Good Morning!
Do you know, that simply by saying “GOOD MORNING!” and meaning it, you have set the tone for your day?
And this morning I am starting out with a couple of quilty things just so I don’t bore you with the details of envelope stuffing.
Or the fact that the g key on my keyboard doesn’t want to function….tap tap tap, pound pound pound…maybe it needs new batteries? It’s like a dull rotary blade, just a few more cuts and THEN I’ll change it.
I stopped the order filling at 7pm last night. Enough was enough. I needed some relax time.
I finished season 4 of Longmire not long after it was released last year, and I have been waiting for The Hubster to be out of town so I could binge-watch season 5. Made it through TWO episodes last night while stitching this binding!
And scrappy 4 patches and strings!
Great combo, don’t you think?
I’m making great headway on the quilts needed for the next book down the pipeline, the follow up to String Fling. (Hit the g again, and again and again….don’t leave it at Strin Flin!)
This quilt makes me happy!
And notice the quilt on the back of my binding chair…more on that down the post.
More bins were acquired at the post office in the afternoon run!
What a beautiful October afternoon!
In total, I dropped 33 bins of orders off at this little country post office yesterday. And I can officially say that:
If your invoice number is 5120 or lower, it is on its way to you!
I made it through invoice box 2!
Now I know this sounds like it is going to take FOREVER for me to get to those higher invoice numbers, but it’s not as bad as you think. About half the people ordered just the book, not the book and ruler together, or just the ruler. Those invoices have already gone out. And there are a vast number of invoices between all of these numbers that were digital pattern sales when I was running the special sale for the release of the H is for Happy and Spanish Rose. Those orders were delivered automatically to people’s inboxes, so those invoices weren’t even in the line up to be printed.
It’s less than HALF as bad as you think!
It’s less than HALF as bad as you think!
Also good news from C&T. More rulers are on their way. I should have another 500 rulers by the end of the month. And another 2,000 is due in November, along with another 2,000 copies of the Addicted to Scraps book and that should get us through to January. WE ARE GOOD!
Questions that have come in: “Will we be using the Essential Triangle Tool in this year’s mystery?”
Now that we are just a couple weeks away from the release of the theme, colors and yardage requirements I can let you know that YES! We are using it for the mystery.
Never fear, if you have the rulers from previous mysteries, you can still use those. But if you want to upgrade and follow along with my tutorials that will be given during the mystery [what a better time to teach the ins and outs and the differences and benefits of the Essential Triangle Tool?!] you might want to place your order now so it will be delivered before you need it at the end of November. And I’m selling it for $3.00 cheaper than Amazon. And they have it back-ordered until February.
And Sadie watches on as mama stuffs envelopes!
And I spent a tiny bit of time with this because I couldn’t stand it.
It’s time to add the backgrounds to my string pumpkins. I had an idea. What if I use the gifted grey scraps that were sent to me after Allietare was revealed and use THEM as the background for the pumpkins instead of the solid black?
It has a softer look that is more “fall” not strictly “Halloween.” And the black is SO stark. And then QUILTING becomes an issue because I don’t like black thread crossing over the pumpkins and green stems, and I don’t want orange or lighter colored thread going over the solid black areas either. Solid fabrics show EVERYTHING.
Okay. That’s it. Time to change batteries…this keyboard is driving me nuts…be right back….
MUCH BETTER! [It’s the little things, right?!]
So this is where I’m at.
Just a couple with grey backgrounds and I really like them!!
I posted a couple photos on Instagram and Facebook yesterday and the consensus was 66% liking the black, and 34% leaning toward the grey….and I think I’m going to have to do TWO quilts. LOL. What a problem to have.
Maybe the large quilt with grey, and a table runner with the black for Halloween?
But I’d like your input. Even though I will likely go the way I WANT to go, it’s still fun to see what you think. Remember, this is a pattern for the NEXT book, so you won’t see the final layout for a long long time, just showing the blocks here, not giving a pattern.
Oh, and the quilt on my chair? It’s the Quote of the Day:
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage broken dishes in a nine patch quilt found in North Carolina.
Every day is a brand new chapter. We can fill the pages however we want to. The past doesn't dictate who we are becoming.
But my present dictates that I’ll be in the dining room stuffing envelopes with book and tool orders, and blowing lots of quilty wishes inside each package!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

I like the gray for the reasons you mentioned. More modern renditions of Halloween quilts are using more unusual colors anyway, so you will be in the "trend."
Love the Grey as background! Much softer! Enjoy your stitching.
Love, Ria.
Love the show Longmire - if you like westerns you might want to try Hell on Wheels - set in the 1860's laying out the railroad to the west - took me a couple shows to get into it but now I am hooked. it is on Netflix
So glad for the success of your new tool and book. It may be work but as the saying goes when you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life. I'm looking forward to new mystery. Last year was my first mystery and I've been quilting for years. I didn't think I would like it but I really did. I learned that a mystery can get you outside your box and it made me experiment with quilting pieces. You just can't avoid arranging all those pieces and it's fun. Hope you finish soon but don't push yourself too hard. That book and ruler will be fun whenever we get it.
I like every thing you do. Can't wait to see order 7219 being shipped. Shame on me for waiting so long but have had so much going on. My i daughter had surgery and while I was in Atlanta my mom passed away. 2 weeks I want to go away. But have fond memories.
I love the string-pieced pumpkins! How 'bout mixing it up?--use both the black background & the gray background in the same quilt? I'm thinking trick-or-treating starts at dusk--goes through twilight & ends (hopefully!) in dark night. Perhaps "fade" the backgrounds across the quilt? Thanks for asking for input, Bonnie--your ideas are always so beautiful.
