Hello from just NEXT to Atlanta, where the East Cobb Quilters gather in Marietta, Georgia to partake and participate in ALL THINGS QUILTY!
I had been here many years ago. Maybe 2008 or 2009 when Scraps & Shirttails first came out?
Whenever it was, it was a long time ago, and I’m happy to see some familiar faces and catch up on what has been going on in the years in between then and now.
This group has GROWN! And there are new faces as well, and incredible talent and ability abound.
We got our day started with many simple basics, but it was so great to see that many little hints helps and tricks were being grasped by everyone and given a try.
We like things BETTER. EASIER. And we like it when we stop doing things the way we have always done them, re-think the process and give it a go at a different angle.
As the instructor, I LOVE seeing the light bulb moment happen behind the student’s eyes. “Oh, THAT’S why my units are always just a little bit short!” “Wow, that is so cool! I could never figure that out before…”
One busy classroom!
Cutting matched strip sets!
Adding in some triangles!
Press this way!
If you are consistent with how you piece your 4 patches so they all spin the same direction, AND…you are also consistent when building your blocks and spin THOSE seams…EVERYTHING will nest throughout the entire quilt no matter HOW you twist and turn the blocks. We were a bunch of happy Seam-twisting girls yesterday!
Pooling blocks and trying many layouts!
You’ll see them all in the slide show below:
Blue Ridge Beauty is found in my book Adventures with Leaders & Enders.
Last evening’s presentation!
It was a fun full day, and today we do it all over again with a presentation at the day guild meeting. There should be some afternoon time to explore some historical sites around Atlanta.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Awesome insight from unexpected places! Thank you, Leonard!
Have a great Friday, everyone!

Humm...what pattern do you suppose that pink quilt is? Are those guild girls getting a sneak peek at Bonnie's next book quilts? :)
Sharon, that is actually a quilt that Bonnie made to better explain and show us her "scrap saver system."
Sharon, that is actually a quilt that Bonnie made to better explain and show us her "scrap saver system."
I want to meet and sew with all those fun ladies!!!!
Sharon---I'm missing something--Where is the pink quilt you are talking about? LOL!
Oh how I wish Bonnie Hunter would come to southeastern West Virginia!!!
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