We discovered some midnight shenanigans on our trail cam that records activity at the deer feeder.
A whole HOARD of them!
At one time we counted FIVE…all seen in the shadows of night by the reflection in their beady little eyes.
Our feeder is automated and is set to go at 8pm and 6am and while we have seen fox, loads of squirrels, birds and plenty of deer, this is the first time we’ve caught so many raccoons scrounging for food.
One little guy was pretty determined! After a while on the ground, he decided it was time to CLIMB!
And up he goes!
Much to the entertainment of the other woodland creatures….take a look what was seen in the shadows of this photo:
The raccoon is hanging on to the distributor….he’s NEVER going to be able to get at the food that way, it’s all in the drum above. But do you see the deer off to the left? At first, before lightening these photos up greatly so that we could actually see more than just beady eyes…I couldn’t see the deer! I’m sure she is shaking her head at raccoon antics at this point.
After a giant laugh, a quick fix came to mind. I grabbed a can of non-stick cooking spray and sprayed down all 3 legs and the distributor on the feeder. Now I’m just waiting for more photos that show me failed attempts and raccoons sliding DOWN the pole because they can’t get a grip!
Last evening on the porch!
Is there anything better than burgers on the grill and an evening full of Farkle playing on a front porch? Temps had cooled off due some weather that came through and oh what weather there was:
Giant thunderheads in a Carolina blue sky!
The cloud formations over the mountains always capture me. And they change so quickly. This one was quite rumbly even with the sun shining and Sadie was pretty well wigged out over it all.
But it blew on by and she helped me model!
Another top ready to quilt!
I had a lot of fun doing the barn raising layout with the Scrappy Mountain Majesties blocks. This will be added to the “needs to be quilted” queue for sometime this fall.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage 16 patch quilt found in Denver, Colorado.
Leonardo Da Vinci was an amazing man! Excited to be headed back to Italy on a Mediterranean cruise this week - home to Leonardo. Not only was he an incredible artist, but his inventions were many including mechanical weaving looms, the precursor to how fabric is woven today!
I’m heading down the mountain, it’s time to pack! We head to Barcelona tomorrow!

Oh, those raccoons are too funny! Can't wait to see what happens when they try climbing with that spray oil on the frame! Lol.
You just kill me with these big quilts, Bonnie! Is that Scrappy Mountains quilt KING size?! It's really beautiful. Have you considered making smaller quilts to take on your trips? It would either reduce the weight in your bags OR it would allow you to take more quilts with you because each quilt would weigh less. Although, I do have to say, seeing your quilts in person and seeing the SIZE of them is quite breathtaking!
Years ago my mom had an ongoing "battle" with a squirrel who raided her bird feeder. One day she greased the pole holding the feeder with car motor oil. The squirrel showed up for his usual feast only to find that he slid all the way down the pole without reaching the feeder, thanks to the oil. The FUNNIEST part was seeing him sit there and look down at his tummy which was covered in oil, trying to figure out what was wrong! This is a BEAUTIFUL quilt ... might need to start making blocks for that as my side Leader/Ender project. Linda
@sally langston warren: This quilt is for the cabin, so it was made to fit a specific bed. I do make big quilts. I have no shortage of fabric, and no need for small quilts...but you can make them any size that you want to just by making fewer blocks :)
Best wishes for an exciting cruse! Many, many of us at home will be enriched by your adventures! Cherry Boom
"cruise" that is! Sitting on my deck overlooking Lake Erie. Good morning to you!
I put automotive grease on my bird feeder pole so the squirrels can't get up. Funny to watch - especially if they jump from somewhere and expect to catch hold of the pole.:)
I love the barn raising lay out. Paula in KY
I LOVE that barn raising layout!!! Makes me want to dig into the scraps and make this pattern again!
Your quilts are so amazing!!! We love to play Farkle!!! Safe travels to you!
We have "Raccoon Nation" on our trail cam this summer. It was recorded they actually drive the deer away. There are six babies, one mother. They're all the same size now. I don't think I can justify feeding THEM the deer corn
anymore! Thieves! They have dark masks for a reason!
Raccoons are so cute but so ornery. When we went to the farm this weekend I saw some tracks. After reading what Deborah Sievert wrote about them driving away the deer that may be happening at our deer feeder.
The quilts are awesome.
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