Poor Sadie Jane.
She looks a bit neglected and dejected – wondering why Mama hasn’t left the dining room table all day.
And WHY has the living room turned into a warehouse of boxes of all things?
It’s a well known fact that Sadie does NOT like boxes of any kind. We think she was traumatized as a pup by being put in boxes as she shakes when boxes are brought into the room, and even the task of breaking down boxes so they lie flat sends her into the other room to hide.
And bubble wrap? She hates that too!
We got Sadie as a nearly 1 year old pup from a no-kill shelter when living in South Carolina, so we have no idea what her previous life was like, we just know we are her third family and some experiences from early pup-hood are rooted so deeply that there is no getting over them.
But Sadie! These boxes are unavoidable! And they will go down quickly as we do this:
This is pull #1 of many yesterday!
We have started in earnest! And some of you will be receiving these within the next few days as I dropped off the first load at the post office yesterday.
I even brought a copy of the Addicted to Scraps Book with me to show the postal gals just what was in all of these packages that have been going out over the past eight years. In all of this time I had never handed them a book to check out just what it is that goes on a mere mile from the little country post office and they were tickled to see it!
[Yes, my social life at home consists mainly of visits to the post office and the grocery store!]
I love these gals. Sherry has been there since I first moved here as postmaster. Aspen is the other postal worker and together the two of them run this place. Who buys a house based on proximity to the post office? ME! And these gals are always ready with a happy greeting “Welcome back! Where have you been? Tell us where you went. Where are you going next?” They’ve got my business and my back and I am excited to see their excitement as we go into yet another book release event. “Bring it on!” they say as they hand me more mail tubs for the next day’s filling.
Those of you who are waiting for the Essential Triangle Tool or have placed an order for the Book & Tool Bundle will be receiving an email saying that your order is PROCESSING along with those who ordered just the book. Processing doesn’t mean that rulers are in house yet, it just means that your invoice and mailing label has been printed, and I can go ahead and stick the label to your package so I am ready when the tools do arrive. It gets them out of the queue in the Quiltville Store so that I know which invoices have been printed and which ones haven’t.
Invoices are then filed into one of two camps: Those that can ship NOW, and those waiting for the tool. Sort, sort, sort!
The bundled orders or those orders with Essential Triangle Tools will be filled and shipped in the order in which they were received as soon as tools arrive – and I hope it is soon!
So just know that “Processing” means I’ve printed you out and you are ready to go as soon as we have delivery. YAY.
This is off the machine!
I was able to quilt the last few rows while invoices were spitting out of my printer last evening. Nothing like double timing in the studio.
A somewhat scrappy plaid back!
I’ve got some largish hunks of plaids and homespuns that made up for a quick backing with plenty of character to match the front. This is a big quilt. I’m sure I cleared out 7 to 8 yards of somewhat large-ish pieces. I love clearing out stash this way. That big hunk of red? I don’t know where I got it, but it looks and feels almost vintage due to the weave. Happy to find a place for this large plaid to land.
Close up!
The quilting design is called Agave by Patricia Ritter of Urban Elementz. I like this so much that I might be putting it on the Sandy Strings quilt too….great texture, don’t you agree?
This might happen this evening.
Right now there are more book orders to attend to. I’ve got it down to a system. I fill fill fill until it’s time to get them to the post office – about 4:15pm to avoid the last minute lines.
In the evening I can putter a bit in the studio while the invoices print for the next day’s round. I’m doing everything I can to get as many as I can out before I head to Rhode Island on Tuesday. This book delivery thing happened at the PERFECT time! It’s going like clock-work!
Did you enter to win?
We’ve also got an exciting giveaway going – We are bundling Nancy Mahoney’s Beginning EQ Webinar AND Designing with EQ7 Course for one lucky winner!
Click to the Giveaway Post to enter to win!
