folks knowing what is your number from your invoice? I paid with paypal and only see a very long 17 digit number that does not seem to correspond with the numbers I see Bonnie posting. I'm not rushing her- but now I'm curious as to how folks are following their invoice number-
I never tire of looking at antique quilts! Wonderful inspiration! Thanks for sharing them with us.
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