My yard in June.
Sunlight streaming.
Birdsong on the breeze.
Light and shadow changing as the sun moves from one corner of the sky slowly toward the other throughout the day.
This break home is just not long enough to do all that I want to do with it, but I am grateful to be here.
I know I run to the mountains every chance I get, but when I have a partial weekend home, and I am at HOME HOME, this is also my space. A small house with a very big yard, giving me the nature that I love.
As I drove to town the other evening in search of the new “dark neutrals” bin to further add to the categorization of my string stash that lives under the long arm machine, I noticed several new houses being put up in an area that was once dense woods. Several years ago this place was de-treed (I know that is not a word but it describes it perfectly!) parceled out and sold. I don’t drive this way all that often, it has been months since I took those back roads, and there in front of me where beautiful nature had been was a row of houses with almost no yards. Nothing like leaning out your kitchen window and waving to your neighbor who is also doing dishes.
While I know that may be more convenient as I age and we are unable to care for a large lot, I feel most at peace when I am surrounded by nature and lots of it.
A funny!
After dropping mail off at the post office and running to the bank and a couple other errands, I treated myself to a much needed pedicure. The first one of the season! While scrolling through my news feed on my phone I came across this which I sent up to Instagram:
My own Addicted to Scraps column is quoted and linked to in the article! Now SERIOUSLY. Is quilting that bad? I found the comments interesting both on Facebook and on Instagram. While I do think that if someone is unable to make their house or car payment because they are addicted to buying fabric, this could be a bad thing. ANYTHING in excess can be a problem. But for the most of us, this IS our therapy! I found it hilarious that the down arrow in the photo shows a “find a therapist” link. LOL!
My buying is probably more under control than most. Because I’ve already reached saturation level, I am more apt to want to just sew with what I have than run out to any shop hop buying willy-nilly, but enhancement purchases DO come home on occasion with my travels.
Do I feel guilty? Nope!
One comment from a reader I really liked stated that many quilters are busy making charity and donation quilts for Quilts of Valor, or Project Linus, or Quilts for Kids, or for the senior center, etc. If these people were spending all of their time in the soup kitchen, instead of at home sewing charity quilts, they’d be given a medal of honor for their unending service. But because they are spending their time making quilts at home, that makes them an addict. Great way to put it, don’t you think?
Happy Toes!
And new sandals!
What quilter could resist a pair of sandals with 8-pointed stars on the top? Not this one! Walmart. $20.00. Which also makes me feel less guilty about spending the money I saved on some fat quarters down the road should I feel the need to indulge.
This happened!
In the process of trimming and slicing.
It occurred to me last night that these are SADIE colored blocks! HA! I’m kind of on a tear to get them squared and sliced, and maybe even de-papered this evening so these can go to Kentucky with me tomorrow and I’ll be able to finish the blocks during the Getaway Retreat with the Kentucky Heritage Quilters. I’ll be teaching workshops, but as soon as workshop time is over at 4pm, I get a place to sew just like everyone else and get to be “one of the girls.” I can’t wait!
I fly into Louisville tomorrow to spend a couple of days with my friend Irene who closed on her new house just this week. I don’t care if I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor surrounded by boxes. I’m there to help, and there to enjoy. And then we will head off to the retreat together.
Quilt-Cam TODAY at 2pm Eastern!
Don’t forget!
There are more Garlic Knots blocks to be sewn!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
The secret of why we are where we are is found in our daily routine! What is one thing you can change today?
Vintage album block quilts shared by a student in my Moline, Illinois workshops last weekend.
See you this afternoon everyone!

The lady who helped me start quilting 40 yrs.ago....eek would tell others that she quilted so as to "stay out of bars" joking...but just think what this has done for alcohol addictions. YAY. It keeps me sane, happy, and I wake up every morning now that I am retired with last night's block laid out for this day's block piecing. I KEEP my house clean with little chores since just two of now here and I LOVE QUILTING addiction or no. Quilt on!
Yeah! Quilt Cam! See you then❣❣❣Mary in Boston😊
What will I change today....I will sit down and relax and watch quiltcam this afternoon. Prepping a quilt so I will have some hand quilting to do while I watch and listen!! So excited, it is a rainy day here so absolutely no guilt in relaxing!!
I totally agree with you. I spend all my spare time quilting/sewing of some sort. The majority of time it is not for me. I am finishing projects of the deceased, the ill and sewing and sending off to AUSSIE HEROES on deployment. Yes I spend a lot of time doing it, you could even say I'm addicted... But my bills are paid, my family fed and we are all happy...
No one is suffering with what I do....
I am helping others...
Enjoy your time in KY this week. You'll be just over an hour's drive from me! Looking forward to QuiltCam later today.
Interesting article about "quilting addiction". I learned to quilt about 20 years ago during a very dark period in my life, quilting literally, and I'm not kidding, saved my life. Each day at the sewing machine is a day of joy, a present if you will. When I retired I thought what will I do? I have things to keep me busy but still I found myself at loose ends. I prayed about it and believe my path is to not just quilt for me but to make charity quilts for our guild charity which is foster children. How much better can you feel about life and yourself when you are helping a child? It's all good, so as the saying goes "Keep calm and quilt on."
Karen in So Cal
oooo Nature! It is my blessing and my curse. We keep 5 acres and a pretty big garden...but when the snow blows and I have my pantry full of fruits, veggies, sauces, jams, soups and salsas, I count those blessings!