Ok that's it!! I'm treating myself to a early Xmas present and ordering the ruler for my big Xmas present-- the mystery quilt!! Thanks Bonnie for letting us know it will be featured in the mystery quilt coming up.
I LOVE the Scrappy! I also love Longmire! Great show and hubby and I still need to finish Season 5 but, we almost hate to since it took so long to wait for the newest season!
For a large quilt I would go with the gray background. The black background really makes the pumpkin orange pop, but I think it would be too overwhelming in a large quilt.
While I like the idea of seasonal decor, I live in a small home and there is limited storage. For that reason, and the aesthetics, I like the grey better. But a black backgrounded table runner would be fun and small enough to justify something that would only be out a couple of weeks.
I prefer the gray. Excited to see the finished quilt
The gray distinguishes the quilt from every other standard Halloween quilt. Surely you have considered part-time help with order filling? He/she could work while you are out of town so you're not tripping over each other. You would come home to more hubby, Sadie, and quilting time, no? Just my 2 cents. Any chance for quilt-cam soon? Best wishes.
I like the grey, especially since it's more scrappy!
"This quilt makes me happy" too! Every time I see it, every new setting, different lighting, new angle -- I love it. I know you cannot reveal much since it is going in the nextvbook, but does this quilt have a name? It is amazing that you complete enough quilts to publish another book, along with other sundry quilts and a mystery or two while I am still piecing just a couple from my ever-growing list to make. You are amazing, Bonnie.
The gray in the picture looks like a bluish gray or perhaps a grayish blue. I do like that better than the black for the pumpkins. The black is so predicable
I saw a pumpkin quilt with all gray background. Each pumpkin was a little different shape. I think the gray was all just solid gray. I think I saw it on Pinterest which I just discovered. I am really hooked and may have to have an intervention...geri A.
Finally decided to go ahead and order the bundle today, I'm order 7361 so I know I am going to have a wait but it will be worth it. I did get the Wanderlust Runner and plan to work on it as soon as I am over this slight cold.
I really like the gray. It makes it look more falls than Halloween(which I love) that you would only use for a little while each year. Good luck with your order filling.
I think using the pumpkins with the black background for a table runner is a fab idea. Like you said, more Halloween-ie, with the gray more of a fall quilty feel. Would you consider altering the gray backgrounds with purple backgrounds? or other fall colors as backgrounds? That may make a nice, colorful autumny - pumpkiny quilt.
I love the grey background. Once the quilt is all sewn together it won't matter what the background colour is. You could add grey to the alternative blocks. That will make it all cohesive and that's when the magic happens. You are a pro at this though so whatever colour you use it will look amazing.
Halloween is Orange & Black...Black. lime green & purple too. Orange, Black, Lime & Purple. all Beautiful colors...Let us know what you decide.
Oh, I didn't even know that keyboards use batteries..what a ditz I am.
See, I Learn a lot from you.
Hugs, Debra in Ma.
I really like the gray. It is a softer look and unexpected, much like the pink and aqua we are now seeing for Christmas.
I'm voting for the grey background because black and orange are traditionally Halloween colors and the grey is softer and easier on the eyes. It also can be used for a longer period of time.
Hope the playing cards are in stock too? I ordered a CARTON of 12. One deck to each of my quilt guild members....
You have inspired me! I have some leftover 12 inch star blocks that I want to set on the diagonal and therefore will need large setting triangles. String ones will be much more interesting than plain ones!
I like that quilt that was n the back of your chair...what a homey comfortable looking one it is.
Love dropping by to read the blog...and also hopefully see the sweetest pup in NC!
I agree with Carol LaPorte. When I was reading the blog I thought dusk to dawn and alternate the blocks. Or adjust them to go on point? However it ends up, it will be a fun quilt - or two!
The pumpkins look great in both colors... yep, gonna need another quilt. The greys are unexpected. We always see orange pumpkins with black of some sort... maybe a black with a print? Cute both ways. Have fun.
Looking at sweet Sadie I see her thoughts,"If only I had Thumbs, Mama, I would help you with the envelopes"
Does the mailperson smile at you when you bring all of your bins in and shout with glee, "Job Security".
I always love your Quotes of the Day. They inspire me and remind me what is important. They sometimes change how my whole day goes.
"There is a reason your windshield is so big and your rear view mirror is so small".
Personally, I like the black, but, I don't like grey. All a personal choice. Poor Sadie looks like she needs some petting. Too many orders, not enough Sadie time. That will change soon. Hope you aren't too busy.
Bonnie - I would say go with what you want - everyone can change the pattern colors to their wants/likes . . . and your color sense is beyond compare !!
I like the gray for the reasons you mentioned, but I also like the starker contrast that the black gives. I also think since the pumpkins themselves don't scream Halloween, I don't see the black background as screaming it (at least not as loud). I guess this is all to say, I like them both for different reasons.
I like that quilt you're binding better and better every time you post a new photo - so lovely with the brights against those darker neutrals! It's been fun watching it grow. Looking forward to the pattern someday when the next book is ready, and to seeing what name you choose for it. Thanks for the sneak peak into projects for a book that's still a ways off.
Congrats on your success with the current book and ruler - it's so well-deserved! Thanks for all the hard work you put in, and for all you put up with. Give that sweet Sadie an ear-rub from me!
I have to vote for the gray too. Makes the pumpkins look more spooky! I've got to order that ruler and trying to decide which books I want. You're addictive and fun!
I like the earlier suggestion someone made about mixing the black and grey backgrounds to give more interest.
Have you thought about quilting with an orangey color of thread?
I vote for the black background, the contrast is better.
Your mailing job seems overwhelming....but little by little adds up to being done, eventually.
I don't know how you keep up your pace, you should bottle your secret.
Gray all the way.
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