Read down the page, find the blue “Add your link” button, put in your name and email address and wait and see! Drawing to happen on Monday evening. So far over 1,000 of you have already entered. It’s going to go to someone, it might as well be YOU!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Wanderlust quilt from my new book release Addicted to Scraps, in pre-order status on my website now!
Come see all of the quilts and read the nitty gritty HERE! SEW EXCITED!
It’s Friday! Have a good one!

Good morning from Little Rock, Arkansas.
Oh I wish I could help you send out all these books! As a librarian I love putting books in people's hands😊 I'd be so happy helping you with this happy task
My rescued shelter dog was frightened by bubble wrap too, we thought it was because it sounded like BB gun pops, so sad what some of these dogs may have gone through.
Got my "order processing" Email yesterday, Thanks! I can hardly wait to page through it and admire the quilts.
Sadie needs to hang out with my boys, Poly and Dac (cats), to learn how FUN boxes are. They think boxes are pure heaven! No matter how big or small--they love them.
Looking forward to getting my book! Thanks for all you do for us. :)
It's good when the local Post Office has your back. I've pretty much lost faith in the postal system since the area sorting center got moved to Omaha....way to many things have gotten lost and I hold my breath every time I mail off an insurance premium or credit card payment. Everything else gets paid online anymore.
Poor Sadie Jane must have had some bad experiences in her life before she landed in the Hunter household where she's Top Dog. She looks like such a sweetie that it makes me sad to think her earlier life made her afraid of simple things like boxes and bubble wrap. My son's dog & cat will be arriving for a week's stay any time now. As far as I know neither one of them is afraid of ANYTHING. Son says the cat is just plain ornery! I'll have fun spoiling them.
Good morning from hot, humid New Jersey. You have probably already thought of this, but I'm sure both Mama and Sadie would benefit from a short, easy walk around the property every so often. You can come back refreshed and get at the orders again. Best wishes for a productive day.
Poor Sadie Jane. She does look forlorn. But I know it won't last for long. You are one busy lady. Thanks for all you do. I'm waiting to order after the ruler comes! Next month maybe. I wish I could make all of your quilts, but a few will do. Lol.
OH SWEET SADIE JANE... she obviously was abused somehow. And to think her very own MOMMY plays with those dratty boxes! Just hug her a lot, hugs do help down deep.
Not sure how your mini-warehouse can all be shipped. Hoping you get family help in someway. Even a short stroll can do good for you and your precious pup. Take the time to take the time. :)
Tell your helpers THANKS! You do so much for all of us. The Books going out is exciting for us as much as it is for you! We will hopefully be making a quilt from the Book at our PNW Retreat next year. I'm excited to see you in person again! I Hope you will bring the Book Quilts for us to see. Have fun getting that Binding on! No seams in the Corners, fingers crossed!
Try putting a box on the floor on its side, and leaving some high value treats inside. An animal behavioural therapist might have some useful ideas.
Morning Bonnie, thank you for the explanation on the orders with the tool. I'm looking forward to your new book and having a cup of coffee on my deck while I page thru it and pick my next quilt. I'm still working on my tumblers and Bricks in the Barnyard that I started when you were in TN. Thank you for all you do for us fabric folks.
I have to say we can relate to poor little Miss Sadie's frightening past here at our home. We rescued a Boxer literally off the streets. He was malnourished, had a bad case of heartworm and it was strongly evident that he had been severely beaten and abused by a male figure in his life. We have had him for 7 years now and he is just now getting almost within petting distance to any unknown men. It took him 7 months to walk into our restrooms. I'm happy to say that he has become my husband's right hand dog now. He is such a sweetheart full of love to give to any women and a true lover of children. How could some man put such fear into him is beyond my comprehension.
Jeri Oldtisme@aol.com
Good Luck Bonnie, you are working so hard!! Give Sadie a big hug from all of her quilter friends. Humans who abuse animals should be severely punished in my book!!!
Thanks for all you do for all of us.
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