Since it rained last night, no watering today...the sun is very hot and making things grow.
I'm off to my sewing me crazy anytime!
Addicted? Sure. Do I need a twelve step program or a intervention? No. I have used my addiction for the greater good. I give my quilts to people I know and don't know. Currently there are 10 tops waiting to be quilted for delivery to the poorest Native American reservation in the United States. I scrap quilt to use the what others would have tossed in the trash. Quilting has brought my family together. My son, daughter in law and I are working on a challenging bargelo together. I am teaching their daughters to sew. Their 11 year old has finished her first quilt, both piecing and using my mid-arm machine. This is a beautiful addiction that I will never give up. Paula from Omaha
This will be my first live quilt cam and I'am really looking forward to it. Your quilt cam is more of a life saver then you know. While I was going through chemo I was too sick to sew so I listen to Pat Sloan interviews it kept me in the loop and I'am sure that someone out there is doing the same with quilt cam. It's hard to not be able to sew but this takes your mind off yourself and gets you thinking about what you will sew some day. Keep up the great work and know that not only are you giving us new ideas but helping someone through a hard time.
Thank you. Roberta Adams.
Love seeing my great grandma's quilt as the background for the quote!
I think what the article missed is what most have said in your comments. Quilting is a gift from your hearts. For me it is a relaxation, a creative outlet and enjoyable time of the day or night. To quote Angela Walters "Quilting is my therapy". Cannot wait for quilt cam.
An artist has many canvas, paintings in progress, some never to be finished, Tubes and tubes of paint, messy studio. Would this 'guy' say that painting is an addiction!
My "quilting addiction" saves not only my sanity, but that of the man in my life. One can only imagine what a grouch I would be to live with if not for quilting and quilt related activities and friends.
I love fabrics! And I buy whatever I like, and so does my husband. We both enjoy the hunt, when we go to flea markets, discount stores, or fabric shops. The piecing is my favorite part of quilting. Hubby likes the cutting. Not so much the quilting, but it gets done. And done is great! We give to children, grandchildren, friends, and needy. So, What Is The Problem?
Yea for my Addiction!. It keeps the "Crazy" away. When our minds are busy we aren't thinking about the world's troubles or gossiping about our friends. Quilting has always been my De-stressor. Before that it was sewing clothes for my children to save $$$. I'm never bored when I'm at my machines. Not an addiction- just a passion to CREATE!
So cute that the little 3 year old wanted to get in and listen to quilt cam. Love it. Buying, hoarding, loving and using fabric isn't a problem for me. There are lots of worst things we could all be doing, and yes, with all of that, there are charity quilts that come out of it, and pillowcases for the nursing home, and lots of other places we send quilts. If it makes us happy, there's not a problem. Having too many UFO's may be a problem, but I am trying to get that under control. Happy sewing.
Yes I'm addicted. I don't smoke, drink,or do drugs. When I spend my money I have something to show for it. I may not use it the day I buy it, but when I die someone
is going to have a great time going through my sewing room and stash. I'll never live long enough to use it up myself. When I retired I felt bad about all the fabric I had accumulated, but with the price of fabric now days I have no guilt whatsoever and I will continue to quilt (guilt free). I certainly don't need a therapist to tell me what I already know. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for addicted quilters worldwide.
I didn't read the article so perhaps I shouldn't be commenting but...I MUST! I consider myself and most people who quilt and love to sew as true artists. If we are "addicted" to our medium, then that means that all artists whether they use oil paint, watercolors, a camera, wood, or any other means to create are, therefore, addicted. If I must be addicted to quilt, then so be it. I am proud to be addicted.
Mark Griffith must be seriously lacking something in his life. Wonder if he had a mother or grandmother that cared enough to make a quilt that had love stitched in every seam. One where the fabrics held a warm memory of a loved one. One that he could take to college or med school with him to have a link to home. One that would keep him warm at night, or give him a hug when it was needed. And he must know it's not just women quilting. Men, women, boys and girls all enjoy the activity. Just today PBS aired a Quilts of Valor II program. Try telling all the recipients of the quilts that we have issues with addiction. Those quilts have been instrumental in helping some of our vetrans heal. I for one will continue with my addiction to provide a warm hug for someone else.
Many thanks must go to Bonnie for teaching us how to make beautiful quilts from our own and other people's scraps, whether that is called addicted or not is debatable. I have 8 quilts ready to go to a women's refuge run by the Salvation Army and 6 more in the works. Winter has arrived in most parts of Australia and I am sure that the people who receive these and other quilts wouldn't call us 'addicted'.
Yesterday I sat down and sewed up the Barbados Bag by Pink Sand Beach Designs in preparation for the class I am teaching on Tuesday. Quilting and sewing are so therapeutic, how could they be an addiction? I would agree that if all you do is buy fabric and never get to it, that might be an addiction. I use mine. I did buy some fat quarters and yardage on a recent trip to the east coast but these will get used. Its not just the sewing, it is the creative satisfaction you get from seeing the creation come together! Thank you bonnie! Carol
Why would anyone who doesn't quilt care in the least about our 'addiction'? We quilters (and our families and friends) know why we shop, plan, cut, piece, quilt, bind and enjoy the results. That's all that matters!
Question????When de-papering your string blocks have you stitched around the outside of the block to stabilize it or not? Aren't the bias edges a problem? Thanks for all your helpful hints. Ellen
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