Our cruisers were busy stitching away on Spanish Rose yesterday!
They all brought battery powered lights because the light is different depending on where you are sitting, and we all know we NEED to be able to see!
Jan in the center has control of everything with her head light!
In fact there are several in class, and these are really good for doing handwork where good lighting is not always available.
These ladies are troopers! Those who have done applique before and love it are having a ball. We have several who are accomplished Baltimore Album finishers, and they have been really helpful to others while I make my way around the room.
Applique is something that is best seen DONE in person, one by one, so I was going around and turning multiple points on leaves and showing how to anchor a good “V” in between flower petals.
We’ve got the whole rest of the cruise to work on this, so my advice to everyone is to just take your time – as much as it takes. Work slowly, only thing 1/4’’ ahead of where you are and deal with the rest when you get there. Narrower seam allowances turn better and easier than fat ones, so shoot between 1/8’’ and 3 1/16’’ for a smooth finish!
Short stems and leaves are on!
Now comes the long center stem and on to the flower heads!
This looks serious!
But there was so much time to enjoy the conversations happening at every table because stitching by hand DOES leave room for loads of conversation and sharing. Friendships are being strengthened and new ones being formed! I love these ladies! (And gentlemen!)
Awesome job, girls!
Another great day at sea!
And if hand applique isn’t your thing…
Feel free to FUSE it!
You can always do the machine stitching of your choice when you get home.
This morning we pulled into Montenegro!
Oh my goodness, this is wonderful!
There will be MUCH to explore today!
I caught this little video as we pulled in off of our balcony:
It was 6:30 am when I took this. It's now 8:15 and I am ready go get off the ship and go explore!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
The one thing that was instilled in me from a very young age is that there is no growth without struggle. This started from the kindergarten activity of planting a seed in a dixie cup and waiting for it to emerge from the soil, green leaves pushing upward. Such is life. We are who we are thanks to our struggles as well as our joys and successes!
Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

Looks a lot warmer than Alaska. Great pics.
Where did this quilt come from? It is such a beauty!
So fun to see you teach applique. I have to find my head lamp. Stitching on bindinds, I will need it.Happy Sunday!
I an a true believer in a statement made by my mother whenever I complained about anything. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Amen, Mom, amen - you are so right.
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